Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 16, 1970, p. 1

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Ads That Pay Ydu cm plact in id In by Buy tag or The It you will find the rtiulti you want GEORGETOWN HERALD The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District Printing Publishing The Georgetown Herald served Georgetown I Uriel at Printers for over a century off ring th beet in fin printing and Second Class Mall Number Pottage Guaranteed Georgetown Ontario Thursday July 50 par year Copy Fifteen CertH Terra Cotta Man Dies In Friday Car Crash ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP DIFFERENCE IN TERMINOLOGY The postal department called it a layoff but members of the teller Carriers Union had a different terminology for Fr day lack of mail delivery in Georgetown Terry Chris tie left and Jack Peard cany signs saying Locked Out as they in fron of the post office Friday The postal department dismissed corners that day claim ng there was nothing for thorn to do following a strike on Thursday Layoff Lockout To Public Its No Mail one day layoff on inlay folio ved a Thursday strike by letter carriers members of the Letter Carriers Union 11 was Georgetown s das without mail delnciy sin the union began a series of routing strikes across Camda in their fihl lor a new con tract was covin ter move the postal depart The government has that when a strike occurs and there is not mail in suffi quantity for carriers to deliver carriers will be laid off Eight members of the Canad ian Union of Postal Workers members of the clerical staff at the post office reported for work as usual on Friday and carried on with their s work Heavy mails on Monday were the rule as carriers taught up with the two diy backlog The two unions have struck on two occasions both Thurs one in June and the sec last Thursday in the strike which seems far from a years now because we charge quarries operating without a license a few dollars a year Why we charge some poor guy let his dog run loose without a license more than we charge the But now there a new and a new mines minister And think Milton Quarries and all the rest of them that have ignored us when vi refused licenses arc not soma to be allowed to continue Hon a Gets Tough Refuses Quarry Licence Nobody can tell me to get off I dont care how big a company hey arc and how miiLh money tor the first tunc Mice she entered municipal politics Reeve MacArihur is mil afraid of heme pushed around quarry operators in To We have refused 1 many limes but just proceed without a hemic Mrs sud la t week ran rent Milton Quarries license for it monstrosity in the corner of Ihc township as it she says she is tor once Urn action have had for a long time requiring foot set back from the roiii allow ante for stockpiled waste she sa It should be twice as much hut Milton Quarries ha n been I feet stockpile r right down onto the It one of the most daigcrous areas in the county So the company has up before they ret a I cense Wc re to hue to make conform she said had my rial from the province be fire hut 1 ihmk we will I Hunk Mr On Minis Allan Lawrence will say is a quarry thai when they had a email municipality at their they violated everything in Will Milton still be so arrogant whin province is concerned Mrs iskcd Lawrence his already said lies not going to tolerate ex traction companies raping the land I have a great deal of faith in him she lin hoping hell say no way to Milton lie it the provincial level and us up in court It he does the quarry operators to i lo have to reassess their lion In the past we haven been to contain them Mrs Mac noted amount of money the from the quarries is Insignificant So or us to use act inn i mean taxpayers that really should be Used for other things PARKED CAR ROLLS STRIKES OTHER A car rolling from its parking space in front the Co Op struck the Ford driven by Mrs A Crescent July 7 at p m injuring her year old Linda a passenger in the car Linda suffered cuts to her right leg and bruises to her right arm and side The rolling car owned by Michael Main St South also was slightly da maged on the left rear fender Constable Robertson inves tigated The intersection of and Sinclair was the scene of an accident on at p m when a 1965 driven by Raymond Gueiph St collided with a 1904 Acadian driven by Reginald Moore Park Crescent Damito to the Chev was and lo the Acadian She Mid she does not favour proposal tie province like over from muni lo piss- ad ministration an I operating re hulations for quarries Lawrence municipal by control has not worked out because operator goes on merry way protected by long confusing litigation in the courts Those big companies push the municipal which Is precisely MacArihur s Hut she would prefer to ha the piovinee work in turn with municipalities and townships who have and arc trying to mcnl them as is she said I think the province will recognize what we tried to do but because of limitations could not enforce 1 been upset for five Leader in Hay Growing Results of the hay sponsored by the Acton Agricultural have been by S It of Gueiph 1st Duncan McPhedran Rock wood points 2nd Wallace Lasby Sons 3rd Alex Rock wood Walter I Inhom Wallace Aclon George Wallace Hock wood Irank Anthony Ken Mur ray Acton Smith In Acton DO Norman Harris The competition was very dose with an excellent crop of hay entered by each contestant Lengthy Fight to Douse Hay Fire Only one fire this week cd the local firemen to duty Al Tuesday morning a largo pile of hay at Meadow glen Growers burst Into flames giving firemen a long fight to extinguish it They left feet of hose at the scene till the morning In cose the fire should erupt inn of Mr Mrs Mauley will his course at the University of Toronto in September has been awarded a scholarship from the J McAllister foundation vilued at SI To he a student must hate averaged BO in Grades 12 and 11 Donald was one of 15 Ontario Scholars at GDllS this year unfortunate error resulted in the wroni picture in last weeks Herald It was Jim Buckwald who appeared in his place Next Public Holiday will be Civic Holiday year held Monday August 3rd Yellow Rose Badge Of Help for ACLD There a yellow rose in So wear a rose lo help a child help himself This Thursday and nights the local association for Children with ihties will le in action miniskirte will be roses lo Use the local association barber shop nuirtcl swing band and local talcnl will be performing it the Plana Its all for good cause to help children with ir help help Ihcm elves No that school is out 11 to forget thai one child five has a difficulty When you wear a rose be a reminder to all that arc helping dren to help SWIMMiNG POOLS UP BUILDING PERMIT TOTALS The ever Increasing popular ity of swimming pools in the is reflected in the building permits Issued In June tive of permits tot ere for swim ming pink Residential amount additions to commercial buildings lo and the pumping station for the new well on Princess Anne to Total for the month was Special Mass Honours Couple for 50th Anniversary Day Pretty 17Year Old is Highway Traffic Stopper When prclty 17 year old en MeNiehol stands on Highway Ihe traffic stops The traffic stops because Karen is working this mer with a road construction crew to pay her way to Expo next month and it her job to stop iriffie while construe tion equipment crosses Ihc road And some of them just top because lm a girl said Karen as she stood in the mid die the highway cast of dressed In shorts a hard hat and holding a stop sign I live in Collingwood and thercs just no work for high school students at all said But 1 like this kind of work I get to meet lots of people and outdoors Karen admitted that she I want to spend the rest of her life as a construction When I finish school want to he an airline hostess she said Sometimes has a few problems with men drivers be cause they want to stop and talk her It snot too her sign say Stop but when she holds up the Slow side and they insist on stopping for chat anyway it can cause minor traffic jam men who work here are wonderful said rhcy arc like big bro thers to me I don do much dating though because most of them are married and the ones who t have lo start work I six In the along with the rest of us MR AND MRS HENNESSEY and friends gathered to celebrate lie gt den d anniversary of Mr Mathcw J Hennessey of on July 4 when their sons and daughters held a large part at the ho of of the la Mrs Anthony J Elizabeth St Tc and letters of were received from Prime Minister Pierre Tiulnu Onlari Premier John Governor Roland Ml and his wife John R for Wellington County Margaret Morris n of honour to Mrs Hennessey at her wedding years in SI Marys Roman Catholic Church Toronto surprised the couple by turning up at the celebration Sunday mornlnt July hpceial mass In honour of Mr and Mis w performed by Father Gerald Craig in Holy with two grandsons Stephen and Tom slating as altar boys Right Rev J of St Christophers Roman Church an lion guest at the celebration gave his blessing to couple lour generations at the fain present the guests of honour Mr and Mrs J Hennessey Mr Mrs Hennessey Mr and Mrs Bob Vm Dyke and Inhy daughter md Mr Mrs Ken Sue and baby son Anilre The immediate family at the Mr Mrs lorn Iron son Tom Mr ind Mrs lack Crich ton Marguerite and aught Christine- Cindy and son Mr Mrs Kennedy Kathleen sons Tom Jos and daughter Margaret Kb thleen Mr and Mrs J Hennessey Diane and Mark and the host and hostess Mr and Mrs A J and son Stephen and Mr fa Joe The couple wed years ago lived most of the time in Bram plon moved lo lllllsburgb upon Mr Hennessey retire men mine ycirs ago guests from Shelburno Calcdon East Nerval Maple Brampton Clarkson Toron to and Georgetown made the day n happy one for the Henries Accident Injuries Hospitalize Five Record 15000 Crowd Taxes Kelso Facilities A record people med over the bis Kelso Con area piaj ground on July was one of Ihe biggest ever to use Ihc playground located in north near Milton Major attractions were Ihc swimming areas at Kelso but hundreds of families also visited the county seum located on the Kelso pro perty along with several other Along with swimming area In the 85 acre man made lake which backs up behind Dam there is also a large swimming pool Kelso was developed combination conservation area playground The flood trol dam was lilt at a cost of near and was into operation nearly yeais ago July 12 long lint- of ears into Kelso park and by early afternoon the hills were covered with sun bathers This is one of the crowds we have hid said one park official Certainly it is bluest this ye CENTENARIAN OLDEST IN ORANGE PARADE There was no competition for the oldest Orangeman to parti in Orange Day lions at W because Charlie Browne showed up Charlie is 100 years old spends each day behind the counter In his grocery in Acton and I missed an Orange Day parade that he can remember The centenarian led off the parade riding In a convertible as the guest of honour Ho also laid a wreath the Acton ccn for his homt lodge of 467 before leaving for the parade One death and five people In was the toll Friday night shortly after midnight when car broke chain link and clipped off guard posts at the front of Cemetery Nerval Killed in the accident at thi intersection of No 10 and the Town Line was Brian Michael Butch Elwood Intlcwood He was a passenger in a Plymouth driven by Danny Main St North The driver suffered a skull and was taken Tor onto General Hospital He was released Monday press time four passeng are still in Georgetown hospital DeSylva of has a broken pelvis Beverley Bradley Churchill Crca mouth lacerations of a fractured pelvis and Connie Carter 16 of Norvai fractured North term the car owned by James Hunter of com writeoff me had been borrowed and the driver was on the way to pick up tht owner who was finishing work WORKED WITH BROTHER Air Elwood was employed with his brother Robert who operates Credit Valley and Tree Service Born In Toronto he had liv ed in Terra most of life where he Clay Hill school later Com high He leaves his wife Elizabeth Shaw an expectant mother his parents Henry and Florence Elwood of Terra Cc brothers Robert and Richard and sister Roberta Mrs Splcer alt of Terra Cotta and sister Gloria Mrs Miller el Georgetown Rev A Cook of conducted funeral on Monday morning at the Hat C Funeral Home Georgetown Cremation follow id with interment in Boston Mills Cemetery Many Accidents Keep OPP Busy Last Week A rash of accidents kept the North busy in the rca around Georgetown this Slight damage was done to dump truck but damage done to a small bus when they collided on No highway 2 miles east of Aclon on July The bus driven by Robert Harper of Stratford and the dump truck by Kenneth Mc Kinnon of Credit Street in Glen Wil iiami was the scene of an dent July 10 when a Plymouth driven by David Pi per of Georgetown was in collision a pick up truck driven by Brian Wil liams The Plymouth suffered damage and the Chev damage Two women were taken to Oakvillc Hospital with slight injuries when their car went off the road on the Lane north of No 15 July 11 Carol Monte lb the driver in jurcd her ribs and Marion gan had bruises head car a was da mated to the extent of George Ferguson 111 Ray lawn Crescent Georgetown 23 hit a farm fence on the Side roid west of on July 11 when he lost control of his car Damage lo his Ponllac amounted to On the 6th Line north of County Road on the same day 19 old John of Avenue driving a Hided with a driven by year old Eric Bui of Toronto The damage to the Muslang was and to the Chcvcllc A Chrysler driven by John of Port Credit and Mercury pickup driven by Samuel Snow of I Acton together on the Line north of No highway on July 11 causing dam age to the Chrysler and only damage the truck A fence was damaged when 1961 Falcon owned by Sheridan Mercury Sales in Port Credit went Into the ditch on the Line and the base line July causing 250 damage to th car Al noon on July a Chrysler driven by Edward Peters Brampton was in col with a I960 Plymouth driven by Frederic Herein Milton The ac cident occurred on highway south of doing damage to the Chrysler and damage to the Ply mouth Sad Souvenir Of Plane Wreck He received an airmail letter from Holland in his Monday morning mail this week Stamped on the back was Salvaged from air wreck July The letter was on the ill fat Montreal flight which crash ed near Toronto International Airport that day One hundred and nine people died In the flaming crash which left twist ed metal scattered over a far mers field But surprisingly the mall bag containing the let ter wis intact Mr said that he expect ed the letter was on the plane A Dutch relative moils a letter each Friday in Amsterdam which Is usually flown to Tor onto on this flight and when It did not arrive he surmized what had happened Expect Townships Official Plan Ready by MonthEnd The Esqueslng Township Council Planning Board and Committee of Adjustment met In special session an June 30 1970 its Planning to review the progress being made on the preparation of the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Anions the Hems discussed were recent land develop ment in and effect of the recently released Tor onto CentredRegion Plan on Ihe future growth and develop ment of the Township WILL TAPER OFF The Township advised by Dillon Limited its planning consultants that while some growth could be ted It would not be of the- same magnitude as had been exper ienced over the past years The Council Planning Board were told that work on the Official Plan was progressing to the point where a preliminary Outline ot the could b expected towards the end of July

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