Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Ftoo Pi ess Wednesday ne 3 1 3Kclon press Don McDonald Publisher TELEPHONE Founded In 1875 shod every Wodnosdny Inland Co Limitod at Willow SlrMt Acton Ontario L7J Totophono nolo cop each noil countries than Canada Acton Is of Inland Co Lim led group of suburban now wh ch ncludo Whitby Advert ant Tho Brampton Guard an Tho Bur Post Burl Post Economist and Sun Tho lion Canadian Champion Tho News Tho NewmarketAurora Era la a ha wo This Weekend and Tho Stoutly Ho Advertising Is on i potion of advertising allowance lor will not paid for In services at wrong price goods and maybo of Tho and Hon thai in tho event of cupiod by erroneous Horn will for but tho balance advertisement 1 1 ho of a typographical advertising goods may not bo sold Advertising is merely on EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murrey District Editor Eric Sports Dm no Wall Contribute Jennifer Dorr Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom Lynda It ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Bill Cook Sale Jennifer Advertising National Advertising Sale Dan MIS BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Thornhifl Shirley Jocoub Carolyn Artom Arthur CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Mary tin Arthur Sprackman must drop objection before new plan is reviewed One thing you can say about Jerry Sprackman hes full of sur prises Sprackman heads Shopping Centres and last week brought a sealed down version of his original plaza proposal for the east side of Acton to Halton Hills council Were puzzled as to what he thought council was going to do with his new plan As one councillor put it you cant sit down and have a talk with a guy who is suing you Sprackman has referred a number of appeals and objections to the Ontario Municipal Board When he appeared at council Landawns president made no mention of what his plans were regarding these matters despite the fact Mayor Peter Pomeroy pointed out council couldnt review his new proposal with the OMB matters hanging over the towns head In our view his new proposal has no more planning merits than the larger project It is still outside the urban ser vicing boundaries of Acton far removed from the main com mercial area There appears little chance there will be residential development around the site Sprackman makes the point that the town rejected his pro posal back in 1979 because council wanted to direct commercial development downtown Two yean later he observes nothing has been done downtown yet He is partly right One major piece of land to be developed the Force site is still vacant and the last word we heard was there werent any immediate prospects for development However one major site which became vacant after Sprackman came up with his plaza plan the Dominion Hotel land would be a lot closer to being developed to day if it werent for Sprackman Investments who are planning to build a plaza with a large supermarket on that property and some adjacent land theyve put together had been aiming for a ground breaking this Canada needs US type of budget cuts month if Sprackman hadnt thrown a big roadblock in front of their plans Hes objected to the new IGA plaza to the OMB Hed agreed to withdraw his ob jection if Doug and Dave Manes owner of the agreed not to object to his proposal before the OMB They went for that solution but he didnt like their letters They didnt care for his letters Its a stalemate at last word from Manes and Bringing a new plaza plan and making no mention of his inten tions regarding the OMB only complicates matters It removes no roadblocks for the downtown plaza Sprackman says a new plaza doesnt worry him or the major supermarket he wants to bring to Acton He doesnt act like thats the case It would appear to be all academic anyway Unless theres a change pro vincial sewage regulations or a final consultants report on the ur ban servicing boundaries of Acton is much different than the preliminary report Sprackman and no other developer will be able to erect even a tent on the fr inges of town A Zehrs store and small plaza could be a fine addition to Actons commercial stock if it was built inside the urban boundaries Possibly Zehrs and wUl eventually decide to build within the existing urban servic ing boundaries for instance on the Force site even though its small compared to what theyve been aiming for If Zehrs is as interested in com ing to Acton as they appear to be a less than perfect situation would be preferable to never being able to locate here because of the severe limits to growth In any event Sprackman must clarify his position regarding ob jections to the plaza and other matters hes sent to the OMB before his new proposal can be taken seriously It would be heartening to think Finance Minister Allan MacEach- en and his federal cabinet col leagues including Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau have taken note of Gallup Poll results released over the weekend The poll shows the vast major ity of Canadians would favor government spending cuts of the order brought in south of the bor der by President Ronald Reagan Most Canadians would be hard pressed to explain the Liberals antiinflation policy beyond re cord high interest rates to cut the use of credit Throughout the rise in interest rates the government has re peatedly rejected calls for fin ancial aid for farmers home owners and small businessmen on the basis it would be too costly and only add to the federal deficit They readily acknowledge government spending and the growing deficit contributes heav ily to the inflationary spiral Theyve been admitting it for several years now and in fact they have made token efforts to trim the budget But they havent done anything on the magnitude the new Repub lican administration in the United States has The poll has properly gauged the mood of Canadians Times are tough and getting tougher While making sweeping budget cuts is unpleasant and difficult in this day of special interest lobby ing Canadians like Americans are prepared to bite the bullet and live with government doing a lot less for them It remains to be seen if Rea gans marriage of budget and tax cuts will solve the ills of the Amer ican economy Canadians must surely be pulling for them to suc ceed because if they do there will certainly be spillover benefits to us Its true that Reagans budget cuts are hurting social the most The same would be true if similar action was taken in Can ada Social program chops would be painful to swallow but it appears its a bitter pill Canadians are pre pared to swallow Your pier On the The marriage of former Acton ion Mary Jane New and Tony Gabellsh la almost like a fairy tale come true Two yearn ago Mary Jane gave up her nursing Job at Sick Children s Hospital Toronto and headed to Australia where she took up a similar post at Princess Margaret Hospital In Perth Using short wave radio she kept In touch with her parents Mr and Mrs New of Acton regularly This past March Mary Jane telephoned home and told her parents she was heading north to Darby to nurse for a while and then heading home to continue her nursing studies at York University Toronto Meanwhile she had six weeks between jobs so she got a job shucking oysters at Sharks Bay Pearling Co TOO miles north of Perth Her parents Jokingly told her to watch her fingers The oysters t catch her fingers but Tony did He is a partner in the company Mary Jane telephoned home ten days later to tell her folks she was getting married to her boss They planned to tic the knot while Tony was on a business trip here Sadly Mrs New died suddenly and Mary Jane once again changed her plans and they were married while on a few days stopover in Honolulu Now back in Canada they stayed a few days honeymooning in Niagara Falls and have had a good visit with Mary Janes father and friends They head down to the United States next week and then on home It was her first trip home since moving to Australia Bray of Elizabeth Drive got a big surprise while doing her gardening last week a huge turtle which showed Its annoyance by snapping at her It weighed ten pounds and was IS inches long The turtle la now back In Fairy Lake from whence It came presumably their house backs onto tho lake Saw the movie Escape from Iran Canadian Caper and got a laugh when one of the escaping Americans was stopped at the airport by an Iranian customs official Ho was asked where he was from and he used his cover of Ontario The official wanted to know about the place so he explained it was a small town in an agricultural centre surrounded by wheat fields Matter of fact It is the wheat capital of Canada he said been In Acton seven years and while there are some pretty nice farms In this area I dont think Ive ever seen a wheat field Don forget to mall your census today Was watching the Sunday night sports Usually It is of no Interest to me but this year I was scanning the crowd for Free Press sports writer Diana She left Thursday to see the race live Giles or other won but Ill have to wait three weeks to hear all about It from Its a small corner of Guelph General Hospital where some of us meet three limes a week for however long were told to meet there People come from all over the area all at different times and for different treatments but were all there for essentially thing to get our bodies back to normal In the six weeks been regularly attending physiotherapy to tend to an old ski Injury Ive seen a fair number of people come and go with different problems Everyone there has their own success story In varying degrees but Middle School student Eddie Robinson Is a story in himself Eddie Is undergoing therapy on his knee damaged while playing sports Eddie works hard at the hospital and again at home in an attempt to bring his sore knee back to normal He lifts weights practises walking and lately pedals on the bicycle In the physio department His hard work makes it easier for everyone to endure whatever la being done to them He one tough cookie Our therapist Marcla Ho worth of Is also a tough one bending knees twisting legs and generally making a hard job look easy Shes helped people learn to walk all over again seen the pain of arthritis ease a bit and encouraged her patients to try just a little harder Eddie and I both thank her The Georgetown Legion Royalettes an extremely successful baseball team recently put out a small booklet with team picture schedule and other statistics The book was an advertising supplement a tew weeks back in Georgetown Independent sister paper to the Free Press However the book wasnt totally Georgetown which would be recognized in Acton Pat Wood of Family Cleaners was the first one I spotted Jennifer Linton recreation co ordinator for Acton a few years back and now In Georgetown had a short story about her in Ihe book Other names which might be known In Aclon arc Nancy Shortlll and Barb Curry There were also short stories written about both of them Happy Anniversary greetings go out to Ted and Dolores Tyler who celebrate their tomorrow The well know Acton real dent a were married in Acton They celebrated their last year In Vancouver So for they arc still in town to mark this years I hear their friends have pooled their money and are sending them to Hawaii as a gift- booked through Acton Travel and Rick Bonnette of course And speaking of Tylers Teds cousin Lorcnc Babe nee Tyler is visiting in the area for a week up from Arizona Babe moved south when in her after training In the Bank of Montreal here in Acton Now she Is one of the few women bank managers In Arizona Babe Is the daughter of Edna Tyler and the late Matt Tyler formerly of Acton now of Arizona She and her husband Dick head home on Saturday Noisy helicopters flying overhead are getting to be a weekly event In Acton lately For the second Friday night in a row the choppers were seen flying overhead I heard them the week before but didnt see them This week I saw them flying from east to west two of them I saw another one the next day flying the opposite direction Last September four squadrons of four flew overhead making a terrible racket heading northeast persumably to Base Borden near Barric Does anyone know anything about these guys Where theyre going Where they are coming from Who owns them They certainly are a curious sight Ask any of the drivers who crane their necks to watch them And Saturday afternoon a half dozen lets whizzed over town Tly appeared to be military aircraft and were performing some tricky Including flying upside down In honour of Mr and Mrs F Wilds wedding anniversary a surprise dinner party was held recently by their children Mrs Norma Titus and husband Bill Mr Don Wilds and wife Marlene Mrs Mary Hepburn and husband Bob at the home of their daughter Mary Those present Included grandchildren Don and Sherrle Wilds Wendy and Wanda Titus Bruce Dorcen and Ken Hepburn As well friends Mrs Sinclair Mr and Mrs Toil Van Dam Mr Tim Spireal Acton and Cindy Hamilton attended Relatives Mr and Mrs C Russell Ottawa Mr and Mrs J Bruce Stratford Mr and Mrs Bruce and Acton nieces of Mr Wild Mr and Mrs Coulson Milton and Mr and Mrs Green Acton and Mrs Blanche Mochrie Brampton aunt of Mrs Wild were at the early was on hand to present his award tor sportsmanship perfect atten dance and good manners to Dan tain Dale Improved his average 35 pins over the year earning him the Ken Memorial Trophy at the Awards night Regional represenUUve George Archibald of Georgetown made the presentation Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday May Brian Campbell has been engaged to run the new summer recreation program Canadian flags were presented to side Llmehouse and Stewart- town schools by Hazel Orr Mary Helen Jocque and Jessie Coles of Lakeside Mary Debenham is the new program co ordinator at the Acton hosted the WIs district an nual Mrs Lindsay and Mrs Bert Davidson who both Joined the Institute In 1913 cut the cake Athletes setting new marks at Ihe county meet were Maureen Phil Morris Shirley Mitchell and Roger Rain and fog did not deter Trail Riders who went ahead with their fireworks display 20 years ago Thursday June Acton eastern skyline was a blaze of twirling lights as the Lions fourday car nival got underway The amusement centre is located In a field at Mel Farm A acre resort area is being built on the escarpment at colled Twin Lakes Resort and Ranch Special school library hours are finished for the season Bruce Andrews finished second behind Bruce Kldd who set a new record in he In- terschool race in Guelph Superior Glove is operating under new management Julian and Frank Geng in the same location on Main St N owner Bert Mowot was forced to sell due to Illness Mr learned the trade from his father A war relic was found by Ricky son and John McNabb when they were pre paring a boll field The bomb was sent to Army headquarters for The shell was loaded but the fuse had burned out 50 years ago Thursday June 1931 The Empire Day concert and presenta tion of prizes arranged by Lakeside was delightful Alter recitations singing and addresses prizes were presented to Esther Taylor Harvey Phyllis Mackie Hansen Jack HUllnger Jean Brown Walter Margaret Alice Gibbens Regent Mrs J B presented the prizes for the best boy and girl In high school to Barbara Guthrie and Carney Byrne High school students presented Miss Bertha Nephew who is retiring with a chesterfield lamp Oral Chalmers presid ent of the Literary Society called on Isabel Smith to read the address Lakeside chapter of the had a mock wedding and shower of gifts for Miss Nephew The UFO clubs honored Miss Florence Johnston and Mr Chester Allan prior to their marriage with a shower of gifts and a mock wedding 75 years ago Thursday May The Methodist Sunday School under the direction of Miss Amy Doty London after seven days training presented a delightful entertainment on Victoria Day One scholars gave the entertainment Mr James J Hill of the Great Northern Railway will be In Ottawa next week In furtherance of his plans for building a railway from Winnipeg to Vancouver Messrs McKenzle and Mann formerly of Acton ore also Involved in plans for rail ways The demonstration in on Victoria Day was under tho auspices of the Public Library with a large attendance The festivities opened with callthumpion parade headed by the Acton Cornet Band A series of conies Lb followed between the Rockwood team and the Red Cross team better known as The Terrors of Ever ton The result was a tic A grand con cert was held in the town hall in tho even ing 100 years ago Thursday June The meeting called to consider the erec tion of a town hall was very well attended Reeve Smith occupied the chair Plans of town holla were submitted by architects with costs ranging from to Whcn oil who wished had spoken on the sub ject the following motion was put Moved by Major Allan seconded by Robt that this meeting recommend the Village Council erect a Town Hall to cost between and Moved by James Mat thews seconded by Edward an amendment that cost should be no more than complete The original motion was carried unanimously A committee was appointed to prepare a petition to present to property owners and wo hope that every property owner will see that it Is to the Interests of our enterprising village to sign the petition and we trust that those who hold petty differences in the mat ter will sink heir prejudices and go with the majority

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