Georgetown Herald A of Horn Company Limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17 EDITORIAL COMMENT Fluoride Decided Asset Despite Gordon Sinclair gn against it add Hon of fluoride to the water supply has been well proven a boon to humanity with no effects to health For years at least one Georgetown dentist has been advocating this and along with most parents part he will be happy to learn that a te vote has been asked here in the December elections The water department is to be congra tulated on this forward step And hope the same con be said for the voters who should support it in large numbers Why Because fluoride will lead to a trem endous decrease in incidence of tooth decay particularly in the adolescenl years when such decay Is most evident Sound teeth are a tremendous asset to a person in physical appearance and general health Denta treatment is ex pensive and in some cases prohibitive In consequence many adults lose their teeth at an early ago a tragedy in a country like ours where living standards are so high From a strictly monetary nt It should be a yes vote in December Add the health angle and there is a powerful incentive for everyone to vole A Timely Acknowledgment It is all too seldom thai a person it honoured when he is and well Too we think about tributes end memorials a man has this I re or so and feeble that he can to the full been plan ned Not so with Ben Case one of Silver- woods most popular citizens And despite the fact that Case has never entered the bonds of matrimony it was the women bless em who con ceived the idea of a Ben Case day and surprised the guest of honour with a party Why so Well Mr Case has worked with Women Institute and on Own to compile a history of d strict which has reached publishing stage He has been a staunch supporter of the cultural a me of the county museum board and when it was on the go a few years back the farm forum And he served his country well World War 1 overseas with the Canadian forces Bui more then this Ben has been a friendly member of the community no chose as h home many ago has a large of friends and it ways a pleasure to chat with him His was well deerved IF We wowUN AND WORRYING CANADIANS IN THE MAIL Befriended Here Has Many Happy Memories AN ENERGY POLICY FOR OTTAWA Coneratuhtioiut are enter for the four cadets who were chosen In the training to attend course offered to the Air Bmn and Dave weeks it Warner ton on a Restore Musical Legacy Missing threaj years from the CNE recreated Georgetown band did it again this year and brought home the trophy for winning Us class Noted for years as a muscal town Georgetown reputation has slipped some what in recent years In the thirties and forties the bard then under the ces of the Lome Scots and the choral society were two of our chief features and provided many even of cultural entertainment tor the public and training and recreation for their mem Times change The army dropped i of the band makes a more onerous financial burden Tele vison and stepped up transportation have Sunshine Sand Bacon Beans had their effect on things which used to attract young people to p For bands particularly leadership Is ell important and only when musicians of Art Hill s calibre are available can one field a band capable of such a maor as look place at the Ex Conversely this should be George town golden era If a town of could field a totally homebrew band what potential there- is in a community eight times as large with musical available si the gh school where none existed then Now that the is alive again lets hope it grows and grows It can bo one more asset a town where some people think there noth ng for our young people to do hip course their private pilot llcenci This Is a achievement for an air minded cadet and one of the best miles- by air cadet lea ji We just drove until cue of The are lf tail like stopping North and north entitled to weir the coveted th on our Trip i And we wound up spending on uniforms lhe asl a couple of dan in a cabin on I Little and Peter l tartd out back In Like loving it Mulders dlstinRUdihed them M it run down old wives CFB Berth in the hrnk Ilk a tourist resort not Senior Leaders Co irsc on of cabin Ttthn Course res- na pcclivcl graduated no formal I hop no broadly no on six weeks J l I with on j wicks some thine like the 8 ln h of Iruning lnt me lUimese water torture Drop WB1 running an in j Insomnia nothing W or neet oven more as inn in enthusiasm increase every day can I wmiicui in first absolute must hive Strangely my v ire loved the ml Electronics weekend i place home she a a psy well as aeronautical subjects tom the cmv and the posiibilil of our own By mid July if a trip ae I weeper of floors and maker of lider arc ill on the prorxclus with At the site cheerful r Enrolment will take Unking up friend and walked around in grit up to fa not driving too far in day the ankles and actually iZ Close Devon England Here in England the BBC puts out a TV program each week called Across the Great Divide I always make a point of watching HoMcver I art with a lump In my throat as I watch the story of the men who went to Canada from here and did well and made it well and truly their home and ideal You sec but loo once hJ the same goal but I did not make it I was the way by circumstances I was unable to match being only IS jcars d at the time However I shall never forget the wonderful kind friends I made during my stay in Georgetown I had run away from a farm owing to cruet of the farmer I was sent back a second time to him but I eventually again I ad a lift to Georgetown by a man also give me five doll are tit was fortune to me He dropped me in ipgctown and continued on his lay It was and a very toy cold I did not know where to turn I had a suitcase and just walked A dear me she was Mrs I believe She took me gave me a won big plateful of bacon and eggs I never forget that meal as long as I live Her allowed me to stay the night and the next morning he got me a job and took me to a house on Victoria Street where he said I would find solace and comfort The lady was Mrs Morrow and if ever a saint lived on earth it her Her kindness in my mind as something sacred end holy was like a mother to me IN THE MAIL BAG IN THE MAIL BAG Good Listener Example Adult Approachto Youth Lotal Air oil tics on September Yours very truly W Chief Instructor Accident Report S1 wis done to CMC pickup truck when the raj ft 1 control of the vehicle and hit horn Sunday Victoria Crescent I The people who profit most Dear Sir arc the pushers not the kids After reading Mrs letter but the neat lookin well to the editor of August I peeled adult that one meets impressed by the headline They are lhe It a rather that ho lakc advantage the writer must look at the pro blem as one who looks back ward In years and not toward the future The answer while one must not completely ignore the past lies mining the reasons the take to drugs Had secondly in looking to the future for were Many parents may why my child use them even acknowledge the when given him or her he could want Per the answer to that lies In the question itself every thing Siblings as they grow up learn to take anything given even If its not what they really want And what Is that Someone who is in them not their productively or what best for them but the hopes dreams and plans Think back or is it Loo laic for thif When you anyone were young wouklnt you do anything for the person who while told what you wanted to do and be when grew up too soon other people narrowed and confined your ideas end Ideals to a rut And there roll along What hopes now money power ownership pres- Our youth today including made no demands on society caused no riots murders or assaults Oh there were police and intcrcs ted bystanders around But name any event with such a crowd attending where there are not the same police and around ho cannot understand their seniors set of values talk honest but cheat Perhaps it about time lhe establijhmenl took good look at themselves and remember the from a book oft quoted let he who is without sin cast the first stone The rule for helping bewildered is to be a good example learn to be a listener not a talker Let them know you be there lo help them they want it don force yourself upon them Before one complains that they t doing anything but around doing nothing take good look at whit Is available for them no movie the it re work involve them and a damp low basement that is potential fire hazard for a drop In centre lie drugs to keep them il legal la no more answer to the problem than was prohibits back when I personally they be put on the same basis as liquor If people are over they should at least be allowed to use their judgment the same as alcohol do Illegality is no answer control of heavy drugs would In my opinion be and leave the softer available for general use same liquor is then who wish to lie critical of youth be less and more helpful look back lew and forward optimistically Our generations need us as guides lines not as con fining ruts Peace Lee a to Now summer is almost over the Georgetown Air Cad Squadron is preparing for another training year During the school period the cadets while not weekly basis acre far from idle Indeed the of can he Justly proud of her Air after in in hoys departed from on August 2nd for summer camp Trenton All the enjoyed camp immensely and most that it had lasted long Drill competition swimming ports sailing flying and gild only a few of many lb it went on the to Upper Vllhgo I I Henry the Royal Military Colle at Kingston the Museum in Oil ma laid on in euse the camp routine became otnnoua joying tha By midAugust it was a mud dash to in times But Kim wis home and cant ive her alone and the of led when the TransCanada train went three or four times rocking the cabin like For a coup of w tor- got about pollution and lo go with us after just hwtil been there J Wll split milk much u finally mad It LH Thursday fence on Sidcroad west of the Line The driver injured his right shoulder mil his and a sore back The same day a collision be a firm tractor pulling a hay bailor and a car resulted in SI damage to the And of driven by Junes of Georgetown and only slight da wrench th door look at that grat dean lak 30 yard away and whit rich wars doing land and bacon and pga and I Evenings were Just as ic ire until midnight then into the hut with the little novel and no phone or door slamming to indieitc Wa had a on mage to the trie Lloyd Swinilleliurst The occurred on the Fnn town line li mile l lhe Line How that for a Big Trip Ho over peril it was worth for ill summer It was different Wo bought a I Coleman stove is we to cook ilong wiy An otic I interested in a new Cole man stove thil has never oven been I day whan th propria tort a Th hand to cook rt train homo Hkm w d to th dine but ft jutt Ilka horn But must end two I I had 13 a row of bacon and aggt No man far But v have got two waka u ply NEWS ECHOES From Heralds of 10 20 and 30 Years Ago but Peters and Larry Grace luting inshed themselves by completing the Senior NCO course as did Rod Smith and Servos and Corporal in completing the Junior course Andy Cflmman as bandmaster for the camp band made iip of from ail the in He ably led the entire cadet group to their ac tivities in the two week ini ludcd a parade review fore the Base Commander Trenton on August No was well up on marks in final camp assessment and our officers arid instructors in dance unanimously agreed tint had not been to camp with a better croup 1960 Enrolment in Georgetown schools this week stands el 2 The majority ore attending five public schools 577 have registered at the high school at Holy Cross separate school It took holes of golf to dec North Halton Golf Club championship Sunday dor from lale surge by Ken Nash Ben hung on to halve final hole and capture the A Flight title up Avian Industrie plant has doubled Its size to the work program involved in building more aircraft Ground running tests on the prototype Is to start in October 1950 Howard principal of Georgetown Pub lic School since I93S died suddenly early Monday evening death of of Georgetown pro minent citizens from a heart attack was a groat shock lo lhe town his loss will bo keenly felt Hon Dana Porter Minister of Education will be asked look over four or five suggested sites for a new central high school which Is being planned by North Halton High School District Board At a recent meet ing the board narrowed locations down to the three likely one near one near Speysido and one on eastern outskirts of Acton morning woke to wild wind driving ram coming in around the front door and the worst of the summer In full fliht th long way horn fn In that wort than with sundry tall gating cutting In pa it and and whit Iln whan you could not e front of your car Shaky Things Improve Hey just got back to norma covered engaged fine young chap who had two cents I know Its hard to believe In this affluent age but ho had two cash when he proposed Georgetown Herald A of Horn Company Ltmltad Georgetown Ontario Gcrflahl Production Superintendent Advertising Frank Mullln News Editor Accountant Terry Bradley Valerie Caruso Anne Currlc Reporter Leslie Clark Hastings Mylcs John Mcctcmentj Brim Genet and would not hear of giv rj her the doll I gave a bed and plen y of food and the ippy aim of her hi me was wonder ful I begin to oik at the place Mr found me I hid one hour a hand fell on my shoulder and I was tikin to I pleaded on hands and knees to be allow oil to return to my dear benevolent and mv found job However my pleas fell deaf ears I was not allowed to return to Toronto and put in a psveh hospital I treated like sick In his mind and I was unable to do anything about it Event- uallv four weeks I taken to where I war cell and detained for another four weeks in wl was a prison Then I was sent to I never had lo see my dear friend again Now in my voir I still think of tint dor old lady She and I have received sovenl letters from her My I of five are ill married I a wife who of polio from rt Id of We ire very happy thank God for wl comfort ve hive I am now head verger for the Plymouth Garrison churches greatest lo viM ha old lad but as I ill thwart by the expense of such a isi t Vergers wages are low Think you sir for hearing story ind God bless all and ill vour and pen Ij thil old saint a lady Mrs Mary Morrow John v onderful town will he idea of I cm forget it and its wonderful people BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clerk LC Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Cm rg town 8776278 Residence CARR Consulting i Ontario Land Suntyora I Planning Consultant OPTOMETRIST Brown R0 Main St Suite 1 For Appointment Health Iniuranc Card BARRAGERS ClaanartShirt Laundarnl 877 Main Guclph All work dona on GERALD W CORBETT DC Doctor of Chiropractic Mill St Georgetown Ontario For Appointment Phone OPTOMETRIST Hamilton RO South Building For Appointment PHONE Ml Georgetown Herald D0DD Chiropractic Clinic EDWARD DODD DC Doctor of ROY EVANS DC Doctor of Chiropractic 120 Guolph St Next Hunters Real Estate CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning in Your Homo or in our Modern Plant Free Pick Up and Delivery CARPET CLINIC MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery PHONE 7580 Water Street North A LT REPAIR SERVICE JOHN JEWELLERS Crtlflad J 5 Main St N 8774313