Bylaw is in good faith says wreckers lawyer The proposed bylaw governing salvage to Halton Hill is to good faith and a good attempt to solve problems wrecking yards the Wreckers old General Tuesday evening A dual draft of the bylaw was to be ap proved by Council this week Except for few points solicitor Davtd Page seemed satisfied with the proposed by law He did however to a section which read cars should not be seen within a foot distance from the yard While his client has already conformed with this Page said he felt feet was an arbitrary figure and any number would do He suggested It should read the middle of the road instead Page also objected to the fact the property owners could not use 2S feet of their own land as it was needed for a setback Bylaw Enforcement Officer Jack Lusty pointed out this amended and a four foot high chain link fence could now be erected to provide for off street parking outside the larger fence Page noted the land In front of Halton Auto Wreckers was very swampy not fit for parking He explained vehicle which bad been parked there had been removed except a car carrier which had its tires slashed and was not moveable However the carrier discourages customers from parking there Councillor addon said she found bis clients concern for customers cars ad but suggested no parking signs be put up The height of the required fence around the salvage yard also concerned Page He pointed out in the proposed changes the maximum height was reduced from IS feet to and that li be earthtone brown in color Page noted at the request of Council his client is in the process of erecting an IS foot high fence Because of the cold weather which has set in the project cannot be com pleted until spring even though it has al ready been started Lusty assured the law yer his clients fence was a legal structure and wouldnot have to be cut down Lusty also explained cars can be piled as high as the fence as long as they are not seen over it For example be stated a six foot fence can have a six foot high pile of cars behind it If the fence Is 18 feet high the pile can be also firefighters march to church service Halton Hills Fire Chief Bill Cunningham leads firefighters from Acton and Georgetown to the a parade held daring Fire Prevention Week The parade started on Bower Ave at the Ac ion Fire Hall and moved down the street to Elgin St and over to Mill St where it ended at Trinity United Church of Acton The Acton Cttiiens Band led the parade In fall morning IlvWS GeorgetownActon Wednesday October 19 1963 Georgetown IB Mourrbktnvstw N 8775108 Toronto Line 8778802 Six try for Ward seat Election is on Monday Jim France The big Issue in the minds of most Es- voters is the purchase of property for a future municipal complex and tent- alive plans to build the municipal centre a year or two from now according to Jim France After four weeks on the campaign trail listening to residents living In the north west and eastern areas of the ward France says the municipal complex isnt Just the biggest Issue but 99 per cent of voters want council to stop its efforts to buy the Stevens estate in Georgetown and forget about the project for a few more years 09 per cent of the people are against building a complex They want the project put on the back burner until there are better economic times and lower interest rales France declared He noted he went on the campaign trail to hear what the people think and feel about the issues and the message was loud and dear no complex People fear the price for the land will In the end escalate over the offered by the Town at this point and that by the time the building Is constructed it will have cost far more than the million estimated cost People are dead set against ft France staled Voters are telling him that they want to see council put first things first In their minds first things first means roads France said hes had a good chance to travel around the rural area and he agrees with residents of the ward some of these roads ore terrible If council has any money to spend on a complex it should instead by used to im prove the rural roads Many people have suggested money earmarked for the com plex and land purchase should be spent on hiring local young people at reasonable wages to repair the roads This would pro vide Jobs for young adults coming out of school with trades and the money they were paid would be recycled In Hills France has heard little from people about the aggregate issue but some people have suggested aggregate should be extracted where it exists He also hasnt heard much talk about the ethnic culturalrecreation centres issue France noted nobody seems to know what to do about these problems nobody seems to have the answers voters are also concerned about high taxes and lack of restraint by local government bodies and agencies He admitted taxes cant be reduced the escal ation of taxes and spending can only be restrained The answer to rising taxes la to lure more Industry to Halton Hills Transportation is an issue with seniors especially those living in the rural area around Georgetown Rob Heaton Market value assessment or reform under Section is really Inflated value assess ment according to Rob Market value assessment has been tried in other areas such as and has tton S3 adoption will only lead to more sub sidization of the urban areas by ratepayers Heaton declared Council needs strong voice to protect the rural area and preserve agricultural land during this time when Queens Park pots a higher priority on aggregate development While its true the further you go from Toronto to get aggregate the more It coats but the same la true for mod needs all the agricultural land it can bold onto so theres someplace to spread sewage sludge suffer aevere consequences If we al low ad el our agricultural land to wtad up fear what dwa do Is their water sources and lb Town should be Iran dad Into annual the Jama as the field Is set and the race is on for the Etqnesuig seat In the upcoming municipal byelection Top row Tony Taylor and Peter Norton Middle row Jim France and Jake Kolken Bottom row Dolly and Bob Heaton Halton Hills should have stronger voices urging a solution to this problem at Credit Valley Conservation Authority While there is no question that deer cause crop damage and cause serious car Heaton is concerned about allowing hunters to go all over the place looking for deer to kill He believes the solution Is to have controlled hunt rones In the areas where there is a big deer population such as near orchards The elimination of farmland Is reducing the areas where wildlife can go compounding the deer problem No matter where the Halton dump is loc ated there will be problems for Halton Hills observed No dump should be per milled on agricultural land and dumps shouldnt be planned for long 20 years life Energy from waste is the only long term solution Heaton also feels Halton Hills must keep a dose eye on Peels dump plana and If a dump is located in Huttonville close to the eastern boundary of Hills then Peel must supply east Esqueslng residents with municipal water If there are to be more arcades in Halton Kills then they should be in malls and forced to dote the same time other stores Heaton said at a time when crime is on the upswing he support police efforts to Impose a selective curfew on young people and calls for more stringent controls on arcades Jake Kuiken the tough economic times and peoples concerns with ever rating taxes council shouldnt be buying property for a new municipal complex or planning to con struct a centre the More Jake Kcdkcn says a new Town Hall bust It be on the present Trafalgar site not on the Stevens property in Georgetown Also Kuiken said if something happens and the Stevens property deal falls through then council should forget about it Otherwise he see a lot of harm In the Town buying the land and trying to develop it to raise revenue for the municipality He shares the worry that the project will wind up costing much more than the est imated million before Its built Kuiken doesnt want to see council push ahead with a complex in the foreseeable future either and doesn believe existing taxpayers should be burdened with paying for a municipal palace While some cultural recreation centres In the rural area a problem Kuiken Is concerned about the two which are causing council big headaches He admits he doesnt have all the answers to solving the problems but believes until they are the Town shouldnt allow any more centres The planned International Peace Camp In the Speyside area shouldnt be permitted With rural recreation projects and events such as rock festivals popping up out of the blue frequently Kuiken says council must work at enacting bylaws and regulations to better protect rural residents Roads In are a mess and he thinks council should establish a formula whereby a predetermined percentage of the taxes coming from a ward each year Is spent on works projects in that ward He opposes development of some rural land north of Acton as an industrial park Kuiken noted there are water concerns If factories are built on this property and while he supports strongly bringing more industry to Hills he noted there Is still a lot of vacant industrial land In Acton Rural residents arent getting a lot for their tax dollars and when they do make a simple request such some new traffic signs they shouldnt be rejected as hap pened earlier this year Council should be urging the Towns representative on police commission to take steps to make the police more visible In He thinks a thorough review of police operations In Hills might prod uce some innovative and Inexpensive ways of giving the police a higher rural profile Land Division Committee must retain all of its present powers no authority should be turned over to the region Kuiken also thinks the Town roust be more stringent in enforcing bylaws in he rural area such as for wrecking yards Dolly Moulden The primary issue In Esqueslng Is proper long term specific planning of land use Dolly says She says there has been general planning such as with the Official Plan but farmers residents and owners of recreation land must know what Is expected of them and what they can expect to be allowed to do with their property in the future The cost of a municipal complex really worries ward two voters and they really dont see there is a pressing need for more municipal office space Voters have been telling her they dont rind it inconvenient to have to go to several scattered municipal department and believe the present system works well Moulden explained she can it is In convenient for staff and It means time wasted travelling from office to office but that doesnt Justify the cost of a new 14000 award a police triumph Regional Police are hailing as a victory a jury decision last week to award a Halton Hills policeman in damages for Injuries suffered in a brutal beer bottle attack in 1931 An teenager was ordered by a civil court Judge to pay the money to Con stable Louis Agostlnho for throwing a beer bottle in his face when he responded to call from a house party In Oakville Const who was working out of the Oakville detachment at the time sued the youth for pain and suffering loss of wages permanent injuries and future medical expenses Perhaps this will give people a dear indication that police ore not hired to take physical or verbal abuse said Halton Police Chief James Hording Theyre not doormats for people to wipe their feet on Said Const Youre car tain amount of money and people expect you to take the abuse I dont think It says any where that we have to He said he is getting pats on the back from fellow officers for successfully taking his case to civil court The youth had been previously acquitted of a criminal charge stemming from the same attack Weve won some type of victory said Const I Just nope other officers will follow suit in similar cases a shared by Chief Harding While this is not the first instance of a policeman suing for damages Const Agostlnho said that to his knowledge It is one of the largest awards ever to a Canadian of He added It was his view that civil gallon is an effective way to deter assaults against police When you get down to it he said it is In the pocket book that it really hurts them Chief Harding said the court decision would be a very positive factor for morale on the force because it showed of fleers they have the backing of the judiciary and the public PC Louis Agostlnho While Const is thrilled with the result of his cose he admits it had been a long and painful experience one that has left its score As a result of the attack he suffered permanent nerve damage to his face which him from working in the cold for ear of frostbite two broken teeth which re quired root canel work a black eye that persisted for nine months and occasional headaches which have cost him time off from work He also feel after being struck by the bottle and injured his knee which has prevented him from being able to ski But despite his injuries Const Agost- inhos love of the Job has not been shaken Its a Job I enjoy and its a Job I have dedicated myself to he said I intend to goon thick or thin Betty Fisher ten Georgetown trustee on the lis Hon Board of Education has announced she seek the chairman seal left vacant by the resignation of Leu Aager right Mrs Fisher is now vice chairperson el the board Auger retires from Board She believes If Halton Hills could get some industrial tax dollars from south then the Town would be on firmer f footing to tackle a big project Before be can ever support property tax and assessment reform council mutt look at bow increased taxes would impact on residents with fixed or marginal facome noted she has beard horror stories from residents and seen the impact on one rural sfuun family On the aggregate name MouUko says a choke of food or gravel and shes firmly on the side of food Municipal water for a Issue which bean settled cost to rural residents to ban garbage I mi Page Board of Education chairman Lea Auger has resigned from the board and win be moving to Ottawa where be has accepted a position with the Ottawa Civic Hospital The resignation which tendered to the board at their meeting last Wednesday evening is effective November 1 and ends a 10 year career with the Board Auger waa first elected to represent Oak- vtOe separate school interests In and has ben chairman since He is currently employed as a professional with University at Hamilton at of planning and con- four cfaDdran sod two Adver will placed hi tor the empty Oak- the interviews win be paperi far applications ft vide teat and the inter ducted by Mark Bradley and BID the two Separate School taxpayers representatives on Halton board Recom mendations will then be made to the board on November 10 probably at which time the successful applicant will be sworn In Under the Education Act a by ejection Is not needed Had Anger not been acclaimed In last years municipal election the person with the second most votes could have been given the Job Also on Nove trustees will vote tor a new chairman Present Vice chairperson Betty Fisher hat already an nounced the win seek the position However this potting It only for tow weeks as the board be holding sit inaugural meeting December 1 at which time a new chairman and vicechairman wul be elected