Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1981, p. 4

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Trio Acton Press WodnoEday Oct 7 TELEPHONE 15191 Founded Don McDonald Publisher by Motrolond Pi Publishing Ltd at How Acton Ontario L7J Talaohono GISI 1300potyanrlnCaruidi In other The Acton Fraa Press tt Mo island Printing Pub no Ltd suburban h Anon BannWfJowma Era Aurora Era Ed lion Do ton Enierp Brampton Guardian Poal The Poit Tho Etot coke Advert Tho Gooroatown Indopandoni Mo and Sun Tho Milton Champion Tho News Weekend Ed lion North York The North or Oakwil Beaver Iks Ida Beaver Oihawa Th This Pool Coniumo I Lboet Tho Sea bo Consumer is Tribune tdoatr Vaughn Advancing accented on the that In the event of typographical error that portion the ling apses occupied by the torn together with reasonable allowance not bo charged but the balance of the will be paid tor at tho applicable rata In event a typographical of advert a good of good ton cat may bo Advert no la merely an oiler may a thd EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Helen Murrey Contributor Jennifer Bert Peter ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager Bill Cook Salt Jennifer Bar Ctaaalflad Ga I Thome ion National Rep BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE OHIea ThomhSI Shirley Pot Kent nw Congratulate cancer workers on independence We like to offer our congratulations to the exec utive and volunteers of the new independent Acton Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society A lot of work by a lot of people went into achieving this feat of independence from the George town unit Cancer workers here have an enviable record of 25 years ser vice to the community Acton deserves to have an in dependent unit not just because of the efforts of cancer vol unteers but also the generosity of the entire community The Cancer unit is the second local charity to achieve its independence from George towns organization this year Last January the Red Cross struck out on its own and there has been no drop the levels of service or efficiency It s interesting to note that eight years after Acton lost its political identity and became part of Halton Hills with Georgetown and some local organizations long amalgamated with Georgetown are now deemed strong and mature enough to be ent Clergy Comment by Rev John Robertson I want to share with you a wilder ness experience I went through in early In fact ill health forced me to apt for an early retirement from the Ministry If know what It is to have a pain that is unrelenting if you have had your marriage partner choose another and leave you if your dream to build a family becomes fractured and fragmented if you have been grief If you have seen your business hopes terly smashed if you have had problems then you know what it means to wander in the wilderness So often the wilderness Is the I want to tell you how I found the way First of all I had to call for help Watching the Hour of Power one Sunday morning I heard Robert Schuller say that one has to yell blue murder if need be if help is to come He told the story of Helen Hayes Things were going well for her She was a successful actress She chose her plays determined the parts everything fell into line Then her daughter Mary died She was in despair She struggled trying to get back to God and the problem was that she make it happen with God as she could with the world One night restless and sleepless she turned on the light and In desperation turned to the Psalms I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined unto me and heard my cry She read and reread it and life changed for her She hod cried for help and the cry was answered So was mine This upset was to set me up A new dir was given to my life Then I discovered I had to keep the Faith run away In the wilderness life may seem senseless and the temptation Is to throw away our faith turn away from the Church worship the Sacraments and from those who can encourage you and surround you with understanding love Your lends can go off and say they don wont to be your friends anymore But Christians cannot go off and say they disown you I made one of the momentous dls coveries of my life to find myself surrounded with the encouragement and understanding of my Session and people both Inside and outside my congregation Keep the faith Do not turn away from those who ore touched by the Spirit of Jesus Christ and who can bring healing to you And don t forget to pray That simply means keeping the connect Ion alive If God is in your wilder ness experience with you and the Incarnation of Jesus Christ means that He certainly is then recognize It affirm It pray speak with Him I found out through prayer that no night is endless the light Is never far On the Our readers write Leathertown inaugural meeting open to public Dear Citizen of Acton The Association an profit community organization has replaced the Leather town Committee launched seven months ago by the Chamber of Com The new body goal Is to rep resent the entire community and not benefit any specific groups or businesses Leathertown aims to increase local awareness and appreciation of Acton heritage foster a more positive at litude about Acton and bolster this town sense of identity We are ing a tourist Image to strengthen the economic base of the com unity Efforts by both and citizens have given this reject a strong foundation on which to There is growing public recog acceptance and support for the Work has already begun on a number of new projects These projects include a Leathertown fashion show later this month a draw tentatively scheduled for November signs for the four en trances to Acton development of displays for the recently mapped out walking tour of Acton brochures for use by tourists coming here as well as for distribution to tourist centres across Ontario and a big Leathertown Days celebration next May 15 and IS featuring a Monte Carlo night high school reunion street dances and many other activities Membership In Leathertown is like your vote you II get more out of it if you exercise your franchise and par ticipate Sincerely ChlpPetrillo Chairman We are inviting you to the Inaugural meeting of the Association Thursday Bennett School at 7 30 m Everyone is come A slate of officers for the lation board of directors will be resented at that time along with de- tils about both long and short term projects Refreshments will be served Thanks mayor works dept for Lakeview Phase II The following letter was filed with the Free Press for publication Mr P Pomeroy Mayor Town of Hills Georgetown Ontario Dear Pete The Town Councillors often receive calls or letters about complaints but the purpose of this letter la to congratu late the members of Council and the Public Works staff for the manner in which Phase of the reconstruction of the streets in was completed Graham Construction of Brampton Ontario provided adequate equipment and knowledgeable workmen who com this contract In less than two months with every consideration to reasonable concerns of the local citizens Mr Mayor please convey our sincere thanks to the members of Council and Mr Robert Austin and his staff at Pub lic Works We all look forward to the completion of Phase III when tho subdivision will be properly viced something that should have been done when thq area was first developed Yours very truly Pat Birthday greetings go out to White who marked years last Wednesday Arllc president of the newly formed Acton unit of the Canadian Cancer Soc iety was presented with a birthday cake the evening before at the Unit s charter meeting At that meeting apologized for not being able to speak as well as he well educated guests at the special meeting party However no apology was necessary as the words that come from the heart better than the words that come from a dictionary Hills Councillor Mike Arm strong won hide rug in a draw to raise funds for It was Esquesing councillor Pam Sheldon who pointed out hat tho winning ticket was sold by Councillor Marilyn Ser drawn by Councillor Walter won by Couttslllor Armstrong and sup posedly worn by Councillor Miller who Is a little shy of hair The Deed played a big part in the draw My personal tula Ions to the five Acton volunteer firefighters who received year plaques from the town Monday evening for long service to the department Doug Mason Phil tal Norm Price Don and John Krapck were all recognized Firefighters are as crazy as rep orters an ding out in the cold at a fire scene or In the pouring rain I guess It is dedication to the job Of oil the fires I covered the most memorable one a house fire In Nassagaueya It was bitterly cold and the was In between the walls of he house no flames Just danger After hours of standing In the cold in a very short skirt and ski Jacket it was many years ago my legs went numb and I began to think how senseless was waiting o gel a picture of a house collapsing A terrific journalistic opportunity for the newest on staff However was too cold to walk back to my cor But in fine firefighter tradition I was saved I was invited to sit In the with the motor end heat running Once I thawed out I took a few quick and went back to my car to end back to the office However I promptly got tost an the back roads of the township and my gas tank was on empty I sputtered and spurted back to own eventually but somehow my en eagerness to be a dedicated reporter had waned somewhat I have since learned to always have a pair of slacks In my car but the situation has never cropped up again Congratulations men And thanks for helping the town get a better sleep at night What could have been a tragic story turned out to have a happy ending this time when Shawn Lamberts stolen dog Leather was returned One Sunday night someone entered the Lambert back yard on Street and cut die rope on which their shepherd was tied The police later con firmed the rope had been cut A next door neighbor heard noise in Ihc back and when he went to investigate he saw some children in the neighbors yard It wasnt until hours later when the Lamberts returned home that it was discovered the dog was missing A week later a man visited the Lambert and said they had found the It had no col jar or tags But Leather knew he was home ana dashed Into the arms of his owner Why was Leather untied In the first place Was he the object of theft or prank or did someone feel sorry be cause the poor dog was tied up Whatever the reason whoever untied him was violating the law and butting in where his business was not needed or wanted Some folks say it Is inhumane to tie a dog up Well I strongly believe it is inhumane to see a dog dead on the side of the road hit by a car while wander ing about I think it is Inhumane to see a farmer s sheep mauled by a pack of dogs yes pets at that I think It Is inhumane when a child must endure painful rabies shots because an animal he came in contact with might have had rabies I cringe when I sec a dog at the side of the road I know I would feel If it was my pet lying there lifeless So kids or whoever let Leather go don do the dog any favors you could be killing him The first ever Speakers Luncheon is being held next Thursday October at Acton Meadows Golf Club thanks to the Acton Chamber of Commerce Gordon SlovelCLU a financial planning expert will he speaking about taxes inflation and business continuity The luncheon starts at noon meals are available at the club No prereglstralion Is and all are welcome disabled are certainly getting busy on Sunday Handicapped swim ming is Sunday morning and now a special ceramics class is being held at the Acton Jackson of Milton is donating her time each Sunday for ten weeks for the disabled and senior citizens to learn ceramics There is no fee and in a class la Ideal The program will run from p to p For further information contact Eileen Dlx the Eileen reports there are still openings in many other courses My father Ben Leavell got his picture In the Collingwood newspaper fast week with the Legion executive up there He the secretary Also In picture Is director McEachern cousin of McEachern of Acton by Mabel Barkmin Gift Wrap One day friend of mine brought me a bread and butter gift when she arrived for lunch I remarked how beautiful the wrap ping paper was and she said she hardly ever bought wrapping paper any more because It was so expensive She said that she looks through magazines and newspapers and whenever she sees a page that is brightly colored she saves It Then when has a present to wrap she uses some of the pages I have dec ided to use this method and for children I will use the comics If he paper comes off In one piece child can oven read the comics CHAFTl IDEAS by Joan Williamson and pieces Everyone who docs handicrafts shares a common problem what do you do with those bits and pieces thai are quite small enough to throw out and not quite big enough to use If you sew and like to make quilts cushions and other Items that can bo done in a crazy pattern you re all set Simply blend your colors and pro duce a length of crazy quilt material to use If you knit small scraps can be used up in the same way resulting In some wonderfully wild random pat terns or in a new set of doll clothes Crocheters have the same solution he end of I heir hooks But what do you do with the bits of felt ribbon and leather that you find left over With the price of these items rising daily It really pains me to throw out what may be a perfectly useful piece of material Here are three ideas for small Items which can use up the scraps and provide bazaar items and stocking or children projects Corner Book Mark This Is a on he conventional book mark Take a three Inch square of felt or lea Cut the square in half on a gonal from corner to corner Sew Ihe two pieces together with a v narrow seam leaving the diagonal side open Trim the seam edges with pinking shears if you wish Glue on a design us Ing an initial or flower pattern Long Book Mark Cut a piece of leather or fell on inch wide by eight inches long If wish a firmer book mark in felt cut two pieces and glue them together For this book a glue stick Is your best friend Cut out a flower or circle for a face and glue to one end or the strip Cut out small leaves and glue I hem down the stem for the flower Add a centre the flower or eyes and a mouth for the Gift Tags Cut a piece of white card two Inches by four inches Cut a piece of colored paper to malch and glue the tun pieces together Fold in half You now have a by folded card Glue a piece of burlap or a scrap of firm bright material to the front of the card Cut it slightly smaller than so that the colored paper a border Using small pieces of felt create an appropriate design flowers for yearround gifts and Christmas design for presents or use small de signs cut from last years cards Gluelo the centre of he material on the front of the card Punch a hole in the inside lop corner the card to allow it lo be tied on to the present You can make the cards In any size from gift tags full sized cards and create your own originals Back issues years ago October Acton police and the are still investigating a report which caused some concern last Friday afternoon Robert Little School children old teacher a man had offered them tablets and said he would I put some in pop bottle In a certain location down the railroad track A man was seen walking down the track a pop bottle was later found and its contents are being analysed Other information about the incident Is still being followed up by police In their efforts to locate the man An interested crowd of heard and questioned their West candidates Monday night The high school auditorium wos comfortably well filled the aud ience seemed genuinely interested In the candidates and their platforms Can are Incumbent The Hon George Kerr PC Bob McNutt and Walter NOP years ago Octobers At a special Council meeting Friday evening the final hurdle in the Community Centre planning was taken as council unanimously agreed to accept the lender of J Mackenzie and Son The 115 lender Is for the actual construction plumbing heating and ventilating of the Community Centre building on wesl end of the arena A room addition to Acton District High School will receive consideration by board members during their November meeting following a recommendation by Principal A Hansen Monday evening Two Acton and a resident will have applications for Canadian Citlzensh p papers heard by Judge W Cory in ihc Milton Courthouse They are Karl Acton Mrs Acton and Henry Von Den years ago October ft 1931 On Monday evening a number of the friends of Miss Jean Sayerfl a bride to be were guests of Miss Laura Wiles at a kitchen shower A very pleasant social evening was made and she was the recipient of many useful kitchen articles in Ihc popular Ivory and green shades Last Friday Fire Chief McDonald and Ihe school trustees gave a fire drill lest at the Puhlic School Very gratifying records were established Mr and Mrs G W and masters bar and Lome spend the with Mr and Mrs J McCallum In Owen Sound Mr and Mrs William Near and babe Margaret of visited on Sunday with Mrs Robert Bennett and Miss Minnie Zimmerman Bennett Miss Mary Miss Alice GA Dills and family visited in Toronto on Sunday 75 years ago October The members of Acton Lodge IOOF No naturally feel elated and gratified with tl success of their effort to make a good appearance and had as large a pre sentation as possible on occasion of the great demonstration in Toronto a couple of weeks ago under the auspices of the Sovereign Grand Lodge Among the scores of lodges which entered the competition tor largest ratio of representation and best general appearance Acton Lodge won second prize Mr Alex Bell Is adding a pinning mill to his saw mill outfit on Main St It is a cement block building and Ihe walls are already well advanced Surface planing will be lurned out by this new department years ago October On Monday last Mr A 0 Wheeler met with an accident which resulted In a fractured leg He was loading telegraph poles at Ihe depot and a pile of poles which he was working overturned and falling upon himself broke his leg Mr William Swnckhamers new brick house on Young is almost complete arc informed thai while visiling friends near Port Hope Mr GTR Agent of this village had the misfortune to break arm No particulars Those merchants who fail lo do their advertising now will have plenty of time to do their moose hunting We are happy to say that Mr who was so badly injured by being upset from his buggy Iwo weeks ago has to far recovered that he can walk down the street Wanted Personals annlver poems news visitors vacations hollos goodbyes for On the Leavell Drop notes off at the Free Press or call or 3224

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