Page CKORfiFTOWN THURSDAY OCT CLASSIFIED ADS GET FAST RESULTS CALL 8772201 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS II words SO Extra words Each per column Inch CARDSOFTHANKS ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES FOR SALE BY TENDER ACTON PRECISION ENGINEERING comprising the following equipment One Herbert turret lathe one vertical and horizontal milling machine one IS drill one surface grinder one drilling and tapping machine one lathe 10 bed one tool grinder and miscell aneous Items This business Is for sale to wind up an estate Can be Inspected by calling lor appointment Sealed tenders will be opened November end should be addressed Lea then and Box Acton Ontario Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted HOMEGROWN APPLES FIELD TOMATOES PUMPKINS PEARS Fresh fruit and vegetables at Between and Line ATTENTION Queen sway Electric Supply We feature a wide selection ixtures chandeliers lamps etc Do droo In and look around TEAKWOOD Living Dining Bedroom Einar Clausen Ltd Highway usi east Line Bra ma lea 2 miles east of Dixie LAST OF THE CHRYSLERS DODGES CHARGERS DEMONS DISCOUNTED PRICES ALL 1972 MODELS Now available at regular prices EFFECTIVE ONLY TO NOV 10 1971 BILL HUFFMAN DON ROBERTSON CHRYSLERDODGE EAST BRAMPTON 8777348 FOR SALE COFFEE TABLES step tables book shelves Clearing all seconds and discontinued lines Call Deltacralls Factory River Drive Open Monday to LLOYD twin stroller with canopy condition new asking 60 PASSPORTS and assistance passports any nationality Barber Henlev Insurance Travel Agency LIMITED SI Main St N ONE THIRD horsepower motor gas unit heater Mill Street Georgetown SK 1 1 and boots slit step binding- buckle boots safety strap Included VACUUM CLEANER Hoover upright perfect condition 4987 APPLES eating end cooking Notre Dame Beauregard Farm Main Street south of Maple Ave ft PHILISHAVE REPAIRS Expert Service at APPLIANCES Main Street North Builders Furniture Contents from furnished model No appliances Like new reasonable Call construction 0 Hypo Allergenic Cosmetics specially blended for sensitive skin Pharm acy USED TV SETS Completely reconditioned at TV ft APPLIANCES Main Street North BEAVER STARTER HOMES Split level two storey and ranch type homes BEAVER LUMBER EVERGREENS SHRUBS HEDGES SHADE TREES and Weed a Feed Free estimates on landscape service Call DARRLANE GARDEN CENTRE YAMAHA QUALITY PERFORMANCE DURABILITY BEAUTY EXCELLENT SERVICE COMPETITIVE PRICE PARK MOTORS Hwy 7 Wast FOR SAIE TRIUMPH Spitfire sport car will sell or trade for motor cycle TRAVEL TRAILERS for tale rent Hitches fabricated and In stalled METEOR Rldeau two door hardtop good condition FORD good running condition good buy alter BEDROOM furniture desks seconds right at the factory Furniture Arm strong Avenue SKI ROULE snowmobile 16 excellent condition Call Mike HIFI SET AM FM shortwave speed stereo player and speakers pause and silence switch CORTINA automatic radio low mileage good con 8779343 after pm NEW DAVENPORT sale price W995 Nay Mar Furniture dally alter Saturday and Sunday alter 1 pm BOOKCASE double bed and matching dresser Hoover upright vacuum ELECTRIC range full automatic best offer 6774156 IV CRIB with mattress gossip bench white backless lealherette divans condition and reasonable TWO AQUARIUMS one gallons one gallons pump filter healer and an assortment of tropical fish 6776513 ilk SHAVINGS blown in your n reasonable Superior Bulk Shaving Co Weston Ontario FIFTY year old hens and si each also Belalr sedan power steering i In good running condition LEAVING TOWN desk bed and mattress combination radio TV and phono SIM plywood boat doll carriage 110877 PARTS repairs sales Cleaning for most makes Smalt Appliance Vacuum Cleaner Repair Service 877 ft CO OPERATORS Insurance As- lion auto lire family farm liability accident and sick ness Charles SOD No Nursery Kentucky Blue and Merlon delivered or aid prompt service lowest trices John Hunter Landscap- Georgetown APPLES Northern spies red 9465 call early in or after 7pm A J Alberts slderoad 3 Georgetown ALUMINUM storm windows s awnings canopies shutters also Iron railings tf HOOVER FLOOR Polisher like variety new cushions 8773656 GEORGETOWN 8779439 ACTION SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER and 23rd NEW FURNITURE SflLE Drawer Chest walnut finish 5 piece Dinette 2only 3450 piece bed chesterfield only 3 piece bedroom suite walnut finish l only Continental bed 2 only 54 mattress spring filled chesterfield beautiful gold nylon 1 only Coffeeond step table 2 only Walnut Bookcase Rollaway beds 2 only 2450 Bunk bed 36 set only SHOP and SAVE SWAP SHOP Queen St Wait BRAMPTON BOATS CARS TRUCKS CAMPERS Standard 6 radio asking as Is good Inn ILL SWAP door Chevrolet Qlscayne cylinder auto for best pickup or panel truck John 8776309 MOTO SK snowmobiles one hp one hp with covers good shape pair altar 5 FIBERGLAS RESIN gal lon glass cloth hardware and marine supplies Credit River Boat III 9 IMPALA supersport convertible bucket seats power steering low mileage one owner Private Mr SNOW JET excellent motor need new track Terra RAMBLER Ambassador VB door hardtop power steering power brakes radio mint condition certified 1795 Coll Terra CottaB773731 TWO TIRES track with rims fits Rambler Dodge or Plymouth 1358779593 1961 FALCON with new tires Also a Dominion floor model Both reasonable Acton 8513639 TOYOTA Corolla In good condition 40000 miles spare snow tires with rims CHEVROLET coach privately owned wonderful condition standard gear shift block heater reasonable 1966 CHEVELLE two door hardtop 337 VB HP new rebuilt mag wheels 4 speed new radio 65 CHEV Dr Sedan Automatic Immaculate condition set this car today Lie No N FULL Reed Chrysler Plymouth 136131 Truck Campers FOR HALF a THREE QUARTER TON TRUCKS and Up Insula fed canopy fops IMS Aluminum siding and win dows for doityourself Canada Highway No 101B BOATS CARS TRUCKS CAMPERS BABYSITTER wanted days per week odd hours call after 10 451 EXCELLENT or Women lull or partlime Turn your spare lime Into cash Own your own vending route In your area No selling all routes will be established High quality coin operated vending machines To qualify you must be honest a good car references good credit and bo able to spend hours weekly Small down payment will get you started in business and terms can be rranged For personal In terview reply Include phono number to DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED C 1163 Tecumseh Road East WINDSOR Ontario HAIR DRESSING 45 Faludon Drive Repre Beauty C Cosmetics anytime PETS LIVESTOCK PUPS free to good homes collie St Bernard prefer country homes HOUND for sale black end tan guaranteed deer and 77 PUPPY SALE purebred miniature poodles and sen lots to choose from- reasonable TOY POODLES purebred apricot weeks strong and healthy 91B4 HORSES BOARDED box stalls miles south Georgetown HORSES Reasonable rales Maple Creek Farm Line North Esquesing WINTER STORAGE BOATS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PERSONAL CLEANING WOMAN wanted lor every second week Must be and reliable SITTER wanted I area afternoons weekly QUALIFIED piano wanted to teach two beginners- 66 CHEV Dr Automatic power steering power brakes radio spotless condition Lie No FULL PRICE Reed Chrysler Plymouth STREETSVILLE 8361311 PORTABLE SHARP cassette player recordnr with AM FM and built In AC adapter 190 alter 4 pm APPLES Fancy Mcintosh PUMPKINS FOR HALLOWEEN CarusosFruit Market SNOWMOBILE TRAILERS Deluxe complete with lights completely frame and body Tilt type PARK TOYOTA 1970 AND A HALF FARGO 36000 miles automatic barrel radio maos L7815 belted tires custom cab chrome decor group Im maculate shape one Its kind or nearest offer BOB PHILLIPS PRBElgallentol Permanent Type BE each car sold until the end of October Chevrolet Austin automatic radio License No 79 INCOME Refilling end collecting money NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers In your No selling To qualify you t have car references to 13900 cosh Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income More full time For personal Interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING LTD A Bay St Suite Toronto Ontario Include STORE CLERK Wanted for Farm Supply Store BUS DRIVER WANTED Tyler Transport Limited Furniture Plant requires Labourer for steady employment DELTACRAFT MANUFACTURING LTD River Drive Georgetown 8776948 TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED For a ton van lor delivery of food products day week year round employment Top Salary Must be 33 years of age or over Apply to MAPLE LODGE FARMS LID Line West OF BRAMPTON Winston Churchill Blvd PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL Eledrolytis CALLJOANNE 8658183 WANTED LICENSED SERVICE STATION MECHANIC Apply Box NO Herald IN HOMES For the Handicapped HOUSEKEEPER 4HHU1UJ also parttime per sonnel for their Brampton office No experience required between9am I The Halton Board of Education CLERKTYPIST Location Georgetown District High School This position Is lor 13 months per year Applicants must be proficient in typing and general office work For further In formation and to arrange an interview please call the Personnel office Line Burlington 631363 extension or if calling long distance call may be made without charge by phoning long distance operator and asking for Zenith J PAYROLL COST CLERK Must be familiar with a McBce posting board and be fast and accurate with figures Must be a well Individual and able to work with a variety of assignments as required Personnel Manager GAGE STATIONERY LTD 71 Todd Road Georgetown IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT FURNITURE FACTORY REQUIRES Fully Experienced Woodworking Machine Operators Fully Experienced Cabinet Assemblers First Class Spray Painter Experienced In finishing preferred ALL FRINGE BENEFITS paid by Company for phone 8773936 or 8773546 GAS BAR ATTENDANTS REQUIRED WE OFFER- hour five day week Company assisted group life and hospital Insurance two week yearly paid vacation nine paid statutory holidays Good weekly earnings commission Onthejob 3day proven training program TO QUALIFY Have Grade or better Active and aggressive Neat presentable appearance Customer service minded Some retail sales experience desirable Must have good past working history These are permanent positions for our new Canadian Tire location at Guelph Street Georgetown Successful applicants may also qualify for management positions GAS BAR