Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Apr 1981 every Wednesday by Inland Publishing Co at Willow Acton Ontario L7J Subncnptton copies DO per your In Canada in all countries than Canada The Acton Free Press Is one of Inland Publishing Co Limited group suburban news which include Pickering News Advertiser Tho Brampton Guard Ian Tho Burl Poet Burlington Woo Poll Gaietta Georgetown Independent Economist and Sun Milton Canadian Champion Nowmarkoi Aurora Era Othawa This Weok Don McDonald Publisher accepted on the ten thai typographical error that portion of tho occupied by tho together with reasonable for signature II not bo charged for but the balance will bo paid for at cable rale In of a typographical error advertising goods or at a wrong Pico goods or services may not be sold Advertising is merely on offer soil a any EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray District Editor Eric Elstono Sports Diana Contributor for Bon Contributor Murray Darkroom Lynda Hill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Oil Cook Sales Jennifer to still A vert is In National Advertlsfnrj Sales Rep Dan 416 3831051 BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Shirley Carolyn Arte m Second class ma I registration Number Keep Actario going Theres a tendency for people to sit on their tongues when their in put is required Then more often than not after a decision is made they complain loudly We hope that wont be the case with the Actario committees call for an important answer Should Actario keep running or just die a natural death this September For what its worth we say yes to an extension of life and not just because Free Press employees have been among the winners Now with our endorsement secured ActHTno needs only to hear from the important voices the over people who have bought tickets the service clubs who helped sell tickets and would benefit from future lottery profits and the downtown merchants who have put up the bonus prizes has been a roaring suc cess we think Theres plenty of important work it can still fund in Acton The small but energetic and dedicated group who launched the lottery have proved the for mula will work is running quite smoothly More importantly it has raised a large amount of money likely at the end of this years series the neighbourhood of much much more than could ever have been raised through donations There are some who will say it was a flop mostly those who werent favor of restoring the town hall just because the organizers didnt sell tickets at apiece or make to 60000 profit Its possible the targets the committee set were too high Its also possible might have been an even greater suc cess if it wasnt designed to fund a project which doesnt have full community support Listening to residents the past year it appears the community was split on the question of restoring the town hall With its attentions turned to other projects a museum minor sports library books or service club causes Ac tario might be an even greater financial success Or maybe the price tag was a bit too high in these tough economic times Possibly the committee should look at lower ing the ticket price and at the same time lower the value of the prizes while still maintaining the weekly cash draw monthly trip draw and bonus prize format No matter what further analysis shows is the reason Ac didnt reach its ultimate goal we believe it was a success and ticket buyers service clubs and merchants will give a resounding yes to the committees question is a great resouce for Acton which shouldnt be allowed to just slip into history Congratulate Branch 197 on 50 years of service Wed like to join the growing list offering congratulations to the of ficers and members of Branch 197 The Royal Canadian Legion Acton on celebrating its an niversary this past Saturday The Golden Anniversary marks a milestone not just for those in volved in the Legion but the entire community Ontario Legion president Collins pointed to a lot of truths at Saturdays banquet when he talk ed about the important role the Legion plays in any community Branch certainly has played an important role in this town Besides all its good work for veterans and their families the Legion and ladies auxiliary sup ports many worthy causes in the community like minor sports the handicapped chanties and public events Mayor Peter maybe said it best when he declared hats off to a tremendous Branch which has helped so much to make Acton such a tremendous community Collins is correct when he says associate members the future of the Legion unless God forbid there is another war have a great responsibility and trust facing them The Legion must survive and remain strong in this country It is essential to our communities na tion and citizens The Legion is an eminent in stitution Our society has seen many institutions weakened in the past couple of decades the Legion shouldnt be allowed to join the list Charter members and World War I veterans like Fred Wright Jack Milne Billy Bob Turner and Jim Ingles performed a great service to not just themselves and subsequent Legion members when they got together to found and build Branch but also to the count less Acton citizens the Legion has helped over the past half a cen tury Acton Optimists explain why Scout not speaker Dear Sir Re Mrs J Robinsons letter Further to your letter of March pub lished the Acton Free Press we regret that Ihia matter has been allowed to be aired in this manner thus giving our club a public black eye especially regrettable thai be cause of lack of communication along pro per channels le through the President of the club and because of our busy schedule of service to youth in the community we were unable to welcome your son to speak to our group However as was explained to your son wo had speakers previously engaged for all meetings until May when he would be welcome to speak if he so desired or that if we should have any cancellation of speakers we would Indeed by happy to accommodate him at that time However through the efforts of a mem bcr of the Optimist Club of Acton It was arranged that your son could speak to an other Halton Hills Optimist Club namely the Georgetown club and thus receive cre dit for his scouting award Now we find that because of this effort Optimism has been chastised for discouraging local youth whereas entirely the opposite Is the case The Acton Optimist Club with mem bers docs many things in the community for youth including youth appreciation week respect for law week bike safety week and bike oratorical contest sponsoring a soccer team sponsoring a Softball team a soap box derby upon soring blood donor clinics and plan to sponsor a hockey team We hope that this short explanation of our position will erase any negative thoughts you may have concerning Optlm Ism in general and the Optimist Club of Acton Our sincere apology for any mis understanding Wo remain yours in service Sincerely David Hall President Not only Is the weather Better but folks you haven t seen all winter start coming out of the woodwork However one person I haven t seen lately is Harold Pop Maine A note dropped off at the Free Press claimed Pop had moved Calgary but there a name on the short letter for me to verify the news A phone call to his home reveals that his phone has been dis connected Pop is very well known in Acton more particularly for his baseball coaching If he has Indeed moved out west he will be sorely missed by all his friends and ball players Tom Roduck and I will miss his coffee he a great gofer Let me know if he t moved With Actario and the Club offering travel prizes winning trips seems to be old hat around Acton However at least two Acton and area people will take an old hat any day Don Ryder former advertising manager of the Free Press recently won a trip any where In Eurape Air Canada flies You know those contests on box tops and other barely credible places Well Don sent one box top from Clark from a box of tissues His name was drown he answered the skill testing quest Ion correctly and although he has had no official word will soon be winging his way overseas Andrew and Kathcrinc Cislak Acton recently won the top prize in the United Coop store homeheat promotion programa trip to the Caribbean Congratulations to all On the topic of vacations Pat and Ed Wood spent last week St Petersburg Florida visiting with Eds parents Accompanying them were sons Chris and Daniel and Eds sister Heather valdson Debbie of 3 Acton left last week for Locr Army Base In Germany far a two week visit with her parents John Mowatt has offered a good Idea for having the Acton pages in the new tele phone book handy He puts leather book markB on Page 204 and Page Good idea Anyone hove any over suggestions By the way thanks for the nice book marks John Seems Ive stirred up a bit of con troversy around town and leant even put my two cents worth in mainly because I wosn around at the time in question Matter of fact I living In Ottawa dirtying diapers Last week I reported on some Acton relatives of newly reelected Premier Bill Davis My source Kay Dills herself used older residents of town as her source One bit of Information was that Frank a Davis relative had car dealership where L and Ford stands now Well Ted Tyler is willing to take bets that Mr business occupied the Bite of Achilles Motors clear on lite other side of town Ted Is positive because It was Ted himself who sold Ihc property Mr in he claims Mr lived In Brampton just before he moved to Acton according to Ted However everyone else I have talked to Including noted lifelong Insist was at L and They are and so is Ted And then someone decided he ran his business from bolh sites at one time or an other Ted says ran CM dealership from the corner of Highway 7 and Church ill At the same time someone by the name of Gardner also operated a GM dealership from and L he says If anyone else wants to get Into the act let me know or call Ted and place a bet I cant help settle the matter I was a toddler living miles away But I bet there a lot of people out there with their own versions Get a new bike for Christmas Moke sure you purchase a Town of Halton Hills licence for It They are only and are good for as long as you own the bike All serial numbers arc recorded in a computer ln Montreal If your bicycle is stolen police essentially trace it the same as tracing a stolen car by the exclus ive plate number If the bike has a licence and is found In Canada there are excellent chances It can be returned to Its rightful owner All for two bucks Licences can be purchased at the municipal office during regular business hours Mondays attempted assassination of US President Ronald Reagan emphasizes the importance of giving blood Reagan received five units of blood quarts before he underwent surgery What better advertisement for giving blood than that The Acton Branch of the Red Cross Society Just held blood donor clinic last Thursday but please remember this for the next clinic In the meantime canvassers were knocking on doors for contributions to the Red Cross If you missed them Its not too late Call Henry Kroes Please give generously and remember the Red Cross played an portent part in saving Reagans life this week It could be your life next week Giving the gift of life Mary Rouse PI has her blood checked by clinic assistant Delrdre during Thursdays blood donor clinic at the Legion Clinic assistant Delrdre takes a sample of Homers blood during Thursdays Red Cross blood donor The clinic was sponsored by Glenlea Drug Store and Dr Richard Telford the chiropractor Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday March 31 1971 There was considerable sea sickness among the Acton group on the Mediter ranean teacher Keith Black reports Allerellies Hercules a Siberian husky was judged best Canadian bred puppy at the Sportsmen a Show in Toronto Acton Legion Bantams copped the four- town tournament here before cheering spectators Players are Pete Tim Mdntyre captain Charlie McRae Mike Ferguson Billy McGllIoway Byron Timbers Terry Webster Paul Daley Ken Withers Wade Knight John Ashley Terry Holmes Kevin Marcoux Charlie Bennett Chris Tennnnt George Bernic Taylor Manager Is John and boy John Mrs Laura McEachern was presented with a silver pin by the Scout and Guide Mothers to thank her for years service Parents arc urging the school board to keep Campbell ville school open 20 years ago March IBB Acton United Church is filled each evening this week for Holy Week Services A different choir Is singing each night The while on his way to Acton Tuesday Ministers of the participating churches are taking over The men who are in town converting telephones for the dial system find about per cent of the people are paying for colored telephones Following a cancellation of the Avro Arrow 16 men Intent in staying in Canada convinced themselcs of the potential of a vertical take off and landing plane Now tests of the gyroplane produced by Avian Industries show that it is ready for ap proval Betty Cook and Gordon Campbell wrote the top essays on the schools trips to Toronto The firemen have a new alarm system wlthsix phones in the homes of firefighters Chief Jack Newton is confident in the new system 50 years ago Thursday April County council has slashed salaries and allowances by about The cost of living has been coming down and the salaries were cut accordingly The warden will be paid per annum clerk and deputy treasurer 200 jailor matron turnkey caretaker per an num Daylight Saving was opposed in a petition presented to council by a delegation of merchants Messrs E J J Kennedy and McLean They soy it Is detrimental to business in Acton and the farmers also object to It had a box social at the home of Mrs Anthony Bean Margaret Brown Jean Lizzie and Messrs and McDonald took part in the program A young chap out of work and travelling through the country took possession of St Albans offering box Chief McPherson arrested the man In court a Toronto man offered him a job years ago Thursday March IS0S The metre system was adopted by council thus dispensing with the public meeting The bylaw requires that all con Burners who have four le c p lamps or six 8 lamps or their equivalent must have metres Installed before the first day of October Acton Council was asked to support Toronto Council In asking the Legislature to establish a government power plant at Niagara to produce cheap power A full column is devoted to the suicide of a young man The three nights engagement of Prof Green and his biography and vaudeville entertainments by the Fire Brigade was very satisfactory moving pictures and Illustrated songs were the best ever showi In town The millinery openings are taking place this week 100 years ago ThursdayMfcrch We advocate the erection of a Town Hall which would meet the public requirements for tho next twenty years and In a style creditable to our industrious and en terprising town Speak your opinions Messrs Alex Grant and D Moloney were brought before Magistrate Smith and lined cents each for allowing cows to run at large within tho corporation Oyster cans old and bones are beginning to show up in the back yards rather badly Mr James Matthews has rearranged the post office and moved tho telegraph department About new boxes are added and 1Q lock boxes The west half of the building to be fitted up as a confectionery store and ice cream parlor The Georgetown Herald calls the Milton Champion a whisky soaked sheet

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