Southern Vacations Lure Many Norvalites Mr and Mrs Elmer Carney and and Mrs Hugh Clark returned home for the Easter weekend following two months holidays in the States They en joyed a week at New Smyrna Florida then travelled around the of Mexico to near San California where they spent six weeks enjoying the lovely summer weather Some others from the district who enjoyed holidays during the winter early spring were Mr and Mrs May I weeks in the Canary Islands Mr and Mr John weeks in Barbados Mr end Mrs Jack May weeks In Ho Mr and Mrs Mac Hyatt Mr and Mrs Doug Mc Galium and Mr and Mrs Bob May spent days in Mexico City and days in Mr and Mrs Chester weeks on a cruise Mr and Mrs John Dunlop the recent school holidays at Myrtle Beach Carolina and Mr and Mrs Wilbert Cleave 2 weeks in Ida The second combined Good Friday service sponsored by the Inter Church Committee was held in St Paul Anglican Church on Friday evening The service was conducted by Rev R assisted by Rev Howard Smith and Rev ter Ridley Each gave fans on the scripture readings relating to the crucifixion of Jesus Mr Charles Coombcr and Rob sang the hymn Resting from his work today as a duet Mr Andrew Dew hurst was organist for the vice Spring arrived officially in the village when was invaded Saturday afternoon April 10 with men women and children of all sizes to sec the finish of the Georgetown Joy sponsored Crazy Race on the Credit River This year the race ended at the dam In place of the old bridge by the Riviera as in previous years This made a very large crowd and traffic Jam at the dam as Ihe rest of the river through the village runs along private property Entries this year were crazier than ever and a real interest among many in the dis trict A few flouting crafts flail by without occupants we presume they were abandoned when they upset somewhere up stream Some were carried the dam dunking the crew into the chilly waters but many arrived safely at the finish point tired but jubilant Canoes kayaks and then the row boat type of craft finished first and finally the crazy entries arrived as they go much fast than the current would carry them The weatherman coop erated with a lovely sunny day but the wind was chilly ALL The United Church Couples Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Lloyd La id law on Thursday evening April with about 30 present Mrs Gwcn gave an Easter devotional after which they formed small groups and held lively discussions Lunch ended the enjoyable and inter eating evening In place of a March meeting the group visited the ium in Toronto and had lunch a restaurant in on the woy home About 30 enjoy the trip Union Presbyterian Church S Easter meeting was held at the home of Mrs J Young on Good day April Mrs A and Mrs Lee Campbell were in charge of the lunch and assisted the hostess Mrs C G Bishop presided for the meeting Mrs Howard Smith gave an Easter theme de votional assisted by Mrs Guest soloist was a college friend of Miss Marion Young who was visiting her for the Easter weekend Miss Mary Ann Fisher She sang a couple of numbers Mrs Frank gave an Easter reading Peter VonZuben a young man from the congregation told about his experiences while travelling in the River district and part of the North West les with a missionary group last They as for as Hay River in a converted school bus The meeting of Dairy Daisies was held on day evening April the home of Mrs Castle Seven members the roll call on ways to serve cheese Mrs returned the record books which she had checked A cuss ion on desserts made with dairy products was followed Ith a quit and also went over the menu scoring Mrs Castle assisted Heather Hyatt who made tasty cream puffs and Kathy Hyatt made a peachy le mon whip dimpled for lunch and the meeting ad Mrs Ed McLean Presentation Luncheon Officially Open Con Judge William Sharpe on Georgetown Bench After a lapse of years court returned to Georgetown last Tuesday morning First to appear in court was Mayor Dill Smith who present recently appointed Judge William with a desk set a gift from tho town Judge Sharpo thanked tho town for the well equipped court room provided by the and described it us one of the best in the county Court is held Tuesday Fndajs in the new Masonic Temple on Highway Just outside the towns western lim its Criminal court will be held Tuesdays court the guests attending court opening were Judge Fred Crown Attorney Doug assistant crown attorney William Ralston de puty Wheldon son Mayor Smith and council lors Harry Levy Joan Smith and Donna and Morrow John T Armstrong chairman of Police Justice of the Peace Clark mayor hosted a small luncheon for the court officials town representatives NOTICE TO PA Kinder Registration Registration for on to in 1971 in Elementary Public Schools of County take place on Friday April between the hours of a and noon and 1 and 00 in the- school which serves the attendance area which the child resides Public school supporters may register their children who will have attained age of 5 years on or before the last day of February Proof of school support will be accepted in the form of a 1971 tax bill or 1970 assessment notice or a from the Municipal Clerks office A rth certificate or cert will be as proof of age If further information is red call the school Pnncpal or Chairman of the North Edu cation Centre below NORTH EDUCATION CENTRE J N Morrison D WOOD Chairman of the Board Tel J SINGLETON Director of Education in NIX SWITCH PLAN Stay County The County Board of Education finally settled it your wont bo able to attend school outside his home except in very spec circumstances The optional attendance area plan which would have students to opt for preferred schools outside home areas if there was room for them went down to defeat and it was a defeat that may well have been engineered by Director of Education Jim Single ion NOT HAPPY While his number two man assistant director S Lav was ilolnfj his best lo sell the idea to board members in an uphill fight Singleton was telling the trustees in a round I about manner that he t Home School Board Rules altogether happy with the pro- He lold Ihe board the five executive council was split on a positive rec omnHndalion to the board and that the administration could lii easily whether or not the board introduced the new system NO REVERSE did not explain fur thcr the administration split but when sen a rite school trus Bill I suggested it had been the other four against Singleton he retorted not fair Once we start down this road I don I think we can re it very well cautioned trustee and former chairman Fred Teachers Retiring many staff on by the Hal ton County of Education last week was the resignation of Mrs Thais Brown from Slewnrttown School the transfer of Mr nus Pell from Palermo School to Joseph Gibbons School the transfer of Mrs Elaine Bray from School to Jo seph Gibbons School a leave of for Mrs from Georgetown High School for to years tho retirement of Mrs Ruth from Pork School and the retirement of Mrs Eva Prcsswood from Glen Williams Mac MIL FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT MAPLE LEAF WAX Now An EXCELLENT SELECTION ROSE BUSHES Hybrid Teas and Climber GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS SHRUBS TREES FERTILIZER PEAT MOSS INSECTICIDES WEED KILLERS LAWN ORNAMENTS CEMENT TABLES and BENCHES for PATIOS WATER FOUNTAINS PATIO PLANTERS SIDEWALK SLABS PATIO STONES CURB or DRIVEWAYS CHUNK BARK WHITE MARBLE CHIP Free Use of FERTILIZER SPREADER OPEN 7 Days a Week WEBBS Greenhouses TOWN LINE Hi mllenisottUi Norval DIAL Open turn to fell BOLOGNA by piece 35 PRODUCE DEPT CHIQUITA BANANAS 12 CANADA NO I lb bag COOKING ONIONS SPECIALS ON SALE APRIL to 17 Fresh Meat MOORE PARK only TENDER and JUICY Chuck Steaks 59 LUCAS ARTHUR IB VAC WIENERS MAC A LARGE EGGS DEL MONTE 4 tin Pack PUDDING CUP Chocolate butterscotch Banana Vanilla 63 ROYAIE FACIAL TISSUE 51 00 MACS FRESH LAUNDRY DETERGENT Rag SPECIAL MAC MUD OR NIPPY SPECIAL MM lb Cheese Slices LYS0L SPRAY Rog SPECIAL LUMBER MART GEORGETOWN OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SPRING SPECIALS N I I I LIMITED AILS SUPPLY COMMON- SO LB BOX 1L 900 Mlied lb box TREMENDOUS VALUE UTILITY FT LENGTHS REDUCED PRICE I Domtar Ceiling Tile While Only 11c Each IN FIVE CARTON LOTS OTHER PATTERNS AVAILABLE OFF READY MIXED COLORS ONLY INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHAG IMPERFECTIONS Available also in Shag Runners I2xlJ CARPET TILES IMPERFECTIONS ON BACK ONLY per running ft SPECIAL- FIRLOCK 4x8 CHIPBOARD PLYWOOD sheet SAVE BLACK AND DECKER POWER WORKSHOP KIT 25 95 LOCATED SIDE ROAD AND LINE OPPOSITE GEORGETOWN GOLF COURSE