GEORGETOWN HERALD Ads That Pay You can place an ad la Hie Herald ClanMed pages by phoning 871 Buying or telling The Herald la where you will find the mult you want Second Mall Registered Narober Return Pottage Guaranteed The Home Newspaper for Georgetown and District GEORGETOWN THURSDAY SEPT 1971 PrintingPublishing The Georgetown Herald baa served Georgetown and a Printer and Publisher for over a century ottering the best in tine printing and new coverage ear Single Copy Price Fifteen Cent Plan Repairs To 8th Line Bridge The 8th line bridge near Hickory Falls Is in a bad stale of disrepair road superintendent Bud Snow told Esquesing council Monday night as he stressed the urgency of the situation The planks are broken and cracked and big trucks have been using It he staled He suggested the Job could be done for around but would have to be engineered to be subsidized by the province Get the consultant on it mediately we have to get the people in and out through the winter the reeve instructed Council agreed as Ihe road We can t shut off the road there a only one way In and out GOING UP A member of the work bee at the County Museum sets log in place an 1SZ2 cabin la on the grounds A volunteer work party has been rebuilding the old cabin for the past two weekends and will probably complete the Job this Sunday The ft by ft cabin originally in la being put back together under the supervision of museum director Dr J Newman Nix Humane Society for HerHngton Esquesing will go It alone if necessary in hiring George Hcrrington to look after dog control in the township Township council passed a motion Monday night to hire despite an earlier Idler from Georgetown saying they favoured the Ontario Humane The original offers from both the Humane Society and Herrington were conditional on the three municipalities of Acton Georgetown and accepting the proposal jointly The cost to Esquesing Is per year in the Herrington contract After the meeting Reeve Tom Hill said was willing to Esquesing whelher or not the other two municipalities came In Fall Kills Painter are still seeking to notify the next of kin or a pointer who was killed instantly Friday when he apparently fell through a hole cut for a stair well In a house under construction on Dowson Crescent The body is at Peel Memorial Hospital while police seek relatives His name of course has not been released but he is believed to have been about years of age Fifty thousand people are entitled to go to the polls in Halton East in this provincial election Five Said No Thanks Everybody knew it but Brad Knight Boulevard and Brian McCormack Reagan went after proof and got it Georgetown people want a movie theatre Thenmazlngpartlslhatflveof the people approached by them with a petition to that effect gave negative answers They apparently thought it would adversely affect taxes Esquesing Should Have Its Own Arena Says Hill Reeve Tom Hill dropped a bombshell at the end of Monday night a council meeting when he suggested should have its own arena He said the news that Legion was pulling out of nor hockey was very sad As a township we won be able to pay what Gcorgelowr Recreation Committee have to charge he remarked He claimed minor hockey would die in Georgetown without the Legion so should be looking for cheap land to build their own arena could keep hockey alive in the area I want the clerk to write both governments find what grants are available said Reeve Hill as he went on to speculate about a site and passible size of an arena HIGHER The other members of council seemingly completely surprised said very little merely saying the costs would have to be examined The reeve final comment was If the referees start to charge as they are saying they will if the Legion pulls out the costs will go up even more STRIKE TWO MONTHS OLD The strike by Local of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers against the Georgetown Hydro Commission is two month old today A meeting between negotiators in the municipal office last Wed nesdav night failed to bring about a settlement The 13 member local met Tuesday night to discuss how they plan to proceed from here Wages are the major Issue In the dispute LEGION OUT WILL OPERATE KID HOCKEY Wont Give School Board Fund Georgetown won t turn over IB which Halton County Board of Education claims belongs to them The money Is In a trust fund and was accumulated when Robert Lane developed a sub division in the old Cedar vale orchard It was originally to be used to acquire school property for Georgetown Georgetown schools are now administered by a county board and have passed out of local Jurisdiction Reeve Morrow told a council committee meeting Monday that while the town has no legal obligation to turn over the money to the board he feels there is a moral obligation But only Cr Donna Denison sided with him in this Cr Em Hyde voiced the opinion of other councillors that the money had been Intended for use In Georgetown and should remain the property of the town The school board will be notified that this Is council decision Parade Feature of Fair Day Opening The directors of Georgetown Agricultural Society are hoping for good weather on the weekend for their annual fall fair The show opens Friday evening with the midway in full swing and the exhibit hall open to the public to browse for a small admission Early Friday morning the hall exhibits w II nave been placed and judged The big fair on Saturday will let underway early with some Jumping horse classes starting at nine clock The opening ceremonies pm will be preceded by a parade from the arena to Ihe fairgrounds of bands majorettes civic dlgn lanes and farmerette queens Warden Frank will officially open the fair Mount ford will Boys and girls entering decorated bicycles and dolt carriages may loin the parade at the park ana proceed to ffle Judge stand where the Judging will take place Local organizations arc refreshment booths and there will be a long line of commercial displays The die is cast for another fine show so get in the spirit of the fair and enjoy the one big yearly attraction in Georgetown Cross Street Sidewalk Is Hydro Property Georgetown Women Arrested Three Georgetown women were arrested in Guelph Monday and charged with theft and possession of stolen property Employees of one store told police the three women who had been acting suspicious had been seen walking out of the store They were picked up In the downtown area a short while later by police A matron searched the women at the Guelph police station and found a number of items hidden in clothing The items dresses bells and hot pant outfits were all the property of a Guelph department store Morrow Suggests Salaries Instead of Meeting Pay FIVE far heir charge down the starting ramp are tP box derby driven Glen FOUR THREE TWO ONE Mercer left and Mark fall all Sunday afternoon In first annual Grand Prix for the starting ramp are Handy Young coaster pilots the Sports Club a soap box racers plunged down Maple Avenue Georgetown has a problem w the planned building of a new hydro substation on Cross Street at the Engineer Eric Willis told council Monday that the on Cross Street Is actually on hydro property and would in the reconstruction Cr Em Hyde is of the opinion that the sidewalk is town property because of its many years of use by the public Counc I decided to bring this to the of the Committee of Adjustment which will deal with the hydro application Host to 160 Credit Volley Conservation Author ly played host to 160 members of other Authorities across Ontario at a luncheon at Terra Conservation Area September These ves cons votlon authorities were completing a ve day bus tour of various projects in Ontario Minor house league hockey in Georgetown will be operated by the Georgetown Recreation Committee this winter Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has ended its of operating and sponsoring Kid Hockey In an ad elsewhere In this edition of The Herald GRC Has called a meeting for Monday night to form a Georgetown M nor House League Hockey Association In a press release Issued Tuesday the GRC said If the boys this town are to have the opportunity to play hockey many volunteers are needed to coach manage form and executive officiate and perform other important functions If you as parents wish to sec your boy play hockey this year hen you are urged to attend this meeting The future success of Minor Hockey will depend upon the interest of the of Georgetown in forming this at Ion It stated REGRET The press release said that the GRC regreted to announce they had received a letter from the Branch 120 indicating they will not be organizing Saturday Morning Hockey this season The Recreation Committee regret that the Legion has seen fit drop out of Saturday Morning Hockey but wish work and effort that has been put into the running of hockey these many years in Georgetown It said RATES The withdrawing of sorlngship by the Legion has come about as the direct result of Increased rental rates for Memorial Arena ice The new rates were announced in mid August Branch 120 president Norm Ward explains the Legion position In a letter on another page Order Probe Into Norval Mans Death Bring Back That Old Swfmmin Hole The old mming holes in Glen Williams remembered fondly by many older residents should be revived a letter from J J of Glen lliams suggested to council The letter said there were p and swimming areas many other places and won dered why not In the Glen He said he had written the Credit Reeve Tom II II he sup posed some of the spots could be deepened If the people were w lllng to pay the price Esquesing representative on the Credit Valley Authority w bring It up there Flat 250O Per Councillor Crown Attorney H W has ordered an In depth invest igatlon into a twocar collision involving an Ontario Provincial Police vehiclethat took the an Township man early last Wednesday morning Inspector Fred public information officer for the said Wednesday afternoon that there would be an investigation Into the incident before any charges would be laid According to the report In Blucher had OPP Constable E Crawford of the Sn el grove detachment or the was southbound on High way 10 at 6 a Wednesday when he collided with an east bound vehicle driven by DeGuise 34 of Continued on Page 12 Set yearly salaries for coun llors and members of the Planning Board Committee of Adjustment and Recreation Committee arc suggested in a report made to a committee meeting Monday by Reeve Morrow His plan was endorsed by all councillors present except Cr Ern Hyde The reeve proposes that councillors recc ve a flat meeting they attend He would Plant ng Board remuneration at and MOO for the other two boards W the mayor salary of this would amount to a total bill of for council for Planning Board and each for other two boards Councillors serving on these boards would get extra pay Their would cover all remuneration lor public service CIVIC NIGHT He told council th s would be less than budgeted for salaries th s year But the primary reason for the change would be to have an accurate budget estimate each year Impossible when meeting fees are paid In plan he also suggests a yearly civic night when all boards and ttces would attend a dinner and recc ve a scroll or plaque Cost estimate for is TOO Cr Hyde said he opposes the set salary because there Is less cost involved in paying for meetings attended He said thai since the county counc 1 adopted a similar system the cost has doubled and that figured on a meeting basis some county councillors arc receiving meeting The reeve argued that at tending meetings is only one phase of counc duties I miss meetings because of my job he said I want to be paid for serving council and the Job do entails much more lhan meet ng attendance Deputy Reeve backed m up on th has no den of what is requ red a councillor he said They think got t made at so much a meet but they forget his phone r n and day and he has many extra act for he isn t paid POSITION Cr Harry levy said the is the porta if meetings are m councillors more than make up for this In extra work Reeve Marrow agreed that some county llors are receiving less pay under the new system total cost has in creased Hut he re crated that the system lie proposes for Georgetown would save 1500 Two ago Georgetown salary bill was 2SOO0 he said With 52 Mondays and Thursday as scheduled meetings m mum cost for council meet is yearly at present Cr Harry Levy pointed out that in the first six months this year here was a total of 51 meet ngs and the cost on this basis could be much higher by the yearend Cr Joan Smith said that she favours new plan because council could have more meetings and shorter ones w thout Imposing extra costs on the lax treasury Ton s agenda proves it said the deputy reeve We have items to deal with and at pm v eve covered only With a salary we could call another meeting anytime to clear up bus We all expect our phones to ring when we reelected Hyde If we turn our back OR that we be out at the next election He reiterated that members should not be paid when they don attend a meeting BABY STEAMERS GOING TO FAIR model engines will be one of the many things to see at the Georgetown Fall Fair Friday and Saturday A Georgetown msn Bill Knight whose hobby It is to build the working models and his son Brad look over a few of the engines here At rear left Is a triple expansion marine engine at rear right a scale steam traction engine front left an upright mill engine front right a heavy duty mill engine and In the centre a stum gener ator He was one of the many Georgetown exhibitors at the recent Steam Era show at Milton