Page THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY JULY Itching to Take on Jim Snow Gelok is New Democratic Choice A 2fl year old union executive East New Democratic Party banner In the next provincial election Ken JelotT July 13 defeated Brian by a narrow nomination vote In Miltons U A W Hal It waa a victory for the unionist Gelok over academic who is bead of the history department at White Oaks High School SOLID SUPPORT Thrippleton had received solid support from the youth wins of the East riding association many of whom were former students But one delegate later said it was experience within the and popularity throughout the riding that spelled his victory late entry In the race Gelok said later that tho close vote would in no way divide the who expect the next provincial election In mid September It certainly doesnt create any division at all within the NDP he adding that will be a member of his campaign committee ELECTION FIGHT The new candidate sees the upcoming election battlo as a direct contest between the and the Conservatives with the Liberals on the periphery Im itching to take on Jim Snow proclaimed The hat was passed around and 60 In campaign funds was contributed It was Geloks second nomination convention this year In February he had been defeated by William Gillies who later was forced to withdraw from politics because of per setbacks hod been Gillies campaign manager and has a involvement the labour He Is executive vice president of the Oil Chemical and Atomic workers union In MUslsaauga where he works for the Gulf refinery He is also an executive on the OakvUlo District Labour Council A native of Holland he came to Canada as a boy moving to vllle In where he graduated from Trafalgar High School and then I went right out to work People our priority Gelok told the delegates stressing that the New Democratic Party represents common people fighting for common causes United Nations Trip For Gary Glover High school student Gary Glover left or New York City yesterday to take part in the annual United Nations pilgrimage sponsored by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Garys trip is made possible by the Orion Odd Fellows and Verdun lodges He is the son of Mr and Mrs T E Glover Mclntyre Crescent He will be one of a group students who will observe the N In action sec committees at work In five official languages and learn of the vast work done throughout the world by the different agencies He will also be treated to some of the citys attractions In eluding an evening at Radio City Music Hall and a boat trip around Manhattan Island On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Milton Community Credit Union Jim Langedyk president announces the ap pointment of Mr Warren McUy to loan officer Mr background In banking and consumer loans will bea great asset In the loan department of the Credit Union Mr McLay Is twenty nine years of age and has spent ten years with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and during that time was transferred into seven different communities The lost three of these years were spent In the Milton branch Mr McLay Is an executive member of the Georgetown Kin and is active In local sports activities He Is married and tins two boys aged six and three EMPLOYERS SUMMER JOBS WANTED FOR Student Summer Employment Program CALL YOUR CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE PHONE Clerical Work Baby Sitting Gardening Sales Clerks Dish Washing Landscaping Service Station Attendants Mothers Helper Car Washing Display Work Household Chores Cleaning Slock Boys and Girls Window Washing Waitresses Lunch Counter Work Rubbish Removal Camp Counsellors Farm Work Shipping Summer Resort Work Factory Helpers And Many Other Jobs CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Brampton Department of Manpower and Immigration declaring his socialist beliefs and opposition to the evil philosophy of capitalism We are attacking the free enterprise system be said Promising vigorous door-to- door canvassing campaign with the stress on the NDP a honest straightforward approach Gelok pointed to the recent victory in Brant riding and new socialist governments Saskatchewan and Manitoba forerunners of things to come in this province The NDP has never been closer to power In Ontario than HORNBY Annual Garden Party Brings 4000 to Hornby Hornby Ball Club was Ball Pork on Saturday night July 17th Prior to the programme a crowd or more gathered to watch of between Glen Williams and Hornby Bantams with the Glen taking the honours Donald Chase the president welcomed everyone to the garden party and Introduced the M C for the evening Vince Mountford Some of the local talent included Bob Gracey who can really play the accordion and sing Little Judy Janes of the Lower Base Line also did her part on the stage The big at traction was the pony rides which were enjoyed by the little folk and teenagers Ward Brownri age was in charge of the pony rides The refreshment booths were kept busy from the start of the evening to the end A vote of thanks Is extended to Mr and Mrs Frank Chlaholm and Trischlers for the lovely flowers for the stage Anniversary greetings ore extended to Mr and Mrs Elmer Bailey who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Friday July 30 Birthday greetings are ex tended to Lome Sampson on July 27th to Frank Hustler on July 28th BUI Howdcn on July 31st and also to Mrs Jim Carney on the Slat July Mr and Mrs Roy Break left recently for the Calgary Stam pede Mr and Mrs are taking care of the household while they are away extended who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Friday July Friends In this district will be sorry to hear of the sudden death of EJewltt of Street- formerly of Othawa who died at the Hospital on Wednesday July 1971 Mrs Jewitt was the former Rosella Turner daughter of the lata Mr and Mrs David Turner sister of Mildred Mrs Lome Fish of Oakville Grace Mrs Carson of Hamilton and Stanley Turner of and widow of A Earle She rested at the Lee Home In Streetavllle Service was held In the Street- United Church Interment Groves Cemetery Pallbearers were Grant Fish David Turner Elgin Turner Earl Albertson Frank Steven son and George Brownridge The service was conducted by Dr Keith McMillan Mrs Jewitt was well known In the Hornby district In her younger days She was a patient In the Hospital for a month prior to a sudden death YOLLES BURROUGHES Bramptons most complete furniture centre Shop From am til 9 pm Monday to Friday Saturdays til 6 pm Telephone CONTEMPORARY Bed Chesterfield The news Is In the fabric new Herculon with built In stain release Remove most soil or spots with detergent and water Colourfast Handsome sofa by day double- bed by night COLONIAL C0NTINENTALB Over of exciting colourful displays of furniture and appliances to appeal to every taste every More than Trend Rooms to browse In a colourfull Appliance Department a dreamy Sleep Shop a great new Sight Sound Studio Undoubtedly Bramptons most complete and most exciting furniture centre and Grand Opening celebrations mean great savings for you I Were So Proud of Our CARPET DEPARTMENT Come see some of the most beautiful rugs In the world Imported and domestic all suspended gallery- fashion from the ceiling We also offer a full in home carpet service our representative will bring you samples give you estimates right at home CARVED NYLON No extras rubber underlay all Installation free Delivery free faynway free Storage Til Needed 3 Credit Wans YOLLES YOLLES BURROUGHES OUR NEW LOCATION JUST WEST OF BRAMALEA SHOPPING CENTRE 11Bin ON HWY CORNER OF HART LAKE ROAD