Pancake Lunch is Mens Effort Serve Over 125 The Couples Club of United irch entertained the follow nR the net on fit to a ancakc Lunch villi ineT and the to a full and the men did an ex ill the still nil room It ere of and apples to vent home Davidson of enter lamed the lunch i which Ilie 1 tor Guide and held J dentine lea and bike sale on in Nor Churili Mis llclherinUon tie in and Bake bait with Mi It mcharu of the tnkt table ant Mrs tcr r and Mrs twin in of the lea Room and tin served the tea A for a hand quilt don ted win is Mrs T The Ladies Guild of St Pauls Church met at the lime Mr- on Teh with Mrs Carter pre ding Plans made for a child fi to he hold in the pin hall on March 1st lid for a demon stratum and dessert to be held on 5th arrangements were made for the install ition of the doors donated the Guild to be installed car in the ins A donation was made to the The net mil be a arc ith for the to be held at the home of Mrs June Land CLERGY COMMENT THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY FEB 1 PAGE Unit Two of United Cliureh met at the home of Ihe new president Mrs Paul Johnson on V evening Mrs John jaic an i Inspiring devotional on siat tor the seeds of kindness A Health Nurse was to be guest speaker but an prevented her from ittcndnig Mrs It cry filled In with on Jipan which were appreciated and Mr and Mrs Grant the th lunch and a sot time is The meet will be held at the home Mrs John School lure for ink include a Ice a it to the and pony rides and refresh incuts The pupils hope tint night nil good night neither in and thit the will turn out to support Pro are for their annual bis trp Mrs Ed Musings On A NonRepor Rev Al Van don Pol Church THE REPORT Many people interested In education know that this report is at present quite a hoi potato And this is no sing for if it is implemented it will give a radically dif ferent basis to the philosophy of education our School system The system will be for rel g fa is a persona commitment which can best be made the home in the place of worship What else docs mean an Teachers and students if you don leave your faith in church al least you must leaui I be banned from the schools in a wholly Police Will Get Assessment Space spare in 11 building vacate when Georgetown swimmer department wis absorbed a Peel region will be rented for police Council dceided on the It had been recorr mended the police CONSISTENT Emm lint to be consistent approve he his ready given to Ihc Stevenson report which recommends changes in the towns ad i set up The report si 1 the office be used for the building and plumbing in Come to Church Not that religion there will be a study of nor which n Sen or II involve the systematic and s study of various religions of the world the intention of provdng knowledge and insight into the bm of doctr creeds liturgical practices and into the roots from wh have sprung It the teacher story who will be privileged to teach such a course don I forge in a wholly manner What t if the poor man happens to be convinced and dediciled Christ an not only on Sunday and at home before and school but days and night of a ly week and therefore a man who cannot but seek to show in his history courses fi that mans doings have only d and redeeming meaning when they are the woof complementing God warp on the loom of history And if he keep h Chr an heart of teach of the subject rel Then he stands condemned as a biased b got under ih system the system itself biased In banning to the home and the place We don t need and we don want com schools leading We demand the the attitude How come time our was Christian the deepest is between Roman Catholics and Protest our school system our government and the in refuse to recognize the fact that thi or even contrast in educational ph losophy between on rel Pubic and the schooling of chil of stia parents is much greater than between for Roman and Chr stian Schools fa as a of worship Well at one d fference w ants But no boards and Mackoy shows There the committee con racier ethics altitude TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH EvinBllcl Community Centre Minister J Phillips Telephone a m Sunday School All Classes am Morning Worship Service p Sen ST PAULS BAPTIST CHURCH Road Minister Rev Cairns 10 Sunday 11 15 am Worship Service MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Blbl Preaching Sunday 11 am THE CHURCH OP GOD Community SUNDAY a Sunday 11 a Worship Evangelistic Service The Church of God the oldest Pentecostal Church in America Christian Reformed CHURCH Lina J VandinPcl Services Sunday a m mid pm 11am Sun day School Visiters welcome listen every Sunday to Back To God Hour Radio Minister Joel KFY am CFGM 1310 10 am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Main and 10 a m Morning Worship a m Church School Organist Mrs Choir Director Miss McNeil Rev W ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH St MINISTER Robert 0 Organist Mrs Schuldt 30 a Church School Crude I and up am Service of Worship Church School Nursery to Grade 1 Junior Congregation JvVfcKYONL IS Pentecostal Church Tampt No Llni Pastor Jack SUNDAY SERVICES am Sunday School am Morning Worship Service Come and enjoy friendly fellowship and helpful ministry Affiliate of the PA DC Knox Presbyterian Church Main and Church MINISTER REV YOUNG am Church School a m Morning Worship Nursery Care ORGANIST Mrs Gowland of the Moral Development sec ders mean by moral values aid principles best be instilled in the young How is in till ng the of things different from nat lion Willi the same Why not honestly face it Today we live in a pluralis lie soc Many people may their faith to be irrele vant to education and life in soc But many other do Don they have equal r And be ides would hone colourful competition In education be MORE or LESS cal than the grey mam moth of a monolithic system as asking whether true should not be preferred over piny system and vale toll economy and a GLEN WILLIAMS Family Celebrates with Mother 92nd Birthday One of the Glen iicns Mrs S Kluijbeil Con federation St celebrated lie on hi lib 10 The family at her home on Hi se a distant were Mr jni Mrs Mr an I Mrs Horace Taylor and On Mr and Mis Rob liylor and family Olive Mr and family all from Windermere Mr and Mrs Tony franks and family let Detroit and Mrs Dennis of Unity is here In the with her mother for a lib Klintbcil did have a shy in recently but I to be home now mil havlnK her around her to help celebrate on Sunday We extend our as do her many friends in the There will be a service March lit In St which will take the form of a The Junior ball club held a successful In the hall hit Thursday Tin were Mrs Whitney town Mrs Low store Mirv Lynn The men winners Mis I KiiiR Georgetown Mr John Hooper Confederation St Glen Low Mary Tlmy will have another this Thursday evening In the hall to which everyone is welcome Get well wishes are sent to Mrs Fred Jackson mother Mrs Scott who in a patient In Georgetown begun in the Church and meets every Thursday I en with Rev arc eleven young people The of the United Church a list Sunday moniniB church service Our best go to Mrs Cain Beaver St who is a in Georgetown The bus trip to Toronto on Saturday sponsored by St At bans Ladies Guild was again enjoyed by all the ladies A many shopped and some went to the theatre when they had the opportunity Best wishes for speedy re Bo to Mrs Earl Beaver St who has been a pit I lent in hospital In Their many friends extend sincere sympathy to the family In tho death of Anne this week In ital She leaves her ion don and sisters Margaret Mrs R Held of 22 Jean Mrs Wm of brothers Alex of 22 Bill of the Glen George and John of lawn Her died few years To any new re In the community the All farm on Ihe ninth line was the lnglui farm for many years Ladles report a nice after noon of euchre at the home of Mrs R Reynolds of Side rond last Thursday Winners were high Mrs Ironside and Mis Herb Preston Inn Mrs W and Mrs Hurley These are sponsored St Albans Ladies Guild and are roil cut ISTS TANG CRYSTALS TOMATO CATSUP BABrFOODS VEGETABLES I FROZEN FRENCH FRIES SoZENWAFFLES CHIPS 89 SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER CH prefix Manor MEDIUM jjfforngesss 29 town EGGS PIES ORANGEDATE BAR 36- OFF CRACKER MILD CHEESE CHEDDAR MOTHER PARKERS TEA 59 cocktail 59 ran STRAINED BABY FOOD NUTS BOLTS 45 poly bads IT 49 EXTRA BONUS TAPE ITEMS swim SECRET DEODORANT i107 1I9 TOMATO SOUP IGA PET FOODSffXxr IGA LUCKY SHOPPER Bingham Cr DUCKS lb Carnation Milk 33 ROYAL GOLD BUTTER 21 IGA SLICED BREAD loaf hell afternoon is to which is invited for Ijditi in in Mrs It and Mrs Crawford Mrs C BARGAINING SOON Council ives infoimcd day lhat local wish lovecs the utile to both pit DESIGNED FOR Stop op Folks overlook Reniult of TRY THIS FOR SIZE RENAULT 8 1868 VS per a lot of our cet morel nip lop speed continental deep mm rubtier Whisper quiet engine Disk on ell four wheels Ample room for passengers as well as their luggage TEL 5750 KULFAM AUTOMOTIVE LTD MOM MODI UN AND Announcing CHANGE OF ADDRESS EDWARD E MALISON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 1 It MOVING TO MAIN STREET SOUTH Directly Across From Codarvflle Park EFFECTIVE MARCH 2nd 1970 Same Phono Number ONE STOP SERVICE CARS TRUCKS ALL MAKES Engines Rebuilt and Iniraltod Valvs Jobs Transmission Repairs Drum Disk Brake Sorvita Front End Sarvlca TunoUpa 9PM DAILY 5PM SATURDAY COMPLETE Automotive Repair KULFAM AUTOMOTIVE