Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1981, p. 4

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The Aeion Frae Press Wednesday July 1981 shod ovary by Mot and tig Pub si Lid 9 low Acton L7J 2M2 To lophona 1519 Subscript on S 25t each Icount Acton Fto Praia la the Mot Printing ng Ltd g ban nowjpopor which AionWhllbyP or Tl a Au Banner The Bo ton Ematp so Guardian Tho I Post Bud ngto Waokatitt Post Tho Etob Guardian Tho Eloblcoke Consult Georgetown Independent Ma St and Sun ion Champ on Nawma a E a The North Consume Tha North or Oskwllo caver This Week Oihawo Th Wookond Tho H II Tha Sea borough Tho Sea borough ror S In Tnbune Tho Woodbr dga Vughan Don McDonald Publisher is god lor but balance tho bo apt Goods or may not bo sold Advo ling mo an olio EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Editor ay Contributor Bar Darkroom ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT l Cook Sals Bs r Claaslflad Advertising Thompson National Salts flap Dun 3631051 BUSINESS ACCOUNTING OFFICE Otflco Monaoor I Pat CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Meryl Leathertown strides How did you greet the news last week that has branched out beyond the boun of Acton We suspect the reaction of many readers was ho hum But we also figure there were a lot fewer last week than there were seven months ago when was of finally hatched We ve made no secret of our virtually unqualified support of the Leathertown concept and the people behind it The reasons are simple We think it s a whale of an idea for putting Acton on the map as well as bringing new shoppers and businesses to town But we also had no illusions that it would be a long slow process And we knew a lot of Acton people t be convinced of the importance or success of this venture until there are many tourists here shopping shopping shopping Leathertown is like a big house which will be built the hard way one brick at a time you might say But considering the fact that anything done by a committee of volunteers with local funds is sure to find things slow going we think Leathertown is mov at a pretty fair clip To have a display at the Eatons Centre so soon after its inception shouldn be greeted by It should be greeted by cheers and a big pat on the back for everyone involved Look at the list of in a little over half a year The logo has been adopted and is spreading around town It on leather fobs It s on shirts Its on letterhead of a few businesses It on shopping bags It s on the flag and mast head of this publication There s a major research project underway to gather Ac ton leather history the first big step towards developing a museum and walking tour The three students doing the research are uncovering fascinating facts and creating interests Leathertown among many residents through displays fact sheets and inter views with longtime Actonians A couple of Leathertown displays in Acton Family Cleaners windows in the spring stirred interest among Acto mans in our heritage Now city folk are learning about Acton as reinforcing what they ve already heard about the town through Hide House advertisements Sometime this year or next draw television viewers will learn a lot more about Acton A pretty impressive list of foundation bricks for Leather town we think It confirms our belief that we backed a winner at the start of the year About the only negative note sounding for Leathertown is that it s being carried by just a few people Chip Petrillo and a few other people are shoulder the entire load Some people who have voiced great support for Leathertown even attended a few meetings have been a lit tie slow off the mark in the work department With a lot of other volunteer groups lack of workers would sound the death knell But not with Leathertown The of movers and shakers on this venture will do it all themselves if necessary It just means putting each block in place will take a little longer But then we re optimistic that as the blocks pile up more and more Actonians will climb on the bandwagon Why not be one of the leaders and not just a follower Climb on now The more hands on the band agon the less work there will be for everyone Children riding carelessly If Acton gets through this summer without a serious accident then it will be some kind of a miracle We ve preached previously about parents teaching their children their bikes safe It doesnt seem to have done much good but we feel we must remain on the soap box about this problem Children weave all over the road Bicycists have been seen here riding down busy streets two three or even four abreast Bicyclists darting out from between parked cars are common occurrence They ride against traffic ignore stop signs ride on sidewalks One youngster was spotted riding all over the street on Rd last week He couldnt hear the horns honking because he was wearing head phones from a radio Motorists look nervous tense and irritable Most drivers fortunately ex ercise caution while driving in residential areas through there are still some who race around on Acton streets like they were practising for the In We re really pressing our luck here Odds are careless driver and careless child on a bicycle are going to come into crunching contact one of these days this summer Then everyone will be sorry Parents should be drilling in to their children the necessity of obeying the rules of the road and riding cautiously What others sa Productive farmers The Glengarry News pays tribute to Canadian farmers It states If Canada manufacturing sector could perform as well as Its farming sector we be teetering on the brink of recession Canadian farmers are among the most productive in the world We have only three per cent of the worlds farmland and yet we produce up to six per cent of the world onto 17 per cent of the flax seed and two per cent of the world s meat and milk products In addition we export more than per cent of our grain the highest percentage in the world Each Canadian farm worker now produces enough food to feed people Only years ago the figure was people The importance of farming to our economy cannot be over emphasized Oneofthechallengesof the future will be to keep his In dustry alive in the face of mounting energy costs Alternatives to petroleum products are already being explored and there Is every Indication that farmers no strangers to In novationwill develop a solution to that prohlem also jeV On the Leavell Seems some ducks presumably from Beardmore have adopted a Church St E family Mrs Lisle says a duck made a nest in her shrubs just a few feet from the front door a few weeks ago Ejs were laid and after awhile eight young baby ducks were hatched That was Tuesday Since then she says It has become a common sight to see the mother duck leading her children across the street probably to a neighbours who la feeding them Residents In the area have taken to slopping raffle while mom and the kids go for an outing Mrs Hallady soys she has set a plate of water out so they can either drink or a She has also been feeding hem As cute and adorable as the critters arc Mrs hopes they don make a habit of nesting In her shrubs The eggs were kept a secret from he neighbourhood kids and so far they have been pretty reasonable about not bothering them But still hey arc a bit of a bother been quite a while since I men tioned resident Pierre in his column For hose who have lost track of him here goes Pierre will be lacing up his skates next month to play In a pre- expansion NHL old limers game in Markham Members of the six NHL teams will play an games scries to be filmed by Special Event Television for airing across Ihe country next winter There a lot of familiar names listed many a newly formed hockey nut like myself have never hoard of There plenty of infamous names on the roster The series will pit each cam against its and advance to semi finals finals and a Stanley Cup old timers style that is Some of the names taking part in the scries besides Pierre will be Ted Green John MaeKemie Derek San Pat Stapleton Dennis and Bobby Hull Chlco Makl Jim Pnppin Norm Cournoyer Henri Richard Andy Bathgate Rod Gilbert Brian Glcnnie Johnny Bower Eddie Shack Ron Ellis Sid Smith Dick Duff and Billy Harris I won admit which ones I don know Pierre will piny for the Chicago Black Hawks Reg and Bev and sons Greg and Phillip recently vacationed at camp With them to share this holiday were Mr and Mrs Henry Kasper and sons Christian and Denny from Ruthford J reports the fishing was good and the waterskilng swimming and sailing were great You cursed at them when they held you up as they paddled with heir babies across Fairy Lake on a spring day and now you re feeding hem to death Sounds like an excerpt from Free PrcGsstory doesntif Actually It part of a story in the Newmarket Era last week Seems Newmarket has a Fairy Lake and ducks and tho same situation as Acton Fairy Lake and Aeton ducks Over or Is it up in Newmarket Ihe South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority has warned the townspeople that feeding the ducks Is not only spoiling their digestive system but is also spoiling them not lo gather heir Comewlnter when they must fend or themselves they find out they don know haw Thai problem sure does sound familiar I it Not too long ago a similar controversy arose in this town Things have died down now and the ducks and Esther Taylor are content But look out Harold winter isn t that far away And In an effort to effort to improve upon if lhas possible and expand this column household hints will be offered by Mrs Mabel called Me an tier in Wed like to know if you like lhee columns within columns but give them a couple weeks chance to prove them selves Call me with your opinion Meandering by Mabel You probably sec them at the meat counter and pass them by Your mother never cooked them so why should you Treat them like barbequed spare and you re In for a treat Buy a couple of packages wash them off put Ihem in a roaster with a little water or do on a barbecue this year add a few onion flakes and simmer about a hour and a half Take out and leave for awhile until easy to handle Takeoff liquid and put In fridge so hardens on top and you can remove Take paper towel or whatever and remove as much fat as from the tails possible even cutting a bit of it off Make up a marinade of the liquid plus some honey garlic sail chili sauce or ketchup and soy sauce Pour over tails and leave until ready to use Turn on Broiler and broil until brown and succulent Serve with fried rice and you will find that fingers work well In eating these delicious tails view of Acton Fairy Lake and the subdivision as seen from George Gray little Iwo arena and Prospect Park con he seen upper centre he new seniors are upper left sealer Piper Colt Acton Photo by Jennifer Back issues 10 years ago The speed limit in highway between Acton and Georgetown will definitely be Increased from jO to miles an hour The OWRC has never given any In that the pollution control plant was not operating efficiently councillor Greer said when he spoke on the subject of the odors in the east end of Acton We are doing what we can to find out If the odor docs come from the pollution control plant In an effort to minimize noise emanating from their quarry at night Indusmin have ordered Improved mufflers for their rucks and will install them as soon as they arrive Exhausted but with a of new information HH Bert returned Monday night from a trip to Europe highlighted by a conference In Moscow Reeve Tom Hill told the Free Press last week Council has instructed its solicitor to write operators of the Toronto International to Inform them hey feel staging of the Canadian Hell Drivers Monday night represented a change in land use Reeve Hill said the operators have licence for drag racing only 20 years ago JulyZ7 Eighty six years ago this week the United Church building was officially opened This week the condemned structure is being demolished The demolition is to be completed by August 19 and land utilized for parking lot immediately Plans for future call for the erection of a new Christian Education Building where the old church stood Implementation of Community Centre building program moved three steps closer to realization by the action of Acton Council on Tuesday evening An ominous looking steel truck with bullet proof windows numerous locks and driven by armed guards made its appear in Acton Tuesday and was met by curious star era as it drew up at the Bank of Montreal Today Tuesday the Truck Express Company begins serving the Bank of Montreal 50 years ago July 1931 Mr and Mrs Barnes and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Landsbourough LitUe Miss Florence Barnes who had been spending he holidays in Acton returned home A busy time has been had at the play grounds of Acton the past week A week ago Monday in the Scotch Doubles Tournament the Challenge Cup was won by skip J James Barker aged employed by TE Squires Middle Road received severe head Injuries on Monday night when knocked his bicycle on Colbourne Street Oakville by a truck driven by Avenue Toronto After investigation police state that a charge would be laid against the driver Mr and Mrs R Watson and Tommy spent the weekend In Toronto 75 years ago Jul 1906 During a thunderstorm on Monday of last week IhelianiofMr Fred Denny Lot Co Erin was struck by lightning Tie end of the building and roof were torn out but the building was not fired Damage will not exceed The Free Press still has the pleasure of returning lost purses two more were given to owners his week one belonged a young lady visitor and among its contents was a cigarette A man from Brampton was in town on Monday investigating the prospects for opening a billiard room here He did meet with much encouragement When the council a few ago refused to grant a licence to a well kno area resident and property owner it is not likely they would grant a licence a stranger who has no Unrip at stake in this town 100 years ago July 1881 On Thursday last two large excursions passed through Acton over the T for Toronto The first train was composed of eight passenger coaches containing the school children of Stratford The second train contained nine coaches under the auspices of the Preston Brass Band Our village has increased to such an extent hat it was found necessary to divide it Into two polling subdivisions The division has been made and Mill Street is as the line whereby the two wards are divided It is a singular coincidence hat the wards Ihus divided each contain exactly the same number of electors as well as jurors Acton as a market for produce of all kinds and as a place for purchasing goods at the most reasonable prices is daily growing in favour with the farming community and we may see many customers here every week who have heretofore purchased Iheir supplies in other which are nearer to their horn i

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