Can Cook Moms And Guests Enjoy the Proof The Dairy Queens and The Northern Six the two groups of Homemakiag girls with the help their leaders and assis tants entertained their mothers members of the WI and special guests at a ban quet on Wednesday evening It was held In the basement tho church There were girls In all The tables were tastefully decorated for the occasion The food prepared by the girls con sisted of dishes which the basic ingredient was milk or a dairy product The main course consisted of three or 4 different types of salads rolls and relishes Desserts were cherry cheese cake lemon chiffon and dandy candy These are all dishes the girls were taught to make at tho latest club Dairy Fare Close to fifty sat down to the delicious meal Honoured guests besides the mothers and I members were Mrs Johnston Rev Kelvin Johnston and two grand mothers Mrs Jack McLaugh lin and Mrs Dan Campbell Mrs Johnston spoke briefly and praised the girls for the effort and work they had in planning and providing such a delightful supper She thanked the leaders and those who had taken the course there by passing It on to the girls She ended by say- Ing that being a good home- maker was the basic ingred ient for a happy home Mrs replying said she al so spoke for her assistant Mrs in that they found it a pleasure working with the girls Mrs McLean who assisted Mrs Ada Klrkwood with tho Northern group said they had enjoyed the work also Mrs Given courtesy convener for the WI thanked one and all for this very fine gesture in viting them out for a treat It was indeed a pleasure to have a night out with no work In volved Seeing what the girls could do in putting up such a wonderful meal was indeed proof that any donations given by the WI was being spent wise ly and well The Ing clubs are sponsored by the womens institute in connect ion with the Department of Ag riculture and food Tho HO Riding Club held a horse clinic at the home of Duncan McDougolI at Erin on Sunday afternoon There around in attendance Cunningham of Burlington and Ken Hurrcn of the Erin CoOp set up a projector in the fine new truck garage and showed slides on horse nutrition follow- IN THE MAIL BAG Parks Primarily for Children Not Snowmobile Operators Weber Drive Dear Sir I am out sea son and whipping a well whip ped horse but I would be re miss in my duties as a concern ed parent if I did not comment on the irrational arguments presented by tho snowmobile club and reported on In last weeks Georgetown Herald in the clubs request for the use of the parks and playgrounds for the First the club maintains as taxpayers we have the right to use the parks Let me com ment that as parents and also as taxpayers we too ore entit led to the protection afforded by the parks for our children The parks were designed primarily for the child most certainly not for the Secondly the club maintains not one serious accident has occurred in the parks as a re sult of the snowmobiler Many serious have occur red in parks In many municip alities all over Ontario The po tential of the machine as a highly hazardous piece of equip ment if used irresponsibly and even sometimes when used res ponsibly has been well docu mented The implication of the Snowmobile dub here seems to be that council should wait un til we km at least one child be fore action Is taken I have personally witnessed two near misses to children to the skating rink in our area as a result of irresponsible teenage Thirdly I question the clubs assertion that children should be encouraged to use the parks would you rather that they stand in the streets and be in troduced to drugs There ore many alternate types of win ter recreation for the youth such as skiing skating playing hockey etc These are healthy envigorating forms of physical activity which are available to the young developing child and most of these are provided for In the local parks Fourthly the club comments on the amounts of business done in town as a result of the snow This argument is so ludicrous that it is not worth wasting paper to discuss iL Surely there are areas read fly accessible for the without infringement on the territories delegated to our children If there are no such areas then the will have to suffer the same incon venience as the competent skier and travel a few miles to one of the many available areas In southern Ontario I am not terribly concerned with the shrub and grass dam age at it can be replaced cheaply nor am I pri marily concerned with either noise abatement or with the ecological threat of the mach ine however I am vitally con cerned with the safety of the child The Snowmobile Club ad mits that the machine should be banned from certain roads Is this to protect the or the pedestrian Surely the year old child merits at least the protection of either Many thanks to those on council who defend our case and in particular to Reeve Morrow Let your sanity integ rity and youthful be a model to all the elected representatives throughout the province in whose hands the electorate has placed so much responsibility Let us not stand pat while the very safety of the child Is threa tened their helplessness de mands our protection Yours in the interest of dev eloping active red blooded citizens without broken backs ErieMltchell CONCRETE GRAVEL BUILDING SAND GRAVEL FILL and TOP SOIL GARNET BUD HAINES Glen ing that there were different demonstrations going on outside Bill Morrison assisted by Gord on Scars demonstrated groom Horse training on long lines was given by Matt Mc Hilda Sklppon and Stephen Taylor gave a few tips on showmanship Donna Ham and her assistant Chris Gould demonstrated the Eng lish division of tacking up etc and Joan with Bill Van Domm showed the western div ision There were lucky draws for pictures of horses the sixth was for 3 worth of merchandise donated by the Erin CoOp Gary Snow of was the lucky winner of that Re freshments were available at the EB HO booth which was In charge of Riley family also of the community Mrs Lloyd Marshall was able lo return home on Friday the Brampton hospital where I she underwent minor surgery i Her many friends hope health will be much improved i in tho future I The first meeting the Gar den Club got underway on Sat urday morning with girls signing up to take up garden ing Mrs Linda Connor and Mrs will instruct he girls on this new Home- making Club Mrs Ada and Mrs Smith attended a workshop at Milton on Monday It was for historical research and Tweeds muir History in connec tion with work Smith SUGAR and SPICE t Continued from Page potatoskin hash when there meat and porridge soup when there was no meat or vegetables Today going on relief welfare doesnt seem to bother many people In fact for many It Is a way of life and they feci no opprobrium or discomfort Their attitude Is that the world owes them a no matter how stupid or uelesi or laxy they are THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY APRIL PAGE 3 But Its the proud ones who arc hurt A friend of mine was a production manager working In big industry He was a good one Suddenly his job t ex ist tried with all his en ergy for months to find some thing There a nothing bitter Last week I got a letter tram a chap who li desperate Hes sixty laid off from a re sponsible Jab In Industry has used up bis unemployment In surance and livings and does Dot know where to turn WANTS a Job but knows the odds are him Other countries including those with almost no natural re sources ore flourishing Can ada massive natural re sources is withering on the vine How come Perhaps the root of the prob lem Is last our leaders are talk log out of both sides of their months once One side pouts free enterprise the socialism And we are left with one foot in boat and the other on shore as the boat drifts quietly away from the land Its becoming an acutely un co tort able position and some body else Is going to be acutely uncomfortable In the near future If somebody doesnt grab an oar YOUNG ARTHURS MOMENT OF TRUTH King Arthur as a boy pulls the sword out stone and anvil proving he is the right ful King of England in this scene from a play being presented by the Girl Guides of Canada White Oaks Area next month Guides and Rangers will perform tho play at Port Credit Secondary School May and Sth Above Guinevere is Jono Ingram Arthur is Susan Archibald Lady In Waiting is Stephanie Jremcer All Last Years Stock Must Be Cleared By April 30th We Want To Start The Summer Fresh MENS MOCCASINS NOW ONLY All Laathor LADIES DRESS SHOES Ron to 1900 NOW Styles BOYS DESERT BOOTS Rag NOW to LADIES SANDALS Reg to NOW Reg to NOW Styles Sites 477 CHILDRENS SANDALS Reg to SPECIAL 277 LADIES MOCCASINS Reg to NOW Large Sizes Only ADDED BONUS MENS SNEAKERS 125 BOYS SNEAKERS 249 CHILDRENS SNEAKERS 75c Thousands of Canadian families have solved their housing problems the Colonial Sunnibilt way this could be your year ON TO DAV Please send ma Homes Catalogue NAME ADDRESS CITY IPS COLONIAL SUNNIBILT CHMA Courts Supermarket of Prefabs TOnONTO IS SAMOA TORONTO KINGSTON PHONE Gil I PHONE SMI PHONE Canadas Largest Manufacturers of Vacation Cottages Homes Apartments Garages Specialty Structure and over Dealers serving Eastern Canada and northeastern SA for mora than Yean Down With OutModed Heating DISCOUNT SHOE STORE 28 Main Street North GEORGETOWN 8774714 WHERE THI WORD DISCOUNT HAS A MEANING Install a new Furnace now Pay nothing till October 1st For a limited time only you have installation of a wide rang of nationally known boating equipment with 1 No payments till October lit 2 No interest or carrying charges till October 1st 3 Oar own low interest financing Up to 10 years to pay oil furnaces OIL GAS ELECTRIC You Name It We HI EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY INTEREST RATES ON YEAR PLAN CUT A FULL April Special Since AVE Branchet In Kitchener Gait Stratford Georgetown