The End Is Near Newspapers carry stories of different people aoaoaaclaf the of the world Herald writer Gordon asks local clergy what they thlak to to the world and If the in Last Days Thlsls what they said Could the world come to an abrupt end tomorrow A world man has thousands of years to create a world where countless wars have been fought the name of freedom annihilated In the spur of a moment According to many the answer la yea and they are preparing for It ana actually anticipate the end happily Toe secret according to the believers Is in one of the oldest and bestwUlngbooks the world has ever Bible Pastor David Phillips who leads a small congregation In Georgetown Is very emphatic about telling others what he knows and it shows In flock He does not talk about his personal feelings of the End but everything he does say is backed up by a scriptural passage from the Bible he has on memory to convert the nonbeliever Everything happening today was In the Bible as signs of the End Tunes ne says flipping through the underlined passages In his obviously wellused nook First I want to remind hat In the last days there will come scoffers who will do every wrong they ceo think of and at the truth They will be saying so Jesus promised to come back did Then where is be RUMORS OF WAR Another prophecy be warns tells that the world will hear many rumors of wars In the Last Days You hear of the possibility of another war every day Wars all over the world ore on the brink of becoming a possibility Look at the recent Middle East battles They involved major nations such as the United States Russia and China Another prophecy which had to be fulfilled before the end arrives that the Gospel would be preached to every tribe and people In the world according to Pastor Phillips This has now been accomplished There is not one country the world who has not seen or heard the Word from the Bible Another another sign that we are in the Last Days r of their tor The Home Newspaper of Georgetown Acton and Mall Registered NumberSMI Return Portage Guaranteed per year Stogie Copy Prke Fifteen Casta THE HERALD WEDNESDAY DECEMBER It ItTl SECOND SECTION Youd Better Be Ready One of Ibe words In this passage Is important to Pastor Phillips and this is the word sorceries comes from the Greek word which is the word from which the English word pharmacy is derived It means a kind of occult worship of black magic associated with the use of drugs Drug addiction today is so great that governments ore spending millions of dollars to try and correct and Insoluble problem It was all prophecled in the Bible Before the world ends in Its present form Pastor Phillips feels believers will be taken away by Jesus and those who are believers will see friends and relatives disappear before their wnriit at of The Bible scriptures tell us there will be a falling away and I end when He comes back We see more of this today than ever before like the new morality where people will do anything he points out to show how the Biblical passage Identifies the End Times as being here MRS CHERYL and Mrs Eva Wiltshire stand on this comer every Tuesday and Friday to let local residents know the world is quickly his followers from the horrors to come in this world before the End The End will centre around Israel he adds and the rest of the world will be left a holocaust Israel will remain unscathed by the bombings and this will be the centre from which Jesus will rule the world for a thousand years Paul one of the authors of books in the new testament says in the End Times man will Increase in knowledge greatly Pastor Phillips points out the great advancements man has made in this century NEVER LEARNED AS MUCH Man has never learned so much so fast as he In the twentieth centurv Communications Is unbelievably fast and we can even send a man to the moon Another prophecy fulfilled to indicate why we say the world iscomingtoanena Pastor Phillips on Crescent has been rector of Georgetown Alliance Church for the past five years and says his congregation also believes the End is near and he preaches it frequently He is married and has two children He does admit his wife is picking passages to indicate but is so excited at having the chance to tell yet another person he allows her little chance to say anything not thatshemlnds em Many shall travel about and knowledge shall Increase None of the wicked shall understand these words but those who are wise In the last days understand God to Daniel literal translation This passage sums up the feelings Pastor Phillips houses In side and with a warning word he says Be ready for the End Rev Harold PaUer who has been preaching every Sunday Immanuel Lutheran Church in Georgetown for three years soys he feels the end is drawing very near but admits no man can pinpoint the actual date Now Is the time to do something about being prepared for the end Is the main point of his message and lie feels the signs present In todays world Indicate the world Is now in Its lost days The prophesies of the Bible show the conditions present today are the warning signals of the return of Christ says Rev Pallet who feels everyone should ask themselves if they are ready to go to heaven if they die today We dont dwell on this as much as we possibly should in Church but the purpose of the Church actually is to tell the world about Jesus ana warn them there will be an end to this world Though there have been end of the world predictions for an end and that centuries by different groups Rev believes this is the real thing Look at the people living in Noahs day he asserts They laughed and continued with their drinking and merriment when told the world would be hit by a great flood They all received their due punishment when the flood did END IS NEAR Pastor David Phillips rector of Georgetown Alliance Church points out passage after passage to Indicate the world is now in its Last Days Using his favorite book The Bible Pastor Phillips says he can show anyone that the End is Indeed near CONDITIONS NOW DIFFERENT What will happen before the End does arrive Plenty says Pastor The Bible prophecies famines earthquakes and many wars But we in our Church believe all Christians will be removed from earth by Jesus before the End does come He said the way his Church interprets the scriptures indicates that Jesus will come in the clouds calling all Christiana dead or alive to his side Then the rest of the world will be left for the worst period in the history of mankind s pessimistic as it may sound Pastor said Christians anticipate the end of time with great Jov and are actually working towards being ready for ft minister for the Georgetown congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses ne and this is what will happen in the Second Coming People I be ready and they will be punished Unfortunately he ponders most of the world will not be ready for the End and hey will be the ones who suffer It wilt be just like It was In Noahs day except the world is quite a bit different now One prophesy he reasons could show we are In the Last Days is Bible statement that in the end times man would wander In the heavens This could be interpreted as our space travellers of today Snow Brings The Tire Rush Lastweeksawthefirstmajor they were stuck when they did these truckdrivers who had lost noticed the snow a little We usually a run on snowfall of the season In this try to get out control on the Icy roads and cold on feet reported Ben winter stock as soon as we get area and the annual snowtire Dell Bouwman of into a dilch or manager of Kinney he first big snowfall but this Service on Todd something But we didnt get Shoes on Street We was a little better lhan I had oa m hA any calls from car owners sold about twice as many Family Joins Pats Thing Perhaps some would disagree with this interpretation but personally think this is what the Bible means In spite of the many scoffers Pastor says he can rest easy assured of being ready when the end does arrive Probably the most frequently seen and heard believers of an end to the world are the Jehovahs Witnesses Most Georgetown residents at one time or another have probably run into such persons In the downtown area Mrs Cheryl Garrett RR 1 Georgetown and Mrs Eva Wilt shire or Erin spend their Tuesday and Friday mornings on the comer of Mill and Main Streets warning everyone the end is near and that they too can be saved FAMINES TO COME Rev added the conditions or the world now are different than they have ever been in the history of all mankind The disciples believed Jesus would come back In their lifetime Others have thought the same but the way the world is now is new and different than ever before Rev Patier feels no man will know that the end has arrived until It actually does and says this Is stated in the Bible God does not tell us too much but he has given us things to watch for so we will know when the last days have arrived Because the end times are near does not mean one should sell all possessions God does not want us to stop This means we must work harder to tell the world so that Salvation can be complete before Jesus does come back to earth Be prepared warns Rev Patzer for all those who are not wilt he punished Pastor J who has been at Georgetown Pentecostal Church since September says he feels the End could come at any time and the key is to be ready for It when it happens The signs of the End Times are mentioned some 330 times in the Bible explained Pastor who says most of his congregation think along the same lines From what has been happening in the world recently the stage has been set for the Return of Jesus Christ and I think it could happen at any time although no man can actually state exactly when it will occur PREACH ON THE STREET Mrs Wiltshire is in the full time ministry but Mrs Garrett does spend a great deal of time spreading the good news even though she is only considered a part time worker They say the main purpose of standing on the corner is to distribute their magazines Awake so everyone can have a chance to read one The Biblical prophecies of the Last Times are like reading your dally newspaper today says Mrs Wiltshire It Is obvious we are now in the last times of this system of world The Jehovah congregation believe the Last Times officially got off toa start in 1914 at which time there was a war in the heavens between the angels and satan Now ft is a mailer of time until the final war Is held and the wicked of the world are destroyed says Mrs Garrett God will remove the source of the worlds wickedness leaving His Kingdom which will bring peace forever Although the two ladles aren t sure when the end will come they are certain It will occur soon Jesus tells us In the Bible that the generation who sees his second presence which was In 1914 will see the end of time Because of this we know It will come soon While most faiths are saying theend is near they wont venture a prediction as to when it will occur However the Children of God a faith based in London England say the end will occur most likely Jan 21 They believe the comet Kahoutek now visible in the sky as a bright dot will wreak destruction on all mankind unless he repents his sins at which time God will relent the destruction Moses David leader of the group says the world has days notice or else It all began he adds on Nov when the world cried for peace which signaled the beginning of destruction When the comet passes warns David men shall gnaw their tongues for pain for the travail that come upon them when the Lord shall arise to shake terribly the earth He also warns Americana they only have until January to get out of the country to avoid some kind of major cats trophy scheduled to destroy the entire land area In spite of pessimistic claims of destruction to claim earth before February he continues to ask for donations Youhave40dayshewarns Its later think So It seems there are a of people waiting for the end to come and a lot more who are toughing It up Who is right Time will Local tire dealers reported Rnad said he had to tow in trailer trucks motorists were frantic to get or eight large transport put on Ihelr cars shortly after the snow started falling and it became evident it was going to slay Jim Hancock manager at Canadian Tire on Guelph Street said the crowds started arriving about noon The snow started about 1030 By l p m we were booked solid for the whole day and we even had to stay open late to get everyone done The same thing happens every year Nobody thinks of buying their tires until there fa snow all over Ibe place Mr Hancock said the rest of his store was swamped by shoppers trying to get snow boots ice sera pen and suits for GREAT RUSH Peter Gingras manager at Georgetown Tire Supply said he experienced a great rush from about m on and said it lasted for about three days Many motorists had to wait until Friday for their pay cheques so our rush on snowtlres kept up pretty well until the weekend The snow came a little late for us but at least It came I dont understand why but most motorists seem wait until there is snow up to their hubcaps before think of buying the proper tires for their car Mr Gingras also recom mended that persons needing COLD FEET We had calls from several of Apparently many persons said See Police Blotter for report on accidents LAST WEEK saw the first major snowfall In Georgetown and area this winter Above Main Street was quickly covered with the white stuff causing cards to skid sideways and securing great influx of motorists seeking proper tires to fight the snow When Pat demons of Acton does something her whole inside family joins In Last year she opened a small craft shop In town and her family helps supply her with the unusual and original Items she sells They alflove doing things with their hands ana they bring their stuff to me says Pat who moved to Acton last October with a craft shop In mind My father does beautiful my aunt does paintings and my brother collects old and unusual bottles Tor me to sell My mother used to make preserves for my shop but I cover that end of It now And the man who will be Pats father in law In less lhan weeks also does paintings for her which will round off her fiances side of the family The name of her shop The Anonymous Benefactor Is probably as unusual and original as the merchandise she has displayed I get more comments about that name People always remember it because It Is so different There were many reasons for Pats coming to Acton to open business and they werent because the market is found here She likes the small town quiet she finds in Acton It la such a nice town not like big cities where traffic and smog are unbearable yet It Is summer tires should buy them rather than itaprli may Jump as much as 30 per now rather than wailing ring The price of Urea Pool Ready To Plunge Waters Fine away from the country she adds The goods In her shop are mainly local products and she figure Is subject to change The money has been applied for by when work does begin In JSbbiS swimming pool is almost ready Lfons wontknow for sure until the lown but clerk treasurer earnest on the project It will be dlno wh i Grant Usher has warned grant may not be made PAT of Acton explains candlemaking to a Dutch visitor Mleke of The Hague In the Netherlands Pats shop The Anonymous Benefactor Wilbur Street Is a family Herald Photos affair with many members having their work displayed on the shelves of her store The Lions Club Centennial cent by nexf spring be stated mSH a tenders are all open president the waters The large scale public drive with oil It takes almost the Lions are planning will not proponent of the Lions project get underway until February said that tenders have been according to Mr Gordon called and will be announced People Just don probably later this week The actual work on the pool to be he explained with pounds of oil to make one tire so I would think lbs prices will really Jump and tires for some cars wont even be available constructed at the Acton As well he said the club adjoining the cemetery earnest on me project win areas who win we wont necessarily get ta When we first started J offered project said Mr wllh candles she says bveSHlffmeVom he it liked It and gradually worked have Into other area such a laving a Mop In my home at lb beginning of no the oca I developer to be planned I couldnt working In an halted Dec Klln lime ff 5 muni until A final for the project t When does for the town to handle the planning have do today he laid Dive wa provided tail weekly the money It over the pool me to full Joe manager of Railway Acton who authored a hope big ay Mr Lion The total al I lor demand a mi tSe year grant to go toward the Gordon not yet The remaining IIS of melre ami alter hart a from prelect The money In ad- plan a downtown office will be directed toward In I like a project and ulattaioffheroolof the The project will be con- SffSfo arhtrnall U fir vr SS toSS property under an agreement nmino in ail tin Rut a SdJfffi J will be open to the public mntorlatsatuck on to iMOOO already promote the project and a Ihe The project will by thejown in Thecoundl grants still leave to the pool Mr Even the day after the the club with to raise An additional to cover has snowfall we had quite a few through public subscription the planning be project In the form of soil ealta hm thaw The estimated coat of the under provincial conducted last at the other llmesTiowever pool drken Trmrsday end found but hat centers act The Acton high school disgusts Pat These are the What possible creativity Is terrible I wish people would craft kits which many toy there in following a one two just buy supplies from a store companies are releasing onto three approach to making and do their own thing the market in a flood this candles hat anyone else can This is why Pat carries a lot Christmas make with the same kit Its of one only items She ap preciates the original Zellers Report Sales Up Tellers Limited reports a period of merchandise delivery sales increase for the nine The 1973 expansion program problems arising out of stop- months ending October 1973 of which Included the opening of page in railway service As an 8 per cent and net income up suburban department stores offset the companys home and by 3 per cent and enlargement of two hard lines continue to find a Sales were MS to the existing successful large strong response from the end of the Companys third stores was completed on consumer Net income has not fiscal quarter which schedule at the end of October Increased In line with sales gain represented an increase in The new store program Is because of the rising costs of volume of over the expected to add approximately doing business particularly the comparable period last year 12 per cent to the companys higher interest rates on the Net income for the nine total gross store area companys Increased short- months to October 1973 was The companys ninemonth term borrowings as well as an which was equal after results reflect the weaker sales increase in the corporate in payment of preferred trend experienced during the come tax rate to 37 cents pet third quarter in the family common share compared to apparel and accessory 4583999 or cents a share departments partially caused Boz was the nickname of earned In he corresponding by unseasonable weather and the author Charles Dickens