Churchill Ladies learn about fire prevention by Barb Crawford The monthly meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs Thompson on March 13 Mrs Kerr chaired the meeting and also gave the devotion Firefighter David Ford spoke to the group on prevention in the home answered quest tons and distributed several brochures on this subject Nine ladles from the CCCW enjoyed an outing on March Following lunch at a restaurant In wc went to the home of Mr and Mrs Shoemaker to see her large collection of dolls and in la lures Mr Shoemaker carpentry talents have been used to create a unique twostorey doll that opens from the frcf show off a completely fun home including fancy I in light fixtures that ij each room No household i has been omitted it even I a tiny mouse tn a trap in the many displays musical carousel and cabinets filled with various miniatures Through the years Mrs Shoemaker collection has grown to over 1300 dolls from countries that are displayed in glassed in cabinets that line the walla of their recreation room Mr and Mrs Theodore Martin of FIR Vinctand and Mr Davidson visited on Thursday at the home of Mr Mrs William Thompson Georgetown Acton Wednesday Mar Obituary Charles Binnie Auctioneer Ken left starts the on a jacket donated the Rotary Mi helper John Arnold checks out the she a rocking chair to milk and chicken was sold at the annual event held at the band hall Funeral service was held for Charles who died January Mr was bom in the part of the North West Territor ies which is now Saskatchewan in He was one of 11 children and received his education at Sylvan School and Moose Jaw College In 1339 he moved to Acton where he met and married Jackson They lived on their farm on the Fourth line where he raised Clydesdale horses and short horn cattle and he showing his flowers at fnlri Mr was always active in the community and served as school trustee and was secret for the board a number of veers and also was custodian at School He received his year vice pin from the Masoi and was Past Master of the Acton Lodge and was a Mason for years Mr and Mrs had been married and were honored at a largely attended surprise reception on their anniversary in 1979 given I ghbors and I They flew to Saskatchewan last July to be present at I ho to ring the year of the Finnic I fimilv home in that area Thirteen trips to the were made through the years to keep to ich with the f I wire Hugh Jack l son Jol n Jackson Peter Stewart Jonathan Minnie Dan and Tin nip Miller delighted with decision Mayor Miller was delighted to learn last week that the region consultants have ruled out Hal ton Hills in their search for a suitable location for a landfill site It s exactly what have been telling people for some time he said We would j not be picked It not very often that a politician is right but I guess this time we were lucky he added The consulting team headed by Walker Wright Young Associates Limited of Toronto has narrowed the field to six loca lions three In two in Milton and one In on after studying possible areas throughout Ha ton Ten the areas and one quarry were in Hills but after a detailed study the consulting team determined they were unsuitable for variety of reasons Mayor Miller said it lias always been obvious to him that the areas were environ mentally unsuitable for Mayor Miller said he is confident the site that will be picked eventually will be the best While It was the provincial government which forced the region into a costly Environmental Assessment study to pick a garbage dump to last years Mayor Miller soys the job is being done well Mayor Miller is currently Vicechairman of the region Solid Waste Management Committee which is responsible through council for overseeing the study Rockwood by Barbara Funk Minor Ball Association registration will be tomorrow Thursday March from and Saturday March 24 from Sam till noon at Centennial School The registration fees re main the same as last year Don t forget the organ concert at the United Church on Sunday at 30 Derek Tiller of Brantford will be demonstrating the versatility of the church new organ Also on hand to enter tain musically for the evening will be the bell ringers United Church Another date to remember is March when the Lions have their monthly dance at Centre Music will be provided by Mint Green For tickets call Gail Ritchie at or Murray at Cost for the ticket is per couple which includes a midnight buffet Meanderings I have always loved trains We were at traded loour property 15 years ago because Ihe trains were near and wecould hear them 11 the distance as a friendly sound We were that the trains did not stop in Actdn but the possibility that hey may Mop one of these days is exciting to us I lb all or Acton and vicinity would benefit by it especially since the fares are to be lowered for the young people and those over GO What easy way to get to downtown Toronto What exciting possibilities of going to Kitchener London and Sarnia It such a la k go rig to Georgetown or Guelph to gel Ira Im sure if a poll were taken of Acton and ty of people would want to see the trains slop here again Irish stew is enjoyed by all by Mrs Ron McLean The leprechauns were busy preparing a most enjoyable Irish stew and entertain Two new babies were received into the fellowship of the church by baptism James Douglas and Christina Frances daughter of and David Ward Residents were shocked to hear of the den death of Mrs John Freeman Mabel shared her musical and other gifts freely was her mother Adeline Shepherd who donated the pulpit to Ebeneter when the church was built in Sincere sympathy Is extended to Jack and the family They have made their home recently in Gorrie Sympathy is extended to the Joss family in the recent death of mother Mrs Casie Hughes gallant lady Mr Wigston impersonated Martin Luther He said the papal bull from Rome was lies though many recognized him as the head of the church Quoting from Romans man is ed by faith There is no security in in diligences or holy busy work A man without Christ becomes his own shell An architect drawing and a floor plan for Anglican Church were unveiled It the various alterations being made to t week A Dodge had Its windshield mashed Sunday white It was parked on MalnSt About COO damage Police A 40yearoM man was arrested for being in public place Friday at about I am outside the Pronto Gas Bar on Guelph SL in Georgetown beat Police reported that a 15- yearold Acton youth working parttime for Heller received a bruised shoulder when a sprocket on a conveyer belt caught the youths coat and dragged him Into the mach inery As a result of the Incident the Ministry of Labour has been advised and there will like ly be an investigation into the incident The allCanadian fuel now at Canadian Tire