CCOG Has Many Suggestions for Brumac Development Concerned of Georgetown a newly formed group of residents with many ideas for civic improvements has prepared a brief with suggestions concerning fur ther development ol the mac subdivision On March Richard acted for CCOG in presenting brief to the- It the opinion of a ma of our group than an academic in urban to pro duce a plan which would form the boils of an agreement between council and the de veloper he said He cited and El I I ike as examples of planned communities which Georgetown could emulate And he hod viewed the re built cities of Coventry and Plymouth In England and was Impressed with planning done there MONSTROSITIES He sold as many houses as possible on the smallest sit Is the criterion in this part of Ontario High rise Apartments in tin Toronto suburbs are placed on high ground to become monstros ities Instead of being built on slopes when they would blend Into the landscape he laid He said the undeveloped land had once been suggested as a population of 11 but now seems to have switched to more apart and multiple lings Cr Em Hyde disagreed with Mr s Idea thai as Georgetown enlarges It should become a group of smaller areas each with a centre core 8TBX HEALTHIEST For many years this was Georgetown said Cr Hyde and then we split Into Del rex and old Georgetown Communities within become selfish and one big community Is still the healthiest Cr Ernest Sykes who was choir the committee meeting observed that the end result would probably be a between the Idealistic and financially practical The CCOG brief suggests Annexation of part of Es township to res Georgetown rural character Timing of residential de velopment to coincide with industrial growth Central part of tableland section as the nerve tre with stores rccrea Hon facilities schools In a single complex Apartment area not on Ugh land Bottom lands of Silver Creek reserved as park land Housing for senior ens close to the nerve centre Churches per haps sharing a common building a bus trans port system into downtown Georgetown PROVIDED The brief mentions things which should be provided by the developer including storm and sanitary sewers underground hydro garb age disposal site and water well Pedestrian underpasses where major roads must be crossed to neighbourhood centres no exterior TV an chain fencing for parks schools and com properties retention of trees and new plantings ore among other recommen Council should require he developer to share cost of a second but a town hall should be financed from taxes It says NOT OPPOSED Suggested carrying charges of million in a con suite report needs ing and should bo at least million now CCOG says THE GEORGETOWN HERALD The group of citizens dying the proposals is not opposed to the development the report concludes They ore Interested only in proper planning so that sprawling suburban blight found in so many cities does not result Years Later Farm Still in Same Family The historical research ng or the was held in the green room of United Church on Tuesday afternoon March 18 with Mrs Carney as hostess President Mrs Percy Cox opened the me et by the singing of the ode and all repeating the MS Collect Roll call was answered by Nome a favour old poem and poet The minutes of the lost three I meetings were read A letter read reminding members about the projects to be made for the district annual in May Ml were n fa our of membership In the Chil Mrs ported on meetings end work of the 4 club The leaders for the garden club will be Mrs John Bird and Mrs Flower com read thank you notes from sick ones remembered Mrs Hector B on safe ty and stressed the wearing of scat belts at all times Mrs John Bird reported on the crewel embroidery course some of the ladies hod taken with tho Acton branch and there were lovely cushion tops and place mots on display The program was In charge or Mrs Cunningham and Mrs Stringer The motto on History is In the making now is the time to record It well by Mrs A J Gave 40 on comparable imported Bavarian China PORCELAIN FINE CHINA WITH PATTERN REGISTRATION AND OPEN STOCK WARRANTY Choose from three distinctive shapes Six exquisite patterns PIECE SET Co sis P Sol ONLY 2475 JIT- IMAGINE LESS THAN PER PIECE IMPORTED BAVARIAN PORCELAIN HIGHLY FIRED FOR DURABILITY GUARANTEED NOT TO CRAZE PEARLY WHITE AND TRANSLUCENT BELL LIKE TONE RICH GOLD OR PLATINUM TRIM DISHWASHER SAFE MATCHING SERVICE PIECES PICK UP YOUR CLUB CARD TODAY Available at Savings in Exclusive Fine China Club Plan It easy own a set of beautifully crested Johann Haviland Bavarian China on our Lay A Way Plan Just pick up your China Club Card at markets hated below With each 5 in purchases you are entitled to pur chase a Club Card Stamp tor just 99 cents Paste the stamps you buy on the squares md on your club card 25 stamps fill a card When your card is complete redeem it for a piece set of china In the shape and pattern you desire Four 7 piece place set tings Match ng service pieces available at regular Start the week of the plan they w II be available one a week at special coupon savings All patterns on d splay Select youra now BAVARIA GERMANY AUTHENTIC CRESTED HEIRLOOM Modern Coupe Contemporary STARTS THIS WEEK Loblows GLEN WILLIAMS 35 Descendants Gather for Golden Wedding Anniversary Everyone present gave an Item of current events Then the speaker Mrs B Dick poke on the his tory She has done a wonderful job tracing the history the arms and community in and a these parts She said she till wants farm histories and pictures for her large book where she is preparing and keeping all the information as she gets it In IBIS opened for settlement and the first settlers the family of Abraham NelLson his wife and children Now that farm is owned by a great grandson Charlie Austin Another farm with an Interest background is the Thomas Bird residence on the line now owned by his son John family Mrs George Wilson gave the courtesies and after all singing Canada meeting closed with a social hour The Brownie mother and daughter banquet was held in the large school room of HOI crest United Church on Tues day evening March IS with sitting down to tables decorat ed in St Patrick colours lug the evening Rev Adams was presented with a key giving hex permission to visit the Brownies their meetings any time also at this occasion was Mrs Schreiber of Milton deputy commissioner The leaders who are doing such a fine Job with the Brown ies are Mrs Larry Picket and Mrs Stan Kruger On Wednesday March Mrs J Graham attended the wedding of her grandson Kent in St Hildas Anglican Church Kent is the son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Graham Mrs J Bellboddy At the homo of Mr and Mrs Harold Armstrong of New Car- low near Bancroft on March sixty two guests met for fam ily dinner to celebrate their gol den wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Armstrong have ten children twenty two grand children and three great grand children and all were present as well as Mr Armstrongs five brothers and sisters Mrs Arm strong s two brothers were un able to be at the celebration The family sat down to a sa lad plate luncheon and a three- tiered anniversary cake made by daughter Shelby vat cut Following the meal open house was held and the bride end groom of fifty years greet ed friends They received many beautiful gifts among which were a couch and a ISO money tree from the family They In cluded Mrs Cameron Taylor Claudia of Walkerton Mrs Gerald Marie Thun der Bay Mrs Donald Davis Birds Creek Mrs Ronald Scott Beverley Tor onto Mrs Phillip Lents She lby Perth sons Douglas Man itoba and Eric Scarboro Ellis and Ian ol Georgetown district Two families from here who are members of the Fireflies Camping Club Mr and Mrs A Rice and Mr and Mrs Dan ny Hewitt and family are am ong those who left last week for a camping trip to Florida while the children have their winter vacation Mrs H and Christ- foe and Carol spent a few days of the holiday week with her parents Mr and Mrs Burton of Mrs Cecil PEOPLE BUY THE READ AND READ THE HERALD DEMONSTRATION ON BLACK DECKER Power Tools FRIDAY MARCH Sat Mar 2710 am to 5 pm COME AND SEE A QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE SHOW YOU HOW TO USE POWER TOOLS FREE DRAW FOR ONE DRILL NO ONE JIO SAW NO will hava a of of Hi abova OUT COUPON BELOW AND DEPOSIT IN LUCKY DRAW DRUM BEAVER LUCKY DRAW ADDRESS I I TELEPHONE J I CHOICE JIO SAW No a I DRILL No I Now SI I aft No 7 OP IN Man Sat to pari Thou to tun