Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 26, 1970, p. 13

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Crown Attorney D Latimer New Law Association Head Douglas Latimer of George Kenneth A Georgetown as of th- Hilton Couti Law Association at the an HCLA meeting In Oak February The meet held In conjunction with the opening of the mid winter of the Supreme Court of Ontario In Kenneth A Mr Justice E A Richard son of the Supreme Court of On Mho entertained the by reminiscing of his dais sin at the Bar and Justice of Iho Supreme Court of Ontario Tuj other Georgetown a Jack Ronald were made directors JUDGES GUESTS Guests for the in eluded Mr Justice A Rich presiding Justice it midwinter Assizes of the Supreme Court of Ontario His Honour Judge Alan County Court of Provincial Judges James R Black J Cloncj and Robert J and Gordon Madlll local Registrar of the Supreme Court Other officers on the law association executive are vice president John Ford of secretary of Oakville treasurer William Sharp of Milton and directors William of Burl ton Donald Green of Burlington and Irederlck Kcltch of At the dinner following the annual meeting of the the retiring president PRESENTATIONS Robert Lush of made presentation on behalf of the Association to Judge Greene welcoming him to County Judge Grccni has been presiding in lal Court in Toronto for jean but recently was pointed to County due to Judge Langdon devoting his full time to Jamilj and Juvenile Court Judge Junes Black accepted the lation on behalf of Greene who is still ing from illness I The special guest of honour of the association was His Hon our Judge Kenneth M Ling who liu become the first full time Provincial Judge Fa Division presiding at Family and Juvenile Court for the County of In pronation of his twentj seven years service to the citizens of County presentation was made of a painting done by Mrs of the Old Court House in Mil on behalf of the tion by Peter K Oakville Gives Shopping Hints To Ashgrove Institute The Women Institute met for their February meeting on the afternoon of the 11 at the new home of Mr and Mrs Milton Bird on Maple Avenue West in Georgetown with a large of and some visitors President Mrs Chas Austin opened with a witty poem on Smiles Secret ary Mrs Kurse read last months minutes and the roll which wis A trick quick and slick sonic helpful interesting were given It was announced that the summary day for llic would be March in Hill crest church AH wcic in our of still member of the Children Aid and our fee was ihoen to attend convention in end of April Hector Bird led on the party held it Iho in January Mrs Win field reported on the the 1 as at also read lhankvoLi notes from shut Ins in our community who recelv fruit baskets lor Christmas Mrs Vern Picket gave the fin report on the held The wai then turn to Mrs Cleasc who said as llns wis the Home and Health meet ing it dials with all phases of DID YOU KNOW Mire is Red Cross CONCRETE GRAVEL BUILDING SAND ROAD GRAVEL FILL and TOP SOIL GARNET BUD HAINES Gltn STORE HOURS OPEN 8 am to pm to Fri SAT 8 to 5 pm 6 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU BEST a gallon or a quart off suggested retail price on colorful Pittsburgh Paints HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMMIXED COLORS AND WHITE Choose from ttio hundreds of decorator colors for your homo and tho things in it Greens pinks yellows you name it and wo have it Available in all intonor and exterior PITTSBURGH PAINTS custom mixed colors and white Give your homo thot fresh new look for tho bright spring and summer seasons ahead at special dollar savings Come in today and ask about it PITTSBURGHPAINTS UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO St life The melto More women would be belt r homemakcra it they were net so busy keeping house was Frank Barnes Mrs CB Dick current events i Two delightful piano were by Alcxaml Mrs Milton i the top the of the course arc making and also the cushions already made Mrs Bob Alexander then spoke in Price Ineicisei and some helpful hints and idcis when shopping Mm advised to make a shopping Hit before leaving home Impulse buying have a budget and stick with II leave children at home and let mother do the buying don shop when too tired or in big hurry beware of sale days and always brand names ire of Mrs Hector Bird conducted a contest Mrs llarvej i fcave the courtesies and mill closed with a social hour Mr and Mrs corse son and their cousins Mr in Mri Earl of have returned from a week trip down south visited Tampa SI Petersburg and tort Lauder laic and came home Washington ENCIRCLE THE GLO Georgetown Women In World Prayer Day a of or bauds the world women at all countries Lather to offer prayer a witness to Gods er World Day of with Hume for Take will be on March in Gior clown at St Andrew United Church Ave part ill lie women from seven churches who like turns the so that all may have a share In the planning TAKE COURAGE The on tin Take ounce this will be Mrs Connir Johnston wife of the minister of St And Johnston ENCIRCLE WORLD THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY FEB 1970 The they make on lbs day will be to such a variety of work as Cardinal Leper Colons books for students I ibrjrj in Hunt in pal thi of the blind in Yolk medical aid in Viet rcli material for relinled and the Student In Anjone who has not partici paled in World Day of service cannot appreciate the feeling of that it engenders as sou realize that this day opened with this vice being held in the Tonga Mauds and will continue ir to encircle our world of life for someone men and together DID YOU KNOW of Asia Services were held before and the word I and wherever wis heard people responded until nov it is held in countries Doris Picket on their spec day March and wish them more Mrs J ANNUAL FUND RAISING IDES OF MARCH PARTY RIVIERA FRIDAY MARCH 6th lo a EARL RAY ORCHESTRA Floor Show Gus Gordon one of or g Inkspols Re at Information Phone 2341 per couple Georgetown Auxiliary for Menially Retarded in the bag A BRAND NEW in a distinctive for extra freshness and added convenience I prion In thu ad I thrauoh Saturday Feb 19T0 3 Jan Daily Dated Rap SAVE aM PUMPKIN PIE SIZE Oman or SAVE Cheese Slices Check thest Cash Savers CHEER 0fF Pouch Pack Cl Mix SAVE hi MONARCH MIXES 5 99 IMPERIAL Margarine 2 Vanatin or PRIMO MACARONI or Colaurtd Rag Pnaa o SAVE DELSEY TISSUE SHREDDED WHEAT 35 Salad DreM KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP r INTO PORK on cut ASP BRAND ORANGE JUICE 5 LOWEST PRICES SINCE SEPT I BRAND PORK SAUSAGE 1 BURNS I1I1AN11KTP1CK1EI WIENERS pack Fancy Pen or Green Una Beans 02 TIN Whole Kernel Com 12 TIN MIX OR MATCH SAVE UP TO with Pork A Tomato Off VAN CAMP BEANS PRODUCE VALUES No dado Washed and Trimmed SPINACH 239 Pacbnd Under Own Mexican Vine- ripened No Grade TOMATOES carton Pocked Under Own Lobe I

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