Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1981, p. 4

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Tho Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec 1981 Jims Don McDonald Publisher TELEPHONE 519 2010 187B Published Wednesday by Punting Publish Ltd Willow L7J Totophooo 51P Subscription Single each 13 per In Canada Canada Tho Acton Free is one of Priming L Whitby Aurora Era Weekend Editon Bolton Brampton Guardian Tho Burlington Post Tho I Weekend The paid for the applicable Elobicoko Ad vortittw Guardian Tho Elobtcoko Consumer Tho Georgetown a II Sun Milton Champion Tho News and may bo withdrawn at anytime Weekend Peel Consumer Richmond Lboal Tha Scarborough Community Association Consumer Tho Scarborough Minor Tho SlouHviUo Advertising accepted on tho a portion of the iefor Second clan lion that In the event of typographical error that itid by the erroneous item together for but balance tho advertisement I be a typographical en or advertising or may not bo sold Advert I if morcly an offer EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray Editor Helen Murray Contributor far Darkroom Mills ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Msnagor Bill Cook Balsa if CIstirfloitAdvartlilng Carolyn A rt em National Advertising Rep Dan Poynu 1051 BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Offlco Rhona Thornhill CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Msnnrjor McArlhur Feds preach restraint but don t practise it Well are you feeling properly greedy and chastized these days Last week was the week for economic lectures And they sounded hallow in deed First the Prime Minister in formed us it was our fault not his that inflation is spiralling upwards and interest rates are so high Presumably since those two economic ills are our fault and not the governments the deepening recession can also be blamed on all dians Then Gerald nor of the Bank of Canada which weekly sets the trend setting prime interest rate went to Montreal to lecture us on not asking for large pay demands to keep up with infla tion in effect to lose ground and purchasing power Now we believe in restraint While we dont like recessions and high unemployment any better than anyone else we figure until the deficit and government spending are slashed down to an affordable level we arent going to solve the underlying ills of our economy and will continually suffer soaring inflation high in terest rates and intolerably high unemployment in various degrees We do support the no tion of short term economic pain for longer term gain but only if economic measures are fair to all For these reasons we did see some positive aspects to the re cent federal budget despite the fact it spelled relief for few and disaster for many But obviously the govern ment doesnt believe what it is preaching They really want sacrifice from only the lower and middle income groups despite the fact they closed loop holes in the tax system of which the more affluent were taking advantage Obviously small business the laborers farmers middle income white collar workers etc are suppos ed to shoulder the entire load Earlier this year MPs voted themselves a staggering pay hike True they hadnt had a raise for several years and their total raise worked out to about six per cent per year since their last pay boost How ever we dont think they were suffering all that much and could have made do with a much more moderate thats Boueys word pay boost But the real insult was the news just a few days after his Montreal lecture that Bouey himself had received a a year raise retroactive to April 1 which gives him a total an nual pay of If the man really believed Canadians should be seeking moderate pay increases hed demand his hike be applied to the deficit granted that would be like a drop of rain going into Lake Ontario but it would be a symbolic gesture to the rest of us While it may be an extremely simplistic view of what Bouey does many Canadians must also be wondering how a man who has done nothing more in the public view with the in terest rates than follow the Americans up and down the scale can be worth over a year before his recent raise Our re write Objects to tasteless photograph of deer hunt Dear Sir This letter la In regard to a photo graph appearing on the front page of the Acton Free Press dated November 11 1981 Each week I look forward to receiving the Acton Free Press In the mail It keeps me up to date on the major occurrences In and around Acton After having to live In a re latively largely populated city for a few years It la nice to be reminded of the values of a small town as displayed through your newspaper Unfortunately this changed the moment I picked the issue of November 11 It was more than appalling to see the unnecessary display of the slaughter of six deer killed by several area hunters There was quite a controversy over the fact that there was to be another deer hunt this year In fact your newspaper even printed a ballot citizens could complete to potest the hunt Yet despite this the event occurred your poper published a very descriptive photograph this really In tho best interests of the community I am not disputing the fact that this legislated hum was necessary I realize there was a slight over population of deer this year I have driven along Highway and hove been lucky to avoid hitting a deer which darted out in front of the car I was driving as has my sister when she drove along the same road What I am is your editorial or rather lack thereof In allowing such a tasteless display of on obvious disrespect for nature I cannot believe that the value system of a town so closely related to both agriculture and wildlife would support this type of journalism I had not expected this sort of minor sensationalism from your paper and I shall certainly be much more wary and critical of your paper and much less willing to take valuable lime to read the Acton Free Press Yours truly Eunice Ottawa Editor The writer is correct when she notes this paper carried ballots for people to voice objection to the deer hunt However she neglects to mention this paper also carried ballots for people wishing to support the hunt We also published numerous letters both pro and con on the hunt We would suggest that not to carry a photograph of hunters with wild deer would have been censorship of the news news isn always pleasant even In a small town It Is in the best In terests of community to report the news The Free Press saw good points made by people on both sides of I he deer hunt controversy and decided to remain neutral both on he editorial page and or course In news columns We heard from readers both for and against he deer hunt photo graph we suggest hat photograph achieved its desired affect It reported news and produced reactions among readers Old paper discovered Dear Sir Today I found one of your papers that was published the year of November 19 1803 Volume No I just wanted you to know its been In culation a long time I now have it framed This was when office was at the Mill Street Address and the sub scription was one dollar per year I treasure ihis little paper for its been so long ago and how limes have changed that will never be again Yours truly Dene J Sampson Monroe Michigan Editors Note The Acton Free Press was first published In July 1875 Every issue published Is on microfilm at our office and at the Acton Library On the Leavell Acton Chamber of Commerce is on Its way to an excellent membership for the season Already they have paid up six of which are new members The new ones are Siding Jug City Invirooearch Richard wick Country Gentleman and Connor Haulage The Chamber Is giving out gentle re minders of 1981 members to renew their membership Through no fault of my own the Club winners have not appeared In this column In the past few weeks How- ever now the bugs in tho system have been worked out and here they are November 21 Ernie Waller IBS Jack Van November 2d 183 Mick Holmes Pete Hayes December Dave Jones 32fl Mick McMahon Watch my column weekly for the win ners Anyone interested can still purchase tickets from Pete Van Dam or Bob Smith Proceeds go towards the Minor Hockey Association Betty Ball of Mlsilssauga was the lucky winner of an first prize In a draw held at the Mug bazaar last week Second prize a Raggedy Anne doll was won by Auger The Mug organizers are very appreciative of all the help and donations received from their supporters Jim and Gibson were special guests at the Eden Mills Friendly Sen- tors Christmas dinner on the weekend No they old enough to be mem bers but it was the seniors way of thanking tho Acton couple for all the help they have given throughout the year Wedemlre Is In a Sunday evening a small grey and white cat was found in the Cobblehlll and Storey area and cant find the young felines owners Shes canvassed the neighborhood and gone to the vets all to no avail Sheryl says she would love to keep the cat but already has one a very jeal ous one at that and her husband Isnt in favor of two cats in the house If she find the owner or a new home for tho cat not her in the next few daysshewUlbavetoputittosleF She doesnt have the heart to turn the animal out into the cold but feds that route Is the easiest for all concerned The cat Is about six months old and has a brand new white flea collar around Its neck It has a small lump on its stomach but It cannot always be felt Anyone who knows whose cat this Is please call at And from the La League Mothers interested In Information about breastfeeding are welcome to attend the next meeting of the Acton La League topic of the meeting Hon and Weaning Babies are wel come too For further information call or Jack Tanners Table at the Old Hide House opened Friday night with a party for Invited guests only Outdoors BY ETCHER Ho Hoi Oh No Its that time again Time to elbow ones way through the ever madden crowd of Christmas shoppers Its not easy finding the right gift at a reasonable price If one has sports oriented persons on their list especially those hoping for fishing tackle caution should be exercised Be careful of those smooth advertising promotions on television and radio you seldom see them in the papers but they saturate air waves Most of these tackle rod and reel combinations and pocket rods etc are made from cheap low Impact elastic with no parts available any never make It to spring time or water Good books on outdoor sports ore usually much appreciated the little shop in Acton Mews is usually well stocked Late fall fishing has just opened in Georgian Bay areas with fair reports from Owen Sound and Trolling tuts been the best bet with silver and blue spoons such as Little and Owens 377 A hot little plug called AC Plug has been producing well much like a small rappala so far Its available only In the Owen Sound area As cynical as I am about poor service In large stores around Christmas when clerks have no Idea what they are selling I have just found out that Christmas has ano ther and better aide I had on the post weekend the opportunity to take In a Christmas play at the Evangel Tabernacle Pentecostal Assembly here In Acton It was a wonderful Christmas play with a cast of over 100 children very good costumes exceptionally well versed performers and a very direct Christmas message it was obvious the teachers and others had put in a lot of hours of hard work many re hearsals Special credit should go to Pat Lee of Acton Betty Phillips of and Yvonne Daws of for program like this which mokes one appreciate wonderful world we live In Remember Acton needs you shop locally It was a great night and showed the kind of class an operation of its calibre has The people were friendly the food delicious and a beautiful atmosphere which would put any city restaurant to shame The staff was cheerful friendly and helpful and showed do sign of opening night jitters Hats off to all involved In Jack Tan Table Acton has waited a long time for a place like this but the wait was well worth it Dariene Wntklnson an E C Drury High School student and Acton area resident spent a Saturday morning with me recently to learn about photo graphy would like to take pictures for a living and decided to con her school walkabout on that What better way to learn than to ob serve a professional right Well we got to my first assignment and my flash was dead Just barely enough juice to get through the picture Then a quick trip home to get the back up revealed It too was dead but we didnt know that until we were In We made do with what little power we had then headed back home to pick up the first flash which was charging It wasnt reedy naturally The entire morning went like that Dariene wasn t even with me when I messed up two pictures In the afternoon and had to retake them It was just one of those days Not everyone gets to spend a few hours with a professional I think she learned more about professional mess ing up and professional panicking than anything else Those days of course only come about twice a year and thats twice too of len In spite of everything going wrong Dariene said she learned a lot about how to compromise when taking a picture She learned from a pro These walkabouts are great for the student If a student Is really serious about his or her future experience gained during a serious walkabout can save years of lime and maybe even schooling If they find out the job Isnt ail they thought It was Back issues 10 years ago December Liquor lounges in Acton The votes will decide At the next town election in Dec ember 1972 voters will be asked if they favor the sale of liquor here on licenced premises The liquor vole discussed before by council passed unanimously Tuesday on motion of councillors Bill and Norman Elliot A group of Robert Little students raised for UNICEF during a recent walkathon Top walkers were Sherry Trot ter Heather Reed Rick Van Fleet John Watson Cindy Arnold and Kelly Payne Mayor Duby said Acton Is going to be getting a domed stadium The mayor said the stadium will be constructed In the works yard lo cover sand and salt years ago When the votes were counted after Ihe municipal election Tuesday Incumbent Jack Hargrove was reelected as reeve W Denny received nod as deputy reeve Ray Arblc and Cord McCutchcon were elected lo the hydro commission Bill Benson Tom Watson and Vic Brtstow were elected to the public school board and George Barbeau Frank J Bert Wood Ham Pea and Prank were elected lo council Shorting Bell Telephone wires sent fire men crashing to the fire hall four times last weekend Fire chief Mick Holmes con tacted Bell workers and has been informed the trouble should not occur again Saturday there was another work bee at the arena when white paint made the building look newer Stout planking has made the seating sturdy Life memberships were presented to William and Jack Newton during Acton Firefighters Ladles night Friday evening Bolh men have been chief and have served on tho brigade for a number of years years ago Decembers 1931 When Clerk H N Farmer closed the nominations for council at m following had been nominated for the var offices of the municipality For Reeve Charles Hansen A Mason E T George Barber For councillors John James K Gar dener James Chalmers J Davison J Alvtns Evan Janes W McArlhur Alex McDonald Albert Ritchie VB Blair Dr E J Nelson C Harrison C Hansen E T Thetford CA Conway George Cowle School Trustees J McDonald Miss A J Norton Graham A J Buchanan CB Thomp son and J Scarrow Public Utilities Commission LG King Miss Emma Robson visited with friends in Toronto and Aurora last week Mrs Moore spent last veek wilh friends in Toronto 75 years ago December 1B06 Scores of young folk ore enjoying skat lng on Fairy Lake The rink committee Is getting the rink at the power house in shape Before deciding on Christmas present Theuahiontopfad Give your friend a reminder of you Spaces are left for your friends names cents each C F Goodeve Mill St The report last week of the death of Chas Valontyne of Georgetown formerly of Acton has proved lo be untrue About men were In attendance at the opening of the Young Men Club They enjoyed themselves reading writing and playing games The rooms were opened prayer and a brief address by Rev Barker At nine oclock there was a gen surprise when the young ladles of the Epworth League numbering 35 under the leadership of Miss Bertie Speight and Miss Smith marched in with baskets of dainty refreshments Various speeches were made and the ladles were called on and delightful responses were made cards posl cards Acton souvenir calendars cents at Hunters Druggist 100 years ago December now sports a artist A couple of lazy vagabonds visited our town a performing bear Rev John Chauney a colored divine held a exhibition at the Tern Hall Mr William Stephenson formerly of Acton has just invented a new steam plow which he will Introduce In the north wesl to be used In breaking prairie The engine Is horse power and ttt machinery weighs seven tons After the plowing season Is over the engine may be used for threshing grinding wheat or sawing ber Several of our village merchants have dressed their windows very tastefully A syndicate of citizens has erected a set of hay scales to oppose the exorbitant prices charged at the public scales Mr Edward was elected to fill the vacancy on council

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