With Mary Strange How Womens Libbers Devalue Womans Uniqueness Majority Housewives that is the ones who stay home who in the parlance of the day are not liberated Well I do stay at home And in spite of the large number of married women working outside their homes I believe this group Is still the majority But lam not silent And neither are most of my liberated sisters It just seems that way because we don get on he air or into print very often However we do get into con quite frequently and find we all deeply resent the barrage of antihousekeeping child raising publicity drummed at us from all sides by the Women s Libbers To read and hear constantly that must get a Job outside the home to ourselves undermines our contentment satisfaction in our role and confidence in our mental capabilities If a woman has to work for financial or emotional reasons that is quite another matter Ills when there Is a free choice of whether or not to work outside the home that Women a Lib pressures are brought to bear most tellingly Pressures that say mental stimulation Is practically existent for the womanathome say far from it The housewife has the ideal situation in which to become well informed on all the issues and news of the day In deed she can accomplish this to great advantage while going about her household duties by tuning into one or the many ex cellent informative radio programs She is also in a position to take extra time Tor reading and reflecting upon news and views In newspapers magazines and books She can have the stimulation of a variety of activities If she has spare time Also there is plenty of op port unit for creativity if that is her bent And let s face it that be any high flown term Creativity can apply equally well to cooking a good meal as to a good picture As for the term dull being levelled at housewives well maybe some are but so are some women who work outside the home It t matter so much WHERE you are but WHAT you ore Boring is Women Lib description for housework Hove to admit 1 not exactly en tranced about all aspects of it all the time myself But butc I could also get bored at times with bookkeeping typing mu sing teaching etc adinfuiltum It seems to me that all Jobs In side or outside the home involve elements of tedious routine Coming to terms with that is Sort of living successfully and All of which adds fuel to my resentment of the term liberated being used in the sense that It means being liberated from being a Rather the Women Lib leaders would be doing the cause of womanhood a much better turn if they started the Importance of the hbmemaker role rather than downgrading It Same goes for their cavalier attitude toward child bearing and child raising Perhaps 1 say bearing because many of the militants can t resist the primeval urge to perpetuate themselves with a child But after it is born they don wont to look after it too demeaning How about that Have they forgotten that truly the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world What Job could be more Important And more demanding of every facet of a woman character personality and physical endurance I heard a Women Lib ad being interviewed recently and when asked who would look after children if Ideally all mothers were working outside the home she replied that she thought the grandmothers would be a very logical choice for the job So there they go thinking of turning natures sequence When a woman is young and in best physical condition to cope with children she to be out in the labour force and when she been retired from that she can start raising children Pretty hard on the grandmas don you think to say nothing of the children under their care Children and their emotional needs are given short shrift too when it comes to the more radical Women Lib thinking on marriage and sexual morality It makes me furious to sec how with their permissive attitudes the freelovers are undermining the institution of marriage the very social structure evolved over the centuries for the protection and security of women and children Crazy And here again the children arc the hapless pawns Strange how the liberated from marriage ladles seem to blithely ignore the fact that THEY are stilt the ones who will bear the babies No way has yet been found to change that And when they do have a child the insecurity and instability of their life style must surely have a detrimental effect on It Which brings me to the most frustrating part of all Why aren the Women lib proud proud of our ability to ear and raise children Instead of pushing It Into the background if their lives as a stumbling block to liberation why not glorify what the majority of women arc so uniquely and eminently suited to do At least give looking after ones own children full time the same status as working in an office factory or store Now don get the idea that I m against all of the Ideas of the Women Lib movement Some are fine They have done and arc doing a muchneeded Job of prodding society into changing laws and attitudes that are unfair to women But It is ironic that In so doing many of them havegone to such extremes they are creating a great disservice to an all loo oft en silent majority of their own sex Mushroom Plant Tour For Institute Women Wednesdiy morning Mired twentyeight Women In toured the Meadow Mushroom plant in Georgetown Max and son Ernie have a modem plant with machinery designed to process large quantities of rooms The visitors saw the mushrooms growing the dark in boxes being and tanned ready for sale In ehain stores all over Hit After the tour the roup went to the room Glen Williams Church for lovely e luncheon Mrs Cox conducted a meeting afterwards it which Mrs Jumps called the roll by naming an industry unknown In grandmothers Some were including plastics electrical gadgets television and Jcl planes Donations of were made to Mentil Music estiva and membership paid for the Children s Aid Mrs reported on recent euchres Mrs J Bird a dance and Mrs John the directors meeting she had ASKING FOR HYDRO ROUTE PROBE Several members of the delegation which met with Premier William Davis last week look over their petition concerning the proposed Hydro route bet ween Pickering and Beverley From left to right are Mr G L of It 1 Terra Cotta who is the head of the Coalition of Concerned Citizens Mrs G Special Herald photo and Mr John Schrelber of Township who formal presented the petition to Premier Davis Premier William Davis greets the Special Herald delegates presenting the petition attended The district annual Campbcllville thanks were read from the retiring leader Mrs for a gift Mint to her and also from sick members who had been remembered with or cards The motto In evervrank and small it is industry that supports us all was given Mrs John Bird and contained some splendid and worthwhile thoughts Mrs Hector Bird the courtesies Mrs trunk Charles Street in town and Mrs hymn Wilson spent last week in with little Brent and HI while their parents Mr Mrs Graham enjoyed a trip south Mrs J Bcllboddy Glen Williams Mrs lrj I Jwrencc of Mils recently spent a week with her daughter fjmil Mr and Mrs children Mr and Mrs Tom Haines returned home Saturday from two in Barbados Mr Mrs fills mil suns spent the Easier Miss lines with her teacher associates of Burlington Central Public School spent the taster school holidays it I r Indus Mr and Mrs Tim Haines and son Bridley of Mr mil Mrs Lid die Haines of 1 n were home on the with their parents Mr Mrs Hi land Sunday dinner guests with the were Mr indMrs Harold Bennett and Mr Mrs Hubert Mrs Donna Armstrong Bridge Club Mr ind Mrs Arthur Kwci were North South winners Kerr and It Jones East West last week when 15 tables players competed at Georgetown duplicate bridge club Other North South scores 2nd Mark and Bob 3rd Mr and Mrs Ron Reynolds 4th Jim Kalll and Bill Windcl sth Heller and Ron Gink West 2nd J Coats and Mrs Leo Kislemoker Fisher Mrs Barbara Wuod George Mrs Clayton Barbour th Mrs Hill Coals Ian Coats Phi Chapter Names Mrs P Hughes President Page HERALD THURSDAY APRIL old custom at an authentic Irish party is to call upon each guest to contribute a song a story a poem or whatever talent they possess for the cntcrta inment of the other guests Hailing from Ireland Kevin led the fun when he and Mrs Eleanor Cawley hosted a St Patrick a Day party or Phi members and husbands on Saturday March IB An Irish setting was created for the occasion with decorations including many souvenirs from Mr Cowley homeland To bring the to a fitting close guests were treated to a real Irish stew accompanied by soda bread DONATE BOOKS Mrs Mount was hostess to the March meeting of Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Of interest during the business meeting was the decision to donate a set of the Beta Sigma Phi cookbooks to the Georgetown Library Further Information was heard regarding the plans for the July 1 celebration of Georgetown a anniversary and the chapter Is hoping to be able to contribute their efforts to the festivities SOUVENIR Members voted to purchase a suitable souvenir of Canada to be presented to the hostess chapter of Beta Sigma Phi in England by Mrs Pauline Hughes when she attends International con vention being held there In April Elections were held to fill the posts of next year s executive and the results were as follows president Pauline Hughes vice president Kathleen Vickcry recording secretary Vivian corresponding secretary Lois Rogers treasurer Mount The Very pistol used In for discharging illuminating rockets or signals Glass Mirror Alaralnum WLbdewf Replaced Choose ft from Canada a largest rontalltoelofQMcara and trucks A Charge ft ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS grow the ID way with a low- cost Personal Loan How would you like to grow A new home a car furniture a vacation Discuss your plans with a ID Bant Manager first Let him arrange a personal loan to suit our needs He might be able to make it easier on the idget than you expected EXAMPLES OF OUR 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