DELAY DECISION ON TYPE RACEWAY IN ESQUESING Alter two hours he hod come to council to argument a crowd Hie proposal and had an council chamber questions from a council came lo no decision number of ratepayers from Monday night on the area Wo arc now in a pus of a building permit to d to make a formal Ion Raceway Ihc proposed lar I since we have all the racing layout between thc plans here and will leave them 3rd and just north with council Department of of Highways hid no objections I and felt wis a reiionablc Glenn How Toronto lawyer proper place Mr appearing on behalf of Johov went on lie statu tint inter ah Witnesses whose senate would prolnbly be Hal adjoins sitt of the provided from and an asked the deferment iSrccim u Id be drj of a decision for month lie claimed had been made to allow the church to be No official had sent neighbouring said Mr Hon and on those grounds the deferment was warranted ALL THE PLANS I Goodnun a w for the raceway owners ex pi lined rem irked MILLION He estimated the expend uri at I dollars wli an assessment that required very little servicing by the C Patterson owner of pro pertj adjoining the iHcuted Goodm ins stale saying hi had dealt with all abutting landowncis 1 there nobod has me he slated Mr Goodman chimed hi bad leaned tint day of Mr sons lot and trailer but council he was deil with him exactly the as the other land just He pomtid out that ments had been with landowners lo their properly at 10 per present market value if owners after Hit rate I want lo sell Mrs immediately He claimed the same offer had out her home was not been nude In Kingdom Hill a but a permanent mob hive long to lie home on cement blocks did with any problems he with an ittachcd porch and LONG WAV Glenn How claimed the offer was a long way from replace value but admitted he felt the raceway owners want to negotiate in good faith Goodman staled his ucs had been under the that they had made a deal with Kingdom Hall Ho then of to have a joint evaluation with two appraisers one en by Jehovah Witnesses and then would be added to the appraised market If within a of start of the operation you wish to sell we will pay you that price he concluded We don l want a be side a race track and we dan have to wait till the track op ens to know thai retorted Mr How SMOKE SCREEN Dick Hewitt 10 contended the talk about and agreements was a smoke screen ind was bus iness of councils He asked how the nine residents were selected and wondered It noise cross roads He claimed attract un desirable elements and that other uses such is snowmobile races and rock festivals be made of the raceway is here Us night he added At a meeting he disclosed that of the promoters had been In the unsuccessful tempt to locale the raceway the in Toronto NOT APPROACHED he chin lorcjele could take barn and weekend 1 reject nut of shot back other uses and such smoke screens as Hell gels You have my undertaking that my presentation as plans is valid and binding continued He pointed out lhat the people behind the raceway were responsible people John landowner right across the CONFLICT OF INTEREST had not been approached Carol Howell wife Hick lie claimed the small land who spoke earlier owners who had settled with lf llarsni i0lM the company had no choice allowed to vole js won since they feared their if it would be a conflict might lie and one of the want to he left out of bought for the I owned Marshall UP TO LANDOWNERS He the agreements rccvc llu tf llri did not allow Ihe landowners who signed oppose the ip I Peter contended he That not our miss should neither nor attend inUrjeclcd meeting where the subject discussed lleslin Georgetown on of William pointed out I that his client was hrcst id mo i land owner in the area hiving Nells loo acres right Hie an a I from the raceway His clients lhe deputy for the objections were based on per tints up to landowners feeling said Mr lleslin as he went on to list heavy lhe effect hand I traffic crowds and noise as the raceway on the whole th ill parL of hi objection He thai after ic it would have an adverse Won fcovcniminl all affect on his and won nl if it would since the already his dairv ragstnp race stressed that Mr Lawson was not seeking with We hive bad teeth the owners but to Or Green im it the the ineutcd ihc dcpuij re ie An unidentified The miles away and never cither In windin up mi he sud ihcre would be r night Ads That Pay You can plica in ad in Herald by phoning Buying or tailing The whirs you will you want GEORGETOWN HERALD The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District Printing Publishing Georgetown Herald Georgetown and Prlnlert for over a century offering lb belt in fin printing and newt coverage Clan Mail Rcgitlored Number Return Poatag Guaranteed Georgetown Ontario February 19th 7 50 per year Single Copy Price Fifteen Conlt OFFER OWNER Need Welding Shop Property Part of Sewer Reconstruction A PUSH THEN WHOOSH Get ng set for one more long thrill ng si down one of the camel humps at Georgetown Golf Counlry Club are Kelly Henry and Doug They were among the worshippers who attended GeorgetownGolfs fun day5alurday NOT ENTHUSIASTIC North Airfield Site Only Speculation Whiting Reports that the federal will choose Nurlh of a Toronto region jet airport arc pure speculation at this point according to MP Hud this week tint he knows federal is still potent sites provincial officers hut he does no know location will be en TELEPHONE CALLS Ho said Donald federal transport minister as him that when a site is picked the people in the am affected will be Riven ample opportunity express their The Ml ml he is tic lb ilily of the built in riding DISRUPTION It will disrupt million to the new intirmliiiin near Tor onto the held is expected to become thc nnjor supersonic jumbo jet aviation centre lhe of ovcrnment for tin coming fiscal jcir tabled in lhe Commons include on for acquisition of land for the airport opinio pro said that after rcc news reporls on North Halton as a site he received telephone calls from officials up north but so far has had little reaction from DRUG PARTY SUMMONSES All but two charges are still to be laid in connection with a raid on a Georgetown house 1 which broke up a Two were charted on The rc will be summonsed Georgetown police Chief yesterday charges against ho Lowe told Herald remaining 36 caught In raid arc still being prepared LSI hashish marijuana drus confiscated in raid which involved OPP and officers See top curling Visit Lesion Provincial finals at North Hal ton Curling Club A 30 offer has been made to Guy the town or his Street pro The land is an integral part of a sewer reconstruction pro ject Sandy Mackenzie ed at Monday council mt that phase 1 of project has decreased intake into the sewage disposal plant from farmer million gallons dally lo 13 million With phi he hopes that this will decrease further to a million gallons The town has offered Mr with the stip that he must continue paying taxes on lhe property until it required by thc town up to a maximum of two yearn He operates a welding business in the building which would be demolished during re construction VIOLENTLY OPPOSED The offer which will he mad through the A Mitchell appraisal firm was opposed on Monday by Morrow He termed it an extravagant waste of money at a time when he said he perly values arc dropping that It should not be bought now when it might not be needed for two years Mackenzie contradicted him an absolute necessity aid Sewage extension is one of our most important pro jects The property may not be this but expropriation a lengthy and costly TEAR IT DOWN Hunter said he could see both opinions bin experience with expropriation in the prosed and with no sun si nubble with this method he sides with the purchase One councillor says the price is loi high fa there notlun el to do Well Ihen lei and Icir il said Morrow I dmit know if thc to Ibu answered e Mr has a sell Slid depul recie lies made us in a counter and theics nothing lo he will accept It tom the rite payers this ii the best offer we can nuke GOOD PLANNING I doot disicjcc with Cr said lull Smith Us ale he to llie meeting when His s It could cost us Ml more lo expropriate in e u alone and would a year it long Add Truck Snow Plow To Towns Equipment to its fleet council accepted leider from llowi Town Motors for a truck and a tender for a plow to its The will mean that winter the town lundlc all its own plow said TAKE OVER HIGHWAY We will be win maintenance on No lhe way through town he which ikes In a recoi led meson sided with the vole which a Bill Smith explained tint a standby will still be bill that there will saving In stand by time for snow plowing MAYOR WILL ENTER SNOWMOBILE RACE FOR SNOW DRY LAND May Pay Clinic For Stray Pets Albert Clupel Street West has been engirt to issue dog licenses in Georce Mr is i ho js apponi ted by council on das will receive a fee of of llio PAY FOR CARE of to be in animal control was also ma la at meeting And council tint it will nuke an it with tin to for inimal with town the tab for this for a second ycir Mayor has ted an invitation from North Bays mayor to compete in one of features of the Pur Trap hae the rep in in lhe which this ycir will take on the March 1st weekend COSTLY ALTERNATIVE He reminded Morrow Hint cost three quarters of million dollars to extend sewage disposal system and Hie reconstruction of this would be lhe Deputy Reeve Arthur Speight the purchase had had I borough committee discussion that it would be lo obtain an casement without ex propnalion or purchase and would be folly hold up phase He said future highway cuing would require the prop anyway it purchased the town could receive half money back in government subsidy but nothing If It went expropriation LEGAL C05TS He also reminded council that purchase is not a mailer of economics but that the town is dislocating mans business Were buying more than a building Reiterated Hyde Whether the is worth or not Is the point Hyde said legal coses lor expropriation could run high as and there would be no guarantee what a court would assess as value of the property SHOE STORE FOR HIGHWAY A permit for a Kinney Shoe Stole at corner of v ant was one of the two building permits issued during January The other was a rcMdenlnl peimit lo for January was- Easy Handling Safe Claims Designer of Hovercraft A pound of is one in jeiiretown or at least of operating Die safch features says Mr I in but Us lure it ice snow land or imp Ins mill Hi pointed out moment is The been designed and dccloicl thai anyom could operate lhe pans it the moment i by John it his machine ifter If minutes In as the Hover Ic shop on Guclph Street Co With its closed In pleila cockpit and heater boat and si cm he used thc year fanners fishcrmin i men Noise is kept to by two mufflers ANYONE CAN DRIVE The vehicles was demolish by its designer when he circled i post middle of building by The is a one seat I no in cornier but mulch be hinlti operates to sc it or machine prem mm hi powered by p I for the s cycle engine with a p hold a i nun fan mourned in the rear spring bill vouhl I tints on cushion of air The to show it to anu is mule of fibulas I interested before lhal bolt it must have a in number FUTURE UNKNOWN is and Avian is people seem think concluded the igncr Hovercraft designer and builder John Schwingshandl machinfti ability Welcome Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Final Curlers