Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 10, 1970, p. 13

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Georgetown Herald A Divlilon of Horn Nawipapftrt Company Limited Mam Street South Georgetown Ontario WAITER C THURSDAY DECEMBER 1970 EDITORIAL COMMENT Welcome Gage Company for It was merry Christmas Georgetown last week when was made that Gage Stationery has located here The town suffered a blow when the Denntson Manufacturing plant closed earlier i the year The new industry which will employ initially already has plans to double plant size in the new year consequent addition in which will make it one of the town substantial small industries The firm will be producing stationary and school products here It is a branch of company which also has plants in Montreal Toronto and Winnipeg Us Service for Public The are to be congratulated on the service rendered in the municipal Their meet the candidate night was a success from all standpoints It was well conducted planned and run on Brief introduction gave meeting some information about council as each of whom were given time present their election platform And a la question and answer period was motive and interesting Those who attended the meeting are equally to be congratulated Their questions were sensible and to Some Election Pointers stability is indicated in the fad thai it has in business for over years Firms such as this which add diversity and a medium size number of employees are the type which Georgetown particularly welcomes The best towns are those which do not on a maor industry for the bulk of employment With Georgetown developing also a commuter town several industries of the size we now have plus the diversity which occurs in commuter employment should ensure that if hard times came we would be in the best position to weather any storm the point There was no heckling no Speeches in the guise of questions and people should have left the meeting more informed affairs and bet ter prepared to decide which men and wo men they wanted to guide municipal bus mess for the next two years The too provided extra vice on election day with their minibus ser vice taking voters to the polls That wa did not have a per cent or more voting record is no fault of theirs We hope that in two years they will intensify their and keep plugging for the Utop goal of every voter using his franchise THE COFFEE TABLE SAGA one of those days A wild i with curling too vlfi white yonder outside the win But it I help thai don mowing and blowing as I went to the local though wed the stuff year on night with before and someone was trying game leg and danced a lot to impress us And mo mar than I should have after sonic nil of a I driver told mi Sure w pain pills I to gat re Christinas Domtar Mills Working On Pollution Abatement The Equal Opportunity Act avfiich became law in Ontario ihe first of the month prohibits discrimination based on or marital flatus in hiring on and dismissal Although the Act is primarily to cor rect matron against working worn it a two way street and provisions apply to male workers too Because soma obs cannot reasonably be performed by one or other of the sexes ademptions are allowed but the Women s Bureau must on this for newspapers presents a prob lem in the advertising columns The Herald must not accept advertising limited to one sex unless the aavertiser presents seme proof that the Women Bureau has given a decision le we are in agreement with the principle we are somewhat confused about what proof should be asked of an advertiser that this requirement has been met as pre literature issued by the new bur does not clarify this We will find out in due course no doubt Slangely enough the first ad which had to be changed for an advertiser last was one where he specifically wan ted a woman Christmas Festivities Add Charm Countys Museum WERE PLENTIFUL Georgelou en campaign this noted for the it of advertising iins which in all sections linn Posters boosting the AM mills hue com T candidates blossomed in ever or arc workn on ire mil iddcd pollution ilnteimnl pro spoi colour to the roads Ic- villi grams In their mesits lions aid Now that hi is over is to be hoped it the In Mi s dates will do in good pi ills it Cornwall St in them Irenton Red Hoik a deader Mian la t years posters to that I possibly help with re rsdacordins the living furniture You that room Its x 10 all of mine manhandling a the junk out of that crypt to grand piano all by with paint and there no place I me helping by grunting 1 where in the house In which you doubt if ten pound can draw a deep breath without in the two day caving in ribt against an upturned chair or a JlL tru with its feet sticking out exam pi pen This is something like gone fairly the hincso water torture Drop thly wife is by drop it pierces jour skull hysterical about one slip For that you nover were are years been billowing and never will be able to leach at the kids to keep their rot more than lo ten dirty feet off her new null tic his hoclues toffee table Nobody of course adults included is I lowed to put cup of coffee on now spelled coffee table proecute savagery- has become and that a This morning she found that fellow who flies an aircraft the painters had put a gouge a about a foot long and a quarter inch deep in tht virgin tern However I am complain Shea suffering much I pauitm is finished pain at though omeone fccLs taken and put a lhc is all moved gouge of dimensions m ll 1 slopped snowing as her own l lp The phone any has been able to break I offer all of comfort through The old girl has for like Well now we can put her despair over the feet on it or Rouge spotting a bump in the when its covered with plaster And 1 juM marked an tups but Hie result isox paper worth cent more like IhrowiiiL ml on fire ffli than on troubled waters l Quit n The phone ham been work new shoes new Que his re j matin d of ol lng or wo For h m b Hi nl number unmitigated Win But the r lo back to the old lady it utterly convinced t for dart The Georgetown lion of Home Company Limit Herald A Garfield Production Frank Advertising News Editor Accountant in Terry Allien lsl1 Valerie J tan lit Anne Curne Reporter Leslie Clark John nilc of projects ire v Celtic tradition of in of in plnt pruee sin 0 Ihtt Ins marUdb mproed the family Lord doubly per thus eontnbuied to the I never here than Work it tine reduction in loses in the sew But without the though I could plant jut one mi tin of these hae been id feels as lie r slut is done Seme L I involve wilh both arms in SI million his bcni r a i upper to be FIND IT HERE spent to reduce pollution from I t unit in Id hive your gift idea plan S3 million J imp on Iht l 1 lores well urn spent will remove problems of the 0s I v slocked with gf items Una year M lll thc t J J I shopping n Georgetown lids in mill more e f d ipl lnll rff easier prices are competitive en infant ls lir Mill stiff ml r has spent Mt toother or more Mnn IB per mis arc pro a mijor pioncirm tud m mt will which of he spending anus prongs mi im m Mr of viater improve j snow tires are on My wife who predicted her own death noon is alive and well and snarling commands Not a bad old life really Bet ter here than the graveyard of that ret If only It eternal and the friendly service from I people you know is an added St l com Brian The ghost of Christmas past revel in the a of annual Open House which began and continues to Dec at Halton County Museum Kelso Conservation Area An old fashioned Christ mas tree and tea and in front erf a warm fireplace the main features of the open house FOUR Pot over five years scum has entertained Hal Ion residents at is from to 30 m seven days a week This year is the first time all four buildings in the museum complex are open to public main building the carnage house the black smith shop and thc craft Tea will be in mam building by the summer NEWS ECHOES From Heralds of and 30 Yean Ago I960 Mayor Hyde and Reeve Doug retained office and councillors William and Ian Cass were reelected n Mondays election Following Hun in the council race were Bob Burke Jim Brown Don Ian Cass and Jim Emmerson Campbell Sinclair will serve a second term as reeve of Esquesing following Mondays elect on in which he bested ex reeve George Curne by voles Voters chose George Leslie Walter and Wilfrid Leslie as councillors Acclaimed deputy reeve was Wilfrid Bird A former resident of Miss Olive Rankine appear on Singing Stars of Tomorrow radio program over the CBC network Sunday There one man in town who will never turn down a ticket salesman For the fourth lime in a year Allan Teeter has ackpol in a lucky draw His name was pulled Friday a draw sponsored by the Anglers and Hunters giving a choice of a rifle shotgun or fishing equipment So far this year has won a television raffled by the Girls Pipe Band plus 50 j for selling himself the winning ticket another cash in Brampton draw and a bicycle and cash in an other draw Last Saturday night at St Georgos reclory the less of StrMhmore played host to sx little English boys and who are slaying with relatives in Geor for duration of the war The children rola fed Interesting anecdotes concerning their experiences on the Atlantic crossing The whole group sang Christ mas carols and later opened presents left in their names under a Irce tour guides and the friends of lhc Museum auxiliary group Entering into the spirit of Riving museum is not charging for any of the re or entrance to THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE The on pro gram prim irv Ileal through thc lee of clan lights the llons will viroiiien mil extended in period in order will the problems of odor bioehemcil deil Its expected this furl lit will I million Tom I vs BUSINESS DIRECTORY don t receive any fund from the budget for restoration of antiques said Curator Mrs Brit tain appreciate dona lions If anyone wants to leave something BRICK HEARTH Highlight of a vLsit the will be tea near he brick hearth surrounded by relics of an earlier era in County A recent gift from a Bronte family a dainty Also house will be open and heated Old carnages sleighs and a mas- weaving loom the only one of its kind In Canada are on display NO CANDLES Weekends visitors will be enter by local music groups and Christmas records will provide background mu sic during tiic week Although the spruce Christ mas Ircc is decorated with antique balln and no candles arc allowed by order of lhc fire marshal No one used pine trees for Christmas In Vloiorhn days says Mrs group visits arc ex peeled at the Open House museum Is lo cated in Kelso Conscrva area nrowcl up NIX ESCARPMENT HOUSING on to a plan of siilidlvisiin on lie grilse The prestige tstile conflict with the of the escarpment lind it public open RESCUED FROM LAGOON ACTON nil old Stive of narrow from drowniii or in the filler bids behind and Co he into thc sludge on of the mis and v is shoulders sinking when rescued luikosz 1 by the bojs three BOY DIES IN HOME FIRE INGLEWOOD four old Ingllew md las died last week when fin home of his Mr Mrs nn R lhree firefighters injured in from which other members of tin I un harmed Captain of hire said were him irul by lick of FIVE HOMES RANSACKED tivi ho mi iiMtkcd robbed 1 day in a cries of which The rash of thefts wis reminmenl of incident in lniil when seven homes were hit by hurghr or this time doors were kicked in and The evil started about m and ended about ft o clock It IN THE MAIL BAG Noxious Writer Says Not So tere id in local 1 people of George lo the mi pp lev ion of a pi to lis pre lodnliie olden Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clerk A Commliiiontr Shirt Main Guirlph rice Pickup and Delivery All work L C Ontario Surveyor Duncan Drue Gaoruatown Residence GERALD CORBETT DC Doctor of Mill St Georgetown Ontario lor Appointment Phone 877 destroyed thi of V in from tin harm t the time the home c FIRE DAMAGE AT HILLSBURGH ire department ls a fire which caused an him of Kenneth one mile out of lire Chief Clicync said the farm building wis beyond suing when firefighters arrived it about am Columns of smoke wen seen for miles Hit driving was gulled firm implements lost as well as a quantity of furniture BAN STRIKERS MOONLIGHTING Legislation lo pi event linking workers fiom tcmponr jobs is needed to rtsloie of power in incut labour relations labour idations counsellor said last week here lo Stringer of Hamilton Canada is extremely strike prone with a greater percentage of than the and Great Britain If a company should go without Income during a strike so should the workers except of course for thcli strike pay said Stringer ORGAN FOR BROOKLYN CHURCH ACTON An Alton company Kcatts Co ltd Ins ted and ih shipping lhc largest org in console ever In Onlirio to in historic Brooklyn New York church The manual console is four five times the size regular console going to Diocesan Church of St Ann Holy Trinity In Brooklyn This Episcopal church ls trad of distinguished organists and the new insole one of the largest lo be In v York In recent will complete work and additions lo their present organ constructive to owns deputy neve con tribute the twice weekly tons it county council It cm now only he hoped tint tin re l of the of county will be avian of Die imp CULLEN i Contulling Englnaari i Ontario Land Surveyors Planning Coniultanti OPTOMETRIST L Brown RO Main Suite For Appointments Prannl Health Imuranca Card CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Cleaning in Your Homo or in our Modern Plant Pick Up and Delivery CARPET CLINIC 4594140 IN GEORGETOWN Appraisals by E A MITCHELL LIMITED REALTOR OPTOMETRIST Hamilton South Carrctfll Building Far Appointment MONUMENTS POLLOCK CAMPBELL ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Street North A REPAIR SERVICE JOHN JEWELLERS Watchmakirt Main SI N

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