Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 18, 1971, p. 1

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Holiday Week Hockey Marathon Is A Community Affair Got a spare bed At press time Georgetown International Bantam Hockey Tournament tollers arc still seeking a few sleeping places to accommodate young hockey players who will start pouring la here Sat morning Actually the J annual Bun tarn gets underway fir lolly Friday night with a pair exhibition games and dropping of the by Georgetown Mayor I II Smith The exhibition lilts will show opening night customers Gcor Tykes Flyers against Chintuacousy Tykes and the Georgetown Juveniles A club against those upholders the I hockey laws the members the Georgetown Referees As sedation Again this year there are teams from Ontario and two United Slates taking the school ho- day tournament tournament lairman Harry Levy The Each team will be in of four ABC and series according to their population and each will play an opponent twice with to tal goals deciding who will go Into the next round The eventual scries champ- on will 11 en vie lor the grand championship on the final day of the tournament In all 9 tames will be id during seven days of Levy said While teams arc In they will receive two rcc meals be billeted with local families and general ly treated like young dors from their own Our tournament was not only founded for hockey it Is also the aim of ail concerned that the players coaches team officials and parents will gain the experience of meeting others from all walks of life and many lasllnj friend ships wilt be born Levy said Georgetown is justly proud of its contribution to sport in general and to hockey in parti I and the International Bantam Hockey Tournament is a jood example of the type of town endeavor that is essential and to maintain that pride he Bald In addition to the members of the sponsoring Kinsmen and Kinetic Club the tournament also has the assistance of the Georgetown Referees Associa tion referees from other dls towns Georgetown Re creation Committee town ell local merchants Branch Canadian Legion other service clubs many women organ turns and auxiliaries who help with the catering and the resi i dents who open their doors accommodate the visitors over night would be Impossible to put a dollar value on this help hut without it the tournament could not enjoy Its success Levy said Heading the billeting depart ment Is Donna meals Jessie Hayes Gerry Perkins registration Kent Ro binson timekeeping Dean lor and admissions Pete Pom but somewhere In the neighbourhood of others will hove hand in tho tourney op erations This is the year for the tournament originated by Jack Gudgeon Gerry Perkins and Red AsselUno which operated for years with Asseltlne at the helm before Kinsmen took it on three seasons ago Between and 1 Wo boys 14 years of ago and under will visit Georgetown during the week some of them from as far away as Coppercliff Rochester Detroit and Kingston Coppercliff was a late replace for who had to pull out because of playoffs The same situation necessitat ed Orangevilie replacing Mil on replacing Es sex and South West London re placing When was a Georgetown Bantam Tournam ent entry here a few years back one of their was Mar eel Dion a current St Catbor ines Black Hawk who is sure to be a first round pick come NHL draft time He fondly remembers his vis it here and has promised to re turn to see this years action- Tourney officials hope to have him drop the puck at the start of the grand championship game WELCOME BANTAMS GEORGETOWN HERALD The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District WELCOME BANTAMS Second Clan Mail Rogliterad Number Georgetown Ontario Thursday March Pottage Guaranteed SO per year Sin ale Copy Price Fifteen Cents This WeekEnd Last Run For Steam Loco They re pulling old out to pasture this weekend and the Upper Canada Railway So ciety intends to see that the last operating Canadian Nation Railways steam gels a fitting farewell They have org am zed two which will send the northern type engine and a train load of rail fans through here Saturday and Sunday mor The second run will take the Society members to Harm too where they will mark the of service with a at the Royal Connaught Hotel A tentative schedule had the steam train leaving Toronto Union Station at a m each of the lvo mornings When it will pass through the Georgetown yard and whether It will stop here are not known However it will likely be puffing into the Georgetown station area about am Since the CNR converted to power back in the late hoi been stoked up only for charier excursions Saturday it will piss through to Guelph London and through the south of its return to Toronto Sunday trip will loop through to Pans Junction and return through to Hamilton and then Toronto after the banquet The big steam will be officially retired from charter service Wednesday March 2t former town engineer of Quebec a Mon suburb recently took up his position as Georgetown engineer trie Wills who graduated from University in 1950 was town engineer for Mount Royal prior to working tor Following a stmt in the air force in the ferry command he returned to University For six years after graduation was with the CNR A native of Vancouver Island he married a Montreal girl and there His wife and family of three 16 and tvo boys and moved into their new home Crescent this week Five Year Old Struck Suffers Head Injuries Five year old William Ellis of Fort Erie was by am to Georgetown hospital Sunday afternoon after bung struck by car on Weber and knocked feet The child according to a po lice report was running across Weber at Drive Struck by a car driven by Kim E Walsh of R Georgetown which was westbound on Web er youngster suffered head injuries bumps and bruises and was transferred im media tehy to a Toronto hospital Thursday was a heavy day for accident investigations with four on the books The first at a when car driven by Pool of Lime bouse skidded on the road while southbound on Main and struck a sign post at the corner of Wain and Guclpb An estimated damage was to tho Envoy Hans Visser of and Frederick of Prince Charles Drive collided at m Visser in 1971 Forgo was travelling along Prince Charles Drive and Briggs was backing his Beaumont from a private drive when they hit Damage was put Kinsmen Stopped By Bantam Oaks The Georgetown Kinsmen Bantam team bowed out of their County B Champion ship scries with OakviUc Ban tarns by losing here Sunday However the score was no in dication of the play since played good hard hockey right down to final buzzer won the first game of the best two out of three ear lea in Thursday night Steve Milne scored George towns goal with and Brian assttlng The Kinsmen earned t right to play in the final by beating Milton in a protest came here March for Georgetown and Doug Thompson assisted at and ISO respectively Market parkini lot was the scene of a collision an hour later involving a 1964 Chev driven by Dorothy Ire land Glen Williams and a Ford driven by Joseph II Steel of Toronto Damage here was and A three car smash on produced over in damage at 7 Police said a Chevy II driven by Joseph of Edith Street collided with the back end of a stopped Chev driven by Anne Mallow of Milwaukee Wisconsin lumped ahead into Volkswagen driven by Gary of cor was stopped ing to make a left turn Holy Cross Church There was also an accident Saturday afternoon on Guelph Street near Canadian Tire Wayne Millar of Toronto was driving his 1967 out of the Canadian Tiro parking lot and William Johnstone of Hew son Crescent was on when they hit John stones Ford suffered damage and the A Friday afternoon crash did damage to a Ford driven by Arthur of In tyre Crescent and to a 1963 Rambler driven by Susan Bain of Brampton was northbound on Rcxway and Mrs Bain east bound on when they met the comer Robert Green of Richmond Hill was backing his 1965 Fan tiac on John Street near the arena when In collision with a Chev driven by Margaret Flaherty of Ontario St Tuesday March Damage was and respectively has a membership ap proaching Over seniors and over juniors are mem of the club formed late last summer more member ship application were the night Pros dent Dour Willnms re viewed the clubs brief history and extended to sec treasurer Clivi John representative Love and Re creation Colllson A a Better Stroke of featuring Tony and I las Comes From Montreal as Georgetown s Engineer Mr and Mrs Gerald Davis their furniture and most of their clothing in a tire at Main Street North Friday morning The house is owned by J Alexander of Toronto started in up stairs bedroom destroying all furniture other contents in ERIC WILLIS Issues Challenge Mayor Smith Jaycee Crazy Boat Entrant The Georgetown Esquesinfi which sprouted in the Georgetown Snowmob ile Races Bill Smith zipping to a dead heat with Township Deputy Reeve Her may blossom in up coming Tilth Annual Crazy Boat Race Major Smith has tossed down the again daring muni officiate from neighbour in communities to challenge Is know how SAME COURSE The Jjycco sponsored Crazy Social and Personal On Saturday night Mr and Mrs Ed celebrated their second wedding with a party their home Shelley Street Among those attending were Mr and Mrs Snow and Mr Mrs Bud Snow It l Mr and Mrs Cyril Mr and Mrs Snow Miss Snow Burl Mr Mrs Archie Gates and Mr and Mrs Gates Brampton Radio Technician Glenn Win dow son of Mr and Mrs John Window St is homo on leave from Lac St Bout rate will be held April lie same course as in past ears except for one slight The finish line will be at the dam Instead of the Riviera The race tional starts the loth lino of bridge east of Glen Williams The Crazy Boat Race has at traded more atte each spring and of late has rat TV radio and press coverage in both Toronto and Hamilton This ridiculous regatta i directed by Bill Jen A dance being Rovers will con the day FAMILY OF SIX OUSTED BY FIRE Sunny Acres Midgets Reach SemiFinals Georgetown Sunny Acre Farm Mid gels who captured their division championship at recent Quebec Midget tournament are starting to think in terms of an Ontario crown The Sunny Acre club entered the Ontario semi finals by beat Ing out Richmond Hill day in a tough playoff series that took an extra game decide Georgetown won Thursday game 4l ending a best of five series that had each club with two wins and before clash Brian Beaumont and Glen Robinson had a pair of goals and assist each spearhead ing a hustling attack that ed too much for a faltering Richmond Kill club Ovcndcn Beaumont Rob inson EUnesky Inglis and But lerworth assisted SMOKE DAMAGE Extensive smoke and water damage was done throughout their half of the duplex Mrs Davis found out her was on fire when a pas by knocked on the window and told her smoke was visible upstairs The Davis and their four children are staying at his brother on Normandy Boule vard Projected removal of the li store from its present Mill Street location has prompted One councillor to urge that a second store be established in the downtown area Era Hyde told a council Georgetown Township Will Discuss Recreation Costs A three men committee of ouesing will meet with a sub committee of Georgetown council to discuss grants toward recreation it was agreed at qucslng council meeting day Cr Wilfrid Leslie Dick How and will meet with Cr Donna Ernie Sykes and Joan Smith at the tion of Georgetown NO EXTRA CHARGE A letter from Georgetown pointed out that of the par tic pants in recreational facill ties come from and are charged no extra fee for residence Cr Coxc reminded coun cil that whatever action is ken with one town would have to be done with the other two Reeve Tom Hill commented We re going to really have to take a close look at it The big Bantam tournament starts this Friday With eleven children we re desperate for a place to live sold Mrs Davis as she looked forward to the March holidays with all the children at home DREADS FRIDAYS Offers of furniture have been made to the Davis some from people they don know I starting to dread days said Mrs Davis It was three weeks ago on Friday my son was hit by a cor The boy has completely recovered from the accident Liquor Store Moving Wants Second Downtown MAILBOX OWNERS PROBLEM The township not respons ible for mailboxes knocked down by said road Bad Snow at council meeting Monday A letter from Mr A Wilkin in Lot Con told of their mailbox being knocked down by the township with no action from the town ship to replace The road superintendent he bad been led to believe the township was net responsible because the mailboxes were on the township road allowance The complaint was tamed to the company for opinion committee meeting Monday that a new store will be built in Georgetown Market Centre which will be open by the year end It will replace ent store established on Mill Street over years PETITION PROVINCE Mr Hyde said be intends to bring a motion before council to petition the province to have a combined liquor and beer out let In the downtown George town area The Brewers Retail store also once on Mill Street moved to the Market Centre several years Park Free Till ByLaw Downtown shoppers who use metered parking places are en joying a period of free park irg these days and Its not even Christmas New five and ten cent meter heads replacing the penny and nlckte meters were installed re cently but until bylaw is passed authorizing them Geor police ore keeping their ticket books In their pockets Friday Blaze Started In Upstairs Bedroom Tennis Club Popular Membership Near An estimated people tur ned up at the Georgetown Ten nis Clubs general meeting March at Codarvale Commun ity Centre and learned that Ge orgetown newest sports organ- Firemen hose down mattress tossed from upstairs window A Georgetown firefighter atop flames through a gable window ladder at right sprays

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