15 Degrees Variance in Town Suburbs Temperatures Winter temperatures by on the not a record or u much degrees between Georgetown and the valley Ms such as Glen Williams Nor and Stew art town according to local weather recorder Roger Smith Street that date The temper was For the third consecutive year there waa less than ten Inches of snow and almost no rain for a total Ipitatlon of less than inch The aver He fall is Smith who with Maple Atomic I MARCH There little evidence of 1070 spdal which coined only arge thermometers to discos the or temperature variants in lhisA did the temperature on Dec degree while the coldest reading was 3 on March The month failed to display Using a which the usual blustery temperatures on Iht and at Toronto it was one outside of a moving of the sunniest months of found that around midnight March in The mean December the temperature for the month was in such valley areas as Glen I more 3 below nor Williams Isonnl Stewirttown and it was relatively dry and ere air roes colder Lhnn they APRIL in much of and ihi old part of Smith reilon I with Minds of miles per hour He said that rain Her inch mperalures in the vallc site Just outside the town This However the month continued was part of a research warmer than average by to atudy in tempera about two degree The warm lurcfl around Georgetown day of 1070 was August our regular site the Willi degrees The month was twnperature was on the lOlhJ almost totally dry until and 11th on the former dale when a heavy thunderstorm oc It tied the set la leurred This a of the weather system which The rcmunder of June was the next considerably cooler than aver age with many high tempera lures below The Inlta I for thc month half of l0 mp mat the aim fir June i the town In the Erin and ledon region and also at the In July we dlscomed ihit Airport there signs of the small ton do with smashed degrees at our urbin loca fences uprooted trees and lion and 70 egrets out turn I damage to houses and thc town of these barns At Toronto almost readings are about two Indies of rjin w recorded the Re for July compared to our 143 hind St George Anglican Church were eiRht degrees colder there Mill seemed to bi some heating of the air in the part of the alley inside the built up of Georgetown Even in May or September the temperature in Glen Hams nay be eight degrees col on clear nights that in Georgetown that the frost free season Is two to four shorter In the tie said Here is his end weathei by months ted on level ground about with high temperatures of bo and degree The GO OCTOBER reading was a record for date and the fourth ruth October was a poor month In December for gardeners we are told be However an allday downpour cause of the distinct lack of Dnc of rain on the sunshine Only once in third changed to snow after years has there been lets sun and Iter that lh shine at Toronto However tcm j never to let remained finished Inches thc above average except on one moit since occasion Oct when tt he rainfall De- record or set in us i wettest month tied lie warmest reading is 10 with over inches on There was weather turned rather cold more rainfall thin at Inches It was with a new record of on that the autumn colour noted with Interest was a vcrj one in 1EJ70 th low temperature In possibly the since town was degrees warm on that night This was trend as November was of a December was winners at Acton Bridge club 1st Mrs K Camp bell Bill Coats 2nd pill Wan del Cam Sinclair 3rd Mrs Betty Ashley Mrs Gloria Coats THE THURSDAY JAN respective locations Thcl bonus in 1070 since the month at inside the month had been quite I SEPTEMBER dreary of tossn compared with the tacular until last week was a very pleas and snowfall one The last when every h except thc Georgetown lh hr the temperature el to the lcrs lno average for theth s there w JANUARY January 1070 was cold est month in years it with mean tempera turc of only 1 below average There were 4 new record temperature set records date back to 10 on the 2nd 23 on the 15 on the and the This last reading was the coldest since 1048 In George town After this dale tempera moderated for the rest of the month rca a high of on thc Precipitation somewhat below average fell In the form of now FEBRUARY February had sir temperatures of There four mild spells temperatures of to by cold waves with low temperatures below One new record temperature 17 was recorded on but the coldest reading of of rain was recorded Just hours After this the weather returned to the pattern of March with sunny but cool conditions On the morning of April a new record low of degrees was set However In the last week of April there was a very warm period with daytime temperatures ap proaching degrees occasions This warm although It failed to set new records was sufficient to produce an above average for the month of degrees more thin one degree above average The highest temperature wis on the Precipitation mainly In the form of rain was near normal Rainfall r aver and temperatures l above There Us a short spell of hot weather which tied record of on 21 low DO Comb tc humid and th was heal v slice In our town On July was an dolour jnToTl It was found of the total I there wis up to dc AUGUST wirntr in DECEMBER I j town thin outside Care was Thc Jul lint wave en led on taken In all observations to as J December was a month of August 1st when the high old the colder air found in val sudden change this TV No rnched degrees leys all silcs being loia first two days were both very Iciti rainfall of lnchc month I he highest was flO on Dili and the eol no who dest was which it ires during the first told snip of This the winter on the The tun s re average temperature for the month wis almost two decrees average at degrees I narkablc of clear e6 and Inch tempi oval 8 9 10 17 TOWN OF GEORGETOWN NOTICE OF INTERIM TAX LEVY Tax now prepared for part paymarrt 1971 and property bated on approximately 50 of tax rale Thl It done to Bank on Boards and which mutt be mat prior to ion That tilt due and payable i the following FIRST INSTALMENT DUE ON FEBRUARY lit SECOND INSTALMENT DUE ON APRIL lit Upon default of payment of the Interim Tax Demand penalty of one par cent per month or fraction thereof will be charged on the first day of default and on the first of each calendar month thereafter until Taxes are fully paid Intereit at the rata of One 1 per cent per month will be added to all Tax Arrean one or more years or fraction of years unpaid beginning 1st 1971 and will continue in effect until total Taxes arc pail Please contact the Tnx Office in the event you are not in receipt of the 1971 Interim Tax Notice by January 1971 to receive a tax notice does not in any way exempt you from paying Taxes and charges Should jou inadvertantly receive a Tax Notice which should hive been sent to the Mortgage Company please forward to your mortgage or Loan Company as soon as poiblc MAY The warm spell of late April ended on May 1 when a record of degrees set in was tied the tempera for month were close to avenue conditions with the lowest temperature of com on Mis The rainfall was per cent of normal Thc last frost of thc season occurred on May 29 JUNE June began as very warm month temperatures six degrees average for first hall of the month There day at wive ending on June lllh when the temper for the third consecutive These readings were obtained at a special ob serving in central George town is opposed to regular Bruce Trail Member Down on Snowmobiles Although inowmobllet have feeen running along the Bruce Trait year the Bruce Club hands are tied Mrs Jennie Mansall program rector for the branch the club Hid the club Is ab solutely egalnit snowmobile on their walking But since of re on private property and I the owner allow to use land there a nothing we can Lett winter had of being farced the trail by coming through It when you are out for a pi lent quiet and uninterrupted walk In j the winter when all you can i li roar of their Intern- el engine he The Bruce Trail It a ret re walking trail which across the I eg re Escarpment different herbs spices flavour every piece of Colonel Sanders famous Kentucky Fried Chicken fried chicken STREET DEEP CUT PRICES SAHUHIHE BIT SUPER BUYS QUALITY MEATS SUPER BUYS CHOICE or BUTT BECC Blade Roasts or Short Rib Roasts rat OH SUPER BUYS OTHER UK BAGS rs DEEP CUT PRICES DAY DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY 57 beef ma STEW 45 or VEGEUIU Oil I GRAVIES HOUSE 5S ft CROSS CUT RIB ROASTS Boneless Shoulder Roasts BED BLUE BEEP 75 75 Chuck Steaks 8 11 AM rteD0IBLUEDt1ANnBEEPi BONELESS BRISKET PLATE iBl Side Bacon jot 36 PASTE 25 DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY HABETAKT SOUP SMOOTH OH CfWfKHY a QUAKER l ACRYLIC POLISH MIKE 59 IT QUAKER OATS 52 CROWM COIN SYB NEW ORLEANS BE WITH PORK A TOMATO SAUCE VIVA EARS J O ss 1 THOMPSONS 17 SPICK SPAR 97 ALL PURPOSE SLINI1ESU HOUR POWDER T 95 CHOICE AYLMEK PEAS 29 SEEDLESS cot RAISINS PORK SAUSAGE 69 MINCED BEEF 65 LOIN LAMB CHOPS 55 CHOICE aw BEEF LIVER All Beef Frankfurters COOKED HAM l 56 HEADCHEESE each do HALIBUT STEAKS w 95 an and RAINBOW TROUT SalamettiorSopresetta l ra DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY TOMATO JO 3 cot to I 27 oz HI PURE JAMS MAXWELL IHSIAHT EGG HOODIES HUNTS WITH SPAGHETTI JHie SAUCE PACK POTATO AC POWER PLUS oz LIOUHl NIAGARA SPRAY STARCH U CHIPS 3TFVOZ100 CHOCOLATE our I BISCUITS p OB SUITED SODA CRACK CUONEY FROM CONCENTRATE LODLAWS two cur MIXED OATMEAL one tEREAIS ozp XT I SARDINES i WHITE FLAKES TUHA RED CIRCLE 23 OC ORANGES IKE RUSHES 33 CANADIAN on MEAT J7 SWIFT PREMIUM CANNED HAM TT FROM CALIFORHItt NO NEW CABBAGE 2 39 FROM NO CELERY STALKS 25 FAVOUBTTE RED GRAPES 29