Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Free Preaa Wednesday June TELEPHONE Founded In every Wednesday by In and Publoh ng Co led at W llow St mt Acton Ontario Telephone 6191 copies each pet year in Canada In all en Canada The Acton Froe a one the Inland Publishing Co Limited group of ban newa papers which The byPicker Now Advertiser ThoB urn The Burl Weekend Pott Etotucoko Catena The Ceo Independent Ma ham and Sun The Conadtun Champ on The News The E a Beaver O thaws Th Week Oshawa Weekend and The StoulfvHle Tr bun Don McDonald Publisher event of that togothe reasonable is opted on the cond llo i that port on of the advert sing space occupied by thee allowance lor s II not bo god for but the of the advertisement paid for at the cable ate In he event of a services at a p Ice goods or sorvlcm may tosell and anytime I atJonNumbe EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor ray Helen Murray Contributor If Darkroom Lynda HI ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Sales titled Advertising Notional Advertising Rep Dan BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Rhone Thornh I Shirley Jo Make yourself heard Acton see Jack at dropin Is a new day dawning After years of being ignored put down as nothing but a bunch of chronic is Acton suddenly going to be listened to by the sen level of local government Regional government has from the start been given a rough ride here with considerable Early on Acton colleagues on Halton Hills council learned Acton should be listened to that our comments and input were tant However getting the message across to the upper tier the region took a little longer The regional police were for a long tune the victims of local wrath against the region partly of the force s own doing and part ly because cops were the most visible symbol locally of the region Finally we complained long and loud enough that the police start ed to listen There were some changes made and a dialogue began which still continues and the result has been greatly im proved relations This Friday Acton has another opportunity to be heard by the region Just as they were instrumental in bringing the police to Acton for an open Councillors Terry Grubbe Dave Whiting and Rosa Knechtel have arranged to Halton s chairman Jack Raftis to visit Acton Friday afternoon to meet taxpayers and listen to their complaints and concerns Raftis is a former Burlington councillor who has shown sym for north positions since assuming the top post in Local councillors working to keep their dropin viable are hop ing for a good crowd Friday after noon at the building so the exer cise of bringing the chairman here will be worthwhile and can be repeated in the fall Taxpayers meeting the police proved beneficial Coming out and talking to the chairman can prove just as beneficial Taxpayers will have the oppor tunity of learning about the region deficit rising taxes water and sewer rates future growth of the Acton industrial development forts etc At the same time Halton s top dog will learn a bit about what makes us tick what wed like to see the region doing how it could serve Acton better etc Ignore the inconvenience of meeting policitians on a Friday afternoon and come to the dropin armed with lots of questions just like you did on a Friday morning in February to talk to the police Make yourself heard again Ac ton all the way down to the green monster in Oakville Poor council timing on municipal building issue The debate is barely underway and already there is a dark cloud hanging over the municipal com issue Hills council is guilty of poor timing when after hearing a proposal for a rental municipal building beside a Georgetown shopping centre it was decided to set up a special committee to look at the entire issue After lying dormant for about five years the municipal complex issue cropped up in April when council decided to mclude 1 mil hon for debentunng in the five year capital forecast to possibly be added to the nearly which has already been set aside in a special fund for a central town building Since then at least in public council hasn t discussed the mun icipal building issue Then out of the blue a George town development firm popped up with a plan to build a municipal complex beside Guelphview Square at the corner of Guelph Street Highway 7 and Mountain view Road Several councillors described the proposal to have Halton Hills put up for interior finishing plus pay a year in rent plus pay water heat hydro taxes etc as innovative We view the proposal as preposterous The site is commercial property there are sure to be traf fie problems the corner is already extremely congested renting quarters should be the last option examined and any site in Georgetown will decentralize town operations to at least a small extent since the works yard will likely have to stay on Trafalgar Road unless a new yard is built in Georgetown or the Acton yard is used for more than predominantly storage Council special building com will start by framing terms of reference Presumably they II justify if indeed there is actually a need for a complex That seems to be a logical reasonable approach One which should have been taken several weeks ago if councillors really believe a cen tral building is needed After council approves the terms of reference the committee will start looking at the various site and building options in eluding the rental building in Georgetown idea We and many taxpayers are waiting to be convinced there is a need for a complex Regardless if it is intentional by deciding to set up a study com after hearing the George town rental proposal council has put itself in the position of appear to jump at the first chance to locate a complex in Georgetown The committee will have to turn over a lot of stones and come up with a long long list of alter natives to be examined fully in public view if it wants to dispell the impression to grab at the first proposal in Georgetown to come along Our readers write Congratulations from BIA On the Teamwork la such a necessary part our everyday lives but you never really know how much you depend on others until a crisis comes up Last week here at the Free Press wo had a bit of a crisis when our main com puter typesetting machine broke down and be fixed until Thursday a lit tle late to be putting together the Milton Canadian Champion the Georgetown Independent and the Free Press Because this particular machine had broken wo had to scramble around and find a replacement The closest one we could find was In Llstowel So off went and myself by Bob Dye to produce the type from there Bob of the Banner has our great appreciation We got back to Acton about lam Tues day morning and handed our work over to Joanne Duval and Mark Dills who worked until about doing Ihcir bit with it The next day actually Just a few hours after she climbed Into bed headed back up to to produce more type for the computer which was running okay Meanwhile extremely old equipment which had been In storage for at least five years This method was considered antique but last Tuesday when our great advanced tech no was sitting useless In the corner of the room our old typesetting machine was worth Its weight In gold and boy was It heavy Everyone pulled together and worked until they dropped and we eventually got all three papers out as well as some commercial Jobs We don t know how wo got through last week but It wouldn t have been possible without teamwork We all seemed to unwind at the Free Press golf tournament on Friday In spite of pouring rain shortly after teeoff we all had a great time June deserves a big pat on the back for organizing the day Got a postcard from my mother In Ithadbeen mailed June 3 She wrote It Just after she got there and I received it just before she got home I think pony express would have been faster Miscroscoplc creatures coming down from the sky Sounds like a SciFI movie It But according to David Turner of the Laurcntlan University in Sudbury there exists a school of thought In the sciences which maintains that colds and some types of epidemics are related to microscopic organisms bred deep in space If you think that is eerie con tinue And keeping with this theory the germs are coming to Earth via rreteors shooting across the sky in order to catch a disease you must be at the right at the right time so that you con reathe in the dustencapsulated germ be fore it reaches the ground Dr Turner says even a cold virus may be caused from a miniature creature from outer space Somehow knowing about these creatures and the fact there Isn t much can be done to protect oneself has just made my day Thank Heaven I have stop ped trying to get a drink from the sky during a shower Twenty seven visiting farmers from Belgium visited the Hide House this weekend one of their many stops on a QuebecOntario tour of agricultural The tour was arranged By Rick Bonnette and Jack Pouwels of Acton Travel The farmers landed In Montreal where they spent a few days visiting the city and area farms A short stay In Ottawa followed be fore they went to Brentford Niagara Falls Delhi A stop at the Agricultural Musucm in Milton was the highlight of the entire trip for the group consisting mainly of men They then headed to the Hide House where they pur chased cowboy hats vests boots etc Another such trip is planned for July and one in September Belgium arrangements are made by Jack brother who Is a travel agent in that country Sad farewells go out to Dave and Alma Swetman who are pulling up their Acton roots and moving to Guelph next week The couple are nest known for their shoe store Swetman Shoes which they owned for about five years before selling last year Dave is a member of the local Rot club and Legion and both take an active part in the annual Back to Acton festivities We II miss you both and wish you well In Get well wishesalsogoout to Dave who has been under the weather lately Summer vacation will soon be here For the driver that is the worst possible news to hear That means Instead of having a bit of reprieve during the day from young racing around on their bikes and playing in the streets they will be out all day and night 1 was driving up Kingham one day last week and one little fellow on one of those very low plastic trikes was riding down the middle of the road oblivious to the traffic around him Traffic stopped dead while he peddled on Whose responsibility is this Another time on the same street two small girls darted out in front of my car Had I not been going ten miles an hour 1 would surely have hit them They look just ran I stopped the car and told them to watch where they were going a nearby adult glared at me as if I had no right driving on that street while her daughter wanted to suddenly run across the road three feet in front of me Last week two preschoolers were play in the Free Press driveway again on those low trikes Investigation revealed they were not waiting on a customer In the building they were Just playing in the driveway because it was there Cars are constantly coming in and out of the drive way and the last thing some people are watching for is missplaced kids I very nicely told the children to go play In their own yards The cute little girl with braids turned to me and retorted Well if we have to The last I saw them they were riding down the middle of Willow St Kids will be kids but I draw the lino at them blaming me because I got in their way while they are playing chicken In the middle of the road In my seven years next month in Acton there has not been one local child killed on the streets in town I m really surprised by that It is only extremely Rood luck and maybe several very good drivers who have kept that statistic at nil The arrival of summer also means people will be travelling Let us know where you ve been And In the What Every oneWan department did you know there is a birth control pill for dogs on the mar It been manufactured by the Veter inary Division of Canada Division Tablets that a the name of them provide a modern alternative to spaying A press release states The problems of looking after a female dog In heat can be minimized by starting her on a prevention course of Ovarld Usually signs will disappear In about four days male dogs will lose Interest In her and she will cease to be so excitable Even If she is mated what nice way to put It Ovarld can normally be relied on to prevent con that all very handy Only problem is how la the dog going remember to lake her pill in the morning Dear Sir As Iho Chairman of the Acton Business Improvement Area I speak for all our members and it is with a deep feeling of pride that I have the pleasant task of say ing to you Congratulations well done It Isn everyday that our local commun ity paper wins an award of such merit We arc very proud of your achievement and its national recognition Again to you and all your staff that makes our community newspaper poss ible Congratulations well done Sincerely Acton Larry Greaves Chairman Becky Armstrong Martha Armstrong and Angela concentrate on their drawing the monthly Acton Library craft club which run twice a month this Jenny and Jen ft a lists at the Library Craft Club Back issues 10 years ago Wednesday June Two high school students pat Dunn and David have been chosen to participate In this summers Young program They 11 visit Quebec for 10 days The first political nomination meeting ever held In Acton was a shooin for George Kerr the Minister of Energy and Re sources Management About 400 in the high school applauded mightily as Kerr ac cepted the nomination Burlington Teen Band played The famed Jimmy Galloway and his Metro Stampers combined with the Rev Gordon Turner to present a service of celebration at the United Church Robert Radford Vivian Nicholson and Nancy Winter have graduated from University Raymond George Duiker and Roger Gray graduated from Sheridan Baker graduated as a nurse Phil Morns and Maureen Gerth won championships at the Hoi ton- Peel track meet Wellington Dufferln John Root officially opened the softball season at 20 years ago Thursday June 15 Rev received the flags at St when the First Acton boy scouts dedicated their flags Flag bearers were David Ryder and Bob Watson Laurie Duby president of the Altar Association and a Rover Scout assisted Three flogs were dedicated for the Scouts and cubs at United church Boys taking part in the ceremony were David David Greygoose and Mervln White with leaders Mike Norton Fred and John Hnndcock Mr Beaton gave a fine address James was ordained as a Baptist minister Tuesday He is planning to enter the mission field Mr and Mrs Duncan celebrated their anniversary Rev Donald West is the new rector of St church The Rev Ken Griffiths was ordained at church 50 years ago Thursday June 18 1931 The annual competition for early toes Is on but this year it would appear that Mr George Roszell has walked away with the honors Sunday was a red letter day for Rock wood United Church The muchneeded addition is almost completed Rev T bert Moore was the anniversary preacher The United Farmers Clubs held their annual picnic at Edgewood Park Eden Mills Over sheep were dipped In the community dipping tank at last week The people at Limehouse are complain ing of men who are fishing on Sundays High school department examinations are being written this week Three or four garden parties are scheduled for the district this week Miss RM Stephenson and Miss Margaret Smith have been hired for the High School department 75 years ago Thursday June 14 Dame fortune hat not favored our lacrosse players They lost to Shamrocks Saturday Acton team Hynda Graham Marahment Tay lor Wilson Malone Abraham Mcintosh E Ryder Lightning struck Mr William barn and it was completely destroyed with wheat oats barley a fanning mill rack lifter and harness The loss was about insured for with Mutual Dr specialist In the treatment of diseases of the eye ear nose and throat will be In Acton from today until next Wednesday and may be consulted at the residence of Mr A T Brown The new naphtha launch on Fairy Lake was launched and is being well patronized A trip by this medium gives an Idea of the beauties of our pretty expanse of water and its surroundings W Howes gardener has now got the bowling green In fine condition years ago Thursday June IB 1881 Wouldn It pay some of our enterprising businessmen to organize a telephone system In town It costs Acton people only 30 cents a night to have the new street lamps lit and ex It costs Milton a great deal less than that own or goes it blind In his nocturnal rambles or stays at home Prospect Divisions Sons of Temperance held their annual tea meeting In the Grove at BrookvUle Addresses were delivered Acton Brass Band furnished music A con cert was given In the Union Hall In the evening

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