Georgetown Herald A Division of Horn Newspaper Company limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publuher THURSDAY FEBRUARY EDITORIAL Brotherhood A Difficult Concept This week as it has for many years has been designated Brotherhood Week by the Canadian Council of Christ ans and Jews The imperfections of the human race are never more apparent than when broth erhocd is the topic Mans prejudices expressed in racial and religious forms are too well known for comment to be needed That improvement in the sixties was noticeable gives hope that perhaps the centre may accomplish what other centuries haven There hove been forward strides in understanding beiwce religious seels government action to protect people from economic b as less overt prqudice But it still only a and long But its still only a mmer and we To our mind brotherhood has to start In the family How many closely related men and women have been alienated by differences of opinion How many sisters and brothers speak to each other Spring Signs On Sunday the water was funning storm drains were full of tho late winter run off new subdivision roads pocketed with puddles as surface frost came out of the fro earth Gardening enthusiasts cocked their eye at flower and vegetable gardens still snow- covered picked up an odd bit of whacked an ice floe into smaller pieces at the roadside There seemed to be a quickening in the air Our pet cat Joey with more alert animal senses than we humans was rest less wanting outside wanting back in getting little frisky spells foreign to one of her advancing years Perhaps April Fools Day Is misnamed for surely we will still have soma winter ahead Its not unusual to nave heavy snowfalls in March zero temperatures icy nds But just for a day we felt that faint What ram ly rifts have been caused by mix marriages When we can solve family problems we must then proceed to a rapport be rween nationals of the same racial strain where have there been more bitter battles than between English Germans Niger lans Chinese Japanese While people with common racal origins live in harmony what hope is there fo people th marked differences of skin pig mentation When Protestants and Roman can indulge in name calling hope for belter relations with Jew Moslems Ideally brotherhood will come when we reach this happy slate when me live eir religion whatever it may be when world problems will be solved by other means than war when most men will bite tongue before saying He a nice guy but Each of us can add our mite to make that much maligned word brother a reality NEWS ECHOES From Heralds of 10 20 and 30 Ago whisper of spring On Monday the towns work force answered the call They were busy on the ghway stretch from to Maple removing bushels of debris accumu lated along the on Seed House fence We gave them a mental salute as we drove by This stretch of Georgetown highway show window is rarely a matter of pride What slobs tourists must think we are as they look at the Seed House fields alive with colour in spring and fall framed by an un sightly mass of bottles packing coses and paper Let each try to do our bit to keep this rubbish from blotting the landscape there and in other parts of town There is only one place for refuse in publ c trash cans or in your own personal garbage Caught in the Squeeze Overcrowding beds in corridors de lays in securing accommodation for all but most urgent will continue at Geor getown Hospital until the Ontario govern ment decides what it will do in an economy move which has delayed a needed hospital addition Georgetown has been caught in an ec onomic squeeze Desperately needing more beds the Hospital Services Commission that 31 additional beds should meet a year need the town must woit for province wide survey being Included in the survey is ty of making health nsurance benefits for home care which could avoid some of the necessity for hospital beds The end result must either be a change In regulatons or hospital extensions in many towns like Georgetown whte po pulation is growing so rapidly We must meanwhile cool our heels hopeful that action of some sort will soon take place and with the assurance that our hospital board and staff are doing their utmost to cope In what at times can be a massive headache What does brotherhood mean Dad WE SEEM TO BE ENCOUNTERING SOME CONSUMER RESISTANCE Terms Price Restraint Move a Trudeau Hoax Ontario a rank and file member the labour movement I endorse the position of labour lenders who have criticized the wage and price restraint hoax being perpetrated by big bust new and Mr Trudenu The news media have done a poor job of the for labours position in act were It not for labours own lions large portions of the pub conclude that labour had no good reason for boycotting meetings of the named Prices and Income Com ion Incidentally if the truth had been involved in sing a name It should have been called A National Con on Profit Maintenance If labour leaders were mislead the public they could very an agree on restraints if it contained all the weasel words this agreement between Trudeau and business con tains and it Mould not mean a Look at copper as an pie One year copper wai today it Is A M per cent Increase that ional Nickel covered In bounds during Governments now boast that hey persuaded IM0 to postpone the last Increase for two months fail to id Us that in order to Ret hat small they hid to relax government controls on export copper that will allow INCO to sell on the world mar at This Is retralnf When fair and genuine re are being considered both labour and consumer will participate fully but this grandstanding to the media will do nothing to control an Inflation per cent of which is Imported from he low the border Jack Henry THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Township council is prepared to Ottawa this spring to demand free direct dialing lei sen ice from the ton area to A three nun call from to costs 30 cents BRAMPTON black walnut trees standing in I are not fur sale Major Jim said this week The town was offered for the trees by a US ply wood maker who Ihej scarred and on the of on Propo sed in the sand and grue pit controls will hue results in North numbers of Town ship recommendations of a rercnt fiovcrnment report on DID YOU KNOW The Red Cross Li more than the emblem of a charitable it Is the symbol of the Geneva Convention of world a great codes of law The Red Cross was Instrum in bringing about the Geneva Convention for the protection and relief of sol wounded in war Within two years nations had sign the Convention Georgetown Herald A Dlvlilon of Horn Company Limited Georgetown Ontario Waller C Publisher Garfield Production Superintendent Advertising Manager Frank Mullin Newi Editor Accountant Terry Bradley Valerie Caruso Anne Leslie Clark Dave Hastings Gilaon John George Young shocking frightening absolutely ridiculous Reeve Anne called for Ugh ter restrictions on surface There w be buses a day between Oak and Hamilton starting this summer The new service will be owned by GO Transit and operated by Gray Coach Lines It will be an alternative to running more GO trains The si nice will cost about SI mil lion ACTON Expansion at the Acton plant of Building Prod of Canada has landed the city of a new industry Manufacturing Limited of his the profile business including the equipment dies and material from the Acton plant and will operate the company in Guelph under the name of Micro It is about will be laid off at Acton When we came here we had BUI Neil Ho had theory that people needed only four hours sleep a night He grooved on tropical fish and tape record t give a hoot about money forgot to bill but was always compassionate and the Job when you needed him Now our family doctor li a quiet Englishman with a corn- plat lack of affectation that tha odd littletin god type doctor Ht has a prop for Christmas carol Una your house with wife and children and hi laarnad to play a trad I labia trumpet Ive been curling with a doc- Docs Who Keep Us Kicking unpleasant but fact that most of us in todij society envy those who are making more than we arc I at guilty as anyone all knowing If But one breed doctors that makes a whole lot mora money than I do And I no envy roth but admiration We met some new ones In the past couple of weeks and they have confirmed my long held opinion that their a la a profession I know I know Thar are soma rottin apples In avary barrel There are some doe tors who are Interested only In the buck There other who Idnt take a night call even If you ware dying Thare are who work office hours only and knock off a ytar Triad to gat appointment with an eye doctor lately Taket months But the vast majority of to days doctors are just as as their predecessors work just as hard and long and are just as Interested In healing body and mind And proportion in terms of todays costs they re no better off than the doctor of years ago doctor 1 ever met was the one who del l me and our casual Jutt whack on bum from him and a squall of rota it from ma When I was a kid our family doctor was He a massive man with mas sive calm When he arrived at any hour fell as though God had Just taken over and everything was OK In the winter he charged about the country with a device of his own creation a sort of snow mobile built from a Model Ford In summer his favorite recreation was hitting fly to the outfielders in our pro- baseball team hit them a mile In prison camp I met a sou- pit of dandles One was coal- black six foot six and reputed to be the ton of an African I want to htm some perturbation and ha It you had that your nose youd call It pi The was a ginger haired British major a surgeon Ho was going around the bend be cause there wasn enough sur gery to keep his hand In Whvi he had removed all ppoMible and tonsils on the slightest provocation he spent most of his time sidling up to people and If they been circumcised We used to hide when wo aaw him coming Whan our kid came along both war delivered by won derful doctor Frank ion Four clock In me Ing meant nothing to him Had 1960 Ed Hall 16 Margaret Street was reelected chief of the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance at the annual meeting on Wednesday in Wrigglcsworrh school audi torium The expansion of the telephone facilities in George town meant now telephones Installed locally bring ing the total to as of tha first of the year with the packed to the doors Sunday evening an estimated people were turned away from Lome Scots band concert An added attraction was the ap pearance of Bruce Smith whose early morning radio pro gram Toast n Jamboree is so popular Introduced by Mr he proved himself just as amus ing parson as ha on the air and kept the audience laughing in h role as emcee Also on the program was soloist Holly with Marlon Hepburn at the piano Douglas Peck who sang Perfect Day end Holy City by the bond tha Trio Alf Sutton of Brampton and Bob of Acton who played piano duets Drubbing Hanover Pee Wees 0 in the 2nd game of a series for the southern Ontario championship the Geor getown Midget NHLers won a trip to Copper Cliff and a chance at the Ontario finals Total score of the two games was 4 Georgetown lineup Carter Harlow Cofell Sargent Sthenic Walker Ingram Soloski tor In his 70s lately I his stones about the old ft hen he used dog team to cross the bay hoping there wouldn I be a gap of open wa ter when he got to the ether de lies a courtly gentleman Whan picked up our at the hospital recently mat another pee las of the breed Young tough red from lack of he took two hours Including hit lunch to talk to us without recompense He eared And one more An eminent city specialist who Is married n old friend of my wife took time from his busy sched ule to check on Kim and our fears He didnt even us A pretty fine bunch the Do in my experience BUSINESS DIRECTORY LC Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Georgetown Residence REPAIR JOHN B0UGHT0N JEWELLERS Watchmakers Main St N D0DD CLINIC OF CHIROPRACTIC 130 St Appointment Necessary AE ROBS0N Rtgiitared Physiol he raj 1st Massage Heat Treatments ElectroTherapy DRIVE W CAM Professional Engineer Consulting Engineer Ontario Land Surveyor Office Home OPTOMETRIST LM Brown R0 Main St N Suite For Appointment phone OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton RO 116 Mountainview South Building For Appointment Wallace Thompson 3rd Court Clark A Commissioner MONUMENTS POLLOCK ft CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work is Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Street North SALT BARRAGERS CI inertShirt 18 Main S 166 All work den on premise For all Your INSURANCE NEEDS Auto Homeowner Life end Bui I new consult JOHN R LEWIS CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 14 St Brampton Ontario A HUGHES A A