Ads That Pay Yon can place ad In The Claulfled pages by phoning SOI Buying or setting The Herald la where will lad the yon want GEORGETOWN HERALD The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District Printing Publishing The Georgetown Herald has erred Georgetown and district and a over century best In fine printing and nam coverage Second Clan Mall Registered Number 0943 Georgetown Ontario Thursday May 1971 Ratum Postage Guaranteed 50 per year Single Copy Price fifteen Cants High School Teachers Reject Final Offer in Trees Chamber of Commerces Gift to the Town In a switch from the usual complaints or requests heard In the council chamber mem bers of council were surpris ed Monday night to have a cheque for handed to the town The money was presented by Robert Lone on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce to go toward the planting of trees along tho highway storting at the town limits on top of hill ANNUAL Lano told council tho Cham ber of Commerce planned to ARBOR DAYS Georgetown tree planting campaign win continue Georgetown Chamber Commerce told council Monday they will donate annually for the purpose and Sheridan donat ed BO more trees so the town works stall could keep on with the current planting program Religion to Car Racing Free School Subjects it was Free School at George town High School Wednesday a day when attendance is volun and all regular classes are suspended In their piece a student or program covering a wide variety of topics ranging from parapsychology to stock car racing was offered in var ports of the school Among ho many speakers and topics Walter Soplnka and Judge John Ord on Youth and Law Gary discus sing the Ass ass nation of pres ident Kennedy A Brown psychiatry Wilson etiology Dave Armstrong drag racing Doug Coll son recrea tion Muriel Burr and other rcl Hon Chapman purposes and methods cation Doyle boy s training schools Hud Brian slock car rac ing Robert Logan the po etry of Physics Mr Porter liv lng ecology and pollution Mr vegetarianism and health foods Frederick Hall Ted the Edgar Cojcc Society and parapsycho logy and Steve Harris on Page Found Art Is the topic as Jim Forbes talks with Bruce and Donna Start Work Next Week On New Cdn Tire Store Construction will start next week on the new Canadian re Store to be located on Mountalnvlew Road across from the bowling alley The building will cover ft with a ex planned later In ad to customer area there will bo a large warehouse space and a five car automo bile shop which accord to manager Murray Lawton will have complete facilities for car maintenance Minor Injuries to Drivers in Accident Robert Landry of John St East and Real Tetreault of Nerval suffered minor injuries In two of the three ac investigated by George town police this post week Landry suffered abrasions to his left knee and forehead in an accident Saturday involving an old Dodge sedan driven by Fred of Del rex Blvd and a 1962 driven by Joseph of Princo Charles Drive Both cars were complete writeoffs with total damage placed at A police report said the car was stopped on Moun talnvlew Road at Sinclair when struck from behind by the Dutchburn car received a cut mouth when his car a Cougar and driven by Marks of Hamilton collid ed at blind Mountalnvlew Road River Drivo Intersection Wednesday Damage was to rcaults Cougar and Marks Plymouth The Marks car was facing south and waiting to make left turn Tho Tetreault cor was northbound -O- accident Thursday did damage to a Chrysler driven by Joseph Keith Louth of Crescent and damage to a parked on the west side of Del- rex Blvd opposite No 323 The parked vehicle was registered to William John Wright of Delrex AIM FOR OCTOBER The new store should be of fid ally opened In October when tho store at the present location Water and will be closed Tho present store has only 7 including the down stairs garage and the upstairs storage space LIQUOR STORE Also on Mountalnvlew in tho Markot Centre but south of tho is the site Liquor Control Board Store which rumour has it will be a self serve store No details were press time but council Is still with the Liquor Con trol Board in an effort to retain an additional outlet in western end of town Bolster Norval Mound Intcrcounty fastball starts Tuesday May with all eight teams in action will be Acton at Glen at Fergus and at Norval Acton and Fergus are new entries Jason Field will coach the entry this year Knuckle ball artist John has been added to the Norval pitch ing staff W ho and Wayne Blue the club could well have tho top dor in the expanded loop All home games between rl vals Glen Williams and have been scheduled for Sunday nights in the Glen park where additional seating bos provld accommodation for fans THREE GRASS FIRES NO DAMAGE REPORTED Grass fires colled the fire men out three times this week Thursday evening clock they extinguished burning grass at Hungry Hollow Sunday at pro Cemetery area was the location and Monday at 10 pro it was on known as the orchard Limehouse Mans First Novel Copperhead a Spy Thriller Is publishing day for Copperhead Copperhead a novel about biological warfare written by James Henderson who lives near This is the first published novel by son who Is coordinator of long arts for the Coutj ty Board Education Since Henderson has taught school In British Colum and Ontario written and edited text books and produced radio and television programs for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Ontario Department of Education The Klrkus Reviews nave Is sued preview of Hendersons first novel calling It in a spec ial mention notico as pre emptive potent on enter as you find along these lines book is being published by Alfred A Knopf loc and Random House of Canada Ltd HIDDEN CRISIS Zooming In on Montreal whero by sheer accident the danger Is stumbled upon Cop perhead races through five days of hidden crisis as tho violent world International espionage explodes into action officers of Canadian British and S Intelligence work In uneasy alliance- to stop weapons of an unknown at tacker fifteen men and women who have Invaded North Amer ica each carrying a vol strain of pneumonic plag ue Within a week of its activa tion he virus could cause an irreversible chain of infection throughout hemisphere At the centre of the chase Is Sohn a man psychologically conditioned for his ruthless task tracking two women a famous scientist the other a known agent of a pOttiblo en emy power Yet be finds his longdormant emotions cruelly awakened at tho very moment bis pursuit of the conspiracy do mauds of ultimate brut ality DISCOURAGING Henderson finished his first novel despite the discouraging report ha received on the syn opsis he bad to send to the Canadian publisher Ho then made his first approach to the respected Knopf group which publishes In Canada through Random House They snapped it up official is set for today The New York publishing house of Alfred A Knopf apparently share- tbe Canadian publisher doubts on page donate a year for this purpose Donna said she really appreciated the Cham ber gift and painted out the trees would be planted by the town forces 80 MORE Another pleasant occasion came later some evening when council accepted trcis from Sheridan Nurser to continue the planting along Blvd when the town tree planting prog ended last week The trees will be planted within the next week Percent Try Drugs Says Woods Hal ton Board of Education chairman Douglas Wood says about 10 per cent of students in schools have tried drugs least once Wood said reports Indicate a fairly high percentage of pupils la county schools are taking drugs He also said reports Indicate Indents who want drugs have Utile tronble getting them About 10 percent try It Ab- six percent have used drugs on several occasions he said About students come under the board Juris diction 936 Per Cent Vote Turns Down Board of Education Contract County secondary school teachers Thursday night overwhelmingly rejected the last and reportedly final sal offer the Coun ty Board of Education Paul Mortlndole president of District Ontario Sec ondary School Tcnchers Feder said the offer was turned down by S3 per cent of the vote It would appear tho teach ers at 13 high schools in the county were totally disappoint ed in the board committees final offer he said PLAN MEETING declined to corn- meat on what action the will now take A release from the executive they are weighing sever courses of action including ipcclfic recommendations from the salary negotiators Mart indole would not comment on what these might be He would neither eliminate nor confirm the possibility of a strike or withdrawal of vices Martindale said the board of fell for short of our re quest It included an offer to pay one third of extended health care and group life Insurance and a salary scale that provides no increase for beginning teacher in Category SALARY SCALE The teacher president said he thought one of the main reasons was tho type of salary scale suggested which would give the most experienced and best qualified teachers at the top of their categories a smal ler raise than teachers lower In the category said tbe original teacher demands were for sal ary increases totalling just un der six per cent the payment of twothirds extended care and group life Insurance and discussion of working con ditions notably requests for more audio visual technkiatss and secretarial help Although said the proposed salary scale was quite complicated to try and summarize tbe result was that teachers would be paid upward of less than Peel County teachers recently for DEAF EARS The executive release said the attempts to discuss Impro ved working conditions with the board negotiators appear to have fallen on deal ears Martindale noted that there has not been a meeting between board negotiators and the tea cher committee dealing with working conditions for more than two months Suspicious Druggist Foils Robbery Attempt A trio of film flam specialists come away empty handed af in attempt to bilk Youngs Pharmacy out In cosh and cheques Tuesday night Tho two men and a woman entered tho store at about pm Two of them kept the two members of the staff on duty busy while the third went to work on emptying the safe When one of the staff Neil Young realized what was go ing on he tried to keep the three there while he called police but they fled from the store An immediate check of the safe found It empty and unto Wednesday morning it was be lieved the team had been suc cessful But a double check Wednesday morning turned up the money and cheques behind some boxes Robberies conducted In mllar style in Acton and Milton over the post two weeks are be lieved to have been the work of the same threesome Carnation Sale Adds Hospital Auxiliary Funds Over was added to tho funds of tho hospital auxiliary last week through efforts of a large number at women and the generosity of the public Taggers were on tho main streets Friday Saturday and made house calls with at tractive paper carnations which donors received The annual project was con vened by Mrs Jean More than 150 taggers were en listed Among those who the attractive tags were a number of senior citizens members of the Helping Hand Circle Dorothy a town and DtsUrct Memorial Reconstruction Is Planned The reconstruction of talnvlew Road from Todd Road Eden Place cleared another hurdle Monday night when council in committee authorized the preparation of the necessary documents for tbe signing of tbe agreement with County The motion calling for tend ers will be presented at next weeks council meeting LIGHTING COSTS According to the agreement most of the lighting costs will be borne by the town except at Intersection with traffic Islands The only one In this category Is and Guetpa General maintenance county roads within the town will be done by the town works force and paid for by the coun ty Monkey Golf Opens Ladies Season A nine hole monkey golf tournament was the highlight at Georgetown Golf Country Club ladles section opening day May Each player was allowed a wood iron and putter In the tourney won by the team Iris and Sheila Greenwood Second low gross was woo by and Gertrude Ward Joyce Sullivan and Irene Brown took third low gross Putting prizes went to Ruth Derbyshire Helen Mar ilyn Ferguson Ruth Jacks An gle Acheson and Joanne Brad- Icy Maureen Joyce Sanders Peggy and Susan Sanders won the mystery hole prizes This year a executive was In troduced by president Ida Walk er and captain Fergus on outlined the activities plan ned lor the season at a dinner after the competition Pro Bill Greenwood also spoke to the ladles about plans for golf clinics movies and guest speakers Six Year Old Chased Dollar Hit by Car Tommy Host six year son of Mr and Mrs Oscar Host Is in Peel Memorial Hospital with multiple injuries including a broken pelvis broken arm thret broken ribs and slon The remit of being hit by a cor on the Road last Wednesday afternoon The accident happened when Tommy chased a dollar that blow out of his band to frost of the Hosts new home and res taurant Someplace He has now been removed from intensive car and is off to critical Bat Tommy attended Holy Creaa ldndergartej last month when u from Regan Crescent