Page CAR CARE SPECIAL WedMiday April UTS Guess how many tights in your car Checking condition of the light it Id title driving and Electric there are 42 kind of mini lion in Irplnl run of lodaj Thej It from title like head and tali highly Indicating Improperly operating pollution contrail GE report those car are 17 more thin found in the average home This has only one life Its Catalytic converter in models designed to fight air pollution There a one cot that doesnt have nine lives a catalytic con verter on model cars Prolonged use of leaded fuel will kill the effective ness or the pollutionfight ing unit The converters Job is to change carbon monoxide CO and hydrocarbon HO emissions Into harm less carbon dioxide and water Catalysts of ceramic beads and Inert metallic pellets are used in the process Leaded fuel coats the pellet with lead deposits and renders them Ineffec tive As a result harmful emissions escape the muf fler like unit and enter the atmosphere While the car would perform nor mally pollution levels would exceed legislated levels Designed to function for a minimum of miles the converters also are expected to help Improve gasoline mileage Unleaded gasoline Is now available at most gas sta tions in the The gas Is expected to be carried by outlets In Canada and Mexico particularly In areas where cars fre quently travel Should you be out of gas In an area where lead- free fuel Is not available then buy enough gas to get you to a station where the proper fuel is sold A con verter can tolerate an oc casional usage of leaded fuel since the heat of the oxidation will bum off lead deposits once un leaded fuel is reinstalled The catalyst will then re turn to full efficiency To prevent inadvertent filling with leaded fuel a smaller gas filler neck is found on cars Thus nozzles at gas pumps will be adaptable for unleaded fuel not for the leaded variety The Job of he rata lytic converter it lo change the dragon breath of IIC and CO into of carbon dim ids and water vapor In order lo achieve environment avoid leaded gasoline 197S can equipped with catalytic converter are designed lo run on unleaded fuel and filler can accommodate from tuning lead free Exhibiting beatup car focuses attention on need for service late lost summer a roung Port Huron pan woman hit It lucky Her first bit or une was finding a buyer or the model car she selling Her second stroke of uck was being alive An official of the Car Council CCC to be looking for a Just like the one Susie not her real name driving The CCC was out a vehicle cur rently being driven yet In poor condition that was a menace to the and other people the road After purchasing the accident going someplace a happen the Council the vehicle Jane and used It Inaugurate a nation- vide motorists education rogram Among the dangerous plaguing the were defective brakes tires misaligned wheels bad shocks faulty steering any one of which could have helped cause a fatal accident The cars exhaust sys tem was rotted away a condition made even more hazardous by the fact that body and undercarriage rust provided a tailor- made conduit for lethal carbon monoxide fumes The water pump was loose and leaking head lights misaligned and the ignition system so badly neglected that starting the car was a major task A CCC spokesman re marked Jane was emit ting so much pollution that the analyzing device couldnt even record the amount Emissions knock ed the needle clear off the dial The Council used lty Jane with roof painted a luminous red for DAN GER as a center piece for Car Care Week In Port Huron The car was towed not driven to various locations to show students and other groups how neglected a car can be and still be allowed on the highway Jane also was the cen ter of attention in an Emissions Check Lane program sponsored by the local CCC reports that the week helped build Interest In car care in the Michigan community It also accom plished another aim One local observer put It this way It mokes me shudder to think that a car like that was operating on our streets only a few months ago And I bet there are a lot more like that one When the bleep are we going to get com pulsory vehicle Inspection In this Michigan Is one of IS states that does not have a compulsory inspection law BREAK IN TIRES Tires need breakin period when new Keep well within the speed limit to help tires adjust to other tires on the car so they can function as an Integral unit CARS DRIVERS ARE SAFER While the current high way death rate of fatalities per million vehicle miles is a grim statistic Its a vast 1m over the 1630 figure In that year the rate was deaths per 100 million miles ALIGNMENT SAVES Tests reported on by the Motor Vehicle Manufac turers Association showed that improper front wheel toe in alignment or only about a 0 3 SHEAS GARAGE N0RVAL 8779272 Auto Repairs Motor Vehicle Inspection Station TRACTOR REPAIRS our SPECIALTY nam SAVE GAS A lot of it In nationwide fuel economy tests motorists cars were tested before and after a tuneup Results showed that a tuneup with new Champion spark plugs saved on the average a gallon of gasoline in every tankful Considering that 3 of every 5 cars on the road need a tuneup right now tuneups alone could save us millions of gallons of gasoline each week Tuneups benefit us in other ways too Quicker acceleration for safer passing Dependable starts Plus a substantial reduction in emissions See your mechanic regularly for a Champion tuneup Once a year or every 10000 miles CHAMPI0N Weve got your plug