Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 19, 1970, p. 4

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Georgetown Herald A Division of Homo Newspapers Company Limited Mam Street Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publisher THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19th EDITORIAL COMMENT a Century of Service Though Kinsmen Club of has hadonly a brief 13 years of ex istence it could quality for the half century which It is celebrating Willi other an clubs So active has been group of go getters in a short bakers dozen years one could believe that it had been here much longer Perhaps its most outstanding achieve ment is In sparking senior citizens apart ments well on ihe way to completion on Hyde Park Drive It was a Idea and the club acquired land and did much of the preparatory work before it was taken over by a senior department of government Future residents of these new homes will be strong boosters for the Kinsmen The mlernalional bantam hockey tour nament an original project of a pnvato group headed by Red Asseltme received much assistance from club members and when Mr Asseltme decided to retire from the a few years ago it became a Kin The club operate girls league each summer It created an attractive park otto on Edward Street as a neighbourhood playground And Us membrs with the Kinetles are an integral pari of a Christ mas welfare which assists many needy families in the district Kinsmen and Kinettes have proved worth many times over in teen years We salute them acknowledging their value to the community they serve A Sport Spectacular Georgetown plays hosts the nine top Legion curling teams this week as rinks ve on Wednesday to compete for prov incial honours Extensive preparations have been made by Col Cousens branch enter tain the visitors And we expect North Helton Curling Club will be filled with spec tators to watch the teams seek the championship and a chance at the Dominion title The visit came when Chap pel rink copped the char hip last year As with other Legion sports events the winning club is host the following year Chappo d not have the same success this year and was elimina ted before reaching the finals so there will be no local touch games Curling has become one of Canada most popular sports in the past decade and there is much interest in matches here We hope our visitors stay in town and that win or lose they will go home with warm memories of Georgetown s hospitality I WANT A PAPER DOLL THAT I CAN CALL MY OWN IN THE MAIL BAG Sunday Fair Worth Considering Extension of Georgetown fail fair to Include Sunday Is an interest ng possibility which directors of the agr cultural society at their annual meeting Proximity to three maior and a large urban population could make Geor getown Ideal to experiment with a new idea which few small towns have tried The day could bring a large influx of city dwellers to absorb a rural atmosphere If the Idea we adopted It take more attractions for the grandstand viewers The light horse show steadily increas ing n popularity already an attraction or city folk The fine cattle and heavy horses are something to draw large crowds and il might do possible talk more of our district breeders into showing at their local fair Perhaps our churches would be Inter ested with a service specially slanted to city visitors a coffee hour afterwards where they could meet soma of their coun try cousins Informally proceeding to the fair grounds CONSIDER ALTERNATE ROUTE Defer Plans to Widen Terra Cotta Main Road There are no plans it i to widen the road throughl Terra Cotta Peels good roads committee has been assured The committee also agreed last week to delay any decision about The Forge until port on whether the building can be moved back and il he Land can be County engineer Boh Knight will also prepare a report an alternate route to the Terra Conservation area that would avoid going through Terra Cotta itself The Forge was purchased last by the county to low tor widening of the road through Terra Cotta which gets a large amount of traffic to the conservation area SHOULD RETAIN BEAUTY Chinguacousy representative George Gardhouse suggested the road be turned back to township on basis that It can be retained as a scenic road An alternate route to he conservation area could then be found Yi be prepared to the esthetics of the area he aid Mayor suggested part of the Forge lot be sold to rei ionic of the cost The Ontario Department of High ways paid half the cost and this grant would have to he returned if the properly is not used for road purposes HAD PETITION Prospect of widening the Cotta road requiring demol of historic buildings the road baa led to oppos ition and petitions from resid who want to retain the Character of the area Were quite pleaded at its going at the moment aid John of the Terra and District But war go ing to stay in business He termed the suggestion for an alternate route to the Terra Conservation area logical move that would help save Terra Cotta I don t really see that The Forge would have to be moved but I would rather see It than destroyed said Mr Are NO REASON TO WIDEN Another Terra Cotta resid can sec no purpose in the road It the county fixed up the present road theyd be Just as far ahead said Walter Line owner of the Terra Cot ta General Store People are not in a hurry when they go through here They arc out for a drive and looking at tin scenery SMILE Lenny I can do anything you Fenny Can you lee the back of your neck IN THI BAO Newfoundland Education Systen Pleases Religious Swing Street Dear Sir In company Kith many In terested people I attended a meeting at Evangel Tabernac Acton February to list en to various speaker on the question Should we retain or abandon Bible teaching and prayer in our schools Guest speakers were Mr He lima St Catharines sub Report Rev A from the Stono Church Toronto subject Or of Christian Schools in Newfoundland Rev A G save a most enlightening address and information that most In to me I learned that in Newfound land they have live denomina Nona schools Roman Catholic Anglican Methodist United Church Salvation Army and Pentecostal We further learned that many of the children wore lowed to go to schools of their choice sometimes miles away from home in order to learn more of their Christian beliefs Each child of every has a government grant of 100 with no special lege for any denomination How very different that Is to what is being proposed by many people here under the pretext that child Is against If he is allowed the freedom to be absent from class during I only wish someone would allow mo the freedom of pay my taxes I sure would not mind that discrimination and I feel that this excuse to ban religious teaching In our schools Is wrong Someone said that legislate religion In schools out But we can not legislate It in us make sure It is not legislated out Sincerely Katharine Says Petitioners Want Return to Horse and Buggy Terra Ontario Dear Sir Do petitions top prnGi If they do then let us en to the horse and and then we in Tern have of the Old which In be the bluest issue of the But thfn afiam where would e find a to our If c did then it Mould be the blacksmith shop around a In It It reiliy preservation people want If so did you not act the road went up to the park Did It not occur to you that they would link this up road improvements they have made throughout the township If I stand on this Issue then I shall gladly sit down So if petitions stop progress then those that want road ii provements will be glad to sign the petition hit wilt be latlnj shortly to get Progress Rolling Again P Zillo PS In regards to Mr letter of last week he said he was lucky to be one of the ones to live in Terra Cotti Where hive been In the last two or years Mr El IN THE MAIL Old Peoples Home For Good Old Days R Norval Dear Mrs Cordaro Just read your letter Has Hall Very good I predate a Joke like that now and then It helps me take my mind off the pressing problems of todays society Please dont get me wrong now Mrs Cor Im not one the mis guided youth turned the day before my birthday I was a punk I drink or vote I muni accepted by my elders But that a all bch me now Seriously Mrs Cordaro I would like to explain some the ideas behind the youth but it would take pages and pages Im alrald thai in the end we still would not agree It u If you haven t had much fun in your life Mrs could build an old something akin that school you say Is being Tor those children whoso abhor evolution and education program Ilia old peoples home could ill com forts of days and perhaps a film or two every having something to do with tho good old days That way everybody would ho happy They could stay there for the rest their days un til they peacefully and ally passed away well protect from the meek that Inherit the earth Thinking of you always THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE The second and last railway station at In will disappear some time this year The station a solid brick structure has been put up for lender Canadian Railways It was built in 1018 to replace one in February It closed a few ago MILTON A by em ploecs of the Milton Brick Co Ltd has been called a power play by one man a spokes for the company Local president Bill Corp said the workers have been trying sin September to get a raise from the basic wage A company blamed the strike on the local prcsld ent who he said power OAKVILLE police put out an Ontario wide alarm Saturday after a 60 year bank messenger was robbed of Friday afternoon Bank messenger Alfred Irwin flrod hots at the fleeing bandits a cosh container he had been carrying was grabbed off the front scat of the car was driving ships are up in arms about what they feel Is a railroading of their children Into school courses they do not wish to take A delegation last week they are willing to with hold their children from schools at Orangeville and Shel If are forced into accepting a lower standard of education Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Newspapers Company Limited Georgetown Ontario Welter C Publisher Garfield Production Superintendent Advertising Manager Frank News Editor Accountant Terry Bradley Valeria Cam Anne Currie Reporter Leslie Clark Hastings GiLson John McClements George Young thod soma young todays society to escape from latter A omnium it Ideallttlc utopli In which shares work and food one big happy fam ily with no nagging and nobody slopping on from doing thing The commune has vague links with the early Christians and the modern Israelis which is a nice touch of irony There have been hundreds of attempts to form such communes in the past The only thing wrong is that they don work unless they are rigidly authoritarian like the communities of Kim a happy week In the commune than caught htpatitli from one of Inmates and lay tick Mlf conscious without itlng far about two had too much pride foaling had at down to call I hava any phone numbar war waiting for a lattar Wa finally wrote staggered out to the emergency of a general hospital gave her a shot of penicillin and threw her back Into the snowbanks On a Thursday night one of he number who had lately bean getting a bit weird going on a big religious kick himself in bis be it went to hit room and tha house on fire Tha barely got out Into winter night with the they wire In and nothing alia He was burned to death house was destroyed Somehow Kim got Into hospi tal All shed saved was Christmas present a radio friend loaned her some clothes Shes feeling better But and there are torn big don know yet what damage hat been dona Her Il ls affected III normal thing Is 35 to SO whatever It doe A tor told here that worst theyd aver had In tha 3 And than told her that hen wai her NEWS ECHOES From tha of 10 and Years Ago 1960 a A Georgetown man died Saturday when his car was struck by a westbound passenger at a level crossing near Hornby Mr was driving work In Burl where he was employed at a restaurant as a chef A rare honour was bestowed on daugh ter of Mr and Mrs last Friday night when Mrs A Filer Ham Iton Area Commissioner awarded her the Badge of Fortitude for her cheerfulness and de termination throughout a prolonged illness Mrs Filer led Diane through an arch of colours up to the stage in an impressive ceremony Rev Richardson praised Diane attitude and Mrs Reed oner presented her w a horseshoe shaped cake with Good Guiding written on top 1950 Many friends from Georgetown attended a piano recital last Friday in the Heliconian Hall Toronto by Miss Margaret Bradley daughter of Mr and Mrs Bradley of town It was an official debut as a concert pianist of this talented young lady who has been ttudy- concert work for several years of under tuition of Hayunga Carmen BUSINESS DIRECTORY CANVASSERS NIED8D Help la needed at our local Red Cross Branch now Volun canvassers or older arc wanted to out In the Campaign LC Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Georgetown Residence REPAIR iERVME JOHN BOUGHTON JEWELLERS Certified Witch mi ken 5 Main St DODD CLINIC OF CHIROPRACTIC 120 St 877 Appointment Necessary CRESCENDO OF CATASTROPHE Isnt It odd how troubles In batches You can tall along many at two whole with everything polos at smooth ere em Than roof falls In Ours almost literally did last week when the ice piled up nearly two feet deep behind the cavcatroughs and I t find anyone to chop It oil Your run of calamities how begin with a few minor things like a toothache or flu than steadily fa a eras ten do of catastrophe Thats the way Its been with me In my latest bout with the fates Knobs coming off doors A broken tooth Coming down and finding the front door open with temperature ten be low and the furnace straining to keep up Wipers on the car broken down which is a fairly easy route to suicide the way It been snowing around here this winter Than my ear on which I recently remove problem of Its not darting In morning started star- again My aurllng knee got glmpy and Ive been limping around aver tine Ilka a 1 lor with a wooden lag But these things you are used to and cope with one by one Got my tooth Got a chap to hack the Ice off roof Got the doorknob working tho wipers working and knee in an elastic bandage that cuts the circulation badly my face la purple Its thing over which you no control that hit you right between Llki Sunday noon when got 1 call from my daughter cheerily though with touch of trepidation the calling from tha hospital With hepatitis You cant say that the kids nowadays don live dangerous ly at any rak Kim left for the city New Year having quit university to live in a commune I dont to so Into thai j commune bit again OPTOMETRIST L Brown Main St Suite For Appolntmanta phone OPTOMETRIST RRHamilton South Building for Appointment AE ROBSON Registered Physiotherapist Massage Heat Trcatmenla Electro Therapy REX WAY DRIVE H CASK Profattlonal Engineer Consulting Engineer Ontario Land Surveyor Office Home Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clerk Commissioner MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work Id Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Street North A LT BARRAGERS lea nanShirt La under re 877 18 Main Guelpb All work dona on rem tea For all Your INSURANCE NEEDS Auto Homeowner Life and Business consult JOHN R LEWIS CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Nelson St Brampton Ontario Partnarr WILSON C A HUGHES B A C A

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