Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1981, p. 1

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Catherine Is Just one of the cancer volunteers who with the help of Acton Guides and Pathfinders will be telling this Friday evening and all day Saturday around town They have about of the flowers to sell thla weekend Should Actario keep going past September Should keep running or should It die a natural death at the start of September That the question the committee which operates the lottery ia asking these days They re hoping buyers merchants who have supplied bonus prizes and service clubs which helped with ticket sales and receive port of the pro fits will answer the question for them And time is running out to make a decision on the fate of If the lottery is to continue then ticket sales for the new series beginning next September should go on sale no later than June Reviewing the history of the birth of Actario Ted Tyler said the Acton town halt restoration commit tec was working very hard to raise funds selling prints and plates and gathering donations and not getting very far quick It was decided a big fund raising effort would be needed a group or residents interested in seeing the town hall saved got together and was born With money in to cover alt the prizes a week for weeks and tripa every ticket sold for several months now has been clear profit Actario profit is in on the 000 mark and total ticket sales are starting to push a good number have been sold this month since the price went down to Tyler says the committee t sure if It will wind up funds combined with the restore Hon committee total to secure all the Wintarlo community centre and Heritage fund grants they want but they 1 be pretty close He allows the entire town hall might not be restored right away a room or two might have to wait until more funds are raised Or It may be completely restored but could keep on running year after year to fund other special projects support service club work minor sports promotion library im etc just about anything which would improve the social and lit of Acton Maybe a needs committee should be established If the lottery keeps part of the proceeds could go towards the town hall next year and the rest to service clubs or minor sports Tyler Do we have a good thing going that be dropped We know all the money raised in Ac ton And a very high percentage of the prizes are staying here too First off the wants to hear from the players Would they subscribe Then they want to hear from service clubs Do they want it kept going Would they help again and do they have ideas for uses of future profits The committee thinks selling clubs should get an even bigger piece of the pie next time around The merchants downtown must also be heard from Are they happy with efforts to draw people downtown on Saturday mornings One chant has told the committee It increased his Satur day business 10 per cent Is that true for most Will they supply bonus prizes for next year Tyler thinks all three groups will answer yes Service clubs and other community groups wilt work their tails off Tyler observed on a fund project and come up with say Then they are right back out there raising more money He thinks a continual would appeal to them because it has proved to be a great way to raise a substantial sum of money Anywhere from to He also thinks thv merchants will give a green light Tyler says he sure the draw has enticed peo ple downtown and they thcslores even if they are just buying cigarettes And he figures most people will buy another ticket They had lots of fun at the draws and many many people have won prizes In addition they ve been able to support a worthy project and had a chance to get a return on their investment not Just dig down in their pocket and up with a dona tion It would be a shame to throw it away The wrinkles arc out now and It is running smoothly Changes can be made for next time around The tickets could be cheaper and of course the prizes not as expensive cither if that what players say they want How many names can be on a ticket and how many times a seller can put his or her name on a ticket sold out of town will be restricted Any changes can be made It sail up to the players chants and groups that sold tickets But it is working and working well It almost runs itself We ve got running Ac la no down to an art What he and other committee members would like to see if the lottery goes another year is for service club members to take turns running the draw each Saturday for a month or two There no question in the minds of the committee that has been a success though it hasn t reached its goal of to SCO 000 profit is more likely Nor were 1 tickets sold at each Tyler thinks as the months pass though and the tickets keep going down in price they get closer and closer to selling 000 tickets He expects there will bo a lot of 125 ticket purchasers Actario has been a success because it worked so well and raised such a large amount of money The only problem may have been the profit goal and ticket sales mark were too high but Tyler asks who really knew what a realistic goal was at the start The market wasn analyzed like it should have been It had never been tried here before and When the first year is over though they sit down and see how many tickets were sold where and for how much But we raised a lot of money without asking for donations and the people had fun I can t think of another fund raising project in Acton except maybe the Lions pool which raised as much in a year Now the committee is waiting for feedback Hits going to keep going they have to act soon tickets should be on sale for the second year scries within two months Tyler Jake Kulken Kathy Sanford Kay Dills Yvonne Alma Swelman Stella and Tracey Tyler are walling for Acton ver diet on Actario An Inland Community Newspaper One Hundred and Sixth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 1981 Twenty Pages Twenty Five Cents Town taxes rise The Town share of taxes are up 17 in Acton and in on an average assessed home The 1981 budget for town purposes only was approved by Halton Hills general committee Monday night But that is not the total tax hike the education tax went up in and Ml in Acton on an average assess home Tax scoreboard ACTON Increase Town purposes up 1716 education up Total so far up I set Town purposes up 17 education up 75 1 moving Its bank than expected In addition the regional tax hike has yet to be add but is expected around making an estimated total tax hike on an average house of 175 Using an average assessment of and in the town tax alone Is In Acton and In In percentages the town hike comes to in Acton and 4 in ing The Town residential mill rate is up 3 in Acton to and up to In Chairman Harry Levy explained the in crease had been 7 in the urban areas and 7 in until the tenders for equipment for parks maintenance came in much higher so the percen tages were raised by Levy emphasized this budget Is the only one con trolled by the Town and noted the education tax hike of over over the Town and an estimated 135 jump In regional taxes not yet finalized would mean a probable 175 increase for and average home He termed the Town budget realistic in light of the other two budgets and warned the Town Is ma ntaining the present level of services but cannot improve services as much as they would like Levy noted a surplus from last year of helped to keep the Increase to 8 per cent despite an actual gross Increase of per cent An assess ment increase of 2 4 percent helped keep the tax hikedown as well Levy praised he Treasury department for wise lContlnucdonpage7 Holiday Hihtes AHS student probes fife of cystic fibrosis victims Ready for the Acton Figure Skating Club annual ice Holiday HI and senior citizens The revue features popular resort spots In the world with ore Iwo of it star performers John and Ann Gardener The Club holding guest skaters Kevin Parker and Cindy and David two performances Sunday at and 7 Tickets are available In advance and cost for adults 12 for high school students and for public school students photo by DIANA by Diana Life goes on at the 10th floor of Sick Children Hospital in Toronto despite recent tragic events And as one Acton student is finding out life goes on for cystic fibrosis victims either as patients In the CF wing at Sick Children or while coping with the disease at home a grades 11 and 12 student at is studying in depth the respiratory disease cystic fibrosis or CF for short as part of a combined school and community project Her preliminary studies took Thlel to Sick Children Thursday to learn first hand what cr victims are up against and how it affects their life Later at home she will simulate the life of a CF victim practicing the routines and diet similar to those who have been stricken with the disease The purpose of the project said Thlel is to her classmates at more aware of cystic the problems patients must face She will bo keeping a journal she said to record her day today feelings and experiences and then mako a presentation to the school before the annual Bump for Life an event sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Georgetown with proceeds to their chanty CF Thiel said before she started the project last week she knew very llltlc of CF Bill Taylor teacher at AHS asked me if I was interested in doing this project It came as a I t expecting anything she said Bob of the Georgetown Kinsmen said they were looking for new ways to bring the plight of CF to students Right now he said they have a film and one of the members give a little talk on CF when they moke a presentation But with Thlel project said they will not only have a slide show but someone the same age as students to give first hand accounts on CF Thlel will also use the project as part of an assignment next semester She said one of the assignments is to do something anything you have always wanted to do or don know very much about and to make class presentation Continued on page 50 Golden Years for Branch by Jennifer The Golden Years a book presented to Lcgionaires this past weekend at celebrations contains a comprehensive his tory of Branch 197 Royal Canadian Legion of Acton Written by Joe Hurst with help from John Goy Sr the book details activities and building pro grams of the Legion The Royal Canadian Legion came into being in 1925 when veterans associations banded together after World War I Inauguration of Branch look place March 27 1931 and it boasted members by year send First club headquarters were located In the for arena clubhouse owned and donated by Bob Angel holdi the microphone while charter Ac ton Legion member Jack Milne offers words of praise on Branch 1B7 anniversary Two surviving charter members are Jack Milne and Fred Wright Activities for that first year included establishing a poppy fund and throwing the first of Christmas parties A clubhouse room was donated to the Scouts and Guides the start of a half century of community During the first eight years of operation the Legion set up committees for assistance of war veterans including those In and established the color party and set up the Legion minor hockey leagues During the war years of World War per cent of veterans sons and daughters reported for active service Legion members and families started raising money to send supply boxes over seas to our fighting forces Lowrle then a retired horseman spent his days driving a horse and democrat around town picking up news papers metal salvage and resaleable goods for the cause By war end 117 had been collected by the Service League for overseas parcels Setting up a pension and rehabilitation pro gram after the war Legion members met returning veterans in Acton By then Legion members had a new home Outgrowing their original they were able to purchase the Lantz building across from the for It was the Legion home for years The Ladles Auxiliary was formed in and catering duties were undertaken What with bingo nights and banquets being organized Legion life was busy and profitable Sports involvement was Increased to include ball sponsorship The cenotaph memorial In front of Trinity United Church was expanded to include names of WW II dead A memorial service was held In for King and a parcel league was set up during the Korean war Decoration Day was inaugurated The little Legion grew grew until It over flowed It s new building An addition was built in 1952 but by 1955 it was apparent a major addition had to be undertaken Twenty feet were added to the first floor and the second story was expanded to cover the whole ground floor Included In these plans was a new kitchen and auditorium Improved facilities led to increased revenue allowing Legion members to pay off their mortgage in A grand anniversary was celebrated in with 235 members Four classes from Robert LitUe School the Legion building at one time after the school suffered fire damage The Burns property on Willow Street was pur chased for additional parking Continued on page 7 A charter member of Branch Fred Wright greets the audience at Saturday Golden snry banquet

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