Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1981, p. 2

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ThoActonFnsa Press Tuesday Dec 1381 Health official changes mind food poisoning highly likely Ills highly likely that 66 people ill after a party at the Acton Legion were struck with food poisoning Peter Cole Medical Officer of Health has reversed his statement in last week paper that the employees of Smith and Stone Georgetown were Buffering from the flu or after affects of the parly Further investigation last week into the December incident has cast too much evidence pointing to food poisoning he said Only one person originally reported being ill after the party to the regional health department Dr Colo sold Testa were done on this one person but Dr Colesaldshohad same symptoms as flu He did not know when speak to tilt press that other people had missed a tip front work that same day Because the Investigation centred on the one per son and the food handlers he did not test the sick employees He admitted the investigation was been Food poisoning is extremely hard to prove though he said Senior Health Inspector for the region Neil Clifford Storey Clifford Earl Storey of Hatton Centennial Manor died suddenly December In Joseph Brant Hospital Burlington the day before hi 4th birthday Mr Storey was born December in Moca Township the son of Charles Storey and Annie Dawes He at tended schools in Coledon On April 3 he married Edith Maud Barlow In Orangevllle A farmer ail his life Mr Storey lived In the area until when he moved to the Acton where he farmed until his retirement He retired to Crewsons Comers and later Bower Ave in Acton He had been a patient at Moniaton Nursing Home and Con Manor for the put half years His wife is currently residing at 17 Elizabeth Dr Acton Mr Storey was a life member of the Acton Fall Fair Board with the sheep division a special interest Each year he would present a trophy for sheep Mr Storey was also an elder at Churchill Community Church where he was a member and a member of the Acton Golden Agers Funeral service was held December at Churchill Community Church with the Rev A Fosbury off iclating Interment was at Churchill Cemetery Left to mourn are his wife Edith children Alice Mrs Robert Burlington Wesley Acton Edward Marguerite Mrs Harry Connors Victoria and Bruce of brother Fred Brampton and sisters Violet and Edna Vancouver He was predeceased by nil parents Pallbearers were grandsons Brian Wilkinson Rick I Wilkinson Brad Tun bers and Ed all J of Acton Allan Storey Barrfe and Jim Storey Edmonton Alberta Flowerbearers were J Frank Moffat Ray Storey Toronto Don Ferrefl Peterborough Tom is quite auspicious It Is food poisoning based on the symptoms absence from work all ate the same food at the same event Had everyone been examined there still would not necessarily bo positive results Cole admits he spoke to the press prematurely last week when ha said for a fact there was no poisoning But It becomes obvious as time goes on that It was a food poisoning episode Crosscontamination is being blamed Dr Cole said He explained there were eight turkeys involv ed and they believe one bird was contaminated It was probably spread on the cutting board by not wiping the board clean each turkey ad been carved he stated Legion has been instructed on how to avoid this Incident from happening in the future Cole added They the Legion will be kept on thelr now Most of tho people affected recovered within days however some took several days before they were back on their feet Some however were quite 111 ho said While it wosn that serious in terms of Illness and it a dangerous organism Involved Dr Colo said take it seriously It have hap pened and happen again All food poisoning Is serious and anything llko this should be reported in the press Beverly Mattocks chairperson of the Smith and Stone Social Club stated The Smith and Stone Social Club was dls appointed that the suspected food poisoning at the Acton Legion was not given a more thorough investigation The Social Club turned over a list of people that had taken ill to Mr Pattullo of the Regional Health Unit He will keep us In formed of test results Peter Cole remarks about the after affects of the party were incorrect due to the fact that some people left as early as and others were drinkers and they were still 111 The Smith and Stone social club didnt want this Incident to reflect on Acton Legion and is distrubed by the publicity this Incident Is getting Legion officials declined to comment on the mat ter Tuesday at press time the Health Unit called to report for Cole that test results are back and were negative however this does not rule out the likelihood that the Incident at the Legion was a food poisoning episode Jenny Nunan Continued from page she headed out to Doug and Janice Bower Ave followed by Jack and Anita Road Her stay with Lynda and Ray Nellis Acton completed her Canadian families Alexandra Jennys hometown Is much smaller than Acton she says but is completely independ Even though the population Is only about It has its own hospital high school primary school Catholic school three doctors police department and fire department The drinking driving and voting age Is IB Jenny plans to spend four days with an aunt in Kamloops B C on her way home and then spend a few days In San Francisco before taking final glit to Melbourne about miles from home When she gets back she will enjoy the last few weeks of the school summer holiday before plung ing into grade the first week of February She does not get any credits for her schooling In Canada One of the first things Jenny is going to do upon her return home Is visit Jodie McFarlane of Edith Vale Victoria leaves In anuary to spend a year In Acton also as a Rotary exchange student Jenny feels it is very Important for her to reassure of all the small details that caused Jenny some concern before leaving home It was a terrific year for Jenny but she admits she Is glad to be going home But she be back in about five years for a visit wants to spruce up old AB building The Acton BIA continues to look at ways of proving the appearance of the exterior of the old A B building downtown Chairman Ed Wood has contacted Acton High School about having art students decorate the front of the building and tho school Is examining It as a future project However sign pairter George Gray has advised the he have the time to lake on this project New secretary Donna Bottos was recently named as Janet replacement as recording secretary of the Ac ton Business Improvement Area BIA Board of Management Profile with Jennifer Barr Mrs Santa Claus Is tired at this time of year but are still high It like working on newspaper she says you gear up for a deadline and crash when it allow only our deadline comes once a year Mind you this sweet white haired grandmother of a lady has been gearing up for over years Looking like someone who could do com merclals for lea bags Mrs is around the warm homey kitchen getting her last minute baking done With all those hungry elf mouths to feed Mrs needs a pile of short breads Fortunately doosn I have any trouble storing her goodies She lives in the world s largest natural freezer the North Pole Santa gets a little testy this close to Christmas Mrs admits but course he always patient with the boys and girls He only gets a bit cross when his elves take extra coffee breaks There Just so much more work to do th year what with the baby boom and all Mrs Claus met her husband years ago In Sweden She was then an apprentice pastry cook working In a popular travelers Inn She met young Nicholas later he became known by his saint s name at a social for apprentice saints Little did she know then that shed end up mothering a hunch of elves and travelling by reindeer sleigh all her life Christmas Eve is day for San La and his wife Last minute orders are filled the Santa sack stuffed with names on every gift Filling the sack Is not an easy process Gifts have to be filed according to country town street and house Just like a mailman bag only on a grander scale One mistake and some child is disappointed for a year Elves have a tendency to become temper amental during the last hours and Mrs Claus finds herself being frequent At such times her baking instincts come to the fore Many a sulky elf has been soothed by an apple or a butter tart Some Christmoses stand out in Mrs Claus memory The year of the great fog when Rudolph saved the day with his bright red nose The year Santa gained thirty two pounds and get Into his suit all that good Then there wastheyeartheelvcswemonstrike Mrs solved that dispute with homemade chocolates Does she like her life Oh yes she says Look at the Important job I have to do where would Santa he without me keeping him happy Jolly welldressedandovcr fed Speaking of over feeding here is one of Mrs recipes for Santa a favorite meat urn overs SANTA PIES Pastry foradoublecrustpc lib hamburger one chopped onion mushrooms chopped green popper two cups cooked mixed veggies salt pepper worcheslers hire sauce leftover gravy or canned gravy Roll pastry to Inch th and cut in five Inch rounds Saute onion mushrooms green pepper and garlic In a little oil Remove from pan and brown hamburger Add sauted and cooked veggies along with seasonings to lisle Moisten filling with enough gravy to keep It together without making it sloppy Put a small amountoffllllngoneachpastryround fold over moisten edges and Bake at degrees till Grated cheese can be substituted for the hamburger for vegetarian turnovers Just saute your vegg and mix in a bow with cheese and other in Merry Christmas to all from Jenny Mack Pat Bon- Mrs Santa hangs her husband Image Peace on Earth The true meaning of Chris mas stems from the message that heralded Hlsbirth Peace on Earth Good to AH Men Wo wish a genorous or dual happ ness for you And we take this opportunity to thank you or your friendly good will Mr Mrs Mike and Staff Acton Photo Be Camera 3 LMthartownVMag Acton TRUST US with your pracloul NO NEGATIVE NOPROB1MI DECEMBER COPY PRINT SPECIAL AMD NEW YEAR EXTRA WITHOUT KODAK AMD MS ANT PRINTS COPTrttlNTB AM AN AM M to and as MANY AS WISH FflOMOM onMOMOfvounritNTi ADDITIONAL COPYPMNT8 fir RwoutarMn MONDAYS i Holiday Here hoping your season Is decorated with love brotherhood peace many hoppy a merry AND FAMILY SPEYSIDE GENERAL STORE Obituary Elsie Harris Funeral service was held at Shoemaker Funeral Home Novem ber for Elsie Ann Chapman Harris of in her Hyde Park Nursing Home after a lengthy illness Born In Township on March 30 1690 he was the daughter of James Chapman and Taylor She attended No 1 school before marrying Charles Harris In December 1913 She lived Rock wood her entire married life Mrs Harris Is sur vived by her sons Stanley of West Garafraxa Gordon Erin Towshlp and Elmer and Arthur of She was pre deceased by her husband Charles children John and Agnes brothers William Arthur and Frank Chapman sisters Margaret and Floren tine and her parents Pastor J Donaldson officiated at her funeral Interment was a Hock wood Cemetery

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