Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1981, p. 5

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Leather tales Continued from page l the the Grand Trunk Railway Station was known as Acton West to distinguish this stop fronl Acton East which was in Que bec Homier another version is that the stop Quebec was called Acton Vale Beverly House on Church St where the apartments now stand was a magnificent mansion for the Beardmores and contained no less than IS fireplaces There was a park in he middle of town called the Commons and it covered the quivalent of two blocks today Fairview Cemetery s opening created a real controversy Opened 1886 there were fears the remains would contaminate the towns water supply a spring nearby ft happen Some also thought the new cemetery should be closer to town Cows were getting into Pioneer Cemetery and making a mess There were four owners of the Beard more tannery before that family acquired it The founder of the leather industry here was A braham Cordon Besrdmore a great great grand son of the head of the firm lives today in Toronto and has pro vided with a photograph which shows Beverly House in the background Ac tomans had told the researchers Gordon lived in Montreal Finding this descendant of the family has resulted in the girls uncovering more facts about Acton The founder of Beardmore George Lis is buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto along with other ly members The have a huge momument while a much more famous Canadian former Prime Minister zie King burled beside the has only a modest grave marker Another descendant Mar garet Larkm has been located in New market She is the great great granddaughter of Tarrence Beardmore and she can ber him being in charge of the tannery The grave of Ezra Adams afounderof Acton has been found in Drayton After he sold his land here he went to Drayton and helped found that community He was the first postmaster of Drayton The remains of another Adams Ransom were moved to Drayton from Pioneer Cemetery Almost since there have been settlers here there has been a leather industry because Ac ton had a lot of hemlock trees hemlock bark was crucial to the tanning of hides in those days When the hemlock trees disappeared so did the industry for a time For about five years even was virtually closed down until sole leather began being made here Gloves coming out of Acton firms like the Storey Glove Company were sold nation wide and were regarded as being among the best in the British Empire During World War a mosquito bom ber was named the Acton Bomber because so much money had been raised here in the sale of Victory Bonds The old Stone School where St Josephs is now and wh ch the commit tee hopes acquire someday for a museum was orginally the private residence of one of the town s wealthiest men Sydney Smith and it was called Place The first person buried in Fairview Cemetery was George Steel and his brother had o wned the cemetery land The first Beardmore home in Acton was a small building on the site of the present Canadian Tire store Later there were bowl ing greens on this property The tanning vats filled hemlock ex tract were useful for practical jokes New workers were forced to walk the plank over the vats and it was tilted so they d fall in This fate also awaited workers who weren Actario winners Bella Willow St North became the first person to win cash prize Tor the second lime on Saturday Miss also won a portable television for being on hand for the draw Merchant bonus prize winners were Vouchers from Family Cleaners Acton Dell and Acton Bowling were won by Werner Hess 88 Acton Blvd Margaret Wilson Mill St East and Ed Aclon won vouchers from Wooden Heart Restaurant Eds In NOut and Acton Photo and Camera Vouchers from Joliffe Shoes Acton Dell Superior Shoe and Family Cleaners were won by Mrs Gwen Tyler Mowbray Place and Tracey Tyler Peel St Charlie and Florence Cough Acton won vouchers form Nielsens Family Cleaners Family Restaurant and Jug City Acton Free Press Wednesday Aug Local Elizabeth Fry Society members support community service orders Anne Lindsay reads Free Press microfilm sear chin gout the secrets Leather town popular Mana John Frederick Agnes Ransom and Wilbur Streets were all named after the children of the original settlers of Acton the Adams As can be seen by this sampling of historical Information the girls have collected they have been busy researching not Just our leather age but also the entire community a history and that has swung some old time residents over to support them in their efforts A few older residents have expressed fears to the girls that the name of the town will be from Acton to Once Ihey under stand is just a promotional tool to put Acton on the map they are more positive Only a few people think Lealhertown and the re search la a waste of time A good number have granted the researchers Interviews the part of the Job they enjoy best They feel are still many more people who have Information to share Some have declined to be interviewed but have suggested the girls talk to someone else We really appreciate the help we have been given but we need a lot more they say Thoy can be reached at Also they realize they may have some facts wrong This can cosily happen when one Is doing historical research Or a resident may have a slightly different recollection of an event They encourage anyone to call them and disagree They are eager to hear as many versions of the town early days as possible so they can compile as accurate an account as they can Besides interviews the girls have been re searching Acton through the microfilm and bound copies of the Free Press Reading the microfilm is the most unpleasant task they have faced So far they ve read through over 60 years of this paper While they ve found out a lot by reading the back Issues of this paper it has also posed pro blems Since newspaper depend on re marks of the community citizens and news Is In a state of flux there are contradictions They Just think they got a fact nailed down and in another issue It has been changed But overall the Free Press files have proved to be the best source They been able to confirm many facts people told them in interviews with newspaper reports Like the paper Acton Ear ly Days has posed problems with numerous contradictions Laurel has already starting doing sketches for tour displays and will spend most of her lime through the rest of the summer doing drawings while Anne and Elizabeth wrap up their research and compile the final report alternative for judges Community work sen are generally an alternative to Jail turn but can also be an alter native o fines So far there have been 13 community service orders handed down for north llalton offenders and cases arc being worked up for three people facing the courts Hours of service have ranged from to ours and work has included picking up lit tcr driving clients of Women Place and the CI ildrcn Aid Society to doctors ap pointments helping out at ARC Industries and assisting with Hills parks and recreat ion programs In May alone five people performed hours of community vice in north and the Is always vol duties not a replacement for paid employment The chores likely get done if It for com service orders Comfort says there ore twoway benefits to society in community service orders It costs taxpayers a day to keep a person in jail lie community service order program just day sentences also include repairing damage done by vandals or making restitution to the victim in my view also I as benefits to thV of fender as well It im proves the self esteem Comfort said Comfort notes most offenders have low self esteem and often feel gu It arc ashamed of what they have done When a person Is on a community vice order sentence they are interviewed lo dot ermine their interests and skills so their time will be spent In a mean inglul way When they are doing something Ihey view as worthwhile and it helps relieve their conscience They feel they arc repaying their debt to society so It has a therapeutic effect Comfort declared So far none of the peo ple in north on community service have wound up back in court Provincial only per cent of people placed on community service orders have been In trouble with the low again The repeat rate for regular of pro- bat on is per in Ontario and per cent of people incarcerated up back bcllnd In Peel where the pro gram has been in for some time only seven or eight of the to offenders Involved have faced charges again Likely offenders for orders arc mole or fe male and over 1G Tl been found of assault property related crimes like theft under attempted theft break a id enter possession of pro perty possession of drugs careless use of weapons etc All of the crimes considered for community service order sentences arc predominantly non violent and non sexual Most people have no previous record of trouble with the law Since community orders go hand In hind with terms of probation failure to per form the work is a breach of probation and results in a quick return to court and jail term Met up with a for resident you haven seen for years Prove it a all world by calling in the news to On the at 2010 or 3224 Comfort shown here in a file photo is several local residents Involved with the work of the Elizabeth Fry Society A number of local res- Taylor Idents involved In the Community Service Peel Elizabeth orders arc relatively Fry Society arc hoping new but they are be judges will hand down down at rip- more community Idly Increasing rate vice orders as on Recently an Acton alternative to In- man was convicted career at Ion for offend- assault and sentenced to in north perform hours of In a recent Interview community service Comfort RR work for the BA Acton and Cathy Shane cleaning up lots nd the community service stores and performing order out other useful chores lined the program which Community service they believe Is an excel Orders were born across lent way to rehabilitate Ontario over three years offenders Comfort is the and like the chairman of the Elizabeth Fry con Fry Society administer the community advisory program a sentencing committee Other Acton residents on the com mittee are Margaret Chapman John and Enjoy the Charm and Warmth of FURNITURE Oak Leather Upholstered Oak with Leather Inlay Optional Cherry Walnut Pi or Maple ALL WINTER COATS continue at offseason prices up to OFF manufacturers suggested pri LADIES SPRINGS SUMMER SHOES at savings up to 9eaaterti Ave ACTON 919693 lOM H0USe COLOUR REPRINTS YOUR FAVOURITE COU5UR NEGATIVE SPECIAL LOW PRICE ONLY REG 55c each REPRINT SPECIAL- good for reprints from already colour rttffittvw not from rotlt Ftogutar tin prints only Bring your favourite colour to our atom with mis coupon great opportunity to mwI acton pharmacy ltd CORNEA MILL MAIN STS CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY ACTON BRANCH Call GEORGETOWN lOaautlphSLlonHwy Pott Offlca DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC J Kohari D T J Novak D T Phone 2314 Got an interesting bit of news about Acton or area people Call Helen at or 853 for On the Frontenac litre container ICECREAM Kraft Jar MIRACLE WHIP Capri Roll Pack TOILET TISSUE IGA 200 g POTATO CHIPS Kraft BARBEQUE SAUCE FOR OTHER SUPER SPECIALS CHECK THE FLYER DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR THIS WEEK IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE A FLYER PLEASE CONTACT THE ACTON FREE PRESS AT ACTON IGA DOWNTOWN ACTON PLENTY OP PARKING you know Da YoufighlSW pslales is a Is FREE Juslasklo you To noDu chase Iv and lanyth com You ye won FREE aMtte Hie on your very own brand new speed chance lo one si I out the Scutch To card you any part pal Da Queen even have lo be a Scralch To n I out your card leave I and you re Now thai si eat Du Teal n You R hi we you lo be a So when you the eta and Anil ih Da Queen J SYMBOLS youve your of the Queen Royal Teal FREE be to choose I on the best ng seed on I you can mac No tastes rising to taste entitle to last today Dairy Queen OFFER AVAILABLE AT Guelph Street and Rexway Georgetown

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