BALL IN At- A Speci Sermon for Scout Guide Parade Tins is Stout week Kelvin Johnston an sermon especial for the Scouts Cubs and Brownies v ho paraded in a to hear the worship vice on Sunday It was announced the annual supper would he held some time in March The 3rd of the series Share the Wealth euchres held on Tuesday evening with a nice croud There were tables in play The winners were latlks first Mrs Russell Snider 2nd Miss Florne 1st and 2nd for men went to two 1st Dand Jerry The last in February the will be held in the com centre ConRntulatmns to Mr Mrs Don who eel their wedding anniversary on St Vilcntini Day They were in celebrating with Mr and who we married the same day ycirs Mrs the W I numbers ladies spent several days last quilling on inst lute quill It is ill finished but the binding then it will be put may till in March Welcome lo Mr ami Mrs Ian fawindlchurst a mar couple who ire living in the apartment at Allen Many happy returns Mr Tom Mack who a birthday last week Little Susan Connor met with a accident at her home on when she ran into a lighted cigarette Her eye was badly burned with the hot ashes prompt mediol attention relieved the pain assured her parents that the sight of the eye would not be affected Robe went Bob McCnery with Thompson tcltinfi the consolation Dun can Angus won the lucky draw The in charge a bounteous lunch of filled made rails and tarts to fco towards Grade banquet The Southern club tirls met for the third time at the community centre on Saturday morning Mrs is again leader of the club with Snow assist At the mieting the of took phce they are is follows President Shula Jamicson vice president Nancy trc isurer phone McEni i pr reporter Heather The discussion wis on and selecting pattern At ihe they a new numbir Ann Lindsay also de on a name for their club is Pattern On the girls opened the the the pledge follow by the mil tall Beryl Mi the minutes of the previous I hey iIlcuI on a for Hi ir note books and prepared the or Is ax Mr Clark at home this week accompanying two prize bulls by air to Scotland new owner is The Hon Mrs Irene Dew hurst who pur chased the bulls from Mr Ben last October while visit here with husband Smith TOWN HOUSES GET NOD planning board has ipproveii town housing project for land at the Road and Campbell torncr The property owned by Investments was to be of an apartment com was refused by the Online Municipal Board liter objections by a number of residents Hie land is presently zoned for construction On Monday town council acieplcd the planning board Plate Sales Still Slow Deadline Near coitinue to ttmj bur ill car markers for And i no exception in this TH6 GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY FEB 1970 One girl reported tint her was very much interested in the club ind to Ihe deadline the plates bold ily Llnl about percent of those sol in Ihe first three imonth period last year While he would he permitted there is a usml quicken of join Altogether with h lhc as f there ire akl jr it h been out girls taking sow unUilllll course Separates Summer lhe least TOO car owners will Mr and Mrs Jesse MeFnery were in on guests at lhc Valentines The Ion rcistnry office is wedding of Miss Join at Mun South to Mr Bryan Hammond Wed just Armstrong Insurance Was Active Worker Big Brothers And Boy Scouts An of the B Brown Company Ltd since Gordon David Crawford died in George i town hospital on February 1 A Toronto native he was son of the late Mr and Mrs l Dawd Craw lord and attended public school Oak wood Collegiate and Western Technical school He served as a regimental sergeant major with the Royal Canadian I from to 1956 Mr Crawford was active sports with West End when he was younger He affiliated with the Big Brotherj Movement and the Boy Scouts and was an honorary member of the Canadian Artll lie was a member of the United Church He lived in Toronto Street Brampton Georgetown and latterly in at Highway East Ifc leaves his wife Sterling four sons Daniel David and Roy of Georgetown and Ross Santa Ana California daughter Connie of ten grandchildren Kevin Colin Terry Barry Tracy Lynn Darren Angela Kelly and and many foster children with whom he as associated as a Big Broth A brother Jack Crawford ves in Toronto and he was predeceased by another Bert llev Kelvin Johnston of St Andrews United Church con ducted the funeral service it the Harold C Home and interment was In Greenwood Cemetery were Harold Catling Jim Allan and Howard Crawford Streetsvillc Allan Port Perry and Ted Lee Toronto building and Is open from In morning until 30 in the chirks lunch hour included until the Saturdays the office will be open until for the next two weeks WIN OVER NIGHTLY BRAMALEA LIONS CLUB BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8 Held in the Bramalea Lions Community Hall opposite the Avondale Plaza DOORS OPEN JACKPOT 55 NUMBERS INCREASING 25 WEEKLY free bingo buses Georgetown Brampton of Bramalei Church St and Airport Bavarley St Airport Rd A THREE BIG MONEY SPECIALS 1 LIONS ROAR 10000 SHARE THE WEALTH 3 THE BIG L- SHARE THE 5 Cash Door Prizes REGULAR GAMES DRAW WIN A NIGHT OF FREE BINGO All man loi hit Bingo are used for Lion community aorvlc work No Free Coupon 1 good for one double 1 card for 20 regular games COUPON EXPIRES MARCH 3rd CLIP THIS COUPON 1 lumfcw Make Your Monday Night BingoNight with the Lions ANNUAL Cloth End SUIT VALUES UP TO 135 LIMITED TIME ONLY from largo of cloth ends wool synthetics t In a wide RANGE OF COLORS Cotton OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Til 9 P Main Street South GEORGETOWN BOOK KERR FOR C OF C MEETING George Kerr Weil provincial of energy and resource mil at the midwinter meeting of Chum of Commerce The Burlington lanjer has been constantly In the head linef recently with pollution so Important on the menti agenda A limited number of tickets are available for the March meeting North Ha ton Golf Country Club ON COMMITTEES Mr Kerr became a cabinet minister last June Prior to that he had on such import ant committees as municipal affairs and consumer A native of Montreal in the maritimes he as called to the Ontario Bar in Ha was a Burlington town councillor for four and active In the Chamber of Com merce and Kinsmen club there before entering provincial poll tics INDUSTRIAL SHOW Besides bringing prominent Rogers J SHELL SERVICE NORVAl will from 6am to 9 Man to Sat to Sunt ft Hoi 9 to COMPLETE PERSONALIZED SERVICE ROGER LITTLE Lessee 8778123 GEORGE KERR speakers to town the Chamber of Commerce has been active on three other fronts A re tail committee under Ernif has been given the go ahead to align all merchants to an umbrella approach for the benefit of local business Puck and have been active in planning an industrial exhibition and if sufficient response is Indicated there ill be one in June The Chamber is in of contacting all businesses and professional people to en list support and ideas for a progressive Georgetown Dominion Store Manager With Company Years A Dominion Store minuter for years Claude Russell died at his home 318 Homewood Ave Sudbury on February Mr who was horn In George town joined Ion Stores after attending school here He managed stores In Georgetown Hamilton Tor onto Bowmanvlllc anil Sudbury When his health fal led five years ago he gave up the managership and had since been In charge of advertising He was the son of the late Charles and He was a member of Masonic Lodge in and the Meaferd Odd Fellows Lodge He leaves his wife ifnson whom he married in Owea Sound In two child John of Saull Sic Marie and Mrs Wayne Sally Mor rison Sudbury and two grand children John and Kelly Rev A Daniel of St An drew United Church conduct the funeral service in bury on February There was a graveside service in Green wood Cemetery here the next morning TRY A CLASSIFIED FOR HOLIDAY CLEANERS 35 MILL STREET GEORGETOWN SPECIALS For Week February 23 to 28 MENS BUSINESS SHIRTS for 45 BLANKETS Electric not Included 98c LADIES OR MENS SUITS LADIES DRESSES PLEASE PICK UP BEFORE FEBRUARY We Are Closing Our Georgetown Store AFTER FEB PICKUPS MAY BE MADE AT OUR ACTON STORE Mill St