52 Principals Answer Questions Recommendations About per cent of Counlj public school principals who responded a question on religious education were in favour of Imnlcmetita of the nnjor rccom of the Report The Public Schools Principals Assoclati says in brief to the of educations fid hoc commit tec on education that recommendation vvhuh received the ion of disagreement wis one which deals the appoint of a program consultant The questionnaire was sent to members of the tion and of the distributed I were returned I nine of the principals agreed with recommendation that a program one That the present course be employed in each of study in religious resioml office of in the elementary schools of throughout the province This should be achieved by a program of incidental teach and study not through a formal the report specified principals agreed on this point while seven disagreed and one no comment FORMAL tort vith the rccomniciidalion for form it of denling with principi of the world would be offered as one of the opiums in Grades and 12 Seven principals the proposal and three offered no comment principals 11 disagreed and five abstained comment on the recom NEW BRIEFS Ontario be discontinued that its urns as set out in legislation program studies regulations and guide books be abandoned Recommendation two call ing for the repeal which permitted local boards of education to teach religion within secondary schools for two half hour per iods per week received supp from principals The proposal the would be responsible for direction of Ihe in religious education moral development SPECIAL INTEREST More Briefs Expected So Extend Religion Deadline County Board of Edm is p am hoc committee its pint is in the rcllioUs mil ell Tuchy to extend its Ian Jl dculline for recti re vm briefs ltlVr Chairman I lime suggested the tin Lommittcc received 14 briefs in the two mi thin it hail eivc pre i the months it lu been meeting Evolutionists Psychiatrists Blamed for Rebellious Youth Mrs In i the is in of Onhrio iroughlv disgusted id A woman say in a brief to Hoard education ad hoc on religious education that evolutionists and psjchiatriits arc to blame for an ungrateful nation which would now ban the God our fathers in our of that of other gods Mrs Cordaru Iwing St says scuff at the Bible calling it myth ire for the rebellion in our and universities have had their day Hie permissiveness advocated on by psychiatrists back in the the I beginning of now shows Hid jits ugly head in rebellion and villi wrecking of millions equipment at have allowed said rellgin will THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY FEB tin- ALARM ficcd with detenr what tin mi a brief ONLY LETTERS he roup tint several of submissions Innllj disc the designation of brief be letters told The mittec plan principals with the of education proposal and 12 offered comment The rccomonindation also i a program should added in the ilum section of the depart Member devoted tin to DID YOU KNOW kiln ill hoi is the f needed to oper i set for three I illinn slum dl a tost ALL MEMBERS I Forty three principals j reed and nine gave no com on recommend three which legislation pertain ins school visitors should repealed The Public Schools Act gives judges members of the members of municipal councils and local clergymen the right to visit public schools lit their municipalities The attend school exercises examine progress pupils and inspect the lite manage- report calls for teacher Hot the schools mi leges future faculties of even give advice to the of dim pupils any to assume leather present as they think lit Further the special interest of the general public this of the curriculum should bo continuous represent th in council of education opportunity fur ion between leach and received support from principals One principal dis agreed four gave no com j Mick Report on religious lion in conducted the first of a of interviews ilh persons who hue briefs UNJUST SOCIETY Mrs Kithennc Cordiro of spoke in Hon with her brief which sup ports f the of religious and denounces the leachinj of evolution a id icalion in schools The Reports vie on education received support from principals The Forty five principals agree with number four which ret that in elementary opening exercises con sating of the The department of I provide for th professional development present teaching body She rapped the society which she a group of Georgetown re dents to establish and their own school because do not of teachu g an I sex public schools NEW them and either of Six principals universal character appealing i to God for help in the day l activities or the Lords be held In the home rooms each morning pnncipils disagreed on this point and two abstained from com SIMILAR Recommendation five calls for similar exercises for schools at the beginning of any student assembly but not dally in the classroom three principals agreed five disagreed and abstain Forty six principals agreed or the recommendation that the duty of public education to foster character be discharged through a sal program in elementary and secondary schools The Report said his program I which is to be distinguished from a course of study should be carefully planned and Jd incidentally the whole spectrum It will have u its focus building ethics social and moral values and principles Three principals disagreed and three abstained ALL RELIGIONS The Report said the acquisition of information about and respect for all re should be recognized as an essential objective of the educational system from kind to Grade In its recommendation the Report proposes credit for appropriate courses in religion to provide accredit of students who will take in a college of one principals COMMENTS Some comments from principals were included in the brief The whole question moral teaching is doubtful in my mind is moral one may not be for another It is difficult for me to envisage a universal type course which could be imparted to students of any age fail lo sec how a pro gram which is distinguished from a course of studies can be carefully planned on the one hand and incidentally ad mini stercd on the other In I feel the schools should foster an environment where loyalty and honesty arc regarded as de sirable traits of character is also desirable for pupils to develop an attitude of lolcr understanding of others whose religious politi or cultural views may dif fer Hie 13 new briefs are from the Milton and District Mm Association the Knox Presbyterian thurch Milton of Hilton a committee of the Halton Co inly Virginia 1 Young of Mr and Mrs Chares I of Acton Mrs James Reese of M Hon Mrs Almi of Millon ivian of Mr and Mrs Jim Bailey of Georgetown Mr ind Mrs tcr of Acton Mr and Mrs George Forrest of Acton and a group of eight residents Former v County Public School Principals Association Mrs Cordiro George town Chnstnn Com mittec on Publicition for Out Toronto Gladys Public School Mrs Drive Oik Mrs Margaret Hardin Lome Campbell 1230 White Oaks The principals submission a summary of news on the 12 major recommend lions in the Mackiy report The lews through to the 73 members of the association of the were relumed Mrs urges the com mlttee not to abandon religious education as proposed ONLY 13 DAYS LEFT TO DEADLINE Less than of the Motorists in this District have obtained their Car Plates for Car owners are urged to obtain them now or face a last minute rush UNTIL THE DEADLINE DATE OF SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2Blh THE GEORGETOWN OFFICE WILL BE OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK UNTIL 5 30 and SAT TILL I OPEN DURING LUNCH HOUR UNTIL DEADLINE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT GEORGETOWN OFFICE MAIN STREET SOUTH She siys that she view the major recomi lions put in the Mac Report As I see it you propose lo ban our Christian heritage in formation rcjjirdini a of religions to our In my view whit von proposing ii nothing short of the confusion of When religious education was established In by Ccorge Drew we were at war pleading with almighty Cod deliver us from If religion will pass our altitude will be one of benevolent tolerance bit if it resists we will hasten its exit with violence to its resistance JUSTICE FOR ALL Mrs Cordaro This was founded on the of justice for all That does not mem th it must abandon the faith of our fathers to accommodate those ho prefer lo other gods foreign to Christnnitj And iince we arc In the protest of changing our laws on the matter of religion 1 point out a injustice that is perpetrated on a people who of Christ principles tolerate tin Goddenying theory of foisted upon their She was referring to a denominational public school in which she slid as lieeau the Parly Proceeds to Multiple Sclerosis A recent meet eta Alpha Chapter Sigma Phi was held at home of Mrs tills After rest or the wis spent for the to be held on 1 at the Holy Cioss Church 1 ro from Ihc card parly are Multiple Mrs teaching of the Command ments in schools the of sex programs and inclusion of Hie Lord Prayer at opening exercises DRAPER DOBIE 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