Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1981, p. 4

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Acton Press Wednesday Aug TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 619 Bui now and Ed to hi Off Founded In Don McDonald Publisher every Waflneadav by Printing Publishing Lid low Slreet Acton L7J Subscripted Slnola each fllSOOpt In ell other thai Tha Acton Press ti one of ho Publish Lid t ban newspapers which includes by Pickering News Tho Au Novvmo Bonner Bolton Enterprise Guardian Burl Post Tha Burl Post Tho Elob Tho Consumer Tho Independent Ma si and Sun Champion Tho News a Tho North York Consumer Tho North k nor I a Othawo Thu Week Oihswa Th a Weekend Tha P I Lbo at Scarboroufjh Consumer Tho See borough Mirror Tnbuna Wood dga No Advortalng accepted on lion thai In event of typographical error that port on of advert ting occupied by tho hern together with allowance for will not bo charged for but the balance of the advert Itament II be paid for at ho eppl cable rate In tho event of a eel goods el a wrong price goods or service may not bo sold Advertising Is an offer clou m I registration Number OBI EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Oord Murray Mw Editor Helen Murray sporM Dave Dork en Contributor far iDufcroom Peter Ml DEPARTMENT Manager Bill Cook Jennifer Advertising Thompoon National Advertising Dan T051 BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Shirley Jo CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Merchants must invest to develop Leathertown It is now within Acton s grasp to truly become a tourist attraction of signific in Ontario But the next 12 months will be crucial and only considerable investment by local business interests both in terms of time and money will bring the venture off And if the ball is fumbled in the next year then a golden op portunity will have been miss ed The Hide House the cornerstone of is bringing in a major attraction which will be not only a boost to that rapidly growing and thnv business and tourist but the entire town The smorgasbord restaurant which will locate and begin operating in the olde Hide House before the end of this year likely in September or Oc is a key addition to Leathertown The operators the same firm which runs the highly success Plainsman at Highways 5 and 6 have a proven record of drawing large numbers of travellers on tour buses for the luncheon buffet And tour buses are a key aspect of their venture at the Hide House Already they have lined up tour buses for visits in the next year But for the entire business community and Acton to derive full benefit from the Hide House and restaurant being here much more must be done on the Leathertown theme and time is of the essence This fall and winter the Hide House will draw a lot of people to town for shopping The Christmas and winter coat buy ing seasons guarantee money from throughout the Golden Horsehoe will be coming into Acton And for shoppers and tourists who don need winter coats the Hide House diver sified product line shoes wood and leather covered furniture western wear leather bags gifts and furs and even its urn que shopping atmosphere make it a powerful drawing card The addition of the restaur ant will bring diners from all over the Metro Peel and Hal ton areas to Acton Then to top it off there is the guarantee of diners and shop pers coming to town on the tour buses Add it all up and it means a solid chance for an attractive return on investment both time and money for Acton business community Shopping and enjoying a meal at the House is an ac tivity or attraction which is good for only about three hours So if is to be an attraction which draws families for a day or more and for repeated visits there will have to be more for tourists to see and do in town The ball is clearly in the local merchants court The bulk of investment in money and time to make Acton work must come from them The committee is comprised of a few very energetic volunteers with the backing of the Chamber of Commerce Limited fund has taken place and much more money must be raised or contributed to finance the exist ing projects While the business commun has been supportive of the committee s forts they haven t been backing the project too strongly either financially or in terms of attendance at meetings and help with the projects which have been started They must lend their time and expertise to the develop ment of the walking history tour complete with plays the museum and help stage special promotional pro jects like the Wmtario draw They could be of great help to the committee by raising funds to finance the tour museum signs etc as well as promotional projects Also local merchants have to start looking at lines of souvenirs for the tourists to purchase here shirts must be available at many outlets They should be looking for ways to incorporate the theme into their own lines of wares In ad dition they should start plan ntng their store window displays around the Leather town theme Local merchants must work tirelessly with the consultants and municipality to complete the downtown studies and then move quickly to begin refurbishing public lands down town At the same time they must invest in improvements to both the interior and exterior of their shops There question tourists in good number will be coming here in the years ahead First impressions will be portant Acton needs tourists telling their friends and relatives that this is a clean progressive friendly place to visit with lots to do has a firm foundation There is a ally guaranteed return on investment Now is the time for everyone to pay more than verbal sup port to Nows the time to spend money and work hard so that a year from now Acton is a gen ume tourist attraction If people leave with favorable first impressions of the com paign to make Acton Leather town then they 11 come back again and bring lots more peo ple with them Our readers write Scout thanks CJ 81 trip Dear Sir I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those citizens and clubs In Acton who made It possible for the 1st Scouts to attend the Canadian Jamboree held in Kananaskls County Canmore Alberta A special thanks goes to our Group Scoulers John Sharpies Bob McKee and our chaperon and friend nick Gib son Without heir valued knowledge and support It t have been poss ible for us to attend i would like to thank Group Com Acton Rotary Club The Scout and Guide Mothers and all those in who supported us financially and physically With their help It made the burden on our parents lighter I have enjoyed my first year in Scout and feel that every boy should have the rewarding experience that our troop had at cerely In closing I would also like to thank Mr and Mrs Kuechler for hosting barbecue to finish off our Scouting Sea Yours In Scouting David DeForest 1st Acton Scout Troop Is mot SHORT On the Leavell The Cook household on just got clear of two small from Alberta when three more from Germany took over the spare rooms Monlka Cook is entertaining her sis ter Rosi brother In law Ernie Weber and their daughter Corina from Prank West Germany for the next few weeks Us been two years since the sis tcrs have seen each other A holiday outing for Mrs Debbie of Eden Mills formerly of Acton turned out to be a bit more than she bargained for Lost week Debbie and her two youngsters Tarn and Troy and her grandmother Mrs J Sctiven of Acton enjoyed a train ride to London No sooner had they arrived when ad- vcrturous Troy got separated from his mother and ended up in all places in the police paddy wagon While the police drove the youngster around looking for his mom mother searched stores streets you name It Finally reunited the police wouldn let Troy out of their custody until they were assured through numerous questions that Debbie was In fact his Mom The entire incident was extremely embarrassing Debbie says I have to wait another 30 years before I can retire and then chances of there being any money in the Canada Pension fund are slim to none However Wellington Peel MP Beatty could get to collect his pension in the next few years and he s only five years older than I am Seems Is in the midst of a controversy right now because MPs are eligible for a pension of per cent of their salary after 19 years serving the public Perrin was first elected In 1973 at the age of That means In five years when ho Is 37 he will be eligible for the pension He has to fight one more election to reach that milestone however but the way lie sweeps In the landslide victories that probably won be a problem Seems Perrin has been singled out as an extreme example of the govern generous pension plan for MPs Never without the facts however has pointed out that two other MPs could also be getting the pension at an early age There a a Saskatchewan MP who will be eligible In two just two months after his birthday and another one in New Brunswick who will be when he reaches his years of service The pension Is per cent of the MPs salary fully transferable to his spouse and accumulating to the time ho reached when Indexing takes over But I predict it will be a long time be fore will be retiring During the short reign of the Progressiva Con servatlve party a few years ago Perrin was made a cabinet minister the youngest In national history He turned 30 just a few days after the election If ho sticks to his present success cam Pcrrln could be a very viable candidate in a PC nomination con vention and may well someday bo the Prime Minister of Canada You read It here first with my vast knowledge of the political system of this country it will be the only prediction ever make and it not even all that impossible Wedding anniversary i I out to Jim and Gibson ale their silver In an open house Saturday at St Albans Parish Hall Both are very well known in town It was who led me to a life of lei sure by selling me a second hand dish washer I forever indebted to her Happy anniversary Mark September 12 on your calendar for the Crafts and Antique Sale at man Garden Centre on Highway 23 just south of town and Tultman will provide space for booths for their flea market typo affair They expect tables of pre serves crafts and antique furniture and hope to get many more booths There are already lots of booths signed up For more Information call Sandra Keniie from joined 7 parents and health leaders from 30 nations and six continents for the Eighth International Conference of La League at Chicago Conrad Hilton Hotel Over speakers addressed the delegates at the four day conference covering all medical nutritional and behavioral aspects of child care which are directly related to breast feeding La League Is the only Inter national organization whose major pur pose is to help mothers who want to breast feed their babies The seven mothers who founded the league In 1B56 out of their own need for information had no idea that years later their organization would reach one million mothers annually Headquartered In Franklin Park Illinois the League s mother- tomotner network now in cludes over 12 certified leaders and 4 GOO groups In countries La Leche League has influenced an entire generation of mothers has changed course of Infant feeding practices and has brought about a re newed Interest In the age old art of breastfeeding Acton La League holds meet lngs monthly to acquaint those In tcrested with the physical and practical aspects of by Mabel Barkman Scissor Scissors are very Important In the kitchen even more so nowadays than ever before Have you ever tried to open a pack ago of soda biscuits lately Or potato chips Its almost impossible and down right dangerous to use teeth anymore Ice box lettuce tends itself to scissors in making a salad and is even better snipped with To prepare croutons to go with the salad scissors are to cut the bread in suitable strips and then in cubes And to make bread stuffing use scissors too Bacon can be cut In pieces to fry and add to a quiche Even slices of cheese for quiche can bo cut with scissors Perhaps the most important use for sciosors nowadays Is to cut the bags of milk we buy Nothing else seems to work as well If you have children the scissors should bo tied In the drawer or put in an Inaccessible place or you will be frustrated looking for them all the lime As you read this your mind will be going over all the times you have used scissors In the kitchen the number of times can go on forever to cut string to cut paper for garbage to snip off the tip or a bottle to rim broken finger etc etc A useful piece of l be sure k Joat very prominent resident list when Audrey died suddenly her home At her fun a poem written by her children was read In honor of all the community work Audrey did In her years in Rock wood the following is that poem To Our Mom Mom oh Mom What would we do If we all had to live Not knowing about you You were always there When we needed a friend You stuck by us Til the very end And now when we think back To our childhood with you We know you were doing The best you could do We wish wo could give you Half of our years Tor all of your pain And all of your tears So when ve gathered up And then triple the sum We re saying Thank you so much And we all Love You Mom Love from Gordon Paul Brian Lynda Susan Our thoughts will be with you until eternity and Bill of Limehousc returned recently from a month Hon in Germany England and Ireland Kathy is a teacher at Middle School The couple left July 20 While away they Just missed the riots In London missed the rioting In Dublin by one day and were stopped often by the army in Northern Ireland In Ger many they had a chance to visit East Berlin which describes as quite an experience tie nervous going through Checkpoint Charlie Rick Bonnette of Acton Travel has been receiving ribbings from friends about a story that was in last week Free Press The article was about the US Air traffic controllers and its effects on local residents Thestorysaid HeRickhadnoono travelling during this week making It sound as If Rick has no customers Well rest assured Acton Travel does Indeed have customers What the sentence meant and therefore what it should have read was that he had no clients who were cither leaving or coming home during The weekdays all were travelling on tho weekend Don worry Rick going hungry The home of Mr and Mrs Robert McKec Churchill N has a visitor this week Christian La bbe 13 of Men real Istakingpartinthesccondhalfof a Smile Across Canada program sponsored by son Kenneth spent last week In real at Christian home program is an annual one put on for children of employees Youngsters from to 14 years of age are sent across Canada visiting with other employees families for a week Once the week 13 up the youngsters re turn to the other home Monday the exchange visitors and hosts visited Canada a Wonderiand courtesy of Back issues 10 years ago August P Whiting and Mayor told the Free Press this week that they have been right on lop of the possible extension of the GO transit system proposal being discussed now by federal provincial and Metro Toronto represent The third and fourth games of the Junior C Lacrosse finals are scheduled here this Saturday Acton Rams favorites take the liUe from emerged from the two day opening games with the first game 11 but losing Sunday ternoon s contest 1013 to a tight checking team Joe Pctric has been awarded a scholarship given by Waterloo Music Conservatory through the Royal Con of Music Joe auditioned at the Conservatory in Toronto Tor a scholarship in June and learned he had been sue while acting as head counsellor at Ontario Youth Music Camp last month 20 years ago August 10 1961 Slartlng in Actons oldest businessman and merchant Harold Wiles and his sister Laura Wiles will celebrate years in the tobacco and confectionery business this Friday at IB Mill St The store also serves as a Gray Coach depot A charter member of the Acton Y Men club and a consistently active worker in the organization since he first joined McKenzie Main St North was elected by unanimous vote to the position of area vicepresident during the international convention In Chicago July 27 to August A young teenage patrol leader with the First Acton Scout Troop Rodger La douceur was honoured Monday evening during the Scout meeting when he was presented with a Golden Arrow Badge This is the first time the badge has been presented by Provincial Headquarters to any Scout 50 years ago Thursday August 13 1S3I George Leslie treasurer of township had a narrow escape from being killed by a fei bull Following the discontinuance of the electric railway the Arrow Bus Lines ore inaugurating an added service For some months alterations have been underway at the warehouse of Leathers Ltd preparatory to moving the cut sole tap sole and counter department from Toronto to Many of the employees will move to Acton Some years ago Messrs removed the welting and belt manufacturing depart merits of their plant to and con soli dated the business in the Acton buildings This further move is a decided asset to the industrial life of the com 75 years ago Thursday 1908 Associated with the earliest history New England Stales Quebec then Lower Canada and Upper Canada now Ontario arc the U Loyalist branch of the great Adams family of Massachusetts and the death of Maria Adams Swann wife of the Rev Matthew Swann of two weeks ago removes one of the oldest living members of the family In Ontario Born at Adams ville now Acton in 1823 she married Rev Swann in 1846 She was the generation In America her branch referring to seek a new home rather than reak allegiance with the motherland although tho signatures of two members of another branch were attached to the Declaration of Independence Her father Ezra Adams was one of the pioneer preachers first circuits being from Creek to King and during a long life of usefulness was one of the prominent leaders of the Methodist church of Canada The Adams were a family of pioneer preachers when they settled In Acton back in the 20 of the last century years ago Thursday Augusts Voting on the Town Hall bylaw takes place Friday Poll your vole in favor of the bylaw School commences next Thursday August The boys enjoy bathing in Pond during the hot weather A number of boys were before the reeve this morning for indecently exposing their persons while bathing Inst evening They were fined each with a caution A large number of towns and villages In Ontario have their Civic Holiday tomorrow and many excursions are planned Mr Peter has purchased the plow foctory including machinery and the water privileges He will also manufacture cabinet of all kinds The constable has been very busy looking after the cows past week He Is determined that none will escape him cither day or night Quite a number of citl have been obliged to visit he pound our village councillors among hem

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