Holiday Visitors Here and There The Paul Rues 16 Eden Place welcomed Mr and Robert Oastlcr and Klmberlcy from Thunder Bay for Christ mas and Mrs A Nielsen Chipper a visited with Mr and Mrs Knight and family it Hornby for the Christmas day Mr and Mrs Morelon Confederation St travelled to Stratford to spend the Christ mas holiday at the home of Mr and Mrs Miss Marjory Cain from St Catharines was a guest during the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr and Mrs William Kill John St E Mr and Mrs G Norfiaard Sargent spent a happy Christmas day with Mrs Nor parents Mr and Mrs of Scarborough Travel hug to Stirling to spend Christmas with their daughter Mr and Mrs and Mrs J Morrow Pat and Sharon of 25 John St ts for the New Year hoi at the home of Mr and Mrs James Rosefield were his parens Mr and Mrs Brown ILiBSins from Bayfield Mrs Robert of Newfoundland spent the Christ inas holidays with her daughter and son in law Mr and Brian Hill 12 Park Avenue Over the Christmas holidays Mr Mrs George Park Ores travelled to spend Christmas her sisters and brother in law Mr and Mrs James Guriy and Jlrs- Arthur Murphy Visitors to the home of Mr and Mrs K and children Shirley and Gordon Penning Cr on Christmas day were Mr and Mrs Miss Jo- Harrison of Brampton and and Mrs Webb and sons of town A Christmas party was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Morgan and Allison when they enter Mr and Mrs Mrs Morgan and M Mor from Toronto and Mr Mrs Downey of town Born on December 10 Colleci Frances v as just In lime to eel her first Christmas with brother Howard Drew her par Mr and Mrs and grand parents Mr and Mrs Niece of Scarborough Mr Mrs Chjrlcs Hicks Stephen 50 Baylor travelled to Dunnville on Christ mas to with his parents Mr and Mrs Harold Hicks On Boning day they were visited by her parents Mr and Mrs Don Prince from Toronto the Christmas and Now Years holidays Mr and Mrs Jim Hicks and children Colin Janet and Andrew 236 entertained her parents Mr and Mrs A from her tutor Miss Join and sister brother in law and Mrs Bill and son Stewart Dclrcx as guests Spending his first Christmas was Mr on Jajiiaieu He was the guest of Mr and Mrs Ian 18 Also visiting wore Bill ilttLreon of from lor the celebrations Mr Mrs Oil guests of Mr Mis Jim of Brampton the Christmas and New Years holiday Mr a Charles Duncan Drive welcomed her sister Mrs a from Toronto as a guest Mr and Mrs Jack and baby John Main St S Christmas dinner in tho home of her sis and Mr and iMrs John Guests over the Christmas ho lidays at he home of Mr and Mrs John 16 Heather were her parents Mr and Mrs George Donalds and sister Beryl from Toronto A Christmas Sunday family gathering at the Tom Byron St In honor of Mrs father Mr Jesse Brand ford who celebrated his birthday Spending the Christmas days in On Ilia as guests of her parents Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mrs Roger Hilts and son John Mary Sreet Mr and Mrs A their family of 123 Moore Park Cres visited with Mr and Mrs Walton during the Christ mas hohdaj weekend at their home in Mr and Mrs E Drouillanl Shelley St spent Christmas with their son Bud and Mrs Snow in Ballinafad and New Years their daughter Miss Snow in Burlington The Lloyd Duncan Weber welcomed her parents Mr and Mrs Wm Tough of Onllia and daughter Bonnie and hus band Dave Hodgson and Katie of Brampton for Christnus Mr and Mrs R Newell spent the Christ mas weekend in Hi I Is burgh with and Mrs Crocker and thi Now Year with Mr and Mrs Ralph Newell Mr and Mrs E 3B Duncan welcomed her par Mr and Mrs and her sister and husband the Jim Quicks and children from Toronto for Christmas festivit ies Mr and Mrs A Donaldson Ricky and Heather 36 Cr visited Christmas with his parents the borne Dona Ids of Orion and in Grand Valley her parents the Earl Pear On Now Years day Mr and Mrs Joseph 20 Marilyn Crescent welcomed as guests her sister and brother in Mr and Mrs Siegmar Kobi frpm and her broth Mr Otto from Valley On Christmas day Mr and Li rente telle 75 Moore Park and their Paul and David went to SearborouRh to visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Paul Also visiting were her brothers and sisters Mr and Mrs Ron Dillon Deb- Philip and to St Thomas to be with her par ents Mr and Mrs Jack Brooks for Christmas and then to to his parents Mr and Mrs W Dillon for Boxing day A Year celebration was arranged by Mrs Mary Morrow 25 Vioona St which she spent Mr and Mrs Morrow and Marilyn of to Mr and Mrs Williams and Rob ert of and Mrs Sanderson also from George town A telephone tall their daughter Mrs Hendry in treal added to the Christmas spirit for Mr and Mrs New house Elgin St They also en tertained Mr and Mrs and family of and ind Mrs Bride and of Mr and Mrs Boss and their children Todd Connie and Joanne 64 River Dme were Christmas day guests at the homo of her parents Mr and Mrs in Kiahener Mrs and Mrs celebrated their Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Hugh Danny Kenny Tomm and had a delightful holiday at Lake at the home of her mother Alex they enjoyed winter sports skating hockey and photography On Boxing day Mr and Mrs Bill Place and their children Douglas Joan Byron Jaquclinc and Eh visited their former neigh Mr and Mrs Cy Walsh of Brampton and on the following day they visited Mr and Mrs Jim Dieters of Pot Luck Dinner Church Congregation to Mrs John who is a patient in the lie gar Memorial Hospital Mrs Jim Hamilton On Tuesday evening a us Pot Dinner was en Joyed by the members of St Stephens Anglican Church lowing the dinner was the an nil Christmas Concert which Mr and Mrs Robert Gourlle 25 scent and heir Rick Rusty Lea pent the Christmas holidays parents Mr am Mrs J Gray of Coll iooc were Mrs brother dm Mi heir family das highway Also was Mrs o her daughter Mrs Marie Kicrnan children Gale Allan Whilst her husband was hospital for Christmas Mis John Oliver 17 Mr and Mrs sop and family Mr and deluded and Mr ami Mrs tofIowin pro Oliver of town Mrs arrived of Mi and Mrs vcr the children with visited her her in hospital and Ind Christmas dinner with him Tin Hornby Trafalgar Club held their On Christmas day Mr and on Saturday January Mrs Bob and theft at North lVafilgar David and Diana 71 Wind Centre There were eight went with her parents tables of in play with Hit warded to Mrs William Bingham to her and In trior in law Mr Burton Tom Mrs Bud in the ir Joe who played home in Also gci lltman Mn Phyllis Mar visiting were Mr parents tin Mrs Vera and Mr Mrs Bill from Mis dure Wilson The lucky tor he New drives were won Mrs Mar and da Mr Mrs ind Italia fea a family reunion iherston The next present at the dinner be on turd Jan Mrs May illap 18 St wort Mr and Mrs Jack lury ChnslmTs at the and John of St Mr home of lit r in I son Mr Ross and tck of 1 fro Mrs Jim Watson tin Id Connie ind Joanne 1 lay season and their children Don liner Mr ind Mrs with Mr and Mrs Garry Ham and ludy who live on llu Dun William Main St THURSDAY JAN 7th THE GEORGETOWN HERALD PAGE 10 Anniversary greetings are tended Mr and Mrs Martin Sal who will their wedding anniversary on Thurs day January 7th Kevin Jepson of Georgetown spent the holiday season with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Jim Hamilton Miss Alma Bradley of Peoria I Illinois enjoyed a week her family and friends In the I Hornby district Mr and Mrs Roy South of Brampton were dinner quests on Years day with Mr and Mrs Garry Hamilton Mr and Mrs Ktnncth ens of Mono Mills visited with Mr and Mrs Arthur Plant on Saturday night Birthday greetings are ded to the following who arc iLbrating their rthdays John isstll on 5 Nor Sparlinj on January it on January 7lh and Garry Break on Jan Get well wishes arc extended TRUCK SKIDS INTO TRAIN A Towmhlp narrowly escaped Wednesday morning when truck he wit driving crashed Into the lido of a moving freight train He lumped of the seconds before impact According to police Herbert Corp was driving north on Third Line when he aw tram approaching Ho applied his brakes but the truck skidded on the Icy rMd MOWS THE TIME WHY NOT BE AN EARLY BIRD OBTAIN YOUR 71 CAR PLATES Yes why not obtain thoso plates early this year Got thorn this week and boat ruth Or if that not possible why not it a point to drop In in the next couple of weeks to ice Wo ro at limn location Main St South but have extra help to serve you and have doubled size our off for your convenience Do drop In soon I Open ever day Monday to Friday to 12 to OPEN 5ATURDAYS UNTIL M Office open days a until Deadline DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OFFICE 41 MAIN STREET SOUTH PEEP CUT PRICES MB EVBY MY COME SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEATS SUPER BUYS SUPER BUYS BONELESS LOIN PORK ROASTS PORK SIDE SPARE RIBC 75 157 PORK TENDERLOIN CHOICE FRESH FROZEN For the holiday Mr and Mrs Dennis and Richard Cres Iwcnt with her brother sis ter in law Mr and Mrs Ray Chip A ChrisUnaa day party was Cres held at home of Mr and their three children Lynn Kar Mrs B May of for the Oldham family among those attending were Mr and Mrs Carl Oldham Terry and Gary of Attending a family reunion over Christmas holidays were Mr and Mrs Harold Hogg Albert St who were of her parents Mr and Mrs Norman Forrest of Brock ville Mr Handy IS King St entertained a number of on New Year Eve They were Mr Ron from Deep River Miss Karen Kropp from and Shirley Bast from towel Travelling to Windsor Christinas weekend with both grandparents were Mr and Mrs E Ncmcth and their chit Veronica David Thomas Marianne and Catherine of Blvd Mr and Mrs Steve Bason and family McNabb welcomed her niece and husband Mr and Mrs Stone and sons Alan Murray and Stephen from Bat tie Creek Michigan for the holiday 98 MINCED CHUCK BEEF lb In COTTAGC SWEET ROLLS LEAH IDEAL FOR POT ROASTS- 57 PLAT 59 BONELESS BRISKET PLATE VIVA TOHMO IYMH STANDARD PEAS DEVON CREAM CORN with VAH CAMPS GOLDEN SEAS LICHt UNIVERSAL RED SALMON TIT MINI SIZZLERS SAUSAGE 1DCAL FOR BAKING IT THE LB SOLID WHITE MEAT TUN TIM CHOICE WHOLE WHITE ill WITH CHEESE VIVA FT- tin 2T J 4 14 KLEENEX DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY AfflT JEMIMA SYRUP DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY CHOICE L PEARS IT PEA OH VEGETABLE SOUP 2oss BAGS 29 COFFEE RICH 37 HARD On SMpER TARPAX aos 57 LIQUID GLIDE lADKDRV STARCH HUFF nn f yy DEI HOME an 53 CHOICE HALVES PEACHES At Alt FLOUR MONTE FANCT tim hair sprat regular on KITCHEN MOZPKG DEL MONTE SEEDLESS RAISIHS J im 29 49 CHOCOLATE BISCUITS PANTRY SHELF ORANGE wfl SEGMENTS 39 FANCY APPLE SAUCE 35 RED or BLUE BRAND id Kelly to visit her parents Mr and Mrs Chjpman of Over the Christmas holidays and Mrs of Thunder Bay were guctits of her sister and brother in law Mr Mrs Charlie Grant Ma pie Ave On Christmas thoy were by her brother and in law Mr and Mrs Barrio Story of Hamilton On Christmas day Mr and Mrs Tom Graham 8 Elgin St entertained a number of guts is They were her parents Mr and Mrs David Weston Mr and Mrs and Mr Donald Todman all of Toronto Alio present were Mr and Mrs Shane of and Mr Shane from Birmingham Mr and Mrs welcomed as over the Christmas and New Years holloa her and brother in law Mr and Mrs Glen Mayor from Manitoba On Now Years day were visited by her sister and brother In law Mr and Mrs EJrwood Brown from Proton BEEF BRISKET PLATE BRAND SLICED ASSORTED COOKED MEATS I 89 RED Of BLUE BRAND BEEF CHUCK STEAKS 75 CHOICE RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Boneless Shoulder Roasts u 75 MEATY DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY SKIM MLI POWDER man BAIT CEREALS DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY APPLE PIE 39 IrOYALL LUNCHEON MEAT 39 CHRISTIES OREO CREAMS 59 SPAN CLEANER ptca 93 34 PORK HOCKS SCHNEIDERS STEAK PIES CHOICE PORK LIVER sum BOLOGNA PENNY WISE BEEF STEAKETTES BOOTH BRANS Ocean Perch Breaded Portions i MORTADEUA CHUBS 2 88 LB LB DO IKSIANT HASHED rn POTATOES CORK RELISH POWDER 99 TOP CHOICE nor rjtt DOG FOOD packaqeQH KRAFT PROCESS VELVEETA CHEESE I HEINZ REICHUP 38 CREAMER not jar ENGLISH INN RASPBERRY OR NIAGARA HIST JAM M 45 99 MOTHER CHOCOLATE 19 OLD COUNTRY FISH AND C TOMATO Vt CATSUP VIVA FANCY TOMATO JUICE Afl TIN CREAMED HONEY tta NESCAFE 1 COFFEE MfORTCO Boneless Lamb Shoulders rami Man to HOUSE pko- 9 TWOCUP I IB 83 Oil wo- MAD I SCO QUICK CREAM of WHEAT 23 SUPER BUYS BANANAS green top CARROTS 2 SPINACH AVOCADO PEARS 31