Husband and Wife Among Home Nursing Graduates Will Poll Residents Before Okaying North Line Trains THURSDAY APR 1973 Page Georgetown Branch of the Canadian Rett Cross Home Nursing Course concluded two weeks ago with 16 graduates Anne Rosie scored percent In her exam and her husband Howard also graduated from the course Jean and Rita VonQfwegan a mother and daughter were among the graduates who are Gladys Mars Mono Mrs Kirk patrjek Cory Oliver Marts Marie Proper Isabel Smith Marjorie Thomson and White The course began in January with guest speakers throughout the sequence of lectures Guest speakers were Peggy Palmer of Addiction Research Constable McQueen David Connie and Joyce Red Cross Tom St John Ambulance Annette Milne dietitian Sandra Neil and Mary u Young pharmacists and Fran public health nurse Topics discussed total patient improvising equipment artificial resuscitation first aid medications poisons body mechanics and lifting cancer heart diseases community health nutrition drug abuse and child care The of a steam already has such letters from put up ih powered tourist train from the and federal he people from Toronto Georgetown ran members of parliament in the demanded Hi pointed Norval Church Ladies Plan Another Barbecue winter months are now and many copies been sold Unit One catered to the an nual meeting of Brampton West Women Institute serving a hot Unit Two of United Mrs Beth Van Vliet and Mrs Church entertained Unit One at Glenn sang a duet and the Mrs into opposition night areas affected by the track the roads crossed by the of Mrs Garnetl Mrs Guy Wilson gave he Edna Mrv and Mrs when William of Terra Mai Black reassured Deputv iailroadwcrcheavllyiriveliil on Wednesday evening courtesies Mrs Murray Laird iTSl claiming to speak for llceic that all in Mould with Mrs Earl Wilson closed the meeting with prayer other residents in the sold crossings would be protected by hove to be v el presiding During the business part of serving lunch and a social time opposed to the plan the old wig Wilfrid Leslie observed Unit One were in charge of the meeting It was decided to id bells All culverts and hoi noone had ton ihc program James our allocation to the Sherwood Hume of and C of femes would be maintained by plained the noise members of the Ontario Rail the Ontario Rail Association told council of the said Black proposed summer tourist steam tram starting from Iteetc Tom Hill how Georgetown and going through ere going to circumvent Terra Cotta Cheltenham tbe air pollution We couldn Inglewood to get permission to burn at the said he Ontario dump he added formerlv known the Credit Railroad as founded by of en firing would keep pollution joyed gave the devotional on Mission pollution when the Easter which included a powered trains ran day scripture lesson readings and Win HI- lit- pmyer Mrs Guy Wilson gave report Why the hell does A Union Presbyterian Church Service Fund to w M s a Mrs Gordon Miller gave the SlfjLSriK port of what is required for I SsteTReadBafterch thisyear cordon Miller Introduced The Chicken Barbecue to be trouble- demanded the reeve guest speaker Mrs Ren held at Maple Lodge Farms on Because re right in the a Madras India Saturday June was 02 middle of thi Golden II who has lived in Canada for the discussed Black maintained that the retorted Hume years an It was reported that coal and method of Well I d like to see some of Interesting talk about her Is Served held In the Jack McDonald The guest the iron horse pointed to similar operations in and States which were prospering He explained that the R lias to seek abandonment of the tracks from the Canadian Rail to moke Transport Commission before residents knew mi their association Is allowed proposal use the trackage He asked council for a letter approving Tom Hill said he had the abandonment by the many phone colls about It He said Why should the people of Hill Tips Scales Again Favouring Request interesting ner r Francis the reeve answered country and Christianity on Friday afternoon f S Council decided to discuss it in interesting April had been a very sue tllUi ell further at meeting where the question period followed ess ful event residents will also be asked answering The new cook books that Unit He pointed out the railroad was opinion questions about India Two have worked on during the dose to his house and residents did not want the noise the pollution or the Ibration He asked council not 1 Until the about the Mrs Ed McLean Dick of the Georgetown branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society Thirteen Young People Confirmed United AND PERSONAL Miss Elsie Bird Maple Avenue West has returned home from an enjoyable trip to Florida Reeve Tom Hill again cast the deciding vote Monday night at council to allow the Ukrainian Youth Camp to renovate the old farmhouse into two housekeeping units for summer use only A second was necessary because the previous vote with the some result George Maltby and Wilfrid Leslie in favour and Deputy Reeve Coxe Cr Richard opposed approved only the retention of the farmhouse but not the conversion into two housekeeping units Stephen appearing for Camp Weselka lot 31 Con 4 told council he has assumed the vote entitled him to a permit but had been told by Clerk Treasurer trench the permit would not be issued until the housekeeping units were op proved Last year the Ukrainian Youth Association signed an agreement saying they would demolish the farmhouse In return for permission to erect a new administration building They now hove permission to convert the farmhouse to the two housekeeping units instead of demolishing it Km said the building In had approved farmhouse for conversion to the two units and the land proved for a septic tank Cr Richard claimed duplexes are not allowed in Cr George main tamed other duplexes had been built in the township Cr repeated his Jcction claiming it was con Irary to the township by laws He warned It could create a precedent with two residential units in one building Kuz contended it was not a duplex There arc two washrooms on the ground floor they are not two separate residential units he added Reeve Tom Hill pointed out it was for summer use only The motion granting per mission to convert the far mho use to wo housekeeping units passed 3 to with the that Ihc Ho I ton County Unit must approve and the units be used only the summer Thirteen young people were confirmed by Rev Walter Ridley at United Church on Sunday April They wereSteven and Michael Buck Bill Crawford Debbie Raymond and Wayne Hyatt Gordon Wayne La id aw Christine Pomeroy Linda and Cindy and Donna Ridley They were welcomed into the congregation by members of the elders committee Loidlaw Lloyd and Mrs L May The annual meeting of Women Institute was held at the home of Mrs L May on Thursday evening April with Mrs Gray don Chester in the chair The roll coll was answered with the payment of fees Mrs Marie Murray gave the report of the district directors mceting and announced that the district annual meeting will be held In Knox Presbyterian Church Acton on Wednesday May The various yearly reports were given indicating an in t cresting year Mrs Cathy Chester gave report for the nominating committee and presented their slate of officers which were Installed by Mrs May past presidentMrs Gladys Chester president Mrs Terry 1st vice president Mrs Ethel Webb secretary treasurerMrs Cathy Chester auditors Mrs Jean May and Mrs Carrie Graham district director Mrs Gladys Chester alternate district director Mrs Marie Murray press reporter Mrs Dorothy McLean flowers gifts Mrs Marie Murray nominating committeeMrs Jean Harrop and Mrs May Cleave history Mrs May telephone com mil tee Mrs Carrie Graham and Mrs Amy Burke Conveners Installed were Agriculture and Canadian industryMrs Ethel Webb and Mrs Gladys Chester citizenship world affairs- Mrs Mane Murray and Mrs Giselle Mnlchln education cultural affairs Mrs Jean and Mrs May Cleave family consumer affairs- Mrs Jean May and Mrs Amy public relations Mrs Grace Crawford resolutions- Mrs Edna Murray and Mrs Caseley The hostess served lunch assisted by Mrs Babs and Mrs Cathy Chester and a social time was enjoyed Ir and Mrs Robert Crawford Jr and family Shelly Shannon and enjoyed a weeks holiday in Mexico where they at Guadalajara and at Puerto on the west coast They travelled in their camping van and enjoyed stops through the United States on their trip Get welt wishes are extended Mrs John who Is a patient In Georgetown District Memorial hospital Mrs Ed McLean SPRING SfOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES BUY BEFORE THE END OF APRIL AND SAVE SALES TAX INCREASE If you think prices have gone up Youve been shopping at the wrong store ELEGANT TRADITIONAL SOFA CHAIR Robert Gougeon does It again Come to Gougeons tomorrow and see Georgetown finest selection of living room furniture at prices you can afford Imagine a traditional sofa and matching chair for ust Arm caps and self decking are included at no extra cost Deep luxurious reversible lux cushions thane foam core Kodel wrapped for greatest comfort and long life We think this is a great furniture value when you see it we know youll agree because when Robert Gougeon offers you a va lue Its great 399 TERMS AVAILABLE FREE DELIVERY FREE STORAGE Gougeon HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE SPECTACULAR ENCORETTE READY PASTED DRY STRIPPABLE STAIN RESISTANT SCRUBBABLE WALL COVERING IN STOCK NO WAITING Ready To Take Home WE RENT WALLPAPER STEAMERS SUNWORTHY The YesYouCan Wall Covering AND SURPRISE Its Invitingly Affordable GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE