Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1981, p. 4

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The Acton eo Press Tuesday Dec 22 press TELEPHONE 1619 a I Founded In 1876 Don McDonald Publisher by Priming Publishing Ltd at Willow Suwt Tatophono Subscription per year In Canada In all trior Canada Tho Acton Free Pross is Printing Ltd group of suburban newspapers which includes News Advertiser Aurora Bonner Newmarket Era Aurora Newmarket Era Weekend Edition The Bolton Enterprise Brampton Guardian Tho Burlington Poll The Burlington Weekend Post The Guardian The Etobrcoko Consumer The Georgetown Independent Economist end Sun The Milton Champion The News The Weekend Tho North York Consumer The North York Mirror floaor Friday Beaver This Weekend Peel Consumer The Liberal The Scarborough Tho Mirror Tho St Tribune The Advertising Is accepted on the condition that In the event typographical error that portion advertising space occupied by erroneous item together with allowance far signature will not be charged or but balance advertisement will bo paid for at the applicable rate In event or a error Goods or service at a wrong puce goods or services may not be sold Advertising merely an to soil and may be withdrawn at any time I The Ontario EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Murray News Editor Helen Murray Spons Contributor Jennifer Darkroom Pour MiHa ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Cook fJerr Advertising Carolyn Anem Advancing Sala Rep Dan Poyntt BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Manager Marylm McArthur Second class Number CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Have a Merry Christmas brother and sister by Helen Murray Its going to be a quiet Christmas around my parents house this year With half the family following the Western Dream and making new homes in Alberta there is going to be an emptiness which will never really be filled again There will be no more crawl ing around on bedroom floors in the dark to find a carefully hang ed Christmas stocking and the excited tears of a small child are too far away now to wipe dry Gone are the early morning telephone calls to say the kids have awakened please come watch them open their gifts Gone will be the squeals of children as they uncover the mysterious parcels There will be no more jokes to a pleasantly plump brother around needing a turkey all his own and the arguments about who is going to peel the potatoes have been silenced forever The Christmas pudding will still be cooked its a tradition But the only one who actually ate it is miles away The Christmas Eve games and talks have gone from a party of 12 to a party of six and no longer is that extra leaf needed in the dining room table The small little arms around the neck and the soft thank you kiss on the cheek from a five- yearold will have to wait for another year maybe two The scattered toys the soiled dresses the noise above the noise are all gone starting up new traditions in another prov ince Things can never stay the same and changes happen in our lives every week Yet why do those changes seem so im possible to handle at Christmas when they involve an absense of people you love But now as we embark on a smaller quieter Christmas in a few years it will be the norm and we can wonder what will be the changes to disrupt it There will still be midnight mass and Christmas morning with its gifts but the telephone call will he across the country in stead of a couple of blocks away and the thank will be by let ter instead of in person The turkey will be the same maybe a little smaller but just as good and there will be more dressing to around Half my family can sit around the table in Ontario and observe Christmas knowing the other half is doing the exact same thing in Alberta We may never be together on Christmas day again but we will always have our memories of what it was and can always be together in our hearts We can rejoice in the fact we are only a phone call or a plane ride away To my brother and sister and their families and to all the thousands of other brothers and sisters far away Merry Christmas and think of us on Fri day We will be thinking of you Our readers write Photograph town hall then knock it down Dear Sir People In Acton who believe the old town hall is worth keeping would be wise to get a photographer take a few shots for records ana Ihen knock It down This would not be hard to do as the structure is In bad shape In 1936 the last year I belonged to the Acton Volunteer Fire Department this building was checked very closely and found to be not worth repairs A good sound building wbb de stroyed namely the old Post Office and could have been a good town building Yours truly WH Peal London Have special Acton day at Jack Tanners Table Dear Sir It would have been a nice gesture on part of the manager of the Hide House to set aside a special day for only Acton residents to be the guests of Jack Tanners Table at discount prices There are so many people who would enjoy a night out who couldnt afford It otherwise Free Press stories on TV Dear Sir May 1 extend my thanks to you for sending me The Acton Free Press during the past year Together we have teamed our talents and res ources to create and present a pioneer venture In the field of communications The audiovisual weekly capsule on CK- COTV of grassroots stories about people in the smaller centres of South western Ontario Is I believe a first of Its kind Since its Inception in October of 1060 Country Editor has used stories from your Acton Free Press about a Both birthday party John Kltely and the asparagus license an oyster finding a pearl how weekly newspapers cooperate during times of stress caused by mechanical failures how popular trains were in and how an unusual highway accident filled a car completely with aromatic manure That believe is quite an impressive list of events recorded and my congratulations to your newsroom staff Yours Faithfully Arthur Carr P Then there was the story about burglars who stole a parrot Police score big in spot checks Look out The Halton Regional Police Traffic Bureaus Alert Team may atop you In the next two weeks as they have stopped 1670 other unsuspecting drivers travelling along roads during the past two months tests have resulted In to impaired driving charges laid and 13 charges of driving with more than the legal limit of alcohol In the blood stream Staff Inspector Ray Andreas said charges have not increased with the approach of Christmas There doesnt seem to be any set pattern he said A team of four police officers from the departments truffle bureau sets up a spot check at any point in where complaints have occurred Andreas They could be anywhere Back issues On the A special event took place Sunday at the home of Barbara and Robert Barn- hart Their two sons Bruce 3 and Brian l were Baptized In their Berry St home by Rev Smith from Brampton Fortyeight friends and re latives came from as far away as Belle ville Islington and to wit ness the occasion Barbara and Robert have just moved here from Hlllsburgh and are not yet oriented In the community and opted for the home service a nice touch to a special time Club winners this week were Jim Lindsay and Jack Pink A former employee of Pin wheel Production In Acton Is making a name for himself in the world of small cer amics Richard who used to work for Peter Saxon In the Hlnton Building has work for sale at boutique Studio as his business called has items specially made for Acton They are tiny figurines with I love Acton on them a great last min ute gift Idea He also has tiny mice cats seals mushrooms pigs turtles and figurines for plants His work Is also selling In Niagara Falls In the depart ment former Free Press parttime re porter Jennifer Alton nee has entered the world of advertising Jennifer started her newspaper career by writing a high school column in this newspaper In grade 13 she worked part time at the Free Press for her Walkabout and so Impressed the bosses she was hired part time for several months before entering the Sheridan College journalism program The Georgetown Independent was Jennifers first fulltime posting as re porterphotographer Now two years later Jennifer recenUy married to Actons Ford Alton has left her Job as reporter for the quieter pace of the advertising department on the same paper we wish her well in her new en deavor And speaking of former staffers wo got a Christmas card from former sports writer Diana this week Diana left In July and was re placed by Dave Diana writes to say the Is doing pub lic relations for Polytechnical Institute in Toronto and loving every minute of It Seems the Region of is having a difficult time learning Just what towns are under Its jurisdiction Im referring to their letterhead which was kindly shown to me by regtonal councillor Dave Whiting Dave was amused to nee the turn of events with the new printing of their stationery On the old paper there Is an Oakvillo number listed for Burlington Oakvillo Milton and Toronto Across the bottom there Is a Milton number for the combined HlUs communities an Acton number for Guelph residents to call and a Hamilton number for Hamilton Then comes the new stuff with the Oakville number at the top under the address Across the bottom is a Burlington number a Hills Acton number a Halton Hills George town number a Milton number and an number It was mlghtly nice of the region to recognize us for a change And to further prove the region is Indeed thinking of Acton and forgetting about Georgetown a letter to the regional councillors from chairman Jack has a Burlington number Halton Hills with an Acton number a Milton number and an num ber No mention of Georgetown Thats progress for us but I dont know what It means for Georgetown Kaye won the Gingerbread bouse draw the held on the weekend The draw was conducted at the draw While on the topic of it didnt take long before my Invest- I won some merchant vouchers a few weeks ago only the second week of the year long draw It sure huts last year when I had to wait several months before winning the vouchers The odds of winning are terrific Why not buy a ticket If I can win so can you There are still openings for the National Breast Screening Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital on January 19 So far women between the ages of have signed up and there are still openings for six more Acton women Transportation will be provided For further information contact Arbic at The lady whose name and number Mrs Arbic lost has not yet got in touch with her If you were the person who left your name and number with Mrs Arbic daughter who subsequently called you back from St Josephs church please get In touch with her The Optimist Club held a Yule Log draw Saturday during Actario also Richard Furlong of Milton won 10 logs and Gall Shaw of Georgetown won six Gord Toth of Acton won three Theta Phi Sorority also held a draw this one for worth of groceries at Marilyn Murray Terrace won the groceries and Heidi Coleman Storey Dr won second prize a Christmas turkey by Mabel Its for the birds Wont to make a fun cake Then make one for the birds It could be thelr Christmas treat Get a large bowl and Into it put a cup of flour white or whole wheat a cup of rolled oats and then anything you have around the house that you think birds would like a hand ful of peanuts raisins bird seeds walnuts etc Now add two teaspoons of baking powder to make It rise but no salt Melt any fat you have probably two or three heaping tablespoons and sprinkle in the mixture Then put an egg or two In a cup of milk sour or otherwise beat with a fork and add Mix It all up and If a bit stiff add more liquid Grease a cake tin dump In your mixture and pop In the oven Bake at degrees until it is solid when touched about half an hour Take Break It into pieces and put in the feeding station Outdoors FLETCHER A few hardy anglers are trying their luck on the larger rivers that have extended seasons for rainbow and salmon Water levels have receded to a decent level due to cold stable weather conditions Reports are that Its slow fishing with very few large bows hooked I am hoping weather will warm up a little before December St so that we can fish with leas Ice In the rod guides Interest In ice fishing Is warming up The Ice should be good around by the year end Snow on small lakes In the nor thern areas often makes for poor Ice often alt winter Large lakes like Simcoe Nlpisslng receive more wind scouring action which moves snow around They usually have the safest strongest Ice No fee Is charged to place your own ice but on any lake but must be registered with the Ministry of Natural Resources Also a number must be applied to the hut Those contemplating building an ice hut should remember first build it very lightweight plus usually no wider than four feet One person should be able to tip up a hut alone in order to load it on a Many larger heavy huts become flooded and frozen down thus becoming hazards In early spring One of the best lures for whlteflah lako trout and herring Is a common pearl fastened to a number treble nook used In conjunction with a Williams Wabbler with the hooks removed Jig this ring with the pearl usually 18 Inches from the for best results A Mr Champ spoon with minnow attached is a good jig for pike or pickerel Well sometimes fisher persons hungry or the time comes when one is forced to take in a bit of the local night life Well I splurged and took the missus out to Actons newest eatery at the old Hide House Jack Tanners Table Boy the decor was something The lights were low and the food was plentiful Acton has come full circle It sure looks like a shorter trip tor can dlelight and roses in the future Merry Christmas 10 years ago December mi Actons snowmobile bylaw will be reviewed by the administration committee of council as a result of a discussion at Tuesday nights regular meeting The present bylaw which permits snow mobiles use of town streets up until at night came under fire from Reeve Frank who claimed As soon as the snow comes we cant sleep at night said he isnt against but charged snowmobiles should not be playing around on town streets Acton children raised the impressive sum for on Halloween Mm Margaret Wilson reports with pride thli week Acton public school teacher Gary Bate- man wonts smaller primary classes In a bid to head off student learning problems Mr Bateman a teacher at MZ Bennett school said one of the biggest pro ems Is difficulty in reading His com ments came during the report of a sub committee which examined class sizes In the county and came to the conclusion the size of at least grade one classes should be reduced This year county schools have an average of pupils in Grade to and 33 fl in Grades and according to figures released by the board 20 years ago December 1861 An Acton man is i860 poorer as the result of a fast smooth talking stranger who pro mised to recover the amount paid for aluminum storm windows The stranger arrived at the local mans door and enquired if the resident was satisfied with the Installation of the recently in stalled windows When the Acton man said he paid for the windows and believed he had paid too much the stranger said he too had been taken In by the same com pany The stranger said he had engaged a lawyer to invesUgate and promised to return the upon payment of Police are and warned all other residents to be cautious regarding the dealing with strangers If In doubt of the legality of any with strangers the police should be contacted years ago December 111831 Yesterday was Mr John Kennedys 70th birthday and his fellow workmen arranged a presentation in order to show this old employee of the esteem in which he is held Mr Kennedy has been an employee of the and Co for over 40 years The official opening of Norton Motors new garage and service station last Friday evening was an event that attracted people from the whole countryside to join In con gratulating this Acton establishment on their line new quarters and participating in the House warming At noon yesterday the Fire Brigade were given a run when a chimney on Mr John house on Bower Ave took fire and for a few moments looked serious No damage to any extent was done and it was not even necessary to use the chemical extinguishers 75 years ago December The Methodist church was well filled on Christmas evening for the Sunday School entertainment Carey Bros presented a program of moving pictures illustrated songs etc St Albans Sunday School entertainment in the town consisted of drills dialogues music etc Lehmans Hotel was the scene of a jovial gathering of about members of the I OOF lodge The Post Office deserves the most sin cere thanks of all citizens They give a splendid service under the circumstances Teachers coming home for the holidays are Daisy Nicklln Edith Myrtle Myrtle Matthews Marie Good- eve Margaret Johnston John McMurchy Minnie Bennett Bert Mullan William Mullan and Miss M McDonald The tanneries close this Saturday until Wednesday for Christmas holidays 100 years ago Decembers ISSi Hall joyous merry Christmas all hall Our streets are filled with pleasure and our houses with laughter for the new town hall have been received by council from Ihe architects The drawings present a very fine appearance Acton will have a town hall to be proud of The annual annlversaary and Christmas tree In connection with the Sabbath school of the Methodist church was well at tended The program was much enjoyed Rev of Fergus addressed the children Santa Claus distributed gifts At St church there was a program with addresses Rev acted In the capacity of Santa Claus Mrs Knees of the Cordovan tan nery treated employees to an excellent Christmas supper The butcher stalls In town are especially decorated with Christmas meat and fowl Mr W Robinsons Is the best

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