Georgetown Acton Wednesday Produce from the Sun True DeiBBQ Green Seedless Crapes J51 miracle lb Navel Seedless Oranges id Red or Golden Dellcous Apples 99 Product as Green Onions or Radishes U Potted Mums J 99 Carrots or Yellow Onions Ma Fresh Sprouts Fresh AVOCadOS Grapefruit 9 Banaiwa 33 199 59 199 Fresh Mangos Schneiders Dell Cold Cute BMiwural Jagdwunl Thuringar Bummer Famous lor Quality Schneiders Olde Fashioned Ham Sliced 1 lb Schneiders Pre Cooked Oktoborfost Sausages Fresh Hawaiian Pizza Cheat and Fresh Fruit Salad Bulk Savings 22 Spanish or at a Blanched Peanuts 99 Sultana Raisins 22 ff99 Broken O Henry Bars Regular 09 rood Canada 1 it White ZaS Unpasturized Honey jr ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE SAJi WED FEBn4TO MIDNIGHT FEB 14 DELL MEAT AND UNTIL SAT FEB 114 IN METRO TORONTO MtSStSSAUOA THORMH1U BRAMPTON MALTON BOWMAmtLUORtLUAaBARRtC WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT