Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1981, p. 4

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Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday May Founded In 1875 every Wednesday by Inland Publish Co Limited at Street Subscriptions Single copies each per year Canada moll countries other than Canada Th Acton Press one of the Inland Publishing Co Limited group suburban news which include The AJaxWhitbyPickerinn The Guard The Burlington Post Burlington Weekend Post The Georgetown Independent Economist and Sun The Canadian Champion Newt The Newmarket Aurora Era Beaver This Week Thw Weekend and The Tribune Don McDonald Publisher Advert Ming is accepted on condition that portion of the advertising uccuQlod by th allowance for signature mill not be charged for paid for at applicable In the event of typographical error that erroneous horn together with reasonable the balance of advertisement mil be typographical error advertising goods or irvlces may not bo sold Advertising is EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Editor Eric pons Diana Walt Contributor Jennifer Contributor Murray Darkroom Lyndo Hill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Bill Cook Jennifer Classified Pat on National Advertising Sales Dan BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Rhone Thorn I Shirley Carolyn Marylin Lump PD days together A decision last week by Halton Board of Education has brought a chorus of groans from parents Trustees couldnt have picked a worse week to decide to give ele mentary school teachers an extra professional development day during the 198182 school year In the two school weeks prior to the decision children had three of days off We heard negative comments from a number of parents about the timing of the most recent pro fessional development day First the children were off for Good Friday That was reason able Then they were off the next Monday Easter Monday It isnt a statutory holiday It seems to be day off only for bankers govern ment employees school teachers and students This day off is a bit of a mystery and an annoyance to all taxpayers But what irked parents most was an already short week was shortened again with a profes sional development day on the Friday Children were only in classes three days that week Professional development days for both elementary and second ary school teachers has been a contentious issue for a number of years now Trustees hear the complaints from parents thats why they wrestle with the issue every time it comes up There are many good reasons for professional development days Reporting to parents reviewing curriculum learning new teaching skills etc The value of professional development is widely recognized in business and industry However we find it- easy to sympathize with the feelings of parents With two bread winners in the majority of families making arrangements for child care on these days is an inconvenience not that school is or should be simply a babysitting service for working parents Professional development in business and industry like teach ing results in days off from nor mal duties not days off Weve covered professional develop ment day activities on occasion and found the teachers are wor king At the same time teaching is unique from other businesses and industry because of the long sum mer vacation periods Many parents feel considering they have July and August off an nually teachers could and should be doing their professional development then Its not mon for people in other lines of work to use their nonworking hours to upgrade themselves for better job performance and car eer advancement Already some professional development days are at the beginning and end of the school year While educators point to the days not being as valuable lumped together as they are spread out wed suggest in terms of public relations with parents and childrens education trustees move to have half of the days be fore the start of classes and the rest after schools out for the sum mer That way professional develop ment days might not be such an annoyance to everyone but tea chers Need public consensus on administration building If the publics reaction to plans for an expansion of the Halton Hills administration building a few years after Halton Hills was bora still holds then will be a year of controversy around Hal Hills council Taxpayers shouldnt be left with the impression the project estimated to cost million is a certainty or has been approved Council by including it in the five year capital forecast has on ly put the funding plan for a pos sible administration building in place Based on the comments of bud get chief Harry Levy the money wizard of council we suggest there must be a compelling case for expanding the old Esqueslng offices Halton Hills main branch on Trafalgar Road just outside of Georgetown When an expansion which Would put all town departments under one roof for about was proposed in 1976 Levy was the first councillor off the mark in opposition to the idea After a pile of taxpayers signed petitions against the plan most of colleagues jumped on the same ship Residents said there were a number of higher prior ities for municipal spending ten nis courts and other recreation faculties a new library for Georgetown roads improvement etc When he presented the capital forecast Levy noted he was once opposed to a central municipal building but could now see great The evidence in support of the case for great savings with a cen tral facility hasnt been made public and wont be until council graples with the question next year But were told that by sel ling some staff quarters now own ed by the town and not renting other space there will be savings in several areas including energy consumption which will make the million initial investment and subsequent debenturing charges for million will make the plan attractive If thats the case then council owes it to the public to sell its idea properly The expansion plan along with all information regarding initial and future savings by having all departments under one roof should be presented as a total package so everyone can see the big picture so the benefits and costs can be thoroughly and com pletely examined There must also be ample time between the unveiling and a decision made so councillors can hear the voice of the public Last time around information about the administration building seemed to come out in dribs and drabs then after an architect was commissioned the public mounted Its campaign to stop the proposal in midstream It would be much better this time around if all the cards are on the table from the start and coun cil knows the public concensus be fore any moves are made The public wont support a monument to Halton Hills and the council but we suspect a well con sidered cost saving proposal will be well received On the Anniversary greetings go out to Mr and Mrs J Hargrove who celebrated year of marriage last Friday Newlyweds by comparison Barb and Ken Murchiaon 121 Church St marked years of wedded bliss with a surprise party Saturday evening at the curling club I recently caught one of my biggest literally detractors taking some advice from this column Free Press advertising manager Bill Cook has long complained what else is new about this column Claims he never reads it so how does he know what to complain about right etc Last week I had lo make a telephone call and used Bills phone book to look up he number Guess what He had put a paper clip on the Acton pages Just as suggested in this column some weeks ago My big question Is If he never reads my column how did he think to put a clip an his book Ive had two reports of people taking a readers advice and using colored markers on the aides of the pages to readily identify the local pages Mothers Day is rapidly approaching Dont forget her this Sunday Dont forget Grandmothers too Glad to see Monte Carlo Night was such a great success even though I dont know how alt the posters and the travelling loud speaker a few nights before the big event Friday said the fun filled evening was taking place at the Acton Memorial Arena Sorry folks but there is no such place The rightful name is the Acton Community Centre Theres a Georgetown Memorial Arena but none in Acton NeverUicless people seemed to find It anyway While on the topic of correcting I want to thank Alice for painting out a spelling error in a column few past 1 dont know how It could have happened as I am a reasonably good speller It may have had something to do with writing my column about one a Tuesday and having too blurry of eyes to see what I was typing No excuses though guess I was just desperate to get to bed It can truly be said they came from far and wide to attend Fridays Monte Carlo Night One young lady sorry I didnt get her last name attended the event all the way from Denmark She was escorted by Actons own Keith Smiley And all the way from Georgetown Hills councillor Marilyn Serjeant- son Im mentioning her In order to give the Georgetown councillors equal tunc last week I kidded how only Acton coun cillors showed up at a bowlathon to help raise funds for a Georgetown cause Let the record show there was a Georgetown councillor in Acton Friday night But only one out of many All Acton represen tatives were there Heard of one who dropped over at the blackjack tables Friday Another lady was up about One local businessman started out with worth of chips and was broke within ten minutes did alright though My first time up to the tables I gained my second time up I was lost When I quit the third time not knowing or caring how much I had I dis covered I quit with exactly the amount I started with I get pretty excited when I had a pair of kings and split them and against unbeat able odds got two Unfortunately my luck did not hold up like that for very long Another time I misscounted what I had on table and stopped getting cords at Luckily the dealer went over and I still made money on the hand Thats horse shoes Looked like people were confused as to what to wear Friday There were folks In blue jeans and other casual wear there were others in type clothes and still others in formal wear No one was out of place though as all fit In and made the best of tho evening There are sujutestlons In the air that next Monte Carlo night could be to later In the year when its not so cold both Inside and outside the arena Im sure everyone would vote In favor of that Was out golfing a few weeks back Now Im not what you would call an avid golfer I have two clubs which I carry In each hand as I make my way down the fairway I have a putter and a five iron I find a bag much to cumbersome and too many clubs confusing I have four balls one with an obscene Baying on it a birthday gift from my brother and a pack of three regular ones a birthday gift from my father-in- law shot an bad eh Do I have to tell you that was on nine and my fellow players would only let me count ten before I had to pick up the ball I actually made It under ten strokes on three holes My main problem la I get so out there on the course J partners cant understand it but they don realize that for every swing they take I take three of four and for every one tep they take I take two just to keep up with them My short legs dont take the long strides their gams are capable of I just get plum tuckered out Essentially Im playing two or three games to their one much prefer golfing in Florida where my playing partners are usually so ad vanced In years they walk about as slow as I do But in spite of my game or maybe be cause of It I didnt lose one ball to the Acton Meadows water holes which Is more than can say for others I was golf ing with Want a sure thing to bet on Pick me for the booby prize when it comes to golf I guess basketball is my Sport I La League of Acton is beginning Its next series of monthly meetings on Monday May 11 at Boopm at the home of Marilyn Cox No Milton Mothers and motherstobe interested in information about breastfeeding are wel come to attend as are their babies The League offers mothertomother help In a series of four monthly meetings The informal meeting discussions include the latest medical research as well as per sonal experience Other services Include a lending library of books on childbirth child care nutrition and breastfeeding For futher Information please call Marilyn Cbxe 6784803 or Karen Gregory Ited Shield campaign canvassers will knock on town doors this evening The yearly St Josephs Church held its annual garage and rum- campaign raises money for the Salvation Armys work chairman Dr at the church Friday Thirteenmonth old David Van Bent and Salvation Army LtLornoPrlUhett call on Judy lUiisell Harvey Patterson picked out a colorful musical She Is holding limb Hi Lost year the first Red Shield campaign In town some clown for his mom Susan to buy live on was raised Dower Ave Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday May The parks committee may some swans ducks and geese for airy Lake It has already been decided a wildlife sanctuary A group under Sean Aherne with teacher Earl Brears cleaned up the school creek Saturday Music Festival A banquet ended the curling season A popular presentation was made to the Young brothers Austin and Harvey who have spent uncounted hours helping at the rink May Dumarsh presented a cheque for from the ladies section Developing the downtown or turning to plazas This was discussed at a meeting coiled by Acton Development commission 20 years ago Thursday May 1961 Verse speaking competitions and a fashion show attracted many parents to the high school Winners of verse speaking were Eva Hansen Mary Baker Gertrud Kuhn Bui Dawc and David Griffiths About students modelled clothes made in home economics classes under Mrs A Orr Commentators were Mary Klaudun Eva Hansen Susan ford Donna Pendleton Ruth Guest Korin Heller Janice Gardner Reth Pianists were Sandra BIyth Cheryl Price and Donna Landsborough As a measure of thanks to citizens who helped the scout group committee retire the mortgage on the scout hall local scouts headed by Scoutmaster Bruce Williamson and assistant Neil Miller staged a commun ity fish fry Friday In the hall The scouts had caught the smelt at Bronte The mopup crew was headed by Mrs George Hargrove and scout Bob Hlnton was in charge of the dishes Mrs Reed is leaving the staff of Acton high school to teach at East York Collegiate 50 years ago Thursday May 1031 Acton school carried off high honors at the Music Festival In Milton win ning the most prizes of any school Frances Chisholm Vernon and William Hall won solo contests Mrs MR Moorelstheir muslcal director The Holy Name Society of St Josephs Church held a pleasant little informal even ing when the Hockey Club boys were the guests of honor The Macarthurites won the euchre championship crown from the Dominion Inn contenders Tommy Gibbons was the highest man The Wednesday half holiday In now In general force In the stores of Acton Arbor Day was loyally observed with spring cleaning operations at the rural schools 75 years ago Thursday May IBM Several dogs in town highly prized by their have been poisoned this week This Is no doubt a result of their furbishing about the refuse heaps which have ac cumulated In many back yards during housed time The horse that Mr Thos Gowdy bought at the Winter Fair for came to an un timely end It was sent to the lime kilns at Limehouse Being unused to the work It went a step too far back for dumping the stone into the kiln The cart went down and the horse followed being cremated within a few minutes Street sprinkler Williams says he is pre pared to sprinkle the streets as soon as a new hydrant Is put In It is expected the membership in the Lawn Bowling Club will be so great there will not be a rink available for the ladies The Sanitary Inspector will be on his rounds next week The pioneers of this section are rapidly passing away Mrs James Gibbons who was born in Ireland in 1627 died full of years Interment took place in Dublin cemetery 100 years ago Thursday May It Is evident that nearly every property owner In town is In favor of a new town hall at moderate cost About ratepayers were present at the public meeting In the Council Chamber M Speight had gone with a deputation to see Georgetown hall and thought such a hall would suit Acton very well Major Allan thought the hall should be erected on the front street with stores on tho first floor main hall on the second and society halls above wlthcouncll chambers lockup etc In the basement Mr Thomas Moore thought a hall could be built for from to 5000 and the revenue would more than pay the interest Mr Warren thought the town was getting along very well without a new town hall Mr Christie thought the sum mentioned won too high and an expensive hall would bo a burden to Acton Mr John Warren did not believe In the town getting Into debt

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