Minister Away On Visit to Holy Land Keith and Mrs Haw- Ires left this week on a tr to Land Rev John Staples of Stew hip services and former of Palermo United Church will conduct the ser vice while Mr Is ay The Eden congregation wish them a pleasant journey Mr Mrs Craig and end with Mr and Mrs David and The Young So a most enviable evening at the home or Mr and Mrs John Hamilton on Saturdiy night The evening was spent dancing lo records with May for the squire din A delicious lunch was en by all The North Trafalgar euchre club held a euchre party on Saturday night at the Recreation There wore nine of euchre in with the s going to the following winners Mrs Clare Irs Joe Sammil Mm Clifford Nor on Rilph Pom and Downs draw viere Mrs Robert and Buck Burton TV North first of j- u even lt North Ti He Centre AIL lies are interested in for new inn fnshlons are welcome n this education Mrs Pal Clayton is with the coord Mrs Finnic d Mrs Jones euchre on Frl There i tables of euchre In with the prires going lo the following winners Mrs Willis Hamilton Mrs Clifford George and Murray Lawrence The lucky draws were won by Mrs in Mrs Vcencj Bradley Clare Ford and Donald las A delicious lunch wis and a social visit enjoyed The next euchre pnrlj will be held on Friday night Jell Evening Starlight Croup of United Church met at the church on Monday even inn Feb 2 Mrs Jim Snow pre sided for the which wis opened a and pnycr Mrs Craig was in of the devotional per During the hour Mrs Frank ftuddell took tin on an tup ti the west const and tin on The slides were wonderful to see and Mrs gave a talk as the slides were being shown lowing lunch was served Mrs J m Mrs Charlie Hamilton wis hostess for a par tv on evening Feb 3 There were fourteen ladies present with Mrs Mar Holland charge of the ion Two were plajed awarded to win A lunih was scried hi the host who wis Mrs Plant Mrs Irene Saunders enter lined forty Indies at her in afternoon w hen he held a miscellaneous show in honour of Mrs Connor a bride of Mrs 0 Connor hid the isfortune to lose most of her belongings in a house firr in January Mrs Doug and Bill assisted Mrs with the shower On evening fat Church congregation pot luck supper in the parish hall following outdoor sports of tobogganing hiking and movies for those who wished lo stay Indoors The second meeting of the THE GEORGETOWN HERALD Hornby North Junior THURSDAY FEB was held on Monday evening February at the home of Mrs Boy Wilson Thr meeting was opened with the 1 pled ge The roll call What to look for in cottons was answered the fifteen members pros- cut The name for the club and wilt be held euchre on lliurs Kb at Hie North Centre The were tanks of pa the priies lo the following winners rid in Mrs Peacock 1 re Workman and the Hornby North Coin During the evening the girls undo out of scrap mi lerhl also practiced on hems Skirts were cut out der the of Mrs John Roy Wilson girls were asked lo bring their pattern and scissors lo the next meet ing The reporli i this I mec in as Laurie I Birthday reelings arc e tended to the following who arc celebrating their Leonard Buckler on February to Jmet Calhoun on 1eliru 10 lo Pat I on Feb 11 and lo Vilerie llnnt on 15 Mrs Hamilton OPEN HOUSE Get well Former Norval Man Jacob Dies is extended to and lo llic fee for is and family on a dclcgile at the death of Mr Jacob I convention In in J on Wednesday February the spring He is tt reported that the his wife Jane and el prore and even children Albert soon be in the frames Tena John Dlanne Joanne quilting Willmm Mike Greta Francis and Richard The family lived In the village for years in the house between the grocery store and the post office be fore moving to near Hutton BAYLOR CRESCENT WILL BE OPEN for inn ton luulnv in I I thru in 14th 15tl from to Drop in on or ind oik of our il men will be wallm lo through E A MITCHELL LIMITED REALTOR QUEEN STREET EAST TORONTO F HUNTER REAL Strcal An heavy for of year sadly our lilting Anyone lo nil their It to contact REAL BUY This comfortable frame home in the central part of town Jm a nleeslicd living room separate room and kitchen down three bedrooms and bath up Very economical low taxes BOO CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING This five roomed bun alow with finished room is situated on a limit r lol with plenty of room and a lovely garden Double frmic garage Owner leaving town ATTENTION COMMUTERS Just two miles from anil four miles south of Georgetown surrounded by homes Country brick and stone J bed kitthen shaped area Only years old ind custom built Attractive stairway to base with fireplace Lot is beautifully treed on four acre with circular drive double garage Public and school pass the door Owner has out town business and muit sell LUXURIOUS IMMACULATE and as modern as tomorrow with a lemfiL view of creek backing the proper Ij ft livinj area 1 fireplace graces the I luinj and room Three spacious bedrooms ultra modern kitchen two bathrooms extras with mice of throughout illachtd garage j living in town and make this jour of true LOW PRICE ACREAGE ln scenic Tires ilh three springs combines Workable will rolling hills and hirdwood walk ihroiuli tiller home and small barn This of is lo acquire Mike ipnoim merit on Two miles north of Typical Old Home itit on two acres completely renovated Beau liful hung room ith exposed btanis and lorn firtplate I ight looms in ill four bedrooms All ijs intl colour included Subs in I il down BEAUTIFUL LOT Hilltop villn vth view close lo Georgetown Maple and apple tries Ibis J ONE ACRE south of Aclon near school No 17 COUNTRY Two side In side 1 LI S3 8774441 Ed Tyan Kan Lloyd Cnchtar Mil few years a Mrs- Chester and Mrs Cleave assisted the hostess in serving lunch and a social time was Mrs McLean Sympathy Is extended to Mr and Mrs Frank Ferguson Deb bie and on the death of Mrs Fergusons father Mr of Flcsherton Congratulations to 12 year old Brian son of Mr and Mrs Herb who parsed his grade piano exam honours in Brampton He Is a pupil of Mr David Fsplin of Brampton and attends loi Public School He has ben liking piano lessons since wis six years old Mr Mrs Clark en three days in Quebec v where Ihey took in the all stars hockey lourn Their son Glen played the Bnmpton all star hut they were eliminate their second game Forbes of Draper his returned from a months vis lo England and Scotland v litre he visited relatives and friends While in London he enjoyed having dinner with Miss Janice Carter and her fi Womens Institute met at he home of Mrs Wm I Graham Georgetown on Thur evening Ieb with Mrs Joe Murray presiding The rol call was answered with What this community needs for Its young people the most popular answer good leadership and a centre where they Mrs Keilh Webb and sirs Terry public relations were in charge of the pro grim Mrs Webb gave the mot to As we grow older in years grow richer in experience Mrs Terry the guest speaker for the evening Ontario Dairy Princess Miss who told about her experiences as Dairy Princess so far tiia which have Included speaking over Ontario on TV and trip to England Ireland and Scotland During the biuness it was decided to send donation to McDonald Hall it Guclpb Have You 500 With a of and 500 on doling wa can offer a of surveyed and separated Ian than If hours good o Georgetown only one mortgage and that a one held by present owner Local people have already and propartle In hit area Join the Smart ACRES There is a high knoll containing some el which in no way dclratls from the value of the prop Main road frontage Only one at 5 ACRES A looking down stream lot jooj fish road Iron ACRES Gentle roll ides tile land for the pasture for a There of these but don wait the first for the best choice 10 ACRES Only one of these Beautiful stream cm Ihc property while a strong spring could provide your pond of high drv building Hurry for one at ACRES On an ever open township road Adjacent to a beautiful neighboring bush Close lo he village of Mars Only ACRES For family who wants a lew horses or cattle but not the rcspi bility of a working excellent crop and pasture land Good water supply Sorry but need down pavmcnl on this one All full Surveys Available For further inform ition contact CATHARINE MATHEWS R Georgetown DON HOLST REALTY SERVICES 1961 LTD GEORGETOWN PHONE STREET 920 TORONTO LINE READ THIS s arc looking for a link split immaculately kepi home in vn cheerful kitchen living ro firtplace family room Try jour down payment tull Call olid brick home II Close lo ill OH Mr MUST BE SOLD fircphce and family room will runt conveniences in very Act Angus TERRIFIC VALUE bedroom home on dci lot in treecovered older district of Georgetown com pletclv decorated living room with room and kilchin Jem Morierislcrn REDUCED TO Solid brick split Spotless home wiih too miuv lo lion Ins home must to down Call Hall SOLID BRICK BEAUTY kitchen Sep ill When you sell your house a Realtor you sive lime energy and headaches Because a is i pro in the reel estate business who will introduce you to truly interested people People who want la buy what you want to sell And through Multiple Listing a number of Realtors work hand in hand so hat you have a range of pro spective buyers All of whom do business through a Realtor because they know he handles the kind of property they re interested in Fairly and squarely When youre selling your house do it the simple way Get in touch with your Realtor a professional in real estate who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethic I as a member of the loci I board and of the Canadian B Association of Real Estate Boards The Brampton Ret Estate Boarc Peel Trust Savings Company Main St real North Brampton BUSINESS PROPERTY brick con lining two Plenty of space second floor for apart incuts lull Located of section of active in farming area set up for the man who wants to set up a steady in come for future Priced lo sell quickly at FAMILY HOME with bright cheer fill Ionium on illriclivch lot bedrooms 1 sued kitthen ind living room Handy lo school shin pitij paved rond Lower laxes LOOK THIS ONE OVER Country one old with electric inn 11xH on scenic icre i225 ou can belt here SPECULATORS OPPORTUNITY Concrete block low Incited on large lot in irc of I urthcr details Priced ROOM MODERN llnck and stone with attached ind pived drive on well land si kit of Irccs ind shrubs Home features laric room with room modern kitchen two with scpiratc LARGE BRICK DUPLEX Choice for rent liilitv lose to Irnisportillon and downtown llmdj school on lot with active inspettion todiv Ask mi price MODERN SIDE SPLIT BUNGALOW features jrj Livuu room dlnm room and kitchen Covered Garage Convenient loti led Cill for Inspection ACRES WITH SPECULATIVE VALUE BO acres work Good drainage and loam Large bank barn with wiler Two storey Iwrirnom home with oil fur nut and pictc bath on Ask pntc with ttinis CHOICE LOCATION for your country home ind horse farm acres with approximated ft highway Separation approved Exercising track and well on property Asking per INVESTMENT PROPERTY IN PROGRESSIVE TOWN ipartmenli plus two with elevator Solid brick central locition Showing nod AkkinB Down pajment PRESTIGE WOOD LOT SELECT LOT SELECT LOT ACRES ACRES 750 per FOR RENT Almost new bedroom furnish home Close to public school One year lease from 1st No pets per month with first bit rent in For Other Top In Fermi Loti Business Opportunities and Income Properties call Halton and Peal Roal Estate Department GAR LACEY Phone SPECIAL TOWN HOMES LUXURIOUS COMFORT Toss a log in the fireplace w itih tin snow swirl in the valley below through the patio door- in dtli family room Huge formal living room and room super modern kitchen with built in dishw islier mil Three ill Two mil half baths and two tar tiuly fine executive home TERRIFIC VALUE impressive four bedroom two storey with and extra large lot Huge l fun bed room with sauna room show er room d eh in roo iou in Grand foyer formal room dining room super modern kitchen two lop residential location Low first ih tin its for just monthly including taxes littler hurry its only FIVE spin level perched high and overlooking Hit arc of room for the kids to eat and in ilns will pi mm home Icss than a block to school mi ihrec blocks shopping Its convenience spice and ill in one pmkae for only 30900 SMART split level home kitchendinette Hie ivhok can sit down together In urn on level Separate dining room us mum fojcr Splendid trtsttnl shopping iiIul 1 20 ATTENTION tins most ippealmy home for nun inspcLtion make a note of the many plug failures inicd ceiling in the family room broadloom in Hit luin rttim dining room vnnilv garage beautifully I intl femttl big bedrooms and i inns ill Do call for pi Its 2B900 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION for this splendid six bun low attached absolutely iition inside out lis one year old and has a low first morgue A real buy indicated at WHAT A WAY TO START Imagine the excitement f will hive when joii announce that you have I t I i three bedroom ranch I he hi move in in new year ill Hum nuke arrangements right Its down to move Into this cut Utile low with modern kitchen and bathroom I ml hen One mortgage or tho balance nlv monthly It a dandy retirement Iuick possession 14900 S3 mil led IH r town lite lined Kilt sire area I Tow ship 7900 VILLAGE COUNTRY HOMES DON T PASS IT BY if re looking for good setting Four room low sum si pin modem kitchen and colored bathroom wilh built in lot Taxes Heats fir iiinuilh Low first mortgage Well FAVOURITE fust listed big six room brick country rjuthtr lo I stone fireplace in the living room ft run room kilchcn to dinette area and beautiful color toned bathroom Divi ded decorating and some completing Imiressivelv situ ltd on on a foot lot Best of all its he putt hive been asking SPACE SPACE for you people who never been lisficd with just good enough things Seven very rooms four bedrooms living room dining riinm lwo complete bithrooms lull he it Custom built just two years on ii No A cor is burnt i dite now to see this one SNOWMOBILE COUNTRY Convenient located next to the ill with icres of trails to explore Toe burn future family room I his bund new Hinder construction split entry hum in iri is a dandy for the growing ii dinette dining room living room Hint fourth down and second bath room 1 price WINTERTIME IS BEAUTIFUL Especially this custom built room with two car garage cov ered sitinted on i one halt acre lot on good llnck stone front Recreation room wilh finished laundry room with upper and liivnr lop covered doors on the no shortage of them plus a built in ind oven a grand buy at COUNTRY SPLENDOUR i crackling fire in the fire place spells i en i winters evening The foyer entrance is it leads up a carpeted stair to the hum in or to the familj room with washroom off met diors to Also convenient door to garage Unci bedrooms with double closets in two to the master music on the inttiLoiiii soothi jour nerves as go about enjoying the of l In fine home Its on a one acre tommy lot Us a lovely gift at FOBERT H Fobort Real Estate Ltd Realtor Gualph Street or Tor line Alter Bob Tripp Ran Daly Helen Atkinson Mary Rosa Gary Edl