Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1981, p. 4

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Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday May 20 Wednesday by Inland Publishing Co United si Willow Sirocl Acton Ontario L7J 2M2 Telephono 5191 Subscriptions wen pot year in Canada than Canada Acton a one of the Inland Co Unwind group of suburban which include The Picketing News The Guard Ian Post Burlington Poit Tho Inddpandont Economist and Sun The Canadian Champion News Tho Aurora Era Ookirjlo Oshawo Thb This Weekend and The Stouff villa Trihuno Don McDonald Publisher Advertising accepted on the portion of the allowance lor will not bo paid tor at applicable into In In the error that by item with reasonoblo or but the will bo ho Ovarii of a typofjrBphical nrroi advertising or may not bo cold Advertising is on offer EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor GordMjriov trie t Editor Eric Elitona Diana Contributor Jennifer Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom Lynda ill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager BIN Cook Jennifer C la sallied Advertising National Ad In Sals Rep Don Poyrni BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Olllce Carolyn Anom Dropin on its last legs taxpayers will miss it A grand experiment to bring local government back to the peo ple of Acton is on the brink of fail ure The ward one councillors drop- in is on its last legs Councillors Terry Grubbe Ross Knechtel and Dave Whiting see little point in showing up every second Friday at the Community Services Centre Nobody else does Grubbe launched the dropin a few weeks after winning a seat at council in a byelection Knechtel and then councillor Ed Wood join ed her Mayor Peter and ward two regional councillor Miller also made a habit of drop ping in now and again The dropin started slowly But after a couple of months the dropin really took off Most weeks in the winter and spring of 1380 there were three or four individuals and groups drop ping by the Community Services Centre between and pm every Friday A wide range of taxpayer concerns and municipal issues were raised at the dropin It afforded residents the opport unity to feel out Actons three representatives on Halton Hills council on their views regarding various topics And of course it gave councillors the chance to be thoroughly briefed on local con cerns before a delegation ap peared at council and helped them pitch concerns at council Then the summer rolled around Attendance by the public drop ped off badly Councillors resisted the temptation to kill the dropin and enjoy the summer months They expected interest in the dropin would rebound in the fall Well it didnt It lagged all fall and winter A while ago councillors in an ef fort to rekindle interest in the dropin invited the school board trustees to join them Theyve joined the councillors in sitting chatting among themselves and staring at the walls Feeling there might not be enough issues right now to prompt people to attend the dropin every Friday they made it a twice a month affair Still few people came out A busy month now is seeing one tax payer at dropin We can hardly blame the coun cillors for now considering killing the dropin The newest notion be ing discussed is holding a dropin every three months Theyre tired of wasting their Friday after noons We find it puzzling that the dropin after such a promising early life is going down the drain Either Actons representatives and Halton Hills council is doing a whale of a job or else residents are taking it for granted Its true no issues were really settled at dropin but then speak ing to a councillor at the town of fice in the old Acton days likely didnt produce instantaneous re sults either Are taxpayers so frustrated with trying to move local govern ment to their way of thinking theyre giving up on dialogue If so then democracy is in pretty sad shape Or are taxpayers taking the dropin for granted and figuring councillors wilt just keep sitting there for no good reason If Acton doesnt start using the dropin it wont be there for resid ents when they really want and need it Then whose fault will it be that they feel local government under Halton Hills is distant Next time you have a complaint or concern dont just call one councillor about it Give all three of them the benefit of hearing the voice of the people Try and go to the dropin And if you think they really are doing a terrific job and the dropin isnt needed let them know They could easily find more appealing things to do Friday afternoons By the way theres a dropin this Friday Elliott Hansen richly deserve town honors Wed like to join Halton Hills councillors in praising Dr George Elliott and Ted Hansen Last week the town held its an nual honors and recognition awards night A number of athletes were honored for their accom plishments They all have indeed brought honor and recognition to the municipality But this years awards night also had an improving repres entation from the arts and cul ture People like Dr Elliott and Han sen have enriched many lives in this community While those in athletics receive a lot of recognition in this com munity that isnt always the case with volunteers in areas such as music Were sure anyone who has lis tened to the Citizens Band Trin ity or Knox choirs agrees Dr Elliott and Hansen richly deserv ed being honored by Halton Hills Summons for parking ticket upsets reader Dear Sir On May I received a vehicle parked unlawfully on St I never got a ticket I asked those who do drive Wilbur St about this and none of them have received tickets So here I am wondering where I was parked unlawfully 1 phoned the police next day because the officer who brought the summons wouldnt tell me anything I asked the pol ice about this over the phone and was told I should have got a ticket but he guessed someone took it off the car He said I cant do anything about this except go to court and tell my story I told him Im a retired person and cant afford to go to court over a matter like tills So here I am wondering where I was ar ound April I It must have been when the clutch went on my pickup truck and I took it to Canadian Tire and It was left on the street beside the garage for a couple of days while they waited for parts I went to garage and nobody there con remember a ticket on the car If the police did tag it there I think the police are getting pretty low In this town That is the only time I can think of that the car was parked on Wilbur St I will go and pay my summons but I will also tell the court what I think of the police here In Acton We dont need a policeman to go around tagging cars all night Those cars are not doing any harm to anybody The police should keep a closer watch on the break- ins and robberies and never mind the care AH Op A WARM A A WHIT AMP IK of LIFES WSfcrtSlBlUTVeS Anybody see the special supplement in Saturdays Toronto Star on tourist attrac tions in Ontario The paper did a very thorough Job of covering all areas of the province with short stories on the more popular spots and maps of each area with names of communities Because Acton docs not have any major tourist directions at least so far wait til were we obviously did not have a write up that was no Insult it was just a fact However we also did not appear on the map That was not that bad until I noticed Georgetown was on the map even though there was not a story on that town either Georgetown was going to be on the mapActonfihouldhavebeenttw and Fergus among other smaller towns were on the map Granted these places do offer something unique to tourists but Georgetown ItB the story of Beauty and Beast At the annual Halton Hills Awards Recognition Night last Wednesday Mayor Pete was introducing the two new coun cillors Sheldon and Dave Whiting and referred to them as Beauty and the Beast He asked the audience to guess which was which and surprised everyone be declaring Dave Whiting the Beauty Seems he won a baby contest In his younger days Of course good old Pete left you wondering If you could believe him as he continued to say Dave won the contest because he was the youngest baby In the contest to have a beard And at the same banquet the same mayor referred to councillor Terry as the Pink Panther Seems Terry was wearing a pink dress lhat evening Sometimes I get tho urge to to our fair mayor he hire a new joke writer Regulars Into the Bank of Nova Scotia only have two more paydays If youre paid once a week to be looked after by Bev Bodfleld Bev and daughter Tina are heading back to her home town of Kin cardine at the end of the month Following her In July will bo sister Mnrlene Tlton kindergarten teacher at Z Bennett Mnrlene Is using the move as the impetus for a new life she has chosen for herself Daughter has been accepted at College in London so Marl one decided now was the time to branch out into a new lifestyle She has been accepted by a Kincardine real estate firm and is currently taking real estate courses in her spare time Good luck to both in their new lives Acton will certainly miss you There were those here at the Free Press who shall remain nameless who scoffed at the big spenders who bought tickets for bucks a shot Got nothing better to do with your money they would tease I wasnt sure If they were antitown hall or Well they have been eating crow here lately Susan of our composing room was the lucky winner last Saturday pocketing She Is the third person in our company to have gone home the big winner Actually she shared the ticket with her mother Sehupp The first of the Inland winners was Free Press Editor Gord Murray The second was Ken Bell amy publisher of our sister paper The Georgetown Independent Those are pretty good results for one company Im still waiting for my name to be drawn but even If It never la Gord and I did alright In the whatevcrhappened department former Acton resident Norma is attending Georgian College In on a special Manpower Course She Is taking carpentry in a program of nontraditional roles for women Norma is living just outside Colli actually closer to but how have heard of She moved up there last fall Once she has graduated from this course she will be a fullfledged carpenter follow ing In the lines of her father Dorothy Jordan likes the idea published in this column about marking the Acton pages of the new phone book with a colored marker She did It and now never has trouble finding the proper section Mrs told me she keeps her trailer at Jolly Bsan Park which is bet ween Beach and CoUlngwood We spent a few minutes swapping stories about the area Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ClaaB Hammings who celebrated their wed ding anniversary on Friday I owe one to a lady she didnt give her name who called saying she fell I could have used a nicer wod than ugliest to describe an unidentified girl from my high school days She suggested unattractive would have been more respectful Well I felt I could use my journalistic licence to speak of someone I hadnt identified and hadnt seen In 12 years Besides In jour nalism were supposed to try and write the way people talk Most would say ugly not unattractive But to this lady who felt offended Im sorry Sometimes being short can bo so frustrating For those who dont know me I get lost in a group of Oh there arc times when it is to my advant age hut on the average I wish I could sprout about five Inches that way maybe I could see over the counters at tho Olympla Drivein I hate driving Gords ear I can reach the gas peddle easy enough but I always have to drive with the low beams on because I cant reach the dimmer switch on the floor My first car had a wooden block on the gas peddle so I could reach It Very em barrassing if someone else drove it When I get gas in my car and the guy thinks hes doing me a favor by washing my could kill him Without fail they leave an annoying streak right across my line of vision which is Just above the steering wheel Going shopping Is depressing Pants are forever too long and not being a seam stress either have to pay someone to hem them or Just not buy them In a line up into a show or something Gord tries to pass me off as hie kid sister In order to save a few bucks Even reading a newspaper is annoying My arms are too short to hold it at arms length Carrying a suitcase Is impossible If I dont bend my arm it just sits on the floor and doesnt move Walking is tough too I have to take two steps to most peoples one I tire easily I could go on and on but I wont There arc some advantages I can sleep quite comfortably in a car and I once was able to check into a motel for under which is free My parents sister and and I were driving to Florida one Christmas before we were married I was my sister I took off my diamond ring and put my hair in pig tails and vollo we passed for under 12 and got in for free So far those arc the only two advantages Ive come across Maybe someone else has some I am overlooking or Just run across yet In the meantime I will keep Jogging along as I go for evening walks with my husband Ill keep my four inch heels for ever and live with it Not much else I can do is there McDonald Blvd Ballots for and against deer hunt A petition from two rural area residents Debbie Kilmer Pauline MnrUand the proposed three day deer hunt in ton has drawn some response Mrs Martland said Tuesday morning she her friend have received some phono but no petitions yet She expects the long weekend slow ed up the moil and there will be a response later this week The Acton Free Press a number of other area newspapers published the petition This newspaper has received ballots signed by five people There have also been calls both pro and con to the newsroom and some letters to the editor were received One caller and a letter Art suggested there also be a ballot for people to fill thodecrhunt In the Interest of fairness we publish two ballots today one in support of the hunt and one against Both can be mailed to the Free Press and will be pass ed on to the two ladies and Art who sup ports the hunt See deer hunt letters elsewhere In todays paper I the undersigned am OPPOSED to a three- day deer hunt in Hallon and in ADDRESS optional I the undersigned am in SUPPORT of a three- day deer hunt in and Flamborough in ADDRESS optional Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday May IB 1871 At the County banquet John Hansen won the referees plaque and David Allan the top goaltcnder trophy John Field was best all round player were Pete Morrison and Robin Brad Timbers was top defenseman Acton quarry of Indusmin has won an award for their efforts and plans to rehabilitate the land at the quarry Work on restoring the property started last year The banquet of Bowling Club marked the tenth anniversary of the spot Frank got things rolling and Dave Gray donated the first big trophy Originals still with the club are Irene Mary Stalbaum May Swack- John Carney Doug Carney Win nie Hilts Fred and Vivian Nightingale and Art Nightingale Marilyn Barber Cathy and Doris Black of Dublin club won Provincial 4H honors 20 years ago ThundayMayl81901 Chairman John reported that with pledged In the first three days of the Community Centre campaign there is Utile doubt of the ultimate success of the project Prominent Orangeman and businessman K Browne was presented with his year LOL held a church parade Sunday afternoon and marched from the park to the United Church for the service A large turnout was present from neighboring lodges Acton Rotary Club endorsed an annual Amos Mason Scholarship for a girl entering the nursing profession Fans went down to Toronto to see per Bdly Watson defeat Gorgeous George and hold the British championship title Bruce Andrews will extend Bruce Kldd to the limit when the two meet to decide the best track stars In Ontario this weekend Rev has been named rector of St James Church Hamilton Proceeds to from Joyce Carpenters dance review were presented to the Cancer Society Peter was the sole boy in the show 50 years ago Thursday May 1031 The boxing match arranged by Acton Athletic Club apparently did not appeal to Ac tenia its Acton won the opening ball game 103 from Kilbride Chalmers was pitcher and scored the first run of the season Salmon Leishman Waterhouse Tyler and Anderson also scored Tor Some teachers will be offered reengage ment at lower salaries to effect economies Miss Nephew and Miss will be offered the same salary It Is a great relief to those with gardens to have the dogs shut up again now A Jolly social evening was spent by the members of Lakeside chapter IODE at the homo of Mrs Middle ton The bowling greens and tennis courts were crowded at their official opening for the season The band played at the club grounds years ago Thursday May It has been time since an alarm of fire was rung In the own but on Saturday night the bell rang and Ihe tannery whistles shrieked and In a few minutes the heavens were Illuminated with a lurid glare and it was soon ascertained that and Cos sole leather tannery was on fire The prompt arrival of the Beardmore Fire Company and the Acton Fire Brigade averted more serious damage The bark mill house was destroyed and the leach house damaged Messrs and Co made a generous donation of ISO to the chief and his men They Intend to rebuild None of the men were thrown out of employment Miss Laird has resigned as librar ian The splendid success of the library has been due to her courtesy and skill Teachers were granted permission to take classes to woods for nature study and to plant a garden years ago Thursday May Our streets would be more dignified and less dangerous if a bylaw were passed by council that no persons should engage in athletic gomes or sports of any kind for money pleasure or otherwise on the streets that no persons shall utter any obscene immoral or abusive language nor throw stones balls nor other missies- that no person shall drive horses or mules on Ihe streets or lanes at a greater rate of speed than six miles an hour The corner stone of St Johns Church will be laid on the Queens Birthday with Masonic honors A banquet will be served In Town Hall followed by games and sports In the agricultural grounds A grand concert will be given In tho evening Acton Brass Band will enliven the proceedings Mr Robert Little Public School Inspector Is building a new fence around his residence

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