B2 Wednesday July Talktd the gas company ABOUT HEATING For answer about I between a ace new gas furnace or burner phono the Gas A mil II or an appo at your horn il t most for you i how J no DAVE ARMSTRONG SAYS FRONT END TH0UBlSNO TROUBLE FOR US TO FIX We specialize in quick and efficient body repairs STOP IN TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES FREE COURTESY CARS INSURANCE CLAIMS HANDLED QUICKLY ALL REPAIRS FULLY GUARANTEED UPTOWN COLLISION 142MIUST GEORGETOWN I I There a lot of doom sod gloom float tag around in Canada these days And not without reason The Three Ugly Sisters high interest rates high unemployment and steady inflation have produced a general alarm and despair that country has not seen since the Thirties Farmers and small business trad borrowers from the banks have their backs to the wall and no hole to squeeze through Executives In the a year bracket who have served their com panles with servility for 10 or 15 years are being turfed into the unemployment insurance lineups I fed sorry for them Gone are the dinner parties the theatre parties the perks such as trips abroad and signing the cheque for a threemartini lun cheon and the big steak barbecues for business reasons and the golf and country club fees tax deductible It must be pretty dreadful to come home to your house which has a mortgage at per cent with an unemployment insurance cheque In your pocket and sit on the edge of the crumbling swimming pool with a bottle of cheap rye trying to figure out why These are not evil people Many of them have spent as much as a year to support a fosterchild in Guatemala or someplace They have kicked in to the church bought a tag on every tag day and event They are more to be pitied than scorned Pity the poor banks They have not ground the poor under their heels Indeed they have occas ionally felt a vague pity for the guy with four kids who makes a year They have shaken their heads ad miringly and thought Don I know how he does it Aside from these types wandering around nibbling their fingers and wondering what hit them my heart bleeds for others the doctors who work 300 hours a week dispensing pills the lawyers who have no pension fund and charge you 100 to have their secretaries type something out in an hour the accountants who grow fat on other peoples attempts to beat the system in fact all the people who have been educated at great pubic expense including teachers so that they could carve a fine financial niche in our society They are suffering deeply But today I am full of compassion not to mention compunction and I think we should extend our sympathy the politicians of this great country who are as innumerable as the sands of the desert at home or away sho SUN SQUEEZE CHOICE Pure Apple Juice VAHILU Oft MIHI Puddings Chunk Light Tuna Hamburger Or Wiener Buns Savarin Pot Pies Nabob Coffee Pas Or oTwaBoan PURE WHO CLUB SODA Wit COLUM WW OR rAle 21 49 Sunlight Detergent NEW ASSORTED VARIETIES STYLE Purr Cat Food 29 CHAW 1 twnto Li Ho To Diapers S in TooWrjDiapere Rose Parities Aluminum Foil S j5 Or Shan Si 16 JPQ ftyldaaAntlpsriplram Conditioner Shampoo Bri I QQ Potato Chips J Plastic Glass SoftM Cookies SJ 169 Paper Pittas 169 Cranberry Cocktail 179 49 Smooth li Creamy Cottage ChMM W 139 ax him nbfTJKU Soft Margarine oil 89 Head Lettuce PRODUCT OF REPUBLIC OP SOUTH AFRICA Outspan Navel Oranges 229 MS BInct Radish 3 Coleslaw 170 77 Bunch Radish Mangoes a Cello S c- Bunch Carrots K na 99 69 Frted j9 69 1K 69 FRESH WHOLE Cutup Chicken CANADA ORAM A- Side Bacon Salami or aq JJ Back Bacon Turkeys una 284 Pole Sausages Sausage Turtcsys 139 Sausage Sp 89 SS 129 PRICE5 EFFECTIVE TO SAT JULY It 1 WE THE TO Competitive Prices at They are suffering grievously Deeply After offering themselves and every cent they could borrow to win a nomination then an election they are destitute Except for their salaries around their Indexed pensions and their taw practices to return to I know a politician right now who Is laughing He served several terms in the provincial legislature a couple In the federal sold a thriving business and Is sitting in Florida He chuckles so much that bis wife wants him to see a psychiatrist specialist in chuckles She thinks it like hiccoughs He chuckling because he gets two in dexed pensions and the returns from his business Now before my store of pity runs out I want you to consider the Canadian banks There Is where my deepest sympathy lies They are In Desperate Straits which are just across the channel from Dire Straits After logging anywhere up to per cent profit Inst year they are whim with fear Their shares have gone down Their profits have gone down disastrously Woe is the land Canadians being beaten by the Russians Is a blow to our national pride But the idea of our banks not making lots and lots of money will drive many 1 have little doubt In fact the banks are so wild to make money that they send out begging letters Imploring you to get yourself into debt with them A friend of mine recently opened a letter from one of our Canadian banks It was addressed to her father assuring him that the bank would be pleased to never borrowed a cent from a bank but had been dead for years A bit macabre right I sure the bantu of Canada have some pretty smart guys working for them but U only people who seem to have any brains in Canadian banks are the girls tellers and such poorly paid always pleasant working for about half what a postal worker gets The managers have Invariably been pawns who always have to call up the Queen In Montreal or Toronto or Van to decide on anything im riant Nice fellows unless you wanted to borrow money without putting up your grandmother as security And she had to have In Canada Savings Bonds To heck with the poor Pity the poor banks Right IS DAVE Mcmullen INTERLOCK STONE CONTRACTOR DRIVEWAYS PLANTER BOXES WALKS POOL DECKS PATIOS RETAINING WALLS FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY WORK A va of colour a no In pa Police announce WAYNE JB880P Staff Sergeant Ways Jessap to the rank t In began Us Career la with the Geargetown Force Since I 1IT4 la has served In District No 1 Youth Bona and as Sergeant 1st charge of the Crime Bureau In December itu Inspector Jessop was promoted to the rank of Stair Sergeaat and performed la the capacity of a supervisor In the Uniform in District No In- bat new been assigned to Daty Inspector Unit at Police Headquarters OakvUIe Inspector John baa been pro moted to the rank of Stall Inspector Staff Inspector Banalt began bis police career In England and served far eight yean with the Staff Inspector has served two yean with the City Police prior lo the Georgetown Force In Since January ItTI with the fonnallon of the Hafton Regional Police Force Staff Inspector Barratt has served In various capacities aad was pro moted to Inspector In March time he became the Executive Officer to the Chief of PoUce la Jane Staff Inspector became the Dis trict Commander of No District Burlington and will In that capacity ACTON IGAS KWY7 GEORGETOWN OVER FACTORY INVOICE ON TRUCKS IN STOCK WHILE THEY LAST 361QUELPHST OPEN EVERY SATURDAY