Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 12, 1978, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 1978 A name to remember The double tragedy which struck the Best family will touch the hearts of many people As well as friends in this district there are thousands of people who owe their lives to the discovery of insulin Banting and Or Best were the two dedicated young men who made the remarkable discovery in Toronto A relative of ours had a par ticularly poignant memory of the two doctors at that time She was nursing in Collingwood and had a patient who was ob viously dying The young person was a victim of the then fatal disease of diabetes All of the staff knew of the work being done to try to discover a cure One of the staff drove down to Toronto to see the doctors who were striving experimentally on the new product There was no insulin on the market and the trials were still underway However some of the substance was obtained secretly and injected into the horridly 111 patient There was an immediate reaction and recovery that thrilled the doctors and nurses Our aunt never forgot that miracle cure obtained under the table somehow The names of Banting and Best are part of Canadian history Blood clinic time The winter of will be remembered It will be remembered for the same thing as the winter of the winter of The Red Cross was short of blood Last year 635 Canadian hospital patients needed blood each and every day and they needed an average of 3 12 units of fresh blood each That adds up to more than 1 units of blood every single day of the year Including Saturdays Sundays and holidays Even the snow swirls the sleet freezes and the north winds gust hemophiliacs needed their cryopredpltate Leukemia victims needed their platelets Surgery patients needed their red blood cells Now spring is here and thousands more will need the fresh whole blood only you can give The next blood donor clinic is Thursday April 13 at the Legion The love of a pet Most pets have one sole purpose in life and that is to love their masters Most humans feel they reciprocate this love but do they really One dull day last December a car was dnving down a local street its driver watching the children on the sidewalk while also watching the other cars on the road without any warning a large dog appeared directly in front of the car It had come out of no where The driver swerved to miss the animal heading straight into an oncoming car Luckily this vehicle had a chance to swerve also However the pavement was slippery and both cars skidded There was no colhsionthis tune There were no injuries this The animal was safe this time Not long after the same driver was driving down still another street when another dog came darting out from a driveway Close on its heels was a small child trying to catch the loose pet The driver slammed on the brakes and avoided an accident Just recently the driver was going to work For seemingly no reason at all the car ahead came to a dead stop A cat could soon be seen leaping to the safety of the sidewalk Several hundred yards up the same street the body of a similar cat lay on the shoulder of the road It was not so lucky Along the same route between Acton and Georgetown drivers could see bodies of other animals mainly cats which also had met with death at the hands of a startled driver If a driver has a choice between hitting the animal and another car he has to pick the animal It is a tough decision but human life comes first There is at least one small child today waiting for a cat or dog to come home They will call it they will leave food out for it in hopes it can be bribed to come home In a last desperate hope the parents will go driving the streets looking for the animal Let hope they didn t take the children with them when they went out on their search Your pet loves you Why not return this love by tying it up It may seem cruel at the tun but not as cruel as the death penalty of being allowed to run free SENIOR FINALE of the skating carnival included the introduction of all the club own stars to the proud applause of friends The show was called I Wish You a Rainbow and enjoyed its charm on Saturday at the community centre Sugar and spice Last all when It rained for days and nights and then began to snow lor about a similar spell I received a couple of pretty stem letters from readers One was from an elderly gentleman Both excoriated me in their different ways for being blasphemous Cause of their concern was a pair of columns in which I suggested to the Almighty that wed had enough precipitation and He could stop dumping It on us any time The G wrote a cross letter to his editor and sent me a copy The preacher wrote me a long personal letter telling me I t be so chummy with God He offered to pray for me and sent along a modern version of the Bible containing such words as booby traps which ratheralarmedme accustomed as 1 am to the austere and dignified King James Version Well I wrote some pretty bitter columns about the Canadian winter But after six straight weeks of glorious clear sunny weather I beginning to wonder who Is right me or my critics Maybe the Lord does read my column on one of His frequent lunch breaks 1 pray to Him for some decentweather I told him rather that we were fed up with what He was dishing up He strike me down with a thunderbolt although I noticed my thrills became pretty keen there for a few weeks Maybe the Lord mused something like this By Jove maybe BiU Smiley Is right Maube I did forget to turn off the taps there for a few months It t be the first time I remember a few years back that business with Noah and his family I clean forgot about them until It was nearly too late I get so darn sick of people praying for better health better crops more money happiness and their own worthless hides when they re in a Jam that I sometimes turn off My hearing aid supposed to see the little sparrow fall so maybe I Insult to constituents 201 Acton April 1973 Editor Acton Free Press Acton Ontario Dear Sir I must take exception to a letter which appeared in the Free Press on April from Dr Frank PhUbrook Halton tilled Fire Lazy Workers can perhaps agree with Dr motion in the House to freeze hiring In the civil service and to implement a reduction In same through attrition where necessary I cannot however sanction seconding a motion put forth by another Frank Main Wellington That In the opinion of this House the Government should consider the ad visability of Introducing legislation which would make merit or lack of It the deter mining factor in the civil service em by expediting the dismissal of competent employees giving bonuses to highly competent employees end ending all automatic raises This motion Is not only an insult to the working men and women of the civil vice but smacks of the purge mentality of the McCarthy era Should not these em be entitled to a Just recourse In the event of dismissal instead of an expeditious Should not these same employees entitled to keep pace with the cost of living and indeed Increase their standard of living by way of periodic raises I suggest that if your principle were Members of Parliament and the Senate we would certainty experience a great saving In tax dollars The Liberal government under the Inept leadership of Pierre and his yes men have traditionally foisted the blame for Its own economic follies and mismanagement upon others more specifically upon those who suffer from these policies most the working men and women of Canada The state of the economy today and the constant scandals hovering near the governing party indicate to me that the present government is not only economically Illiterate but morally bankrupt Look to yourself In casting blame for the country ills and not to those wbo are victims of your decisions Your letter to this newspaper on April was not only a cheap electioneering ploy but an insult to your constituents for which I believe an apology Is In order Yours sincerely Allan R Foster Tickets did some good Heck of a thing that bypass April 10 To the Editor The Halton Hills Public Libraries would like to thank all those people stuffed their old tickets into our collection boxes Each of these tickets Is worth to us toward the purchase of a Canadian book or magazine We have already made one substantial purchase and subscribed to many additional magazines through the generosity of doors Each book purchased through this program will carry a special label identifying It so that all thou who are Interested will be able to see the benefits of their gifts Although the program ends on April we feel that It has been an enormous cess We are particularly Impressed by the cheer with which losing tickets are given up almost always with the comment that it Is nice to know the ticket Is doing some good If you think this is a good way of helping local cultural and recreational organizations let your MPP or the Minister of Culture and Recreation Mr Welch know Perhaps we can do a lot more good with old tickets With many thanks Chief Librarian by Bill Smiley should pay attention when a smalltown columnist goes out of his way to remind me that there Is a lot more than sparrows falling and a lot too much of It 1 11 let him sweat it out for another couple of weeks Just show him that you don challenge My will with impunity Then 1 turn on the sun for a solid six weeks making the scoffers realize that the day of miracles is not past Six weeks of sunshine In a Canadian winter That beats walking on water any day Just for the Heaven of It 1 11 dump some snow and wind and ice and rain on those fat cats who go south every winter and let those Canadians who stayed home not my chosen people but at least my frozen people write nasty letters south telling their relatives of the blue skies radiant sun and crystal air back home Smiley going to have to pay for it of course find out once and for all that you don get chummy or cocky with Me That s a special sphere reserved for preachers and politicians Let see No use Increasing his thrttJc pain or his backache That only drives him to blasphemy and We don want to encourage that I could wreck his golf shot But that t work either It a already so lousy he d never even notice it No it has to be something more subtle Maybe I could put a bug in his wife ear and have her drag him out of bed at seven every morning and share the agonies of that half hour of exercise she does with that dame on the TV That would ruffle him more than somewhat But it snot enough It be clear to him that I am an almighty omnipotent fierce and vengeful God He d probably think It was merely his wife being ob noxious And he d claim he couldn t do the exercises with his bad back and his bad neck and his bad shoulder and hut bad knee I could always rot the rest of his teeth which are pretty well ready for the bone- yard anyway At least suffer the humiliation of going around drooling and gumming his food for a while But with these blasted modern dentists he d soon be going around with a fistful of big white attractive molars and thinking he could start smiling at women again Nope its got to be something that would really get to him I could easily have him fired from his Job for vagrancy bad gawk and not preparing lesson plans He guilty or all and each of them But it do so lazy I thl he go straight on unera Insurance Gotlttltwlllhitwhereithurts 111 turn his grandsons against him 1 11 make tliem see that he spoiling them rotten war ping their characters that he swears drinks smokes gambles and Is altogether a most reprobate and unfit grandfather But would It take They don really care if he drinks smokes etc They need him for running across the room and Jumping on They need him for kisses when they hurt themselves They couldn care less if he were Old Nick himself as far as morals go Ah well I guess 1 11 Just have to let him go to hell In his own iniinl table way That a punishment enough for anyone The Free Press Back Issues I 10 years ago Taken from the of the Free Press of Aprils ljts New rector of St church will be the Rev Harry J Dawson la recently assistant curate at St Gecgea church St Catharines Mr Dawson his wife and young daughter will be moving to the rectory when he begins his duties here May Acton high school board requires in its budget for 1BSB Exact amount of grants Is not ye known for certain and the remaining cost la split between Acton and Three Acton students attend Sheridan College were first to finish a marathon mile hike In aid of the Easter Seal campaign Saturday Doug Ford Phil Mario and Roy Shultis walked over the finish line In Brampton In front of the students who started out from Toronto dry ball Each marcher had a sponsor promised so much money for every walked 20 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press of Thursday April IKS A lone bandit brandishing a revolver and masked with a handkerchief covering his face held up the Custom Cleaners in Acton Saturday afternoon about and made off on foot with in cash In a daring daylight robbery Mrs Bud Evans 132 Elizabeth Drive Acton Regional show at CooksvUle Saturday April bad her painting chosen to be shown at the area show in Kitchener In May Acton council accepted by by law the mill rate of mills for residential and for commercial at their regular meeting on Monday evening of this week following a revision of committee budgets by the finance committee Evidence of the growing importance of Acton Industrially Is to be found In the word received this week that the Customs Port at Acton Is to be raised to a Grade two Port effective as of April l this year This is the second upgrading of Acton Custom Port In the past few years During open house at the new Fire Hall In Acton last Saturday Acton Firemen were called to fight a grass fire at the home of Armstrong lot fourth line Township 50 1 years ago Taken from the Issue of the free Press of Thursday April II 128 The court room In the town hall was packed with an audience Saturday after noon to hear the crown case against an Aton man who was convicted of boot legging Provincial Constable Butler and other officers raided the man a place on March 31 The sentence was I months In Jail at hard labor Ball of was set pending the outcome of the man appeal A head on collision between two steam driven trains sent three men to hospital but no delay In rail service resulted What was described as the worst train wreck that has occurred in Acton In years took place at 10 a m Sunday Just east of the station near what Is today Engineers Ltd One train was shunting one was passing through town Both were sevencar freights The Community Glee Club of about GO male members gave one of the best balanced entertaining and allround concerts of the season In the Town Hall The highlight of the evening was the finale of Comrades Song of Hope Council paved the way to the debenturing of money to build a and curling rink A petition with 240 was presented to council The signers Indicated they wanted a rink years ago Taken from the Issue fa the Free Press of Thursday April 11 1bb7 The Acton Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society annual meeting was held In the Presbyterian Church on Monday April B The meeting was originally scheduled for March but owing to the almost Ira passable conditions of the roads the President deemed It advisable to defer the meeting During the year one of the coQectloos undertaken by the Acton group amounted to Bible dlstributiaaamDg ench Canadians in Lower Canada THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Ed tonal Office DM In Mtait a oatmttw sat Copyright 1978

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