Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1981, p. 1

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St Josephs design plans to province for approval Design plans lor the new St Joseph School have Hills Trustee Irene McCauley sa Design plans or the new St Joseph School have been sent to the Ontario Ministry of Education for approval Separate School Board property and planning committee approved the plana developed by a Hamilton architect last month and then passed them on to board administration staff for review and revisions Hills Trustee Irene McCauley said this week the plans for the building weren t changed and only minor adjustments to the site plan were made by staff A turning circle has been removed and there Is now a circular driveway in front of the school Late last month the board passed bylaw number authorizing the borrowing of for the pur chase of the Mill St Also McCauley sold a proposed development agreement between Halton Hills and the board is now In the hands of the board a lawyer for review Staff Is also examining the proposed agreement She said there has been no determination of the final cost for the school The board received a grant of million from the province for for the school McCauley said t know how long It will take to secure provincial approval of the school and the date for ground breaking at the site been set The plans coll for a single level school with nine classrooms plus a kindergarten room One room is for special education classes and there a general purpose room or gym music room library school office principal office health office staff room student and staff washrooms seminar rooms once room and several storage and maintenance areas The Legion Minor Hockey Association demonstrated its appreciation of Legion Branch a support for hockey Saturday The association presented members of the Legion a executive with a handsome plaque plus a montage of color photos showing all of steams Association chairman John Toebes right and vice chairman Norm Merrln left presented the gifts to Legion sports officer Fred Alien and president Pat Waldie The Acton Legion has supported the house league hockey for at least yean Bylaw kills the big top Acton Business Improvement Area BIA plans to bring a big top circus to town next month were killed Monday night by a little known Hills bylaw official Ed Wood went to Hills general committee asking for a recreation department dec not to allow the circus to be held at Prospect Park to be overturned After considerable discussion of the fact the had explored using a number of sites for the circus on May and recreation department concerns about soccer season disruptions and park damage Councillor Roy Booth asked if a circus could even be held under a town bylaw Most councillors seemed surprised there was a bylaw a few thought it covered only Georgetown Deputyclerk French had to search out the bylaw which was passed in covers the whole town and out a long list of regulations which must be met before a licence is Issued for a circus or similar bit or carnival Councillor Dave Whiting suggested there was no point In giving further consideration to allowing the to use the park for the circus because there wasn t much chance the circus could clear the numerous llcenc regulations In time for the show An Inland Community Newspaper One Hundred and Sixth Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL Twenty two Pages Twenty five Cents Region deficits top 11 million Halton Region has piled up over 1 million deficits in the sewer and operating bud gets over the past four years Preliminary audit figures show a 238 shortfall in property tax services all operations funded by tax dollars or the operating budget and deficit in the sewer account which is financed by charges to sewer users Lost week new treasurer Gerry presented an analysis of the region year end pos itions stretching back to 1975 to finance and admin committee The report caused considerable confusion but interviews with Acton councillor Dave Whiting Hal ton Hills Mayor Peter and finally cleared the fog Whiting said is appears to him that the region has been knowingly or unknowingly deficit financing for the post four years something which is illegal and he says he has loads more questions to ask about the deficits He also wonders why the pro vince t stepped In and why nobody put a stop to the financing blunders Alter first examining the re port he feared tie region might have accumulated up to million in deficits but that was because of the way the figures were presented and the fact he assumed the region wouldn deficit finance explained deficits from one year must be earned on to the next and covered However as Pomeroy points out been taking In as many tax dollars as were needed for several years now He prefers to say there has been a problem not a deficit The region has simply been spending more money than It was taken in ended fln operating fund deft cit of This was carried on to 1978 and another 000 shortfall cropped up by the end of that year So the region deficit in the operating fund had grown to 000 Again the deficit was carried over to the next year and in 1979 the deficit was actually brought down slightly by to through increased revenues Carried over to the accumulated deficit grew again this time by for a final operating budget shortfall of a little over after four years of errors But the deficits don t end there Deficits in the sewer account stretch back as far as when this portion of the budget was covered by tax lars At the end of 1975 the region had a sewer deficit which was chopped down to just Hi by the end of In and the sewer account showed surpluses of and respectively However at the end of 1979 the region found itself in a hole for sewers again a hole This deficit was carried over and another was ad Continued on 12 Acton Firefighters battled a widespread grass fire for about a half homes Around supper hours Friday High winds pushed flames along the of the CNR tracks lnoneof the sheds and by a numbe of properties Flames skirted lUUs Collision and some time a truck had to return because fire broke out again Photo by ERIC Rural man objects to Ma Bell raising rates but not service Russell Rainbow will be just one of a number of hot air balloons at this weekend a Springs Scout Reserve See story inside GlenPcarce isfedup with poor service and ever increasing rates from Ma Bell and has decided to raise his objections with the Canadian RadioTelevision and Telecom Commission Pearce has filed a four page brief with the CRTC outlining his problems with the 854 or Campbcllville exchange He plans to attend regional CRTC hearings on Bell Canada request for a to per cent rate In crease next month and Is seeking the backing of other Bell customers particularly those living in north who arc unhappy with paying more and more for service which improve Municipal councils are receiving copies of his brief and ore urged to support his protest I would suggest the commission enter tain a concept of establishing and publishing some form of standard that the telephone company must measure up to order to maintain Its rates This standard should be published so that there would be no doubts as to what is expected We and the com pany would know what is to be expected In the vice contract and there would be no room for the current type of argument that implies 1 that there t be a problem because it a Bell Telephone equipment and 2 that you must be exaggerating with the number of complaints you arc lodging writes In his brief finds the rate increase application rather on the part of Ma Bell The company has convinced itself that it has the right to demand more and more and deliver less and less he says No doubt Bell will say It needs the staggering in crease to keep up with and provide better vlco Bell may even need the money to pay for tele vision commercials which praise the company feats outside Ontario Pearce says ho find Bell boasting forced to endure the sllnga and arrows of out rageous Campbell vilte telephone exchange His brief traces a long line of problems he has en countered and recorded In a diary since moving to north in 1968 and setting up his own business at his Sidcroad home in 1978 At this point in time we are still having vice Interruptions and significant problems using the equipment at his home and business which Bell He has had party lines private lines and private lines over the years he has had an exchange He has spoken over the years at public meetings with two different Bell public relations officials and while the public relations continues the service also continues continues to decline For nine months hi3 firm had repeated com plaints from customers who said it was impossible to reach him because they dial his number and then the llncwouldgodcad Also when calls did get through noise on the circuits made talking Bell dealt with the problem many times but it wasn solved until himself suggested when the line went dead phone Just wasn switching over to the busy signal Then Bell discovered the problem was In faulty equipment it had bought During the nearly year long string of complaints four to six a month Bell was also busy asking for a hefty rate increase so it would have the money to provide better inside There will be a special program at McKenzle- next week In memory of the late Gary Dawkins The issue has been sent to the OMB Turn to page Back to Acton Days is Juno and Details on Glen is pretty disgusted with phone service and Is protesting to the Pointing to another example of poor service writes his firm has gone through a frustrating two to three month period when calls on the Bell trunk line were continually interrupted cut off and the only response a dial tone Besides having to replace calls apologize to clients and call the operator to have billing corrections made we had the frustrations of having to explain to operators that ye3 indeed there was problems in Campbcllville that they were significant problems that we knew what we were speaking of We are raced with using system that is frowned upon by maintenance employees of the telephone company who forced to service it a system that the maintenance and repair staff will openly admit is totally Incapable of delivering decent service a Continuedonpagel2

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