THE HERALD Wednesday March Page Councillors cut costs of new arena Hal ton Hills town council got out their shopping carts last Tuesday night and went locking or bargains galore to outfit the new Gordon Memorial Arena Like a concerned shopper trying to keep the food bill down councillors reviewed and revised an original list of needed equipment prepared by recreation director Doug As a result of their spendthrift perusal the coun cillors were able to whittle the amount needed to outfit the new Guclph Street arena from to just over However there are still a number of pieces of equipment that will likely have to be placed back on the list as the need or them is proven during the arenas shakedown period Councillors also expressed the opinion that they were hopeful that community organizations or groups may want to con- anything to make me believe tribute or donate pieces of to come equipment that will be needed Councillor Morrow was not too optimistic about seeing that community support material ire What reason do I have to believe that people are going to suddenly come out of lha blue and start donating for Happiness was the Red Cross Capers ANNA STORR a Brampton artist and Schulti came all the way to Georgetown to grandmother displayed her wide range of view the works because they had so artwork Saturday at Cedarvale Community much about the lady who paints to music Centre A Toronto couple Mr and Mrs Bill Paint by music For the first time senior Cross Capers citizens from the whole of North In order to accommodate such Halton were invited recently to a large number of seniors many join the Services for Seniors and Individuals gave Committee of Georgetown and of their time and talents District Red Cross to view the l help organise the un dertaking The Pentecostal Church bus driven by Rector along with four local car clubs volunteered their vehicles Mixing business witb pleasure is bow artist Anna views her hobbycareer The Brampton grandmother showed hundreds of her paintings Saturday at Cedar- vale Community Centre The Hungarian born art teacher has been painting since she as nine years old and her works of art Include a wide range of media and styles She dabbles in portraits scenes abstracts still life old masters and velvets using acrylics and nastels I always paint to music she said because I can see the colors I want to use In the music She claims the music and the colors combine I paint aba tracts to Rock Roll and when I create roses I need soft delicate music Mrs Storr says her Hungarian background has made her aware of all the different arts She does ceramics leathercraft copper and brass art At one time she also spent some time playing he cello sod toe violin Mrs Starr works full time at Nor thern Electric and does her painting In her leisure time Her husband Jim docs all her framing for her She claims she sometimes rattles off half a dozen paintings in one evening when she is In the mood She has one son and a three-year- old grandson who has already started to follow in Grandmas foots Georke town folks were in and out all day viewing the beautiful paintings on display and were treated to coffee cookies and a persona visit with this versatile artist Save a 30000 study nfttee prepare J bear the views of several maintenance management consultants to help decide which route to take in the future I think the program of maintenance management is great we should have used it years ago said Councillor Hyde object to using a consultant to set it up Anyone with a business head could copy the program According to ministry of transportation representatives coats for the study conducted by consulting engineers has been estimated at We should be able to get on outline of the program and copy Bumps and grinds estimated damage to the cars involved Albert Adelcert of Georgetown Sidney of Georgetown were the drivers of the can Jane Hessellnk a passenger In the vehicle was Injured M and taken to hospital for examination A rearend collision sent Elizabeth and Kathy Balnea to the hospital when a car operated by Mike Armstrong of Gibbons Place collided with the Balnea vehicle The ac cident occurred on Guelph Street Thursday While making a left turn onto Main Street from Street Saturday the car of William Tuck was Involved Id collision with a car driven by Don Lindsay of RR1 Georgetown Damage exceeded for both vehicles The parked car of Nino Martlno sustained In damages when an unknown driver hit the vehicle on King Street it said Councillor Hyde It la more than Just a bock added Peter Morris town engineer It is the Im plementation that takes the The program Is of no ad vantage to the men working for the town it was explained but will provide more work for the taxpayers dollar by organization and control of the functions of the works depart ment If we call In the consultants to make presentations we are under no obligation and from what we can determine whether or not consultants are needed added Councillor Mike Armstrong as acting chairman of the committee In Joe Hurst a absence Peter Morris feels the ministry would not subsidize the program unless their recommendations were followed which Includes having a consultant set up the system Steps against strikes Of TfaeHeratd Labor leadership flout the law on the grounds that it has been Nothing could be or should bad law We are quickly be so closely watched for at reaching the where even this session than labor labor leadership Itself is legislation becoming frightened There are two main matters of public concern Canada and Ontario today One Is inflation The second Is labor Irrespon sibility disruption or whatever one wants to call it On the first there are definite limits on what the government can do It can bold down its own spending and also hold down the rather mammoth increase It has been forced Into by Its- employees It Insists that Controls are beyond its Jurisdiction a qestlon that can be argued but point However on the question of labor relations there definitely ore things It can da Given the will the imagination and perhaps a spirit of adventure and it can take action effective action The first step Is to protect us against unlawful strikes Today I believe even the bulk of organized labor would be in favor of this It too Is fed up with having Its mall disrupted with housing costs soaring Its transportation plans always in Jeopardy and even Its garbage smelling up the community Then there Is the key question of secondary boycotts We have seen these at work many times most recently in the random walkouts of letter carriers In fc the Alliance of National Public Servants strike Secondary boycotts simply dontbelongln an adult society in teres tea In self survival The reason of the all- Important significance at this session Is that we obviously are headed for a changed society where affronting the law will be something that Is accepted And the road from there leads Fire at lunch Lunch was disrupted at the home of Gordon Partridge Eleanor Crescent when fire broke out In the kitchen causing fire and smoke damage No amount has been set for the fire that occurred early Monday afternoon Firemen were also called to the home of Allen Alls of Windsor Road early Tuesday morning Damage estimates liave not been released In the east government has been extremely weak through political fears But now there is practically no question that It has the big balance of the public with It It can act without serious disadvantage And act Idly Let us see whether it does Number Two in a Series I will prepare myself Dale Carnegie Assoc Inc New York Copyright IMS Dale Carnegie Assoc Inc There is on interesting story were out in that lake under of the old sage who lived on the water what was it you wanted side of a mountain near a lake more than anything else in It was common practice for the life Quickly the boy replied people of the village below to Why sir I wanted a breath of come to him for counseling and air more than anything Then advice The wise old man from the wise old man came many hours out in front these words of wisdom My of his small cabin where he lad when you want happiness rocked to and fro in a crude and when you want success In little rocking chair made of the life as much as you wonted the branches of the surrounding breath of air you will have trees Hour after hour he sal found the and rocked as he reflected And So many people are dissatisfied with the present In life They One day he noticed a young wish for something better path past the They dream of the day when lake toward his cabin The boy things will be Just right but walked up the hill and stood they only wish and dream erect before the The old They dont resolve and plan man said What can I do for and act So many people dont you yotuig man The boy know what It is that they really replied I am told by the want Before wo can succeed people in the village that you we must define our goals We are very wist They say that you can give me the secret of want from life then we must happiness and success in life want it enough that we will be The old sage listened intently motivated to formulate a plan and then cast his gaze at the thatwlllenableustoachievelt ground for several moments Wemustwantltenoughthatwe He silently rocked to and fro will diligently follow the plan Not a sound was heard except step by step every day when the creaking of the crude our goals and our plans become rocking chair Then the sage a living picture of reality in our rose to his feet took the boy by minds a picture that will the hand and led turn down the motivate us to determined path toward the lake Not a action only then can we expect word was spoken The boy was to find the happiness and bewildered but the old man success to fulfill our dreams kept walking They came to the As the poet so aptly wrote edgeof tbelakebutdldnotstop I bargained with Life for a Out into the water the old man penny led the boy The water came to and Life would pay no more the boys knees to his waist However begged at evening then to his chin but the old sage When I counted my scanty kept walking The lad was store completely submerged in the For Life Is a just employer water The sage stopped for a He gives you what you ask moment then turned the boy But once you have set the around and led him out of the wages lake and up the path to the Why you must bear the task cabin Still not a word was worked for a menials hire spoken The wise old man sot only to learn dismayed again In his creaky chair and asked of several momenta he looked Into Life the questioning eves and asked Young man when you paid Random Car Clubs involved In picking the seniors up George tow na local Contact Centre spent hours and weeks on the telephone personally contacting as many seniors as to invite them out for evening of entertainment The Georgetown Volunteer Abidance Service also got into the act sending two qualified first alders Just In case Centennial Manor organised transportation for 3a of their to which the senior citizens clubs of Georgetown Acton and Milton also added their assistance The group began arriving at the site for the evenings en tertainment at pm at which time tbey were en tertained by yet another volunteer Fred who played the piano much to the delight of the group MPP for Halton East Jim Snow brought greetings from the province ana was surprised and pleased to find his mother in the audience Councillor Ernie Hyde well known to most of those present brought greetings from Georgetown and Hills Mazle Kennedy services for seniors chairman Ontario Red Cross spoke to he on the activities and of the groups members Presentations wore then made to Mr and Mrs Norm Smith and Mrs Kathy Martin RN for their outstanding contributions Also flowers were presented to Mrs Mazle Kennedy who gives freely of her time to train services for seniors chairmen throughout Ontario Gifts were given to three children of local chair man Ruth John and thanks for their help In setting up PA equipment for the evening and answering many telephone calls A presentation of flowers was made to Mr and Mrs H W Bennett of parents of the chairman as a token of thanks to all the seniors present for giving their gifts of love and caring to their children who now make up he bulk of Red Cross volunteers along now and support this new facility He mentioned that it mlRht be vil to go ahead now and order all the equipment for the arena Instead of hopefully waiting for donations If a thing is worth doing its worth doVng right And Its worth doing It right the first time Council nevertheless decided to continue trying to cut be costs of the arenas ou fitting to the minimum in hopes of assistance from the com munity By the time the councillors got through with the arenas original shopping list it looked partially like this First thing to drop from the list was worth of rubber mats used to protect the arenas floor That was promptly put Into the future consideration category Two pairs of frames and nets valued at were tabled For the time being a net and frame will be borrowed from the Georgetown Memorial Arena Its hoped that a Georgetown group may donate a set of nets for the new arena The two pairs were necessary to provide a backup set in case the first net Is damaged during a game Two snare blades for the Zamboni ice making machine itself was the overall cost of the arena and has been ordered expected to arrive anytime between May and September Blades on that machine require sharpening every one or two weeks A Scott Air Pack to be used in case of an emergency situation Involving the chlorine cooling system will be acquired A edger for scraping the ice beside the boards will be tabled The edger at the bid arena will be used until a second one acquired for the An Music Maker set complete with worth of appropriate tapes will bo acquired by the town although councillors expressed the hope that an Interested organization contribute the costs of the machine 18 garbage containers and six lobby ashtrays totalling will be In time for the arenas midApril opening Of three scrubbing and vacuuming machines ranging in coat from 2oo to 1500 the two lower priced machines were bought to handle the maintenance of the ground floor 300 feet of hose used In the Initial Icing process will be borrowed from the old arena saving the town A 1200 telescopic ladder for replacing lights above the Ice surface wlU have to wait calculator will be priced by the towns purchasing agent prior to council giving Its approval Total estimated value at this point is approximately sucking tables and 180 stacking chairs valued at 1 fiW were taken out of the list If chairs and tables are needed they will be borrowed from other town facilities Approval was granted for a number of pieces of canteen equipment although such Items as kettles boilers pop machines coffee urns and bun warmers may have to be fur ther reviewed before the canteen begins operations It was again hoped that com munity service organizations Interested in supplying such equipment might get in touch with the recreation director An additional long list of necessary items from toilet paper to snow shovels was given blanket approval Councillor Duby ex pressed bis concern that the whittling down of the original list last Tuesdav did not solve the problem of properly out fitting the new Gordon Alcott Memorial Arena Im afraid that this memorial arena Is going to look like the abandoned saloon for some western If this is not resolved in the new few weeks I can sec where it will go on and on for quite a few more months before the matter Is solved or over Working fulltime Married You should have your own OHIP number Your parent OHIP insurance no longer includes you So apply tor your own Don delay or you could bo walking into on emergency uncovered Consult your ployer or contact your nearest OHIP Trio Oltico in your area will answer any questions you may have Ministry of Health PREEASTER MONEY SAVERS AT ILVERS Among Ontarios Finest Family Clothing Stores Save a minimum of 20 on all Childrens Easter Apparel Young Mens TAPERED SHIRTS by Hictok Sizes L XL Reg 16 Young Mens Western Style Tapered CHAMBRAY SHIRTS by HIS SALE Young Mens CORDUROY FLARES by HIS Reg 14 NOW 10 Ladies 100 Polyester LONG SLEEVE BLOUSES Fresh Spring Patterns Save 8 on Mens ZipLined ALLWEATHER COATS in Navy Beige Reg 39 NOW 31 Ladies GABARDINE SLACKS Special from a top maker Usually NOW 10 Mens BRIEFS and TOPS White and Colours NOW Mens Permanent Press WOVEN SHIRTS Attractive New Patterns for Spring Mens Satin Lined NYLON Water Repellent Smartly Styled New Arrivals for Spring Ladies 100 Polyester PRINTED PANT TOPS Ladies 100 Acrylic SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS 3 Closed Good Friday March 28th Open Thursday March am to 9 pm Ontario wants you to get your fair share Tax Credits Thousands of Ontario residents will share in this years Tax Credits Make sure you get vow lair share To apply you must file both a Federal Income Tax form even if you dont pay income tax and the Ontario Tax Credit form which comes with it Any questions You may free of charge dial and ask the operator for Zenith 82000 Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling area should dial 9658470 Ontarios TAX