Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday Juno 10 1981 TELEPHONE Bui and Ed lorlol Founded in Pub shed every by Inland Publishing Co at Widow Acton Ontario Telephone Subicnpilom Slnflle copies each veer In Canada In all countries other than Canada The Acton Free Press one tha Inland Publishing Co Limited of news which include Tha News The rump Ion Guard Ian The Bud Pott I nrjton Weekend Post Etoblcoko Independent Economist and Sun The Canadian Champion The News The el Aurora Ere Beaver This Week Oshawa This Weekend and The Stouftvilla Tnbune Don McDonald Publisher Advert to accepted on hat in the event of typographical error that portion of the space by the roneou nam with reasonable allowance or signature will be charged lor but the balance of the will be paid for at the applicable rate In the of a error goods or services a price goods or services may not bo sold Advertising la merely an to eell end may be withdrawn at any time is mail Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Edttar Gord Murray I strict Editor Sports Diana Contributor Jennifer Bert I Contributor Helen Murray Darkroom Lynda II ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager BIN Cook Sales Jennifer Clasilf lad Advertising Gall Thompson Don 416363 BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Thorn PntKontnor Police Acton relations have made great strides If Lome attitude is representative of most residents and we suspect it is then Acton- Regional Police relations have taken a giant step forward Certainly calls of complaint to our newsroom and letters to the paper about the police have cer tainly dwindled since the highly successful open house the police held here in early February when over residents took the op portunity to get to know the cops a little better and the force got to know Acton better Sunday the bonds of blossoming friendship between residents and the police were further strengthened when Chief James Harding made an inspiring speech about his forces determination to become part of the Acton family and his officers again mingled with residents at the police service at Knox Presbyterian Church Back in November when out of utter frustration wrote to this newspaper and the chief with a long list of complaints and suggestions that vigilantes might be needed in Acton he had very little good to say about the force Today he and many of his fellow citizens are becoming nends of the officers assigned here Certainly and Harding have become close with the Chief continuing to use to feel the pulse of the community Five months after the open house it is obvious the police werent just paying lip service to Acton when they said they were going to try and get to know us better The officers faces are becoming familiar The odd time theres a stranger in a cruiser but generally its the same guys you see driving around town or more often than in the past out walking the street Its hard to say if there is less crime now That might have been asking for too much too soon especially since the region again because of the soaring taxes resulting from the deficit kept police spending in creases below Hardings target Occasionally a resident will com plain still about loitering down town speeding on residential streets etc These are valid complaints We cant offer any solutions though Until the day comes that there is enough money in the police budget to have three or four officers assigned to Acton each shift those that are on duty two per shift will have to continue to concentrate on the major crimes like break and enters and vandalism Also in fairness to the police until the laws in this country are changed dealing with things like loitering and the courts become tougher it wont matter how many officers we have roaming around crime will only stop while the eye of the law are bearing down on the of fenders Speeding on residential streets continue to be a problem Traffic slows down if there is a cruiser around When they set up traps and nab some speeders it stops for a few days then speeding resumes But we do perceive there have been great strides made in recent months towards good relations We hope and Harding and other community leaders have more publicpolice activities in mind for the future to continue the f process SAKE- Wfo On the Leavell Wintario draw here a gem of an idea The Acton Chamber of Com merce and com mittee have hit upon a gem of an idea for promoting the town which should also be a fun event for residents Its by no means set yet a lot of arrangements will have to be ironed out before the idea of bringing the draw to Ac ton is brought to maturity But it is certainly an idea worth pursuing vigorously It would be great publicity for Acton as since some history of the community would be mentioned on air Best yet it would all be free publicity for Leathertown on a provincial scope The Wintario draw could also prove to be a brief boost to the loc al economy with crew in town for a day or longer and spending money And the draw would be great fun for local residents who would make up the audience some get ting on the scene long enough to push the button and start the balls tumbling The Wintario draw was well re ceived by all when it was held in neighboring jcommunities like Georgetown and Erin and un doubtedly would prove to be a bonus for Acton too There are a number of reasons to think our chances of bringing the draw here are good Our high school auditorium would be an excellent setting for the draw The Wintano people like to take the draw out to small towns around the province and the list of pos sible new locations to hold a draw must be getting shorter and shor ter since the draws been running several years Theres been some big local winners in and other lotteries the province is in volved this year and thats always a plus for the show An added incentive to make Ac ton a draw location will be if the municipality is successful in securing grant funds for the restoration of the town hall We urge the Chamber full ahead with its bid for the draw and wish them good luck Well I just couldnt stay away Begin Monday I resume my duties In the news room or the Free Press alter of a half I left the post alter more lhan five years In the news room to have a rest to learn something new and to expand my knowledge of newspapers Now I find myself missing the action but more importantly missing the people Through this column I have kept many of my news contacts but many I haven t seen since December 1979 1 hope to get around to see many of you or at least phone But if don reach you give me a call I fed as If I ve done more flip flops the last two federal governments but no one can predict the future I had no Idea how much I miss everyone This column will continue so keep calling with tips on personals anniversaries vacations visitors birthdays or news items Hubby and I have already been Some ask If we bleed ink when we ve been cut I m beginning to think so Sad to see Free Press district editor Erf Steve says he done his good deed for the year Steve was following the fire truck one day recently and a bottle of oxygen fell off the back Steve stopped and picked it up and returned it to the rightful owners That same thing happened to me once while heading out to a lire Boots helmets and rubber coats flew off the back narrowly missing my car I had no choice but to stop and pick them up However there was no sense keeping the stuff The the coats arc far too heavy and I really don want to spend more tax dollars on the stuff being replaced Colin Tip Baker retired as foreman at recently alter working there for 14 years the firm entire time In Acton Hope you enjoy your retirement Bet you know that Elizabeth Smith sister of Jam genulr Smith lived in Acton for a while back in It true Elizabeth was born in Winona and became a teacher at Dufferln School in According to a book Woman With a Purpose written from excerpts of diary Elizabeth obtained a Third Class Teaching certificate and gave music lessons in the Speyslde area While teaching at she studied far her examinations hoping to enter medical school and later become one of Canada first woman doctors But a stint In Acton was In her stars Because of her talent for music she was asked to be organist at St Josephs Church for a few months Despite being a member or the Church of England Elizabeth agreed She spread herself around to the various churches and taught an adult Bible class at the Presbyterian Church could not attend her own church as the closest Anglican church then was in Milton The transportation system being what it was over 100 years ago Elizabeth could not get home to see her family often perhaps two or three times a year The book describes her loneliness here virtually cut off from her old school chums and her family From Acton she went to teach In Nelson Township Aldershot and Hamilton before finally gaining entry to The medical college in Kingston There were only two other girls in her graduating class in 188 In 1866 she wed Adam Sbortt who was one of the few supportive male students while she was in medical school He went on to become a professor at Queens University she to become a lecturer In the Women Medical College Elizabeth died In after living a full and rewarding life It kind of nice to be able to say Acton helped get her started In her career of to people Sorry to see Doug and Scan being transferred out of town Mr replaced Gary Dawkins as principal of M Z Bennett Mr went on to be head of the McKeniicSmith middle school before his untimely death two years ago Mr Briggs was the first principal for St Joseph Separate School opened a few years back It was thanks In part to Mr hard work and devotion that the school broke all expected enrolment figures which eventually led to a new school being planned They both were invaluable to the Free Press staff in the coverage of their schools We will miss you Our readers write Paint dont shoot deer Dear Editor This is my way of responding to the Proposed Deer Hunt of 1B81 There are other ways of capturing or Shooting dcerossportor recreation Limehouse Ladles you are not alone Captured In the artists eye The deer maintains his silence And all the while a breeze blows by As the two stare In defiance The nostrils of the deer did quiver His car twitched at every sound The hand began to shiver From the beauty he had found Time stood still in the forests charm As the sun gleamed through the trees Both understood there was no harm In moments as brief as these Then instinct caused the deer to flee Beyond the rivers tip Leaving behind the artists Beige of his brush and oil kit Forever more this picture holds This moments secret tie Of deer and man the storys told Captured by the artists eye DA Children In the Kindergarten class at School decorated the on this quilt sewn together by volunteer mothers will be raffled off at this SalnrdayiflBamarketBttbeschoolfroinlOo Holding the quilt at the top are Claire Kilmer sad Michael Denny At he lelt Is Gavin Morris and Lisa Sanderson standi the right First Acton Troop Scouter John Sharp Its has been appointed District Commissioner for North Hslton rte rural Acton resident says be Is terribly lorn about giving up the Ac loo troop but looks forward to the new challenge Sharpie has been with First Acton for eight years Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday June 1 1971 Friends held a surprise party for Mr and Mrs Ben for their wedding anniversary and years in business in Acton A presentation of an engraved plaque was made at the United Church to Mr and Mrs Alf Long who have moved to the Guelph district The relocated gates at cemetery were during Decoration Day service Three I members active when the gates were built in 1S33 were there Mrs RL Davidson Mrs Wilds and Mrs The new trailing lodge at Blue Springs scout reserve was officially opened The new Scotch Block dam has created a lovely lake In First Communion was held at St In theaftemoon for the first time 20 years ago Thursday Junes 1MI Acton four census enumerators are Mrs Gordon Bcatty Mrs Edgar Lldkea Miss Ella and Miss Elizabeth Jany Tbe Esquesing enumerators are Mrs Erma Sargent William Croraar Harold Moyer Roy Smith Fyfe Somervillc and Mac Sprawl enumerators are Bill Grade 13 students enjoyed a graduation banquet and dance They are Doug Doreen Gordon Jean Moffat Susan Wilson Mardell Marshall top student Varey Barry Kirkness Bob Hinton Frank Mariscak Paul Elliott Don Lindsay Rosa Laurence Duby Stewart McDonald Bruce Andrews and Denis Gib bons Special honors were given to Bruce Andrews for sportsmanship A parade was followed by a brief service at cemetery for Decoration Day Pastor James Rudd was speaker Bill Graham and W G O Oakes who tend the pioneer cemetery placed a wreath there Elizabeth Force won a skating gold medal passing test 50 years ago Thursday June 1931 Ontario Memorial plant has been sold to Kilvington Bros of Toronto for the past two years the plant had been operated by a group of local businessmen who were In teres ted in keeping industries in an active state In the community They found however that their own business activities would not allow the dividing of their at Miss Helen Coxc has completed her course in Household Economics at the University of Toronto and will graduate Last Sunday was the annual Decoration Day and church parade of Acton Lodge I O Graves were decorated at the cemeteries Muriel McComb graduated in nursing at Guelph Messrs Holmes and Gordon Cooper are the census enumerators One of Tylers trucks has been newly decorated Acton Legion laid a wreath at the Soldiers Monument in Sunday 75 years ago Thursday JuneT IMS Advertisement Under Strictly Water proof Tents Banks Balrds magnificent scenic Production of Uncle Tom s Cabin Travelling in our own Pullman sleeping and Dining cars Illustration of Eliza crossing the ice Magnificent Transformation Scene of minutes duration Eva in Heaven most beautiful stage picture ever painted St Clair s Residence by Moonlight scenes of Mississippi Levee We Carry Every Particle of Scenery manhunting Siberian Bloodhounds Trained to Par ticipate in the Drama 35 People Among the scenes will be The Thrilling Floating Ice Scene Also Cotton Fields and Plantation Scenes Baird Military band and Orchestra Street Parade at 4 p Admission 25 cent and 35 cents Evening Performances Only rain or shine AtActonFridayevening June 100 years ago Thursday June 1B81 The cheese factory at Is now running at full blast Mr J Is the proprietor Mr J E McGarvln has erected a private telegraph wire from his drug store to his residence As he thiukB there Is no person in the world like his own little wife he has connected the two places so that at any moment he con alt down and have a chat with her The Messrs Speight are doing a much larger business this than for several years past They have completed a number of Mantel waggons and buggies which snow most creditable workmanship throughout They are all very tastefully painted by Mr James Scott The school board Is negotiating the pur chase of the site adjoining the school property with Mr CS SmithforllSO The work on the new Presbyterian church Is progressing favorably

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