Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1970, p. 8

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REACH Oust Barrie Now Pee Wees Tackle Lindsay In Hockey Georgetown and Lindsay Pee Wees open a beat two out of OMHA Pee Wet semi final scries In Lindsay tomor row night The second game will be back here Sunday star at 19 Georgetown Fee Wees earned their ticket to the semifinals Saturday in when they downed Barrie 31 to end that set FOUR GAMES The series was to have been a best of three affair but went four games because one game was tied Georgetown bad hoped wrap up the series here Thurs day night but ran Into a hot team who fashioned victory as it turned out their only win in the four gam Bobble Hamilton was the only Georgetown goal scorer W1U1AMS Frustrated Barries sniper Georgetown scored once in each period to capture big one Saturday Dean made it with about a min ute left In the first period Kevin Reeks scored the only second period goal arid Dick registered number three In the third Gerry Wllllarni In the Geor getown net had to be sensat ional to consistently survive the power plays which were many Georgetown drew JO penalties to Barries two Georgetown were short a roan when Barrie spoiled nil liams shutout with five tea to go KID HOCKEY JH A AMERICAN NHL SENIOR by Bud Jam Georgetown Hosts Town Tourney This Saturday Hull Rink Wins Langdon Trophy Husbands and wives teamed up to contest curling honours in tho annual Langdon Trophy at North Halton Curl club Saturday Winners were Tony Hull vice Betty Hull second Glen end lead June Thirty two entered the spiel which saw teams skipped by BUI French Lee Symmes Bill Bob and Jeff Duck also make It to the top spots In the two draws Following curling all enjoy ed a dinner topped off with dancing to taped music provid ed by Dennis Hughes Memorial Arena will be bai ting with Novice and Bantam hockey players Satur day when OrangevlIIe Fergus and Acton teams come to torn tilt with Georgetown for 4- Tournament honours A schedule of games will start at a and conclude around Novice and Midget Champ ionships will be held late the afternoon and PceWeei and Bantams will decide their win in the evening ion round winners wit be cided in games during the early afternoon Time keeping will be In the hands of Boy Norton J Hep burn Bralsby Bob Tost Dave King Oral McLaughlin Eric Carl Dennis Norton Herb Hancock and Oliver In charge of dressing rooms are Don Fendley Peter Fend ley Jack King Terry Rich Dale Richmond and Mike Dave Long Kim Crawford are helping aa runners If any coaches managers or OUTDOORS Show Bolton with it t a Fluke with GEORGE HOARE Housing Shortage Solved For Part of Population NORTHBOUND Last despite the temperature flocks of Canada Geese were seen flying northbound probably to a rendezvous somewhere In Bay or the North Channel Our waterfowl have uncanny weather instincts They must nave known of the early win last fall which accounted for their early flight south They are known to nest from Moose Factory on James Bay to Eskimo Point on Hudson Bay Also on the Western tie marshes The first large scale prog ram designed to reestablish breeding flocks of the giant pedes of Canada geese Ontario Is being conducted by the Lake Huron district Ash and wildlife staff of the dep artment of lands and forests In with the Waterfowl Research Station at The Giant Canada Goose large bird that once nested throughout the southern Canadian prairies the northern prairie states and eastward through the lake States into southwestern On Although never ant thej well Known to the old time western a race of huge geese com pared to the mors common Hudson Boy Atlantic Leaser Canada geese that dora exceed lbs weight These big honkers frequently weighed in at 12 to 18 lbs and they had a wing spread of six feet or more CONSIDERED EXTINCT Unfortunately towards the end of the last century giant gradually dined in numbers In the early 1900s thoy were seen but rare ly and were considered to be between and Rediscovery of the giant birds occurred In January when Harold Hanson of the Illinois Natural History Survey was weighing speclm ens of Canada geese captured from a flk that were over wintering at Rochester Minn The survey crew came with what seemed to be weights for these birds and believed their scales must be faulty The scales were re- checked and the weights verlf led Subsequent Investigation conclusively proved that giant were not extinct ARTIFICIAL NlfTS Mans Influence on the ern areas has resulted in to day shortage of suitable nesting sites for the Canada goose Therefore teaching young geese to accept artificial nesting structures will be an important feature in their This teaching process called imprinting is accomplished by placing newly hatched geese in elevated nesting structures Approximately two feet above water during their first hours of life and forcing them to Jump down several times into the water Birds that are imprinted in this manner will seek out simitar nesting Iocs tions at maturity and the man made nesting structures will be provided for them PROTECTION The raised platform gives the nest protection from and from water level fluc tuations and since both par zealously guard the nut and the immediate vicinity these nesting platforms have added advantage of gand ers being able to only stake out a very small claim In fact if there is a gander lander attached to the plat form he will tend to use it far guarding thp This feature allows many more birds in an area than would be possible otherwise These geese can so strongly imprinted made nesting structures that they will not want to nest on anything else The purpose of this lands and forests program is to get the Giant Canada multiply To give them chance it is necessary to rel ease them in an area that Is restricted from goose bunting The area In Lake Huron Forest District that been set ide for th reestabllihmant program consists of Waterloo County Wellington County Townships of Proton In dm County East Luther Township in County and South Dumfries Township in County Persona redding In the re lease area who are In participating as in this reestablishment prog ram are asked to contact exten sion biologist A On at the departments office Operation Giant his been under way now for nearly a year and the big have shown no objection to this new kind of housing or- particularly In instituted by the de- Friday February It was Detroit Boston quite an exciting game Next came an upset as a determined group of Hanks downed Canadians Toronto took this opportu nity to close the gap and down last place New York 40 Leafs and Canadians are now tied for top spot with Bruins and Hawks close on the trail Detroit Is not too far out but Rangers seem to be fin ding it quite a grind Games for Friday March Toronto Montreal With these two teams present ly tied with 21 points each ter IS games spectators can expect to sea a real thriller here fl Detroit New York If Detroit wins this one look out Hawks Chicago Boston another good bet these teams are one point apart NO Flyers Journeyed to Bolton Wednesday for an exhibition game with Bolton Tykes I think they went out to prove their 32 win over Bolton in the tournament last week was no fluke Show them they did as they trounced Bolton played well and the win a real team effort Goal scorers were Fisher Ian Kemajiead Buck Taylor G Thompson Morrow and Mike Sunday March 1st Flyers headed to Newmarket for a game The boys played well better than the score Indicates but not as well as in their pre vlous few games The result- Newmarket and out scored them to the tune of Cos scorers for Georgetown were I Becks and Taylor Perhaps the boys are saving their Ml win for home lec and our Tyke Tournament which will soon be here Saturday 14 Is the big day If you re looking for some fun and excitement miss It Stop In see a game and I bet you stay for the day Get In the mood and head down to the arena on Friday March I you 11 enjoy It and prob ably be surprised at the call bra of hockey theso boys play WELL EQUIPPED forget tho bake sale this Friday Anyone Interested In donating baking or If you need to pick up your baking please call either WW or on Thursday rve been asked to mention that all present Tyke parents were called but unfortunately some have not yet been reach due to working or being out If you feel like baking by all means do so even If you t git a call all dona lions will be gladly accepted I would also like to mention that In the past any money left at the end of Tyke season if any Is used to purchase equip of lands and forests 0 all for this week En Joy the outdoors tight lines good hunting and aafe Journey Our are gradually becoming pretty well equipped and we it certainly do our best to keep it that way Equipment la costly but sure we all feel if the are going to play we want them as well pro tected as possible The equip ment I have mentioned Is molt goal equipment pads helm et and goal sticks etc It Is used every Friday night for whoever decides to play goal COME AND CHEER Bantam Tournament Is also getting close buy your tic kets early buy them from Tykes This year In the exhib ition Tyke game which la the usual opener for the Bantam tournament we are going to try something just a little dSff In the past Flyers have played a visiting Tyke allstar club but not this year Our day night hockey has become so exciting we are going to have the top two teams play Instead of the Flyers These teama are ao evenly matched sure everyone will enjoy It Its two local teams on op ening night pick a favourite and come and cheer DID YOU KNOW Among the Red Cross Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun Societies throughout the world are those of Sweden Peru Algeria North Vietnam Indonesia and Burundi players have any questions they should direct them to the men In charge or the Sat Morning Hockey live am Novice Georgetown va Acton 8 a m PeeWee Georgetown Acton am Bantams Acton Fergus 90 am Scrape and Flood am Bantams Georgetown vs am Fergus 1250 Novice Fergus pm Scrape and Flood 200 Novice Consolation pm Consolation Bantam Consolation SO pm Scrape and Flood pm Novice Championship BOO Midget Championship pm Scrape and Flood pm Championship Championship IE PeeWea am Novice 12 pro Bantam SENIOR a of February Teams OP T Guelph Woodstock Gait AMERICAN Standings to February T Buffalo Rochester Columbus fi 8 Cleveland 8 0 Springfield Tulsa Baltimore 1 Quebec 4 Omaha 0 Providence Pittsburgh 18 Saturday Feb Cleveland Springfield Columbus Omaha 1 Baltimore Providence 1 Rochester Quebec Pittsburgh Tulsa Buffalo 1 Jr A Standings Team OF W T London Ottawa Montreal St Kitchener Hamilton Osbswa Whitby Niagara Weston tiaras frem Saturday Feb Standing skip Tony Hull left end Glen Mag Seated Betty Hull left and June They won Langdon curling trophy at North Halton Curling Club Satur day Adams Photography 18 8 18 3 15 0 4 14 3 2 8 3 3 8 2 1 THE HERALD THURSDAY MARCH 1970 ACTON MEADOWS Golf Course NOW MIMBIRSHIPS Single men Woman Husband and Wife include children IS and under of Oct Intermediate 21 of Oct Junior 18 of Oct SI NO INITIATION FEE Improved Clubhouse Facilities No Increase In Rates Contact JIM at or 8773637 Ottawa St Kilts Oshaua 2 Montreal Niagara London Whitby Hamilton IN THE MAIL BAG Anniversary for Bantam Tournament Valleyview Dear Sir Bantam Hockey week is al most upon us again and the 1070 tournament will bo the time that Georgetown has opened tho doors of welcome to the bantam hockey from all parts of Ontario and the State Whilst most Georgetown res ident are familiar with this tournament there are many of the newer residents who not aware that although the tournament Is Kinsmen spons ored it is In effect an affair which involves more town spec ie than any other annual event in the community From thi time that the mayor declares the tournament open on the of March until the fln whistle and the declaration of the grand champions on March the populi ton of Georgetown will tempor arily increase by players and several hun officials parents and sup porters Tournament play will com mence eicry except Sun March at am and II will take games to decide the grand champions The officiating of the games will be done by the George town Referees Association as by referees from rounding communities Time keepers ticket booth attend statisticians clerical and maintenance assistants will be provided by the Kinsmen enthusiasts and students The Legion hate made their kitchen and dining facilities ailabje for our catering super visor Jessie Hayes who with the assistance of church and other ladles groups will pre pare two meals a day for the tournament participants Many residents doors will be open at night to accommodate in general visitors be treated young ambassadors from their own town Many local merchants will be advertising in our Tolirni ment Program and will help lighten financial load The town council will donate crests to each participant and trophies have been donated by individuals or community org The tournament Is ledged as being the best of Its kind in the country and It is no wonder that the list of towns who would like to be In vited Is almost as long as that we have been able to accept There Is a certain air of ex citcment during Bantam Hock Week and wo certainly an that this 10th Annual Tournament will be as sue as its predecessors and the organizing committee look for ward to seeing the townspeople give tournament the sup port it deserves Yours truly Harry Levy Chairman International Bantam Hockey Tournament Pro Shop in Plans NOW THE ft THE CHRYSLER LINE OF MOTORS AND Rexway Service Street Aim for April Opening New Golf Clubhouse The Acton Meadows CJub beard of directors which includes Georgetown men Jim and Gib Hay are aiming to make their club year round operation Biggest factor In the plan is a clubhouse which is currently under construction on the nine hole course just north of Ac ton II will be heated for use In the offseason and is so con that a second floor can be added later LOCK BR ROOMS A SO 40 pro shop will be situated beside the 40 main building which will bouse mens and wo mens locker rooms The sec ond storey will be utilised for banquets and dances and will be available for rental to public ActonMeadows Golf Club is a member club of the It was acquired by the current board of directors two years ego Ln a partially developed state and since then has prog to tho point where the addition of the clubhouse will rank It with other golf layouts in the district Membership rates appear In an Meadows ad else where in this paper DID YOU Almost one million young people belong to the Canadian Red Cross Youth MR DON ROBERTSON President Don Chrysler Dodge Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment RON LINE To Salts Staff Ron Is well known in the Georgetown In Sales Service of Chrysler Products He invites his many friends and customers to visit or call him at his sew location Don Robertson Chrysler Dodge Quean St E Brampton and reserve chotce caf MwChevs Chevsnd CMC trucks TILDEN WEEKEND SPECIAL RENT ANEW CHEVROLET only 1895 Plus NEW ENVOY only 1395 FRIDAY M TO MONDAY ANDREW MOTORS Road

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