Ospringe School open house a real education GaorgetownActon Wednesday May The Guide have been trail and outdoor activities also bare been involved in nature study at Grundys pood They are now planning for awards night which will take place later this The Guides and Browntes have been idling cookies and have now rounded up their sales The Brownies have also been learning sign language Mrs Margaret Fletcher underwent major surgery at Guelph Genera Hospital on Monday Best wishes are exten ded for a quick recovery Gary and Sandra Ferguson accompanied by Don and Fletcher of Fergus spent the weekend at Niagara Falls At the last meeting of the Mimosa Magic Mirrors the girls acted out a play and played Buyers Bingo They also finished their record books and made plans for Achievement Day which is Monday May 16 Bannockburn Wi at Ermaoaa Public School beginning at6JD Open House at Ospringe School was an education in Itsdf for the adults as tbey watched he students go through their various activities Classroom visits proved In teresting followed by the program the gym The principal Ian Saunders welcomed everyone The Urge choir directed by Anne Smith sang very nicely Junior public speaker and Intermediate speaker Heidi Schotsch gave their winning speeches selections by VanMaoen and Debbie Sinclair guitar numbers by Philip VanHanen and piano by Heidi Schotsch A presen tation by Leigh Ami and Sberri Coutts showed great promise for the future The program ended with the gymnastics display for boys and girls coached by Mr Saunders The visitors were invited to stay for coffee and cookies Marks 65th anniversary Tuesday evening April members of the Bannockburn Women Institute met at the Chateau Restaurant in George town to celebrate their anniversary After the dinner they met at the home of Mrs Cam Sinclair for their annual meeting The president called the meeting to order and the roll call was answered with the payment of fees and ideas for programs for he coming year The motto was given by Mrs Matthews and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved The district director gave a report of the directors meeting in Milton The secretary then read the minutes of the last annual meeting and the election of officers for the coming year was conducted by Mrs Walter President Mrs Keith Calms First vicepresiden Mrs Albert Brooks Second vicepresident Mrs James Hall Secretary Treasurer Mrs Ted Hilton District Director Mrs Campbell Sinclair Public Relations Officer Mrs H F Medland Tweedsmuir History Curators Mrs Stan Morrison and Mrs Walter Auditors Mrs Isabel McDonald and Mrs Stan Morrison Branch Directors Mrs John Fox Mrs Bruce and Mrs Walter Linham Flower Convener Mrs Walter Standing committee con veners are Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs A Brooks and Mrs Mueller Citizenship and World Affairs Mrs and Mrs Mary Montgomery Education and Cultural Activities Mrs H F and Mrs John Fox Family and Consumer Affairs Mrs Isabel McDonald and Mrs 0 Dorst Resolutions Mrs James Hall and Mrs S Matthews increase firefighters insurance Halton Hills volunteer fire fighters are being asked to com ment about the possibility of increasing Iheir insurance coverage from the present level of to or even ISO The insurance carrier Canada Life has recently In creased the maximum coverage level from to ISO The Lost for Mills to in crease volunteers coverage to 000 would be a year 131 for a year and to 196 for the maximum of coverage No funds were budgeUed to pay for increased insurance coverage for firefighters but Treasurer Ray King informed councillors the Town will be receiving a dividend cheque for from Canada Life Before taking any action on this matter council is going to wait to hear from the vol unteers Knox Alert The Knox Alert Evening Group met in the Mary Ellen Anderson Room for their reg ular monthly meeting The Call to Worship was given by the president followed by Hymn For the Beauty of the Earth Bessie Musselle read the Scripture Mark 19 and in the same vein gave a reading Pass the Bread Please fol lowed with Prayer Lillian McLennan read two pieces The Padded Cross and I Believe bringing the pro gramme to a close During the business portion the secretary and treasurer reports were read and adopted followed by roll call The of was received and the offertory prayer was Riven by the president Memorial plaques were examined in a Isabel McDonald moved that we order a plaque seconded by Gladys Davidson Gladys moved that Vera and Irene Terry buy a lace tablecloth seconded by Ruth Marshal Both of these items were to be bought with money from Emma Coles bequest A card was signed for Kath leen Dodds who has been 111 and Hymn Onward Christian Soldiers closed the meeting Resignation is accepted Board of Education Thursday evening accepted the retirement of Jean from Robert Little School as of June Robert John and marked their wedding anniversary Sunday with a party at Ike Acton Band They were married Toronto Hargraves mark 65 years wed Friends and relatives were on hand Sun day to help celebrate the anniversary of Robert John Jack and Wilhelmina Har grave of Acton The anniversary is a special one The for mer Acton reeve and his wife are celebrat years of wedded bliss this year The couple were married May 1 1918 at All Hallows Church Toronto and moved to Acton In where Mr Hargrave bought the Regent Service Station He operated it until then sold the business and moved over to operate Actons Motor Vehicle Licensing Office He retired in 1967 and spends his time now growing and gardening Mr Hargrave was first elected to town council in 1050 then seven later became reeve of the town a position he held for seven years Sundays anniversary party was held at Acton Band Hall The couple three children George Hargrave of Acton Ber nice Crump of and Lorraine Seager of Islington hosted the reception for their parents The also have nine grand children and greatgrandchildren Correction Sandra Best a passenger in a car driven by Best both of did not receive major Injuries in a car accident as reported in this newspaper last week But the driver of the other vehicle Dewsnap of escaped with minor injuries Lost weeks story of the accident which happened on the Fifth Ltne six kilometres south of Highway was inaccurate TMb newspaper regrets the error Teachers contract ratified A two year contract has been ratified between the Halton Elementary Teachers Assoc iation and the Board of Education In a recorded vote trustees last Thursday evening approv ed the package by a vote to five to four Trustees Peter Abbott Len Crosier Ivan Armstrong and Diane voted against the contract while Bruce Janis MUlman Marg Bullock Pat HUlhouse and Cam Jackson voted in favor of it Teachers principals vice principals and assistant coordinators receive a nine per cent Increase as of September 1982 and five per cent raise as of September 1 1983 Trustees Noel Cooper Anne Fairfield Betty Fisher Bill Harrison Dick Howilt and Bev Vola all declared a conflict of Interest Where theres smoke theres rubbish Two fires which could have resulted In tragedy turned out to be cases of mistaken Identity last week Volunteer firefighters were called to Lot 8 Con of Erin Township last Monday at after a passerby saw smoke and believed a nam was afire Fire fighters arrived on the scene only to discover the smoke was coming from burning rubbish And a homeowner called fire fighters at a yesterday morn ing Tuesday to say bis furnance had exploded at his bone on the Halton Hills Town- line between IS and 17 Sideroaos He later called back to cancel the call Firefighters also responded to a chimney fire Monday morning at Lot Con ship and a grass fire on Poplar Ave a few hours later at 1 p m All Items In Stock WED THUS BAT ONLY DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC J K0HARI DT PHONE 8778974 122 GUELPH ST ON HWY GEORGETOWN ANNOUNCEMENT GEORGE R Custom Carpentry is pleased to announce that GEORGE RIDDALL has joined their carpentry staff George is a local resident with years experience in cabinet making George invites all old customers and friends to visit him at new location ACTON 0MH A MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting and Section of Officers ACTON ARENA Sunday May 15th Time PROPOSEDSLATE OF OFFICERS TO BE PRESENTED FOR ELECTION Steve Yaroschak Stewart Robertson Brian Campbell Secretary Ron Joan Yalowlca The following persons have submitted their names as a of officers for the Acton Minor Hockey Association Ron Robinson Mil Richard KHpatnck Dan Carol Robinson Treasurer Barry Bartlett with a Personal Loan from the If a personal ban from the Commerce would help just drop in at the branch nearest you and give us a chance to make it happen for you ERCE fill Hardware J 134GuriphSt Georgetown