Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 19, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton Free Aug TELEPHONE ami Ed i Off Founded in Don McDonald Publisher Published every Wednesday by P no Lid at Willow Acton Ontario Telephone 6191 each The Acton Preea one of the Prtntlnn PubnthlngLid group ban which include Pickering The Aurora Newmarket Banner The EntarpibM Guardian The Thi BuHIngta Weekend The Guardian Etobicoko Conwmor lndpanctnt Ms Economiit and Sun The Champion Newmarket Aurora Era Tha North York Consumer North York Mirror Beaver Thla Oihawo Weekend The Richmond Hill Liberal The Tha Scarborough Mirror Stoutfville Advertising accepted on condition that tho event of that ponton of the apace occupied by a together allowance for alonature will not gad for bur balance of advancement II be paid for at rata In oven of a typoo Qr dvertialng gooda or aervlceietawrongprtce goodeor andmoybewlihd awn any tlmo I Second mall registration Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray New Helen Mut ay Sport Contributor Barr Dark room Pater Mill ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Cook Jennifer Advertising Thompson National AdvanUlnaSaUa Rap Den PaymiMtS BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Shirley Spadina Joliette vote is message to vacationers Voters throughout Ontario and Quebec owe their brothers and sisters in Spadina and a big vote of thanks Firstly they showed we re not quite as dumb as we have ap peared since we sent Pierre and his Liberals back into power in 1980 by defeating both of the Grit candidates in Monday s byelections But more importantly they sent a clear message from cen Canada to Ottawa We are fed up with a government that on vacation and showing no concern and only disinterest in the shabby shape of our economy Byelections are notorious for being a spot where we can safe ly rap the government knuck les and still not go through the trouble of changing govern Between general elections governments will often lose a string of byelections and then be returned to power For that reason they don often indicate a proper mood of the electorate or a trend But these two seats were um que Spadina was viewed as the safest Liberal seat in English Canada The Liberals had a heavyweight carrying their flag Jim Coutts the man be hind Trudeau himself for so many years now Coutts ran the same kind of campaign he ran for Trudeau in the last federal vote say nothing and stay away from any thorny issue like the economy Fortunately it t work Also possibly the Liberals have learned a much needed lesson about manipulating us like we were silly putty They booted a young backbencher up to or is it down to the Senate to clear the way for Coutts a move which disgusted many They must have also learned the ethnic vote is no longer theirs to claim as if it was their right Chinese Italian etc voters deserted the Liberals in droves for the winners NDP candidate Dan Heap and the Tones Laura Sabia In act had the Conservatives not done much much better than they usually do in Spadina Heap would undoubtedly have won by substantially greater margin Tory veteran LaSalle held the seat for the Conser vatives preventing the Lib erals from putting a lock on Quebec completely However while he was expected to win his margin over 14 votes compared to by less than last time out indicates finally there is disfavor with Trudeau in his home province The Liberals threw everything they could at Joliette but still wound up sliding Hopefully these loud messages not just from Ont and Quebec but in fact for all Canadians will be heard in Ottawa and they get back to work and start doing something about our economic mess of spiralling inflation slumping currency and int rates This message should either prompt to take action or move his timetable ahead for retirement Our readers write Leathertown chairman says group needs HELP Since the beginning of the year the Committee has under taken many Initial steps to secure the identity of Acton as We have designed and adopted a logo and paused out logo key rings to the stud ents In all the schools In the area We have undertaken the exciting and com Heated task of compiling an accurate of Acton and its development A museum site has been tentatively chosen and we are working toward the realization this site as our historical base A route for tho Museum Walk has been set up The list goes on and on A great deal has been started and there is even more to be done The Wednesday August 1B81 issue of the Acton Free Press contains an editorial that each of us In Acton should read It points out the tremendous potential of our and its people potential Is now being developed by the Committee but as the editorial states we need help Saturday August29 1981 is the date of the last Actario draw In the year les As part that draw the Actario people have planned a Market for Willow Street front of the town hall Leathertown will have a booth at the market to show the people of the town just exactly what we have done and what we hope to do We will also be our first guided walking tour of the town and its historical sites But as earlier we need help The point of this letter Is Help We need people to help with our efforts People who want to get Involved We also need financial Help We need to pay for various feasibility studies and many many other things There Is a saying that It takes money to make money In order to fully explore the potential of Leathertown We need financing and we need It now The next meeting of the Acton Committee Is Wed nesday August at 30 to Your con tribution of time Is just as important as your financial contribution Please attend our meeting and donate your lime and Ideas 104 Acton Help us finish the great things we have started Remember The ultimate beneficiar ies of what we have started will be the people of Acton Thank you In advance I remain Chip Chairman Leathertown Committee Appreciates program program I look forward to future programs so does my son Dear Sir I would like to thank oil of the aquatic staff of Hills Summer Swim program at the town pool enrolled my son for two sessions and was extremely pleased with the An appreciative parent Letters welcomed On the Letters to the editor ore welcomed but they must be signed and the phone number of the writer Included The phone number won t be published and if requested tho name won t be either However he paper must know the Identity of the writer Letters are edited for libel and slander and should be kept as brief as possible Acton said goodbye to Flo and Louis Charlebols and family who are making their home in New Brunswick now after seven years in Acton Even the town of Halton Hills fond farewells Councillor Terry Grubbe and good friend of the Charle bols presented the couple with a pen and pencil set on behalf of Mayor Pete Kills crests were also given out to each member of the family as a remembrance of their years In Ac ton The family said goodbye to their home on Friday when the movers took their furniture away but stayed in town until Saturday sleeping at Grubbes Nassagawcya resident Robert Bateman is making quite a name for himself with his paintings A few of his paintings will make him even more famous when they hang In one of the new homes of England Prince Charles As a gift to the cou ple he sent some of his work which was typical of Canadians The Marauders ladies softball team recently held a lucky draw at home of Phyllis Garrett Arthur St Winners were 1st 2nd B Patterson 3rd J Pickles K Smith and J Crabtree Jim Gordon recently visited me and showed me a of poems col lected by his mother Lottie Gordon World War II In all he figures there ore over poems clipped from newspapers some religious some not about the King Colonel McCrae Hitler the Lome Scots tho Flag and men of land Soldiers Kaiser mothers fathers the Queen Mother grand mothers and Christmas fill tho book Jim explained that when his oldest brother Harold joined the RAF and was in the war his mother was inspired to start the book Her clippings appeared for a while but Jim just located recently He plans to donate them to the Legion War Arch Ives so they may be shared by everyone In town She also had a book of songs but Jim t found It yet Almost 160 people turned out to St Parish Hall last Saturday to help Jim and Ena Gibson celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary Their actual wedding date was August yesterday but daughter Carolyn was home for the day from an out of town Job and the whole family wanted to be together to share the occasion Daughters Pat and Carolyn Gibson and son Rick planned the big event right down to having their mothers wedding dress and a bridesmaid s dress on dress forms The original floral bouquets were dup licated to help bring back as many memories as possible Pat baked the wedding cake and Carolyn Iced It One of the bridesmaids Mrs Jones woe on hand to help pour tea while Kathy and Bill Sanford video taped the entire afternoon and evening Guests attended from Toronto Strat ford Hamilton Bowman viile Brad ford Caledon and Hanover Special guests were Ena parents Mr and Mrs G Jennings from Eden Mills The table cloth used for one of the tables was crocheted In the pineapple design by nephew Gary Couture from Stratford About of the guests at the open house returned to the Gibson home on Mill St for a supper between the after noon and evening open houses Roy Brooks of Acton dis covered a little more than crops while out working In his Fifth Line fields yesterday morning Tuesday He found a inch puff ball mushroom It not the first time he found them and the family enjoyed a delicious meal of It that day by Mabel Bar km an Fingernails During tho summer when we are con stantly working In the garden our fingernails and even our hands get grimy with dirt Gloves protect a great deal but often they are lost or the fin gers are worn through and the hands get dirty I have found that a weak solution of bleach works wonders Swish the hands through a few times then wash thoroughly with water and a scented soap Bleach full strength Into the grout in the bathtub with a tooth brush also removes the black mildew one often sees this time of year High quality lawn chair la still being done by handicapped em from ARC industries Hornby this summer they are working out of Hills Rewebbing a Bummer project made possible through a federal project 1981 grant ARC Industries one of the services of the North Halton Association for the Mentally Retarded has offered rewebbing services for many years along with a variety of pack aging llghtassemblysalvageand other subcontract work for local industries This summer b grant has enabled ARC to move the operation to separate roomier quarters in the old Sunshine School In Hornby The project Is supervised by one of four students hired by the for summer Gordon a handicapped employee who lives independently In Georgetown explains that the old web bing is stripped from the chairs which are then drilled for new webbing chosen by the customer to be Installed ARC trains and supports handic apped men and women like Mr Frlzzel to work as Independently and pro ductively as possible says Rhonda Patterson vocational dlr ector Hills rewebbing gives challenging and valuable work ex to the three to six adults work i here At same time it Is a good deal for local residents who prefer to pay for re- webbing a chair or for a lounge rather than the steeper cost anew chair said Mrs Patter The rcwcbblng is used by residents from all over North with the Georgetown Legion giving very strong support by collecting and delivering large numbers of lawn chairs said NHAMR representative Edith Hllf man For more Information call Mrs Hllf man at or Arc Industries at 878 Seems Acton has a thief who likes to take it easy Got a call recently from a concerned Acton resident who says her lawn chairs were stolen from her front steps sometime Sunday night She was using them In the evening and they were gone In the morning And a neighbor is also missing a lawn chair taken at the same time The resident explained her chairs had been Bitting out for years with no pro blem and she Is a bit upset at tho dis appearance They are the old redwood kind and cannot be replaced CRAFTY IDEAS by Joan Williamson I picked up a copy of the Fall Fair prize list the other day Now that Is a sign that summer on its way out And If the Fall Fair is coming then the bazaars and Christmas sales aren tar behind Here a basic pattern that can be used with a litUe Imagination In the tail and ear line for a variety of woolly animals Vary the size of toy by us ing different thicknesses of wool and sizes of knitting needles It makes a good dog and can also be a lion hippo cat and even a pony with longer legs Your Basic Beast Use garter stitch knit every row Body Cast on stitches Knit tor 3 Inches then start to decrease by knit ting the first two and the last two stitches together on every row until there are no stitches left on the needle End off This gives you a long piece pointed at one end Fold piece in half lengthwise and sew together from the pointed end down Stuff with poly ester before closing end Head Make a piece by casting on 10 stitches and knitting two Inches Cast off Fold piece in half lengthwise and sew together shaping muzzle end of head by pulling on the short end seam as you sew Sew head lo the angled end of body piece Legs Cast on stitches and knit one Inch Cast off Make four Sew them to gether and stuff before attaching to body Ears Pointed cars can bo made by knitting a triangle cast on four Btlt ches knit one row then decrease one at each end of next row knit two together and end off Sew to head curving ear at base For longer ears hound cast on two stitches Increase one stitch at each end of the next row and at each end of the following row slXBtitches Knit four rows one stitch at each end of the next three rows End off two ears of either type Talis Cast on IS stllches knit two rows cast off Sew together lengthwise To lengthen tall cast on more stitches Embroider eyeB or sew on felt eyes and nose Add a bow Use your own ideas to create a special beast Change ears and tall lengthen the legs Back issues 10 years ago AugUltIB 1971 Rev Joseph J Glllcn pastor at and the mission Church at Fergus will be the new parish priest at St Joseph Church He will succeed Father V J Morgan who is retiring as pastor of St Jos eph Acton after more than years of service The Free Press has once again won first prize as best all round newspaper In its circulation Acton consumers can expect a slight Increase in their hydro bills as a result of a new rate structure which goes Into effect November 1 this year Last week s record rains on the Tuesday washed out driveways and caused havoc at the Ontario Housing Corporation develop ment on Cobblehill Road Some nearby residents were engulfed by the heaving mass of dirt 20 years ago August IT The Installation of artificial ice In Acton Arena moved one step closer to realization Wednesday evening At a special council meeting the proposal of J B Mackenzie for the ice equipment building was accept with minor reservations C Alexander Sandy Brat MP for announced this morning that final purchase of two lots had been completed for a new Federal Post Office in Acton The old horse trough drinking fountain located at Main St South is destined for a new location In the park following a dec ision by Parks Board Tuesday Mayor John H Goy enquired about the relocation of the trough drinking fountain and was told as soon as town workmen could find time the antique fountain used In horse and buggy days and enjoyed to this only by Actons only horse Nell of Masales Dairy could be located In park 50 years ago Thursday August Saturday night the last electric car from Guelph to Toronto passed over the line and it is now dead quite a gathering at Acton station to wave farewell There were passengers on the last car among themtheeditorofthoFrce Press Thefirst car passed through Acton on April 12 The 15th annual exhibition of the Rock wood Horticultural Society last Saturday was well attended at the own hall There were 372 entries Acton ladles were eliminated in the first round the Western Ontario Lawn Tennis playoffs in Acton players were Miss Garden Miss Kennedy Miss Tyler and doubles Miss Brown and Miss Cowie Miss Kennedy and Miss Garden A splendid new garage is under con for Norton Motors at the corner of Mill and Wilbur Lacrosse Is making a start in Acton again there being a crowd of boys down practising last night Everybody who has a stick be down at the park with it and let get the old game going again 75 years ago August lb 1906 The town fathers convened at one of their very special meetings and out of the maze of municipal finances gathered together the estimates with a view to fixing the tax rate The mill rate was struck at IB mills Then the matter of extending the new cement walk to the cemetery entrance was debated in a most undignified session A petition signed by 130 citizens was presented by Mr Horry Ross Some of the petitioners could see nothing but their side of the question Mr James one of our most highly esteemed residents passed away of an acute affection of the stomach He was blacksmith for Messrs and Co As a lad he was apprenticed to the late Michael Speight and later purchased his employer business Mr John engineer for Acton Tanning Co has purchased the dwelling on Willow street belonging to the estate of the late John Elliott 100 years ago August A small Insert with the Free Press shows the chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel prepared by Little The road leading into Acton from the south is In almost Impassable condition with a number of bad holes between McPhee s property and Speight blacksmith shop On Monday Mr Wm Scott cut nine acres of very heavy oats in five hours Messrs John McLean Malcolm McDermld Henry McMastcr and George Smyth bound the oats keeping Up with the machine throughout the whole time A tramp who had been riding between two cars on the railway fell off after the train left Rockwood and was terribly injured Tho train returned to and the Injured man was carried into s hotel and medical attendance was procured An arm was amputated but a few minutes later the poor fellow suc cumbed to his injuries

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