Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1981, p. 21

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Acton Free Pre Wednesday Apr 29 1981 B9 PmpOSe another three day hunt I Council library region proposal Regional councillors will today discuss the possibility of another threeday controlled Hal ton deer hunt for sometime in the fall The Planning and Public Works Committee will review a from Planner Rash Mohammed that the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised that ton has no ob jection to a thrccdvy controlled deer hunt in 1981 but with only a lar number of hunters and supervision as in 1980 The MlnlsLy which Region speaker conducted the hunt last ycur In hopes of cutting back the high number of deer In Halton and Flam borough Township was disappointed only deer were shot instead of the expected Much of the reason for the low kill was that hunters were not allowed to hunt in groups but had to alone The results of the Min hunt were sent to the Halton Ecological and Environmental Ad Committee and It concluded another hunt could be held provided the number of hunters The Halton Agricultural Advisory Committee has also backed the concept of another deer hunt In Halton According to Mr Mohammed the Ministry study shows surprising few persons called to state their objection to the hunt By contrast BOO requests for applications for the hunt were received at the Min Istry of Natural Resources District Of whether or not to give So for the EhAC has licences to more opposed the Idea of filling hunters the quota with hunters Last year 1 licences from outside the region were authorized but only Councillors will decide were actually Issued on that question today The one problem besides a decision to back the hunt which the com must face is Daycare cost may pay off in long run al Hon and Finance Com members will today consider the burning question of whether or not they want a councillors library As you lay rcmem Halton Chief Ad ministrator Dennis Per lln said In a report some time ago the regional chairman ted to regional council that he asked regional staff to consider rclocat big the councillors from the existing Mary Beth Dickinson left and Jennifer Amir Vldlcr wash the dishes during the Honey Pot Nursery School open house Monday Open House continues Friday from to Helping to get single parents back on their feet by providing day care may cost the taxpayers now but will save them a lot later according to Norma for Regional day care services Speaking to the newly formed North Social Planning Council at Hlllcrest Church Thursday evening said the help a single par ent gets at the beginning of marriage break up is critical Mrs who says the Region day care budget is in the neigh of feels helping working single parents by providing day care while they work or are taking a retraining program is often the key to making them self fluent If we can get tin mother at the time of marriage breakdown when she may have to go on the locally pud general welfare and pro vide day care so she can train or look for job we can stop the cycle at the general welfare level before they move on to the provincially funded family benefits maintained With family benefits it often gives the mother 1 tie incentive to look for a job and does for her self confidence and esteem It a poor model for the child and we often find after carry the mother and children for to 17 years on the fami Ballmafad Silverwood WI Mrs WI A Wilson president Norma of Day Care services for the region discusses some of the benefits or the programs with Social Planning Council member Sandy Symmes ly benefit program the repeats itself this tune with the child follow ing the same pattern as the mother The Region now has three Regional Day Circ facilities two In and the Maple Avenue pru ate home provider two parent working lies who pay full day care fees All three day care trcs are integrated with a ration of 10 children to disabled child day care is operated out of private homes with a maximum of five children in a home The provider is paid by the Region and is covered by liability insurance facility in Georgetown They also purchase vice from existing day care centres as well of day care through the private home pro vider sendee Subsidized or complete policy paid day care are avail able to famih depen With such a mobile ding on need Lepa said society it easier to split those using their facil ties then to stay together include single parent these days Its sad to sec who are working it happening but these but have a low income parents need help to get s parent families on through the critical years welfare but on employment or retrain feeling good about them ing families in and selves Lcpa said by Mrs Gltfen Women Institute is to be the hostess for the District Annual in annual Is to be held in Acton Presbyterian Church May Annual meeting Mrs D Lindsay secretary read the minutes of the 1980 an meeting and gave the 1980ai financial statement Each con gave a report Mrs E Miller read the report of the nominating committee Mrs Lin dauer vacated the choir and Mrs Ironside pre sided for election ana In of the new officers Past President Mrs A Lindauer President Mrs A Wilson 1st Vice- President Mrs Shortill 2nd -Vice- President Mrs E Mar tin See Treas Mrs Lindsay Ash t Sec Mrs Burt District Director Mrs A I indauer Ass Director Mr3 Ironside Branch Directors Mrs J Apple- yard Mrs A Wilson Public Relations Mrs M Glffen Pianist Mrs M Davison Curator Mrs M Marchington Auditors Mrs Mrs W Standing Committee Conveners Agriculture Canadian Industries Mrs Burt Mrs Lindsay Citizenshlpnnd World Affairs Mrs Eva Martin Family and Con Affairs Mrs Mrs Mar chin ton Education and Cultural Activities Mrs Shortill Mrs M Campbell Resolutions and Safety Mrs C Iron side Courtesy Mrs Becney Mrs Varey Social Mrs A Wilson Mrs Williamson Mrs M Lindsay Fruit and Flowers Mrs Burl Mrs A Wilson the now president took over the meeting and delegates for the district annual were chosen The Cent Manor April Birthday Party was discussed Mrs Varey gave the courtesy The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs Eva Matin on May 7 successful cue lure was held in March at the home of Mrs A Lindauer with tables The prizes ladies Mrs Chapman Mrs A S pi tier low Peggy McLaughlin Men Keith Webb Ernie Miller low McMillan The door prize donated by Webbs was won by Donald Lindsay Village people entertain at Manor for residents with April birthdays by Winifred Smith Branch of the along with Sliver wood and branches paid their an visit to the Manor on Thursday April 23 The residents specially honoured at this time were those having birthdays in the month of April part in helping them celebrate was to put on entertain The president of Baliinafad Reggie Siessoraitis spoke a few words saying how pleas the group was to have the opportunity once more to do their part in helping to make it an enjoyable evening Those taking part In the pro gram were the men choir from Church who gave three musical selections Paul sang a couple of solos which are always Joy Grace McEnery pro vided some humourous readings The ladies choir from the church was an added attraction this year Fred and Wllla along with Doris Lindsay formed a trio and delighted the dlcnce with their singing The ladies and men choir combined blended their voices together for a or two Eileen McEnery was the pianist for all the musical selections The program coming from would not be complete without some old time music so with Eileen at the piano and Ernie and Jesse with their violins caused to do some tapp they listened To top off a group of square dancers got up on the platform and while Jesse McEnery called off they went through thdr paces much to the delight of everyone A special table was set up for those April people It was centered with a decorated cake and lighted occasion when among the group there was a lady a Mrs Young her day She had the honour of blowing out the candles and cutting the birthday cake Silverwood and Lime house provided a tasty lunch and all those attcn ding the party had a time together April Showers There was a large crowd at the April ihowcr dance sponsored by the hall board on Saturday evening All tickets were sold Sound disc jockeys sup plied the music for dune Rev Stile gave as the theme for his sermon on Sunday Three Roads From Luster The guest preacher for this coming anniversary Sunday Mary 2 will be Rev Donald Amos from Weston Mrs Helen Schwarz was hostess for the meeting held on Tuesday April in the basement of the church The roll call was answered by each giving their view on Bible study The de votions were given by Gloria Johnson which dealt with the Easier story Joanne Stevenson gave a report on the fashion show The bus trip was discussed It was decided It would be to Niagara On the- Lake the date was set for June 13 Final plans were made for the Yard Sale to be May 1G Edna Shortill and Alma Sinclair assisted thchostcss serving lunch Rev and Mrs Kevin Johnston of Sandy Cove Acres near Stroud spent a couple of days last week THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR 10 A Ma Sunday May 3 30 CloalEucha 30 Chu Scl Nursory end 0 WEDNESDAY m Holy ALL WELCOME CHURCHILL COMMUNITY E Jonhn Sunday May a Wo The Clu on Ho H I or gat on no I noodsof y ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Scl for all ages 11 Mo Wo Fo n homos Tuesday at A cartful toys is what a child will find at Honey Pot nursery school Bel linn Hess pushes the cart at Hie school open house Monday afternoon Acton lounge to the dir a meeting room and setting the new room up as a combination library lounge where various region and re ports would be readily available where coun could have avail able to them In the regional building a com fortnble and working area and where they could be close to the secretarial service pro vided by the secretary to the chairman In short it means moving the councillors from Just off the council room to the second floor of the regional headquarters near the office of Chair man Jack The current small room reserved for would be Cost for the move Mr said in his report will be most of which except for one additional telephone extension Is a onetime cost Mrs George Burt was hostess to the March meeting of Silverwood Women Institute As this was our Senior mem birthday pot luck luncheon Mrs brought a birthday cake and we had It and ice cream to end our luncheon The meeting opened with the singing of Hymn of All Nations The roll call was answered by naming a country of the world that has ACWW affiliations A donation was to the Cancer Society An Invitation was received from Nor val to their WI Anniversary luncheon on April Also an Invitation from Nelson WI to attend their dessert and Euchre April 7 Mrs Pearl Burt read part of a letter she had received from her Pen Pal in Australia and showed us a towel and tablecloth that had been sent Mrs Marchington told of the summary day In crewel embroidery held in Milton recently Mrs SI reported on a workshop she had at tended at Mrs Wilson told of the WI Euchre held at Mr and Mrs Burt home and re ported a good time Mrs Miller and Mrs D Williamson were chosen as the nominating committee for the of fleers jf 198182 The Halton Centennial Manor Birthday Party was discussed and Mrs Wilson agreed to look alter the date Mrs gave a reading Mrs Lind say had the topic of In Mrs Bceney gave the courtesy TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ACTON las Boat on DA George Ell on MS PhD of Music 30 a m ly Mo no Holy on 10 a Mom Wot Sunday Moy3 1981 a m Sunday School Baby Fold and Todd Ca Knox Ion Church It A I Wolcomo PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev John A RobortBon MA BO Cholf rector Mr A onsen B A Sunday May 3 am The Rov WI Young la School echo 00pm a Cool In Fu A musical mo ah by Trln and Knox P Inn Young A I Wolcom SALVATION ARMY Gospel ovary Sunday at at Trinity tod Church Acton

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